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SHERIFF: His Town. His Laws. His Justice.

Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter

  "A bunch of money, probably from the store owners, and the things he's stolen from the women he's attacked. He tried to hurt me, but I got away."

  "That's terrible," Millicent exclaimed, the usually reserved woman speaking for the first time. "Those poor people. Thank goodness he's going to be stopped."

  "That's just the beginnin'." Cooper continued. "The senator is gonna create government aid and a jobs program to help the forgotten women and children."

  "Dang. That's amazin'. Must've been a long telegram you sent him," Charlie remarked.

  "You can say a lot in a few words, but yeah," Cooper grinned, "it was longer than most. Jeremiah helped me shorten it, but I needed to make sure Henry knew how diabolical this man is, and what's happenin' in the poor neighborhoods. Someone important needed to get involved. Someone who cares about others, and that's Henry! He jumped right on it."

  "I just hope Patrick Doyle will be able to get him back there without any trouble," Charlie said with a worried frown. "Do you think he can, Sheriff?"

  "Patrick said he'll shoot him in the other arm if he tries anything. I have no doubt he will, but I'm gonna have the deputy who's comin' to pick up that robber travel with the coach as far as Peabody, and take a note to Tom Perkins, the sheriff there. I'm hopin' he can spare him to go on to the city."

  "Do you think he will?"

  "We have a good friendship and I've helped him out in the past. I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem, but let's get on with this celebratin'. I'm hungry and thirsty, and I wanna toast my new bride."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After a few touching speeches had been delivered, the cake had been cut and the delicious lunch enjoyed, Cooper used the threatening skies as an excuse to leave. He wanted to stroll back to his home with his wife, and as they moved outside he put his arm around her shoulders.

  "How are you doin', Mrs. Dalton?"

  "Never better, Mr. Dalton. What about you?"

  "Never better, Mrs. Dalton," he grinned, "and as much as I wanna spend the rest of the day naked with you, I don't want you outta that dress. You look like a Princess. Dang, you're beautiful. About the most beautiful thing on God's green earth."

  "And I thought you were the handsomest man ever the first minute I saw you. Mind you, I haven't seen many shirtless sheriffs," she giggled. "Heavens! I'm so happy. Just a short while ago I was running for my life."

  "Life can change mighty fast, there's no doubt about it."

  "Cooper, I've been thinking. I do love this watch Earl gave me, but now that I'm able to sell it I think I should."

  "So you can give the money to your old neighborhood?"

  "Exactly. What do you think?"

  "It's up to you, but I think you should hold on to it."

  "You do?"

  "I was thinkin', if you wanted, maybe you could pass it on to our first daughter."

  "Cooper, oh, my goodness, yes. It could be a family heirloom. I'm feeling all emotional again."

  "I know you still wanna help those people, and we'll find a way to do that, I promise."

  They'd reached the house, and as they walked up the path Cooper swooped her into his arms.

  "How are you going to unlock the door?"

  "Uh, good question. I think by doin' this," he replied, deftly moving her over his shoulder.

  "Cooper Dalton, you'd better not tear my dress!"

  "Don't be givin' me any ideas!" he chuckled as he carried her inside, and giving her a swat he added. "I kinda like havin' you up there."

  "OW. Would you please put me down?"

  "Since you asked so nicely."

  Gently placing her on her feet, he took her in his arms and fervently kissed for endless minutes, breaking apart only when they were both breathless.

  "You were amazing in that church," she murmured, resting her head against his chest. "Who knows what that monster would've done if you hadn't shot him."

  "You made it possible."

  "Me?" she said, pulling back and staring up at him. "I don't understand."

  "What you told me when we were goin' back to the altar. You said everything would be okay. Then you said I should take a deep breath and relax. That was a gift. A man can't draw fast and shoot straight if he's tense. A bit wired, sure, that's natural, but not tense. I was wound up about gettin' married, and your words reminded me I needed to settle."

  "They came to me like someone had whispered them in my ear and was making me say them."

  "Huh, and I have no idea how I knew he was there."

  "Maybe we have angels watching over us. Do you believe in angels, Cooper?"

  "I sure do. I just married one."

  "You can't spank an angel," she softly quipped, twinkling up at him.

  "I can if they're earthbound. Would you like remindin'?"

  "I'd like to lay in bed with you and have you hold me."

  "Darlin', I think that's about the best idea I've ever heard."

  A short time later, as she curled against him and sank into his arms, the anticipated storm made itself known. To the sound of the rain on the roof, he traversed her body with his lips, and wandered his hands over her curves, until her begging sighs sent him inside her. Locking his fingers into hers, he consumed her mouth as he rode them forward into sparkling orgasms. As they laid together with their limbs entwined, drifting in their euphoric bliss, he heard her mumble.

  "Sorry, darlin', what did you say?"

  "We have a problem."

  "We do?"

  "I don't know how to tell you this."

  "Just tell me," he said, praying it wasn't anything as serious as her voice suggested.

  "You have to quit. You can't be the sheriff here anymore."

  "Say, what?"

  "It's the only answer."

  "Why? Because of the things you did to survive? Darlin' that's--"

  "No," she said, cutting him off and raising her head to gaze into his eyes. "Because you can never leave this bed."

  As relief flooded his body he broke into a devilish grin, and rolling on top of her, he pinned her hands on either side of her head.

  "You, my darlin' angel, just bought yourself one very red, very hot bottom!"


  Having no idea what was waiting for him, Detective Frank Connelly used the many hours during the coach ride back to San Francisco developing his defense. He had to create a plausible explanation for arriving at the church, and he was sure arresting a wanted swindler would be enough to get him off the hook. Going against the Captain's orders would result in disciplinary action, but he could handle that. Once things had settled down he'd return to Brownsville, seek his revenge and get his horse back.

  Walking into the station he was filled with confidence, and though still in handcuffs with the Peabody deputy and Patrick Doyle escorting him, he had no doubt he'd be back on top in no time. Patrick had been mysteriously pugnacious during the journey, and Frank had decided it was the uncomfortable trip. It would have put the sergeant in a bad mood. Still, it wasn't acceptable, and Frank would make sure Patrick would regret his bad attitude.

  But as they walked into the Captain's office, Frank knew immediately something was horribly wrong.

  A tall, brawny older man with graying hair, dressed in an expertly tailored suit, was sitting in front of the Captain's desk, and as he rose to his feet he was scowling. He was introduced as Senator Henry Coburn, and a moment later Frank was marched to his office.

  To his horror there was a crowd of women and shopkeepers waiting in the hall outside his door. He recognized them all, and the cold hand of fear clutched his heart. Moving inside, his fear turned into panic. He was forced to open his desk drawer. He was officially charged on the spot, taken to the cells, and the process of reuniting the victims with their belongings and taking their statements began.

  Frank knew what would be waiting for him in prison, but even as he desperately tried to think of a way to escape, he knew it would be impossible.

  He was done for.
br />   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Patrick was given high praise for his efforts in Brownsville, but he returned home weary and ravenous. Erin drew him a hot bath and cooked his favorite meal. With his body and spirit refreshed, he lounged in his favorite armchair and told her about the peaceful, safe, warm community, and the kind people who lived there. She was receptive, and suggested the family visit and stay for a week. If the children liked it she would consider the dramatic, life-changing move. Patrick smiled. Open space, horses and dogs. It would be heaven for them. He went to bed that night still tired, but happy and optimistic.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It took several weeks and Henry Coburn's personal involvement, but the documents sent to the orphanage with Violet were recovered. In addition to the family's belongings, her father had left her a great deal of money. In the decade since she'd fled, the unscrupulous owners had made various attempts to try to steal it. Fortunately the paperwork her father had put in place was iron-clad. Violet may have been missing, but without proof of her death the funds and property would remain untouched.

  It was astonishing news, but there was more.

  Violet had misunderstood the history of her parent's estrangement from their relatives.

  It wasn't her father who had been a member of the aristocracy, but her mother.

  Margaret Elizabeth Victoria Cheltenham was the first-born daughter of a Duke. She had fallen in love with Albert Jonathan Parker, the man who designed her elegant wardrobe. Though much sought after and highly regarded, he was a commoner, and her family had been outraged.

  They had done everything in their power to interfere with the relationship, but Margaret and Albert would not be swayed. Disappearing and boarding a ship for the new world, their elopement had been a huge scandal, but they had been blissfully happy. Shortly after their arrival Margaret had fallen pregnant, and had given birth to a beautiful baby daughter. They'd named her, Violet Margaret Alberta.

  A lawyer named Michael McPherson had traveled to Brownsville to deliver the astounding information. Sitting quietly in their modest home, Cooper and Violet had listened quietly as he had detailed Violet's new-found wealth and noble birth. It had been a great deal to take in,

  "You know I'm at Mrs. Elwood's Boarding House if you have any questions," he said, knowing they needed time alone to come to terms with the remarkable news. "I can stay here as long as you need me to."

  "Much obliged," Cooper said, walking him to the door. "We'll be in touch."

  Moving slowly back to Violet on the couch, he sat down and took her hand.

  "I knew you were a Princess," he said softly, fighting an unexpected wave of emotion. "A beautiful, copper-haired, green-eyed Princess."

  She could feel his fear, and taking a deep breath, she curled her fingers around his.

  "I'm your wife," she managed, as unexpected tears spilled down her cheeks, "and you're my husband. That will never change. I know my history now, and it's amazing, but that's all it is, a history."

  "Darlin', you can't ignore the fact that I'm just an ex-gunman who's now the sheriff of a small town, and you're an aristocrat and a rich woman."

  "I became a rich woman the day I stepped off that stage coach and met you," she said earnestly. "Maybe we could bring some of my parents belongings here, I'd like that, but the money? Except for setting some aside for emergencies, please let's put it into some kind of fund to help those children I left behind, and others I don't even know yet. Maybe we can even fix that horrible orphanage."

  "Don't you wanna contact your relatives over in England?"

  "Why would I want to meet people who turned their backs on my wonderful parents? They're obviously judgmental and…um…now that I think about it…"

  "You're changin' your mind?"

  "I think perhaps I do want to meet them," she said with a wicked grin. "Yes! I want to go to England, roll up in a beautiful carriage, knock on their magnificent manor house door, and announce who I am."

  "There's more to this! What's goin' on in that devilish mind of yours?"

  "We have to arrive on a really hot day, and you'll be in your trousers and hat! Only your trousers and hat."

  "Darlin', you are jokin', right?"

  "Not really," she laughed, rolling her eyes. "I think my parents would absolutely love it."

  "You are such a bad girl."

  "Uh-huh, and you wouldn't want me any other way. Do you feel better now?"


  "Good, because I have some other exciting news. I've just been waiting for the right time to tell you."

  "I'm listenin'."

  "Cooper, we need to turn that second bedroom into a nursery."

  "You…you…we…are gonna have a baby?"

  "We are! I think it's why I've been so emotional lately. Don't you see? You and me and the family we're about to become, that's the real treasure we've been given."

  Moving his arms around her and hugging her tightly, he surrendered to happy tears.

  "Darlin', the day I married you was the happiest day of my life, but I'm thinkin' this just might top it. Dang. Don't move, I'll be right back."

  "Where are you going?"

  "To get somethin'."

  He was only gone a moment, and when he returned he was carrying something in his hand.

  "What is that?"

  "The day you arrived I sat down to whittle. You know how I do that?"


  "Strange thing. I'd never carved a cat before, haven't since. Here," he said softly, handing her the beautifully crafted animal. "The first present for our little one, made on the day we met, and I'm thinkin', if it's a girl we should call her Rose."

  "This is perfect," she murmured, moving her fingers over the smooth wood, "and so is that name, but what if it's a boy?"

  "Hamilton! What else?"

  "Of course. Cooper, I love you so much it hurts."

  "Me too," he said with a heavy breath "My beautiful Princess."

  "Your wife. That's the only title I want or need."





  His Ranch. His Rules. His Secrets.


  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



  His Mission. His Orders. His Promise.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




  His Town. His Laws. His Justice.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Latest Releases by Maggie Carpenter


  Each Book HEA and Stand Alone


  Vigilante Bodyguard


  Dark-haired, green-eyed Courtney Hall is a dedicated criminologist. Working with law enforcement she helps catch the bad guys, but sh
e never thought she'd become a victim herself. Abducted by two psychopaths and taken into a dark forest in the dead of night, she is rescued by a handsome stranger out for a midnight jog. The villains are caught and arrested, but she's just learned they've been released.

  They know where she lives!

  She needs protection. There's only one man she trusts. The man who saved her. Drake Steele.

  But Drake leads a dangerous double life.

  While the city sleeps he confronts muggers and rescues damsels in distress, sometimes teaching both thug and victim a lesson. His deeds have become legendary, and he's been labeled The Victim's Vigilante.

  When Courtney tells him the monsters who assaulted her are back on the streets he insists she stay with him. Very quickly a white hot chemistry fires their passion, but he discovers she harbors a deep hatred towards the men who turned her life upside down, and won't rest until she has her revenge.

  How can he protect a woman willing to risk everything to rid the world of the two evil men? He is a dominant, but dare he expose his true nature? Can he use his unique expertise to stop her from putting herself in danger?

  DRAKE: Vigilante Bodyguard is Maggie Carpenter's latest novel in the Alpha Male Master series. If you enjoyed the sizzle and suspense of the other books, you'll love this dark romance. PLEASE NOTE: The author does not condone or support citizens taking the law into their own hands.


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