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Amber Eyes

Page 28

by S. D. Grimm

  She tied Tabitha’s rope to a tree. “Wait here. I think I can bring the king two of what he asked for after all.” She crept closer to the pull and peered around a tree. A young woman with long brown hair and round, green eyes stood talking to a man with a black beard. Belladonna strained to hear anything important.

  “You ready, Miss Madison?”

  The young woman nodded. “The faster we get on the move, the better. I have to tell my sister I found the young man with the distorted birthmark.”

  Belladonna smiled. Oh, you’re not going anywhere, Madison. “Mist, bring me Cain.”

  The black lion thumped at her side and Cain slid off the beast’s back.

  “You asked for me, milady?”

  She smirked. “Yes. Do you see that man? It looks like he might be her bodyguard.”

  “I see him.”

  Franco would be able to finish his spell with a young, powerful Healer after all. And he’d reward her. He’d better, because once he performed the spell he wished to, she still knew how to kill him. A wicked smile stretched her lips and she looked at Cain. “Kill the guard. Bring me the girl.”

  Chapter 48

  Strange Healer


  Jayden glared at Ruth as she stood there, tapping her fingers against her biceps, watching the Healers “guide” her and Serena and Rochelle back to the Tree of Wisdom. Guide. Right. “Force” would be more accurate. But at least she’d be able to keep watch over Logan. Once inside the tree, Serena let Rochelle and Jayden pass, then she stood barring the way.

  The Healer who had escorted them cocked an eyebrow at Serena, who merely lifted her chin into the air and crossed her arms. “Are we prisoners?”

  “No. Ruth says—”

  “Then leave us be.” Serena said each word deliberately.

  The woman huffed. “The trial will be at sunset. Ruth says you are welcome if you can be compliant to our rules.”

  “Have I done something wrong, Anita?”

  A deep growl resounded outside the door and Anita practically jumped. She moved aside and Westwind, Aurora, and Scout trotted in. Westwind loped up to Jayden and bumped her hand with his cold nose.

  “They’ve accused Ethan of killing a Healer and are taking him to trial.”

  Westwind’s head swung around and he lowered his neck. Bristled.

  Scout lunged at the woman in the doorway and she jumped back, but Jayden caught Scout by the neck. “Easy. We’re going to get him back.”

  “Have we done something wrong?” Serena repeated.

  Jayden inched closer to get a look at this Anita’s face. Then she opened her talent. Frustration was all she could read off the woman. And a bit of haughtiness.

  “Not that I am aware of, Serena. But if your friend wishes to remain a guest here, she needs to be compliant as well.” Anita’s eyes met Jayden’s and the haughtiness grew.

  Jayden glared and fisted her hands. These Healers didn’t have the right to hurt Ethan. Sure, he’d killed—many times—in self-defense. But she trusted him with her life.

  “You have her friend,” Serena said.

  “And evidence, may I remind you, that he murdered Miranda.” Anita cocked a challenging eyebrow.

  Westwind growled. Scout lunged again, but Aurora blocked him.

  Jayden’s blood heated. “You don’t know him!”

  “Oh?” Anita jutted her chin. “And you do? His past? His heart? Are you a Healer, that you can sense his lies and intentions? He is not above blame, and we both know it.”

  A hollow pull caused the center of Jayden’s heart to feel as though it were caving in. That man he’d killed—the prisoner—after Kinsey’s murder. He had killed recklessly then. Hadn’t he?

  Her chest ached. No. Ethan would have a reason. Her eyes burned and her throat tightened. She looked right into Anita’s eyes. “I trust him with my life.”

  “And you would vouch for his character?”

  “Yes.” Her heart beat faster in her chest. Would they give him a chance?

  Anita’s eyes narrowed. “I will tell Ruth you wish a seat in the trial to provide character witness for the murderer.”

  “He’s not—”

  Serena’s hand on Jayden’s arm caused her to stop. Then she breathed deep. She was going to say Ethan wasn’t a murderer, but her heart betrayed her. She wasn’t certain. That one prisoner he’d killed. Jayden blinked back tears. Angry tears. Scout whined and faced her.

  Westwind and Aurora stepped in front of her, growling.

  Anita backed up a pace. “Be ready for the trial.”

  “We will be.” Serena shut the door in her face.

  Then she turned around and pressed her back into it, releasing a sigh. Her eyes met Jayden’s and her worry mingled with doubt.

  “Now what?” Rochelle asked.

  Serena shook her head. “They’ll put him on trial. We have to do everything possible to not get caught in their trap, because right now we are Ethan’s only hope if they’re to see his innocence.” She bit her thumbnail. “Jayden, you almost lied. Would you like to tell me about that? Because right now I’m the only coach you have. And we don’t have much time.”

  Jayden’s mind reeled. “I know he didn’t kill Miranda.”

  Serena nodded. “We have to prove it.”

  Westwind nudged Logan’s arm and Scout whined.

  “They won’t be able to wake him before the healing process is finished.” Rochelle motioned toward the canines.

  Jayden’s heart sank. She could really use Logan right now. “How heavily guarded is the prison?”

  “Too heavy for you to try breaking in.” Serena chewed on her thumbnail as she began pacing the length of the tree.

  “But a serving girl could easily sneak in unnoticed.” Rochelle bit her lip.

  Serena narrowed her eyes. “Don’t go off doing something rash. They know you’re on Ethan’s side. There’s no way they’ll let you in.”

  “I know.” She frowned. “I just might know who’s on duty, and getting past her could prove . . . doable.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  As Serena paced the room, Rochelle looked in the cupboard. “You would think they would have at least brought us food.”

  While Rochelle’s back was turned, Serena leaned closer to Jayden and whispered, “She lets her thoughts jumble when she’s trying to think of a way out of something.” It didn’t ease Jayden’s mind at all.

  Serena guided Jayden to the table while Rochelle checked Logan’s temple.

  “How is he?” Jayden asked.

  Rochelle smiled, small and unconvincing. “Not ready to wake, but he’s healing well.” She glanced at Serena. “I can’t think without food. I’m going to get some fruit.” She grabbed a basket and left.

  Serena turned to Jayden. “We have to get you ready to speak to twelve Healers—all of whom want Ethan to suffer for murder—and you’re going to have to give the most confident speech of your life because they’ll be looking for ways to dismiss what you have to say.”

  “Not too daunting.” She laughed weakly, but then smiled because she felt that was something Ryan might say. And she missed Ryan right now because she missed home.

  Serena cocked an eyebrow. “That’s exactly the kind of talk you’ll have to avoid. It feels as though you’re trying to deceive us.”


  Serena sat in the other chair. “Yes. We feel hearts. Sense intentions to lie or deceive. A lie comes across as a bad taste or smell. A half-truth—those are bit harder to discern. They come across more as a feeling.”

  “I can understand this. Not the deception part, but I feel things as well.”

  “Okay.” Serena traced her lower lip with her thumb. “The women you are about to convince will be able to feel deception—uncertainty. Even if you can convince one, you still have to convince all. Because if even one senses a lie, her case to getting the others on her side will be very strong. Remember, they want Ethan punished.”

; Jayden rubbed her hands over her face. “So I’ve put him in more danger?”

  “Potentially.” Serena touched her hand. “But if you can find a way to speak from the heart, in truth, then you could help him.”

  Jayden looked up, pleading. “What should I say?”

  Serena smiled and tilted her head. “Do you have a talent you could use? Something that could help you here?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Well then, you must tell them how Ethan is your Protector, and you trust him with your life. You must choose your words carefully and think before you speak. You must believe he’s innocent with all of your heart.”

  “I do.”

  “Good. Then we have somewhere to start.”

  “Serena, what will they do to him if they find him guilty?”

  The shiver of fear that pulsed into her from Serena’s emotions made her clutch a hand over her heart. “They’ll give him a Healer’s death. The one Belladonna would have gotten if she hadn’t escaped.”

  “A—a Healer’s death?”

  “If they don’t cut off his head, they’ll carve out his heart.”

  Ethan slumped against the moist rock wall of his cell. At least they’d let him grab his own shirt. But they’d taken his weapons. What was left of them. No sword.

  He fingered the dark scar on his chest. Numb. But deep inside, it ached. Did the scar really make it possible to lie to them? Maybe he should just try and see what happened. At least he felt no threat for Serena or Jayden. But the moment he did, he’d get out of here if he had to pry those bars apart.

  Right. Like that was possible.

  No one could say he didn’t kill Miranda. Mary’s testimony of how he’d saved her was the only way out now. Hopefully she’d pull through and they’d all believe her.

  He leaned closer to the cage door. Was someone coming? He strained to hear.

  “Psst.” Rochelle appeared in front of the door and jingled keys. “Ready to get out?”

  He grabbed the bars, cold against his palms. “They believed Mary?”

  Rochelle looked over her shoulder, then slipped the key into the lock. “Actually, I’m here to break you out.”

  “Do you think that’s wise?”

  “I think the only way you’re getting out of here is if you pass the Circle’s tests. Lie to me.”


  She opened the door and handed him a torch as he stepped out.

  “I like the blue shirt. It suits you.”

  Ethan looked down at his clothes. “Um, thanks. Wait. Why do you want me to lie to you?”

  “Just do it.” She led him down the tunnel the opposite way he’d come in.

  “You’re the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She giggled. “You don’t even remotely believe that. I’m flattered.”

  “You can tell that I’m lying?”

  “Of course I can. So can they, if they would just listen. The sword has them so scared.”


  “It was a weapon forged by the Mistress of Shadows herself. The fact that the wards guarding it were weak enough for Belladonna to take the sword means the Mistress is getting stronger. Readying herself to break free of her prison.”

  Rochelle turned a corner. “The weapon was built so that whatever wound it creates cannot be healed by any Healer. Even Healers would not be able to heal themselves if the weapon strikes them. They can be killed by the Sword of Black Malice as any man is killed by a sword. The Mistress wielded that weapon in the wars. She killed many Healers with it.”

  “So why didn’t it kill me?”

  “The sword is made from a murdered unicorn’s horn. Then the Mistress put her venom in it. It’s the same venom that black lions—another of her creations—have. When a unicorn stabs you with its horn, it can choose to heal you as it takes its horn out, or it can remove its horn and leave you wounded. I guess the sword has that capability, too.”

  Ethan touched the scar.

  They’d reached a staircase. Rochelle started up. She turned when Ethan didn’t follow.

  He eyed her, not willing to take another step forward. “How was it so easy for you to rescue me?”

  “It wasn’t.” That voice was recent enough to be recognized. Ruth appeared at the top of the stairs. She descended toward Rochelle, a dagger glinting in the torchlight. Three other Healers backed her.

  Chapter 49

  On Trial

  Ethan looked past the dagger and into Ruth’s hard eyes. “Tell me

   you’ve heard from Mary.”

  “I have. Her mother and sister were both killed. She really isn’t in the best state to give testimony.”

  “I’m not sure what I’ve done to make you not trust me.”

  “Do we have to go over the evidence again?”

  That little thing Ruth did with her eyebrows was starting to burn his straw. “Sure. I’ll give you the same answers. If you listen, I think you’ll see that I’m telling the truth.”

  “I’ll deal with you in a moment. As for you, Rochelle, this little escape attempt has consequences. Punishment is a necessary evil.” She held up the dagger. “It’s laced with enough bandy weed to stop you from healing for a day. Then you will receive twelve lashes. One from each of us.”

  Ethan’s heart pounded. “Whoa. Wait. She thought she was doing the right thing. Look, I’ll just go back to the prison. There’s no reason to hurt her.” This insanity had to stop.

  “You don’t make the rules here, boy.”

  If she called him “boy” one more time, he’d take her dagger and—

  Ruth looked him in the eyes. “As it stands, it’s time for you to face the Circle.”

  Yeah. And he’d make sure they really knew how he felt about this system. “Bring it on. You Healers are very violent for a peaceful group.”

  “We have to be.”

  “Really? After everything you’ve told us about the Imprisonment? Armies used you as shields, and you choose to use pain like this on each other? It doesn’t make sense.”

  She stepped awfully close to him. “As long as men live, Healers will be hunted. Desired. Mistreated. It’s best that we learn to defend ourselves against the things that could happen.”

  Ethan shook his head. “Defense, sure, but this is ridiculous. I don’t know what kind of men you’ve been hanging around, but they clearly aren’t the right ones. Maybe you’ve been hiding for too long.”

  Ruth straightened her spine. “Bind his hands. Cut Rochelle. Lead them both to the stone of trial.”

  Two Healers marched behind Ethan. He complied, putting his hands behind his back. But a third took the dagger from Ruth and approached Rochelle.

  “Wait!” Ethan yelled.

  They all paused, Ruth included. She lifted an eyebrow, waiting.

  “Listen.” He flinched as one of the Healers tightened the rope on his wrists. “This is a huge misunderstanding, but it’s somehow my fault. Please, don’t hurt her. She heard the truth I’m speaking. I’m sure your Circle will, too. Don’t—don’t whip her.”

  “Someone needs to be punished for your escape, boy.”

  “Punish me then.”

  Rochelle gasped.

  Ruth faced him fully. “You feel much guilt, don’t you?”

  He looked into her eyes. Begged for her to hear the truth. “I didn’t kill Miranda. But I’m not going to let you hurt an innocent girl. Not on my account. Please. Let me take her place.”

  “Ethan, no,” Rochelle whispered. A tear rolled down her cheek.

  The women holding his hands loosened their grip.

  “Very well,” Ruth said quietly. “Let Rochelle go. Bring him before the Circle.” She turned slowly, and the confident bounce in her step had disappeared.

  Jayden sat beside Serena on a wooden bench. Seven wooden benches in the shape of a crescent surrounded what they called the trial stone. It wasn’t just a stone. To one side sat two wooden pillars to secure people who would be whipped. Behind
that were twelve wooden chairs—the Circle’s thrones, no doubt. And in the center sat a square stone. A dark stone. Stained with blood. Serena had said much blood was shed here over the years. Here, Healers had lost hands. Arms below the elbow. Lives. And angry, brown blood stained the stone’s smooth surface.

  “Why?” Jayden asked.

  Serena looked at her lap. “The Circle’s rules are to keep us safe, or so they say. I do not condone the barbarity, but this is the only place I belong.”

  Jayden turned to her and grabbed her hands. “No, Serena. You belong with us.”

  Rochelle raced toward them. Sobbing, she fell at Serena’s feet, resting her head against Serena’s knees. “He’s taking the punishment.”


  Jayden’s heart thundered. Stilled. A roar split the sky and a bolt of lightning cracked the clouds. “They’re not even going to give him a trial?”

  “No. No, they’re going to—this is all my fault—I wanted to help, but now they’re—”

  Jayden didn’t wait for her to finish.

  The crowd started to stand and the Healers brought Ethan up to the stone.

  Jayden ignored Serena’s cries to come back and wove through everyone. Everything. All she saw was Ethan. He walked, head high, jaw tight, hands tied behind him, toward the stone.

  This wasn’t right. They’d promised him a trial. They’d said they would listen to him. Hands tried to stop her, but she ducked and dodged their grasp. She was a hidden dagger now, using her speed to get past the enemy. And she ran right over to the Healers who led Ethan out to the stone.

  As soon as he saw her, emotion flooded into her from him. Worry, fear, and a trickle of hope. Hope. That was all she needed to know she was in the right place.

  “Jayden, what are you—”

  “Ethan.” She stopped in front of him, not caring how many voices rose up around her. Some in outrage, some in shock. The thunder above rumbled and quieted her heart. She placed her hand on his cheek and looked deep into his eyes. Hoped he could sense how much she cared for him in what she was about to do. “I can’t let them do this to you. I hope you understand.”

  “Jayden, I—”

  She stepped around him, faced the Healers, and drew her dagger. Voices of surprise broke up around her. She didn’t care. Tears threatened. “You promised him a trial.”


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