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Amber Eyes

Page 32

by S. D. Grimm

  Jayden stared, mouth open. “The Stone Wolf?” She pressed a hand over her mouth. “You’re not serious? He’s famous! I would love a chance to fight Stone Wolf. I’ve heard he’s amazing.”

  Ethan chuckled. “He’s not that amazing.”

  Jayden rolled her eyes, which made Ethan smile. Then she turned her attention back to Serena. “How did the fight go?”

  “Well, technically I beat him, but I can’t say it was much of a challenge. He hardly fought back.”

  Ethan grinned. “I told you, I don’t fight women—for sport anyway.”

  Jayden’s eyes widened. “Wait. You?” He’d practically made her tell him all about her tiny operation with her brothers. And she’d just gushed like a rain-drenched brook. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “You never would have believed me.”

  Jayden stared at him. Memories flooded in of the time on the hill when he’d killed ten men all by himself. Ten. “Yes, I would have,” she whispered.

  Her words made him wince.

  Logan slapped his back. “You’re a good swordsman, kid. I had my suspicions.”

  Ethan pretended to be interested in his soup, but he didn’t even touch it. His eyes darted up and met Jayden’s stare. So many emotions flooded into her. Regret. Fear. Why? Did he think she thought less of him? Maybe he knew what she’d remembered.

  “Stone Wolf?” A new voice interrupted their eye contact. A red-headed woman showing off more than a little cleavage stood by their table.

  Ethan set down the rest of his bread. “Francesca.”

  The woman batted her eyelashes. “You’ve returned for Harvester’s Moon feast. I knew you couldn’t stay away from me and my dancing shoes.”

  “Dancing?” Serena giggled.

  Ethan cleared his throat. “Actually, I—”

  “Don’t you dance, Ethan?” Serena tilted her head.

  Francesca’s eyes narrowed to slits. Jayden half expected a forked tongue to flicker out of the woman’s mouth. The redhead crossed her arms under her ample bosom. “Hasn’t he ever danced with you?” The syrup coating her voice was enough to raise Serena’s eyebrows and her chin.

  Tessa approached. Jayden noticed the cold glance she gave Francesca as she placed more bread on the table. “I have chicken soup, Ethan.”

  “Please.” He returned her warm smile.

  She gave him a different bowl of soup. Didn’t he like lamb? Apparently he and Tessa knew each other well. Jayden breathed deep and touched her dagger’s hilt. Serena was right. Why all the jealousy? Hadn’t she decided Ethan wasn’t hers?

  “Thank you.” Ethan’s smile seemed to linger and, dagger hilt or not, Jayden’s heart beat so fast it skidded.

  “Tessa.” Serena’s voice stopped the other woman’s departure. “Ethan was just deciding if he’d dance tonight.”

  “Ethan never turns down a dance.” Francesca sniffed.

  “Never?” Serena cocked her eyebrow at Ethan. “You must be a very good dancer. I’d like to see that in action.”

  Jayden’s chest burned. She folded her napkin, pretending this conversation had no effect on her whatsoever.

  “I am a good dancer. And anyone who thinks they can keep up with me can have a dance.” He winked at Serena, then winked again at Tessa. He looked at Jayden, and the absence of a wink was clear. The playful look in his eyes melted, too. Had she been blind this whole time? Did he really want nothing to do with her? Maybe it was best that she’d decided not to show any feelings toward him.

  Who was she kidding? Of course it was best. She rubbed her hands over her very warm face. Letting the emotions back in was turning out to be a mistake.

  “I can keep up with you.” Francesca breathed in, accentuating her bosom. As if they needed to be reintroduced. Then she walked away, her curly red locks bouncing behind her.

  Serena’s hips hit Jayden’s as she scooted over. Then she patted the bench next to her for Tessa to sit down. Jayden rolled her eyes. Really, Serena? Make friends with the enemy?

  “Well, I for one am ready to see my room.” Jayden slammed her napkin on the table. It was a lie. She was still hungry, but she couldn’t stand all this—this jealousy.

  Maybe she should just kiss the man. As if that would help. Ethan’s eyes weren’t for her.

  “Jayden.” Serena placed her palm on Jayden’s arm. “You haven’t finished your stew.”

  Really? Jayden tried hard not to roll her eyes. Could no one see the jealousy erupting from her like—like lava from a volcano? Apparently not. Moods were her thing.

  Oh, for once couldn’t someone just read her so she didn’t have to explain herself? She huffed and noticed Ethan’s brown eyes had locked on her.

  He mouthed the words, “Are you okay?”

  Her heart stuttered. She took her napkin back. “Sorry, I’m just so tired.”

  “You won’t be dancing tonight then, Jayden?” A familiar voice came from behind them.

  She whirled her head to see a truly handsome man with smoky-gray eyes and hair the color of wet sand. It was cut short, but his bangs still hit his eyelashes. He looked different somehow, more confident. And he carried a sword at his hip.

  “Ryan.” She managed breathlessly.

  Ethan was free at the end of his bench and stood to embrace his brother. They fell into fast conversation about fighting and swords while Tessa and Serena scooted out so Jayden could reach him. Serena would hardly get out of the way!

  At last Jayden was free of the confines of her bench and table, and she darted past Serena and wrapped her arms around Ryan as if holding him could wash away her jealousy.

  He hugged her close. “I’m happy to see you, too, Jayden.”

  He released her and nodded toward Tessa. “And it’s always nice to see you, Tessa.”

  Of course he knew Tessa. Everyone knew Tessa. Jayden crossed her arms and leaned her hip against the edge of the table while Serena blushed at Ryan and Ethan laughed at something Tessa said.

  Tessa glanced at someone behind Jayden and cocked an eyebrow. “Ryan, you didn’t tell me you knew the local heroes.”

  “What local heroes?”

  “Lone Wolf.”

  Ryan’s gaze hit Logan and his mouth fell open.

  Logan slapped Ryan’s shoulder. “It’s still me, kid. Don’t go getting all tongue tied. Besides, your brother is Stone Wolf.”

  Ryan turned to Ethan. “This sorry excuse for a ladies’ man?”

  Ethan smiled. “Do I sense a challenge?”

  “You bet.”

  “So tell me, Ryan, do you have time to dance?” Serena asked.

  He smiled widely back at her. “I do.”

  “Then I’ll see you later tonight?”

  “Most assuredly.” Ryan might as well have been drooling, the way he ogled Serena.

  Jayden backed out of the tight circle. They were all laughing. She was unable to control her emotions. No one seemed to notice she’d stepped away. Oh. Good. So now she was invisible. Shaking her head, she tore her eyes from Ryan and Serena—conversing as if no one else existed—and tried to calm her nerves. She pressed her hands to her face and turned away from them, willing her emotions to calm. Someone came up behind her. She turned around.

  Ethan stood so close she almost whirled into him. “You aren’t going to take me up on my offer?” he asked quietly.

  He wanted to dance with her now, did he? “Why would I, Stone Wolf?” She raised her chin the way she had seen Serena do it many times before.

  He smirked. “Don’t you think you can keep up with me?”

  “Oh, I can keep up with you all right.”

  “Good. I’d like to see you try.” He smiled before he strode away.

  Apparently Tessa was showing them to their rooms after all. And Ryan eyed Serena as she walked away.

  “Jayden, you’ll be coming back?” Ryan had eyes for her again, did he?

  She was too angry to answer so a curt nod had to do, but the man had the audacity to look
attacked. She turned on her heel and stormed after the others.

  As she reached the stairs, thunder cracked. It was odd for her to feel so flustered during such a lullaby. But now the storm seemed flustered, too. As if storms could feel. These emotions were steadily getting the best of her. She’d have to learn to control her talent, control her emotions, or nothing was going to be okay.

  Chapter 54

  Forbidden Methods

  At the top of the stairs, Jayden followed the others down a hallway

   to two rooms. Logan and Ethan were already going into theirs, but Serena was still making friends with Tessa.

  “Really, you must come and stay with us tonight.” Serena was begging her to—what? Stay with them?

  Tessa’s smile faltered when she glanced at Jayden, then her eyes darted to the floor and she left. Jayden sighed. She wasn’t trying to make Tessa feel unwelcome.

  Serena practically herded Jayden into their room and closed the door. “You are not making this easy for me.”


  She began to rummage through her belongings. “Tessa has information I need.”

  “Fine. You befriend her. I don’t need to.”

  Serena’s eyes narrowed and she sat on the edge of the bed. “Well, I need some time with her.”


  “Yes.” Her chin jutted out.

  “If it’s that import—”

  “I joined you to keep you and Ethan safe. If that means I need to know more about my powers than Healers will teach me, I have to learn by any means necessary, even unconventional ones.”

  “You mean forbidden?”

  Serena scrunched up her nose. “I am still under Healer code, but no longer under the rules of my camp. The lines of whether or not this is forbidden are a bit blurry.”

  Jayden frowned. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so angry with Serena. Or Tessa. “And Tessa has these answers?”

  “I’m not sure what you have against her. Tessa’s heart is pure.”

  Pure. Like that made everything better. Purely in love with Ethan, that’s what she was. Jayden paused and shook her head. If that was the root of the problem, she’d have to stop herself right there. Ethan wasn’t hers. Couldn’t be hers. “I don’t have to befriend every pure-hearted person.”

  “Jayden.” Serena sat on the edge of her bed and patted the mattress. “Why are you holding your dagger?”

  She was? “It’s bonded to me. It helps me control . . . I can feel other people’s emotions, and lately I haven’t been able to turn my talent off. My own emotions seem to be difficult to tame.”

  “Because you’ve been bottling them up?”

  Jayden sighed. “That’s the thing. Lately I’ve been trying to use my talent instead of push it away. And the problem seems worse.”

  Serena tapped her finger against her bottom lip. “It’s possible that you’re overdue for a bond.”


  “When Feravolk’s talents start to become out of control, they need to bond, otherwise the talent could be lost to them forever. It’s like a volcano erupting. Everything starts to bubble to the surface. If an animal bonds with you, it can show you how to control your talent. It’s something it has lived with naturally its whole life. We have to find your bonded animal.”

  Serena pried the dagger from Jayden’s hand and gave it back to her. “Put this away. Let yourself feel the pull. It will be buried in the turmoil inside you. The animal is usually so full of human desires that it breaks free of its family, and it’s so clouded by new thoughts that it gets trapped somehow. Keep your thoughts open so you can find it. Lead us to it. Then you’ll know what to do.”

  Jayden heaved a sigh. “So that’s what’s wrong with me?”

  “Well, it’s not what’s making your own emotions so volatile.” Was that a smirk? “Jayden, why don’t you just tell Ethan how you feel?”

  Jayden stared at Serena. Was it that obvious? “What if there’s nothing to tell?”

  Serena cocked an eyebrow.

  Jayden’s heart sank. It might be good to tell someone. “All the Deliverers in history died saving the Feravolk. It’s not fair for me to let my heart belong to someone when I know it won’t beat very long.” Especially because of Thea’s warning.

  Serena sighed.

  Jayden bit her lip. Now she’d done it. Stolen all of her sister-kin’s hope. Only Serena didn’t feel hopeless.

  Serena grabbed Jayden’s hands. “You can’t let some account of history that doesn’t even recount all the Deliverers dictate your future. That’s fear talking. Stop being afraid to let yourself love and be loved. You can’t let fear control you like that, sister.”

  Could Serena be right? Would letting Ethan close be fair? “It’s not that easy. Ryan was my betrothed.”


  “Our parents died. I told him I couldn’t have anyone because I’m a Deliverer.”

  “And what did he say?”

  “He seems to agree with you. But we never had the ceremony, so he released me.”

  Serena touched Jayden’s knee. “Then I fail to see the problem.”

  “Ethan is Ryan’s brother.”


  Oh? So there was no hope. It was as bad as she thought. “If I choose Ethan, do I lose Ryan? I can’t lose any more brothers.”

  “Ryan is like a brother to you?”

  Jayden traced the pattern on the bedspread with her fingers.

  Serena smiled. “I believe you can control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses, but giving up love isn’t the way. Embracing it is. If you want me to get a truthful answer out of Ryan or Ethan for you, I can.”

  “No.” Her face flushed.

  Serena just sat there, wearing a soft smile.

  “What?” Jayden asked.

  “I think you know what. Stop letting fear win.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “For starters, give Ethan a dance tonight.”

  Jayden sighed. A dance? With Ethan? While Ryan was watching? None of this sounded like a good idea.

  Serena giggled and towed Jayden off the bed. “Let’s call Tessa up here and see if we can’t get you ready for a dance for Harvester’s Moon. I think there’s one young man whose heart you need to make happy.”

  Chapter 55

  Mixed Emotions

  Most of Jayden’s hair was pulled back from her face. A few wavy tendrils hung loose down her back and laced her chest. The dress Tessa let her borrow brought out the blue in her eyes. Jayden scarcely knew who the woman in the mirror was.

  Serena wore a bluish-green dress. Her golden hair was pulled back similarly to Jayden’s, but she had done it herself. Tessa’s long hair was fastened into a curled ponytail with a few loose strands. She looked beautiful in her soft yellow dress.

  Serena beckoned Jayden to follow her. Shyly, she stepped out of her room and down the staircase. Serena glided down in front of her and Tessa behind.

  Jayden peered over the rail. Clusters of people dressed in their finest waited around an invisible line on the floor sectioning off the dancing space. The musicians, different from the entertainers who had played while Jayden had been eating, were getting ready to play.

  At the bottom of the staircase Serena fixed a strand of Jayden’s hair, then pinched her cheeks gently. “You look beautiful.”

  “She’s right.” Chloe offered a smile.

  “So do you, Chloe.” Her emerald green gown complemented her red hair, as did the tall brown-haired young man who swept her onto the dance floor and made her eyes glimmer.

  Serena turned around and placed her hand in Ethan’s.

  He smiled. “Beautiful dress.”

  She dipped her head. “Thank you.”

  He led her past Jayden, paused. His eyes met hers for a heartbeat, and he leaned in closer. His breath warmed her ear, her neck. “You look stunning,” he whispered.

  Warmth exploded over Jayden’s skin, and her heart thundered. Music transitioned
to a lively tune, and she tore her eyes from Ethan’s back. Ryan was waiting for her with his hand extended. She took it and more heat hit her face. Partly because he’d caught her staring at Ethan, and partly because of his roguish smile.

  “You look amazing, Jayden.” Ryan paid her the compliment she’d already seen in his eyes.

  He led her to the dance floor, and she fell into step with his lead. She’d never met someone who twirled her and her clumsy feet so effortlessly. Everything about him was comfortable. Easy. Everything reminded her of home. A fire she could never tame. A brother.

  Ryan let her go as they took on temporary partners. Her eyes didn’t leave his until another set of strong hands enveloped hers and that familiar electricity shot through her. Surprised, she met Ethan’s eyes. Warm, brown, nothing like a storm cloud. But he was like the wind. Soft against her cheek, hard and powerful when needed. He stole her breath.

  His eyebrows pulled together. “Something wrong?”

  With her hands in his, there was no denying how much she wanted this. She couldn’t stop her growing smile. “Everything is perfect.”

  He smiled softly. “I’m glad.”

  Before she could respond, he passed her back to Ryan, but Ethan’s eyes never left her.

  She let out a shuddering breath and faced Ryan. He smiled, charming and perfect.

  Dance after dance swirled on. The room was cheerful, the music happy, and the firelight inviting. Jayden hadn’t had so much fun in a very long time. She shared a few lively dances with Ryan and some other cocky swordsmen who made her laugh, but her eyes always found Ethan. And they always found him with a different woman on his arm.

  When at last she stopped to catch her breath, she took a seat and Serena bounded up to her. Serena’s hair was still perfectly placed, and her cheeks were slightly flushed in a way that made her becoming. Her eyes practically sparkled. “Ask him.”

  “He’s been occupied all night.”

  “If you ask him, he’ll dismiss anyone else.”

  Jayden didn’t share her sister-kin’s certainty. “I need to talk to Ryan first.”

  “Good.” Serena flicked her gaze to Jayden’s right. Ryan was headed right toward her. Oh dear. She should hide. No. She breathed deep and stood. It was time. Serena patted Jayden’s knee and walked away.


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