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Beautiful Bridges (Bridges Brothers Book 3)

Page 16

by Lia Fairchild

  “Thank you, Kay.”

  Justice and I flash each other open-mouthed expressions at hearing my nickname. She certainly is a perceptive little girl.

  We spend the next hour exhausting everything in our arsenal to keep this little girl busy. When Gramps and Lou finally get back, we think we’re being relieved. Yet, as soon as we help them put all the groceries away, they’re ready to walk out the door again.

  “Wait a minute, Gramps. Where are you going now?” Justice asks, sounding desperate.

  “Lou and I do meals on wheels, so we need to go pick up our deliveries and get ’em out before the old geezers get grumpy.”

  Lou slaps his chest with the back of her hand. “Like you when your dinner is late?”

  “Me? I’m grumpy all the time.”

  His hand on her shoulders when he speaks makes my heart melt. When he heads toward the door, Lou rolls her eyes and shakes her head while mouthing, no.

  I hold back a laugh when Justice follows them like an adorable puppy. “Yeah, but what do I do with Maddie? I’ve already played games, colored…talked. Now what?”

  “You’re a smart kid. You’ll figure it out. If not, just facetime your cousin. That’s what I do when your dad isn’t around, and I don’t know what to do?”


  “No, Belle.”

  After the door closes, we stare at each other until Justice says, “Well?”

  “Well, what?” I say gruffly, because I actually do get why he asked me, but I don’t have experience or mothering instincts.

  “You’re…well, you—” He laughs, shaking his head. “Never mind.”

  “Smart man. You’re learning. Besides I’m sure you know more than I do.”

  Maddie is finished with her snack of apple slices and almonds, which Lou gave her, and now sits at the table, playing with the plastic plate, kicking her feet, and staring at us as Justice holds my hands between us.

  “Do you guys kiss?” She tilts her head.

  My mouth falls open. I’ll leave this one to Justice.

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Sometimes.” Then he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “See?”

  “Not like that. On the lips.”

  “How old did you say she was?” I say quietly to him.

  She jumps up from the table and plants a hand on her hip. “I’m three and a half.”

  “How about we watch TV for a bit?” I take her hand and she leads me into the living room. “Do you have a favorite show?”

  Her eyes light up and she claps her hands. “Pete the Cat! Pete the Cat!”

  I don’t know their TV or what service they have, but I turn it on as Justice is coming up behind us. I’m about to hand him the remote to look for the show when Maddie takes it from my hand and navigates right to it.

  “Okay, great.”

  No sooner does she plop down in front of it than Justice reaches under her arms and drags her back two feet. She doesn’t seem to notice or care as her eyes are fixated on the cartoon.

  “Wow,” he says wide-eyed. “What were we saying about me spending more time with my family?”

  I take his face in my hands and kiss him gently. “I know you don’t mean that.”

  “I don’t. I’m just not used to always being…on. I’ve got new appreciation for my older brothers, and my dad, that’s for sure.”

  “Well, I’m sure Logan and Mollie don’t want her watching too much TV, so you better figure out what’s next before this show’s over.”

  Thankfully, not long after the show ends, Justice’s cousins show up. Colton is old enough to drive so he brought his twelve-year-old sister, Belle, after school. I can see a little bit of Justice in him, but he’s a little shy. Belle steps right in like a little mommy, keeping Maddie busy while still telling us what she’s up to and includes a scolding to Justice about his lack of communication. I have to give her props for her maturity, not to mention that somewhat gruff exterior she probably got from being raised around all males. Somehow, she pulls off endearing with it.

  “I know and I’m sorry I haven’t been around much,” Justice says, touching the top of her head.

  She’s tall for her age and thin. I cringe that my instinct and history has me thinking she could have modeling in her future. She shrugs out of his touch. “Nuh-uh. That worked when I was eight. Now you have to make it up to me.”

  “Okay, I really like her style,” I say to both of them.

  “Thank you.” She nods, the look on her face that of a more mature girl.

  Justice promises to take her and a friend somewhere, and somehow I get roped in as well. Truth is, I don’t actually mind. There’s something about the Bridges’ family that makes it hard to leave. By the end of the conversation, I’m examining Justice and wondering if I have any kind of future with him. Admittedly, he wasn’t serious about much in life, but he says he’s changing. I’ve seen it, too. That doesn’t mean he wants a serious relationship. I don’t even know if I want one. What I do know is that this time with Justice, growing close, being together in all ways… I want more of that.


  In the car on the way home, we talk about the fundraiser and make a few calls via speaker phone: my mom, Curtis, Janet at the hotel. We had connected her with Curtis’s aunt so she could take over, but we just wanted to check in. Things are coming together, which is both exciting and scary.

  “I just texted you guys a pic,” Curtis says through the speaker phone.

  “Hold on.” I tap over to check it out on my phone since Justice is driving. “Okay, what am I looking at, besides your smiling—wait. What is The Sparrow House?”

  I turn the phone to show the screen to Justice, and he glances at it quickly. “Shirt’s kind of tight, bro.”

  “That’s the name for the new community center,” Curtis says.

  “Wow, I like it, but what’s the catch?” I ask.

  “My aunt’s idea. She’s always thinking ahead. Daven’s paying for the renovation, and we’ve got this fundraiser to bank up some funds, but then what? She was afraid the center would be right back to where we started. They’ll need more than the funds they were getting before, so she started looking for a sponsor, starting with some of Daven’s competitors.”

  Justice laughs. “Your aunt is badass.”

  “Right? Daven didn’t want another designer’s name on the house he rebuilt, so he’s dedicating some of his new line to it. We give him the name and a portion of his sales go to the house.”

  “That’s amazing, Curtis. Can I include this in my follow-up article? Is it official?”

  “Yep, Daven’s locked in, and we’ve got a contract.”

  “Great. I’ll send you the draft to review in a few days.”

  “Sounds good, girl. I’ve gotta run. You two be safe.”

  Before we say our goodbyes, Curtis says he emailed us the event hub account info so we can go in and check ticket sales. His exact words were, “It’ll blow your mind.” I guess just having Daven’s name on it—along with Curtis and some of the other popular models—is fueling the initial rush.

  When we arrive at my house, I hide my disappointment. I don’t want all this to be over, to go back to not seeing each other that much, to wondering about our relationship.

  I let Justice come around and open my door for me. Taking my hand, he guides me out, but instead of letting go when he shuts the door, he presses me into the door with his body. “Do you have to rush in?”

  His silky deep voice and sparkling eyes make me shake my head. Not to mention his masculine scent is intoxicating. He leans in and nips at my lips—definitely not a goodbye kiss. When he takes it deeper, I slink my hands up his back, pressing him closer into me. We’re like a couple of high school sweethearts, making out after school. Before we get to the point of no return, I pull back. “I had a great time…”

  “Really?” He laughs, ticking his head to the side and causing a wave of hair to fall over his eye. “Which part?”

  “All of it. Th
e pier date was awesome, but I so enjoyed being around your family, especially when it seems like your dad’s going to be all right.”

  He pins me with a sidelong glance, growing serious. “I hope so. At least, I think he will if he makes some serious changes.”

  “Seems like your Grandpa and Lou won’t let him fall into old habits. Try not to worry.”

  We’re both quiet a moment and he presses his forehead into mine. It’s obvious neither of us want to separate, but I can also feel something else stirring inside him. I pull back an inch, brush some fallen hair from his forehead. “I think it was hard for you to leave.”

  “It was. I’m definitely going to check in on him more, visit more.”

  My grin spreads. “I’m proud of you.”

  His lips find mine again, then he says against them, “You better stop saying that, or I’ll get used to it.”

  I don’t know what to say. It seems like we’re on the same page in terms of “us,” but I don’t want to assume or jump the gun. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll be a little rough on you sometimes…for old times’ sake.”

  He runs a hand over my hip and presses me into him. “As long as it happens when you’re lying under me, give me your worst.” That sexy smile gleams after he does a little head flip to move his hair away.

  “Okay, if we don’t stop this right now—”

  He kisses my sentence to a halt, and I grab his biceps and squeeze. “Justice,” I squeal. “Don’t you have school, work? Clients to get in touch with?”

  He lets his head fall to my neck and he sighs. “I hate when you’re right.”

  “At least we’ll see each other for the fitting in a few days.”

  “We should go out after.”

  “I’d love that.”

  Justice slips a hand across my cheek to my neck, but this time when his lips close in on me they land just to the side of my mouth. “Me too,” he whispers.

  Damn this man sets me on fire. Even a cheek kiss is dangerous. All I want to do is get closer, but why does that thought seem so frightening?

  Chapter 19


  A lobster tail lands on my plate with a little splash. Okay, this guy’s out of control. Curtis said this Japanese restaurant was the bomb—best he’s ever been to. That may be the case, but I’m not sure I want to walk out of here looking like I needed a splash guard. It’s one of those places where the chef makes the food right in front of you.

  Curtis is on one end, with Turner catty corner to him, then Kaylee, then me. To my right is another couple who looks to be in their early forties. I heard them tell the chef it was their anniversary, and they introduced themselves to us as Brooke and Greg. So far, the husband has been pretty grumpy while the woman has chatted with us and the chef.

  I fumble with the chopsticks to lift the small tail, and it falls back to the plate. My three friends don’t seem to be struggling at all. Even though I’d rather shovel in a big spoonful, and this is more work than I’m used to, I’m glad we’re all together. Plus, the chef is somewhat entertaining.

  “Having a little trouble, master J?” Curtis says, wrapping an arm around Turner as they exchange a laugh.

  I shoot them both a look, rethinking that whole “glad we’re together” thing.

  Draping her arm around me, Kaylee picks up the tail with her fingers and feeds me a bite.

  Nice. I’ll take this over dexterity any day. “All part of my plan,” I say to my two friends after swallowing the buttery meat. Then I kiss Kaylee right on the lips.

  “I do believe he’s trying to show us up,” Curtis says, looking at Turner.

  My eyes shoot to Turner, knowing he’s not big on PDAs, especially when this is all still new to him. I worried about Curtis’s larger-than-life personality and hoped it didn’t make Turner feel uncomfortable. So far, I haven’t heard any complaints from Turner, though he’s not shared a lot about his relationship with Curtis. I don’t even know if they consider themselves exclusive.

  As if Curtis can feel Turner’s hesitation, he pulls his arm off him and picks up his chopsticks, giving him a wink. “Here, taste this.” He picks up a piece of sashimi and feeds it to Turner, who opens his mouth for the bite. Turner chews with an awkward grin but still says, “wow” around the food.

  “Seems like you guys are having all the fun down there,” the woman calls from her end of the table. Her short auburn hair is almost as short as her husband’s, but it’s chic and she’s pretty. Hubs barely spares us a glance before taking a sip of his beer. “And how come you’re all so good-looking?” she says with a head gesture.

  We exchange glances around our group, but then Turner blurts out, “Because they’re models.”

  Though I’m not embarrassed, I have to give it to T for turning the tables on us. “Some of us used to be models. There’s your currently famous model,” I say, ticking my head up toward Curtis.

  He tilts his head in acknowledgement but then says, “Then why did we all just get back from a fitting?”

  Kaylee’s avoiding eye contact, pushing her food around her plate. We’ve both been dreading the fitting, knowing we’d be mentally thrown back to our time at the agency. But it hadn’t been awful. In fact, being there together made it not only bearable but fun. I’d almost forgotten how perfect Kaylee’s body is for high fashion and just thinking about her in some of those pieces… Which reminds me. “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked today?” I whisper in her ear.

  She flinches in the most adorable way. “Thank you. Right back at ya.”

  “Ooh a fitting?” Brooke asks, leaning forward with excitement. “What for?”

  “Maybe they don’t feel like sharing,” Greg says.

  Curtis shoots me a tight-lipped expression, and I’m sure he’s also wondering what’s up that guy’s ass. At least pretend to have fun when it’s your anniversary. I watch Curtis’s face change as he flags down the passing server, asking her for something I can’t hear while Kaylee explains about the fashion show and our role in it.

  As the cook starts to fill everyone’s plates with chicken, pork, and vegetable skewers, rice, and another small piece of what looks like eel, I watch Curtis and Turner across the table talking. Each day I feel better about the two, but I still worry what their long-term looks like. Considering they seem to be moving faster, more smoothly than Kaylee and me, I should actually be more worried about our long-term. We’re getting closer, but it still feels like there’s stuff between us. I can’t shake the feeling she’s not being open and honest with me.

  Taking my hand under the table, Kaylee says to the woman, “So this is really just a one-time thing for us. We’re doing it for the kids.”

  The server arrives at our table with a tray filled with cups of sake. Smiling, she places them around the table, starting with grumpy, and I glance over to catch Curtis’s sly expression. “Happy Anniversary,” he says, raising his cup. The rest of us follow suit, then we all drink. I’ve only had sake a couple of times and enjoy it. This one smells like caramel and tastes nutty, but it has a powerful punch, which I assume was Curtis’s plan.

  Kaylee takes another drink, then leans against my shoulder. “Not bad. Better watch me so I don’t drink too much.”

  I take the cup from her hand. “Wouldn’t want a repeat of last time that happened.” Still, I slip my hand between her thighs and squeeze because I am up for a repeat of what went down the night we stayed at my house after the hospital. This double date happened spur-of-the-moment after the show fitting, but now that we’re sitting here, I’m mapping out in my brain who needs to go to what place so we can all be alone.

  “Look,” Kaylee says in my ear.

  I follow her line of sight to see the anniversary couple laughing, drinking sake, and the guy leaning over to kiss her.

  We spend the next few minutes digging in with only intermittent talking between the four of us. Mostly, we’ve coupled up our conversations. Kaylee and I talk about my dad and how well he’s doing.
Dad and I have texted a few times and even talked on the phone. After the show, Kaylee and I will make another visit back to see him and to make good on my promise to Belle. It feels good being more connected with my family. Now, I just wish my brother Ryder was. I suppose it’s time for me to start acting like a big brother and talk to him. I’m ready. Being with Kaylee makes me feel like I’m ready for anything.

  “I was thinking dessert back at my place?” I say quietly to her.

  Looking up at me, she finishes chewing before responding. “Oh…”

  “You don’t want to?” My tone was casual enough, but inside I’m nervous. It is a strange feeling for me. I think my instincts still have me ducking, waiting for Kaylee to take a swing at me. I need to get over that.

  Thankfully, before the words come out, I can see it in her eyes exactly what she wants—that and the tiny twitch at the corner of her mouth.

  “I do, but don’t you have homework or something?” She smiles because we both know this is formality on her part, and I wouldn’t trade time with her for anything. While I have enjoyed relationships with women, looking back, I wouldn’t call them relationships if I’m comparing what I feel for Kaylee. She’s on my mind constantly; everything I do, I consider how it will affect her. I never experienced that before. More like a dog, I was in the moment with other women. I just hope she feels the same way. I honestly don’t know if she give me a second thought when I’m not around.

  “I can do my work after—”

  “After?” she says a little too loud, her brows knitted, and we both laugh.

  “You know what I mean.” I lean in and wipe a piece of rice from her mouth. “I would never assume or take advantage of you, Kay. I just want to spend more time with you. However long you want to.”

  Her smile grows and she adorably sweeps a collection of hair behind her ear. My eyes zero in on that exposed skin at her throat; I itch to lean over and nip it. If she doesn’t come back to my place, I’m going to need to find a way to cool the fuck down.

  “Sounds good. I’d love to come to your place.”

  “Speaking of…” Turner says and we all turn to him. Guess we weren’t talking as quietly as we thought. “I’m staying at Curtis’s tonight since he’s leaving tomorrow.”


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