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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

Page 5

by Caitlyn Norrel

  “Come, you little slut!” Luna cried wildly. “Come like the horny little bitch you are!” Valerie’s defiance was honorable, truly admirable; but the tears of passion streaming down the blonde’s cheeks foretold that her opponent didn’t have much left.

  Valerie uttered a ferocious screech, closing her eyes tightly against the pleasure and the pain. A vicious orgasm rocked her body, dislodging her pussy from Luna’s with a wet pop. With a cry of anger the blonde slammed her sex back into the brunette’s furiously, unwilling to give in.

  A furious upward thrust was met with a powerful downward force as the two bitter seductresses struggled on. With a howl Luna came, and the brunette’s orgasm gave Valerie hope. She fought against her enemy viciously with renewed vigor, and as their bodies struggled the blonde felt her cunt beginning to swell again with lust.

  Orgasm after orgasm rocked the two beautiful rivals’ bodies, and with every release Luna and Valerie fought harder. Their screams and moans grew louder and more fervent with each passing moment; each collision between their beautiful bodies sent wave after wave of pure ecstasy flowing across their bodies.

  “No!” Valerie screeched loudly, as the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt singed through her body like a bolt of fire. Almost immediately the blonde’s resistance collapsed. She tried to fight it back, struggling to continue the war; but she could feel her body giving in.

  “Please—” the blonde choked out. “Please stop! You win, alright slut? You win!” But the brunette’s assault didn’t slow. “We’re done!” Valerie screamed louder. “You win, damn it! Please stop!”

  Valerie’s screams only drove Luna further. “Oh, you wish we were done, don’t you whore?” the brunette cackled gleefully. “I’ve only just begun! You wagered your skills as a sorceress against mine, and you lost!” She glared down into Valerie’s tear-stained face with an evil grin. “You lost…and I’m going to ride you until I’ve devoured every last drop of your power!”

  “Please…” Valerie quivered; then her entire body shook as another painful orgasm washed over her being. She glared into her enemy’s eyes, tried desperately to fight through her exhaustion; but she knew it was all over.

  The two rivals’ cunts began to glow with a ravenous purple light, spiritually fusing together into a suction neither woman could escape. Wave after wave of pleasing, painful orgasms rocked the two women’s combined bodies as their powers battled for control, but in Valerie’s weakened state the blonde had little strength to resist.

  Valerie screamed out with every release, feeling her body weakening with every passing second. Luna’s cackling screech echoed into her ears as the blonde began to succumb, and Valerie closed her eyes against her enemy’s vicious assault.

  “You’d better get used to the pain, filthy whore!” Luna screeched; the last words Valerie heard before her body gave in to exhaustion. “Your powers are mine!”

  Hatred and Lust

  Valerie woke with a start. Her entire body was coated with sweat, and every breath she drew caused a twinge of pain to course through her form. Memories of her sexfight with Luna washed over her, and in desperation she tried to tap into her power; but just as she feared, that little brunette cunt had taken every last drop.

  With a groan she tried to move, but her limbs would not obey. With a gasp she glanced around her; glowing blue shackles of magic had ensnared her wrists and ankles, forcing her arms and legs open wide. Her naked body was suspended weightless several feet above the ground, and she struggled against her bonds; but the tendrils of magic would not break.

  Her eyes darted quickly around the darkened room. She appeared to be in a small, cave like chamber; dim torches circled loosely around the cavern, and were the only true source of light. Before her lay a dark, winding tunnel; but the shadows extended so far down that Valerie could see little past the first few feet.

  Then at once her body shuddered. A sourceless wind whipped violently through the chamber, signaling the arrival of a tremendous force. The flames flickered erratically, and some blew out altogether. The presence had materialized behind her, but Valerie didn’t need to see this sorceress to know who she was…she knew of only one woman whose power was truly this great.

  Valerie threw back her head in a ravenous moan as she felt two slender fingers jam themselves deeply into her cunt. A shock of sexual sorcery pulsed from the intrusion, and with a violent scream the blonde came immediately. A few seconds later the fingers retreated, coated with Valerie’s thick girl-cum.

  The seductress felt a thin, wet line spreading across her throat as the mysterious woman ran her cum-soaked fingertips along the blonde’s gorgeous neck. “You have failed me, girl.” a seductive voice whispered in her ear; and as the shadows moved silently along the wall, Valerie was finally able to gaze into her assailant’s eyes.

  Lelianna Le Faye’s eyes glared harshly into her own as Valerie looked upon her mistress. The woman’s fiery red hair framed a beautiful face, but her glowing crimson eyes showed no signs of compassion.

  Shadows seemed to drift around Lelianna’s otherwise naked body like a veil; and despite her fear, the sexual aura of this other woman sent a shiver down Valerie’s spine. The redhead’s body never seemed to touch the ground as she moved towards Valerie; and as soon as the blonde was within reach, Lelianna reached towards the other woman’s gorgeous form.

  Valerie cringed as the redhead took the blonde firmly by her breasts. Lelianna compressed each nipple with her thumb and forefinger, making sure the pressure was just shy of causing actual pain. She moved her hands left and right, grinning as the blonde’s heavy tits swayed at her every whim; but soon the redhead’s smile faltered.

  “You have failed me Valerie” Lelianna hissed again. Her body floated upwards slightly while she pulled Valerie’s down, until the redhead and the blonde hovered against each other at eye level. Lelianna pinched down hard on Valerie’s nipples, causing the other woman to wince. “Julius Caesar was yours for the taking…and you let him slip through your fingers.”

  “Someone else got there first!” Valerie protested quickly. “I thought I could handle her, but she proved to be much more—”

  “Yes, I sensed your little contest with that brunette slut.” Lelianna interjected. “I’m disappointed in you, girl. After all I’ve done for you, all the targets I set before you, all the power I’ve given you; you let that girl dominate you like a common whore.”

  Lelianna released the blonde’s left breast, wrapping her fingertips lightly around Valerie’s throat. She pulled their faces towards one another until the two seductresses’ lips were just inches apart. “You sold your soul to me for power and glory…I’m beginning to wonder if you were even worth the exchange.”

  “Please!” Valerie choked out. “Just give me one more chance! I made the mistake of fighting that bitch fairly; I forgot what being a seductress was truly about! It was you who taught me that seduction is about the domination, about the deceit! My pride got in the way of your wisdom…but I can make it right. Just give me one more chance!”

  “You’ve already failed me once, girl!” Lelianna hissed; but her voice had dulled its edge, and Valerie could hear the interest in her mistress’s words. “Why should this time be any different?”

  “Luna is a powerful seductress.” The blonde explained quickly. “She may have my power, but her body is still tired and weakened! I can still sense her; by matching our sexual magic against each other, we have crafted a passive bond, the likes of which neither of us can escape!”

  “You know where this woman is, Valerie?” Lelianna crooned. She removed her fingers from the blonde’s smooth neck, brushing a few strands of golden hair from the other woman’s eyes.

  “Yes!” Valerie exclaimed. “But we have to hurry. The power she stole from me is helping her body to heal at a rapid pace. As you know, the only way to reclaim my power is for me to be the woman to confront her. If you would let me borrow your power, even just for the next 24 hours…I can make sure
that woman will never interfere with our plans again.”

  Lelianna pondered the blonde’s words for a second. She had indeed sensed the brunette’s power, grinding against Valerie’s sexual prowess while the two women had been at war. If there truly was a chance she could harness that power…

  Lelianna could hardly contain her excitement as visions of dominance shot through her mind. The brunette’s power, when combined with her own, would be an unstoppable force. Any man would crumble at her sexual might, all women would bow to her in fealty; and the world would all but belong to her.

  Lelianna pushed a strand of shoulder length crimson hair from her eyes, glancing back into the blonde’s gorgeous face. The redhead gently began to fondle Valerie’s right nipple, playing with the cold, stiff rod as she made up her mind. Her faith in her servant’s abilities had been shaken, but she knew the blonde’s words rang true. The bond had already been made; and to sever that bond would mean forfeiture of the power Lelianna so desperately sought.

  The redhead pressed her cheek lightly against the blonde’s, running her long, pink tongue slowly up Valerie’s neck. “You have your second chance…” Lelianna whispered sweetly into her servant’s ear. “You find this other seductress…you make her pay.” She took the lobe of Valerie’s ear gently in her teeth, pulling lightly before letting go. “But fail me again…and losing your powers will be the least of your worries.”

  Lelianna’s right hand began to glow with a bright magenta hue. The redhead released Valerie’s breast almost reluctantly, bringing the palm of her hand down between the blonde’s smooth thighs. She cupped her servant’s soaking sex with the palm of her hand, forcing a throaty groan from the other woman’s mouth.

  Valerie could hear her mistress muttering a chant of some long lost language underneath her breath; she could feel the redhead’s palm growing hot against her pussy, and began to feel the transfer of power slowly beginning to take hold. She felt Lelianna insert first one, then two, and finally three fingers into her cunt, and the sensation alone almost made her come again.

  The blonde took a deep breath of anticipation, trying to force her nerves under control as the redhead’s fingers slid themselves deeper and deeper into her cunt. The mistress glared lustfully into the servant’s eyes, and their sweet breath mixed between their gorgeous faces. “Don’t you dare fail me again…” Lelianna whispered, her voice just barely audible over Valerie’s rapidly beating heart.

  The redhead rammed her fingers into the blonde’s vagina as deeply as she could, slowly letting her own power sink itself into the very flesh humanity craves. Valerie threw her head back in a rapacious shriek as orgasm after orgasm exploded from her body. The blonde’s entire form trembled as wave after wave of excruciating pleasure shocked through her flesh, each climax getting stronger and stronger as her mistress’s powers sank deeper and deeper into her soul.

  Again and again Lelianna pumped Valerie’s cunt, growing in ferocity until every stroke coincided with Valerie’s tremendous orgasms. She could feel her own form being drained of strength as she pushed every single drop of her sexual prowess into her servant’s body; but the very thought of commanding the brunette seductress’s power sent shivers of anticipation down her spine.

  Lelianna’s second hand shot towards her own cunt, ravenously massaging her sex to the sound of Valerie’s screams. She moaned in time with every pulse, eventually slipping her fingers deeply between her own pussy lips. She screamed as her own orgasm coated her fingertips, but she forced her body into a sexual rhythm.

  A sourceless wind whooshed through the cavern, quickly increasing in ferocity as orgasm after orgasm rocked the two women’s forms. Within seconds every torch had been extinguished by the gale, and the room lay in absolute blackness. Valerie and Lelianna screamed like whores into the darkness; and their transfer of power lasted well into the night.

  Luna glanced out her window into the clear night sky above. Her room on the third floor of the Roman castle gave her an excellent view of the city below; a festival seemed to be underway in the market streets next to the square, but even as the flickering torchlight danced across the merchants’ stalls, she felt no inclination to join the peasants below.

  Luna turned from the window, running her fingers through her jet black hair lightly. She glanced at her right hand, admiring the large, shimmering emerald ring that wrapped around her middle finger. The jewel had been crafted by the finest artisan known to Rome, and had been given as a gift by the smitten Julius Caesar.

  It was he that was also responsible for her lavish accommodations; Luna glanced around her at the spacious bedroom she had been given. It was a room that seemed fit only for royalty; dark purple carpet spanned the entire length of the room, ending at a porcelain, full body mirror on the north side.

  The room was cast in an intimate orange glow by the light of bronze candle fixtures spaced evenly at either side of the entrance. A second candlestick had been placed on the bedside tray, its faint flame flickering with the breeze of the open window.

  Luna blew the flames at the door out with a single breath, casting the bedroom into shadows. She had asked not to be disturbed, a wish she knew the people of the palace would obey. Caesar’s forces commanded the guard, and her influences commanded Caesar.

  Luna turned slowly, listening to the quiet rustling of her bedroom gown as it flowed against the carpet. The thin silk covered her body loosely, but the fabric was so light that her skin felt almost naked. Just like the ring, the gown had been tailored by only the finest; Caesar was putty in her hands.

  Luna gave a contented sigh as she paced towards the grand 4 poster bed, slowly removing the ring from her finger. She placed it in a small, mahogany lockbox on the bedside table along with several other pieces of elegant jewelry, then sat down gently upon the silken sheets.

  She glanced upwards, admiring the detail of the surrounding drapes. They were crafted of fine velvet, dyed a deep purple and embroidered with silver. The symbol of Rome had been sewn into the fabric with golden silk; and the emblem gave her a sense of pride, despite the fact that she knew her time to move on was approaching.

  Luna stood from the bed, taking the candle tray in her hand before pacing back to the north wall. A grand chest of drawers was pushed against the wall to the left of the mirror, and as Luna placed the candle on its sturdy oak surface, the flame caused a sensual, orange glow dancing across the flawless glass.

  The black-haired beauty stared at her own reflection in awed silence, and couldn’t help but admire her own magnificence. Luna took the straps of her nightgown loosely in her fingertips, slowly leading the thin silk across her shoulders. She guided the exquisite fabric down her slender arms, stopping as the front of her gown dropped to about mid-breast.

  For several seconds she simply stared into her own eyes. Her gaze slowly traced the curves of her own body, half smiling as her taut breasts peeked into the candlelight. She could feel Valerie’s power coursing like fire through her veins, and a familiar desire immediately danced through her blood like lightning.

  Luna had always felt her body was gorgeous, but she could tell it was Valerie’s magic that gave her form a dangerous sheen. She tried to shake it out of her head, but the memories were already flooding back to her. The feeling of the blonde’s skin against her own, the sensation of pussy on pussy as she and her nemesis had vied for control; the phantom touch of the other seductress’s flesh was driving the brunette’s mind crazy despite her hatred.

  As much as she tried to deny it, Luna knew her innermost desires. It had been less than a week since that fateful night, but her body was already lusting for sexual violence. The brunette let the nightgown fall gently around her bare feet, then stepped closer to the mirror.

  Luna stood face to face against her own reflection, glaring into her own eyes with a sexual sheen. She pretended those eyes belonged to her bitter rival, each seductress daring the other to make the first move. She pressed her body against the glass with a small grunt, watc
hing as her image’s breasts seemed to bulge against her own fleshy pair, and she imagined that it was Valerie’s tits who challenged her own so evenly.

  Luna felt a vicious chill run down her spine, but she figured it was just the cold air blowing in from the open window. The heat emanating from her body was enough to begin steaming up the glass; she pushed her pussy against the mirror’s smooth surface, and she gave a quiet moan as she ran her cunt slowly down the pane.

  Luna closed her eyes, gripping the sides of the mirror tightly. She moaned again as her imagination overflowed with images of Valerie’s luscious body, and she slowly increased the pressure of her flesh upon the glass. She could almost hear the blonde’s heavy breathing mixing with her own as she struggled against the surface. She reared back with her hips, slapping the front of her sex wetly against the glass; then she gave a surprised shudder as the sensation of flesh slammed against her skin.

  Luna’s eyes shot open, and her heart skipped a beat as a pair of sparkling green eyes stared back at her from the mirror. She took an involuntary step back, and she had to force herself not to cry out. Slowly her own reflection began to transform; and as the image’s glossy black locks morphed into golden curls, Luna could feel the sexual tension thicken immediately.

  Valerie stepped forth through the mirror; a thin, purple aura outlined the blonde bombshell’s nude form as she faded from the world of mirrors into Luna’s lavish bedroom. A malevolent grin spread across the seductress’s face as she glared at the brunette’s equally exposed body, and immediately the air grew cold.

  “What the fuck are you—” Luna started; but a deafening snap sounded behind her, stopping her mid-sentence. She spun around wildly, but it was already too late. The ropes that held the curtains across the bed had come alive, sailing towards the brunette’s form like lightning.


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