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Nikos: The Greek's Mistress (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 1)

Page 7

by T. C. Clark

  Brad seemed to snap back to reality with his soft response and looked back at Nikos with a mean expression. His eyes searching the room until the landed on Ada. She was talking quietly to a couple of people.

  As always she looked beautiful, she was wearing a yellow flower wrap dress with quarter length sleeves. It hugged her body and drew the open attention of the single males in the room.

  “I heard you and Ada have come to an end, yeah?”

  “Not exactly,” he said wanting to stop the conversation in its tracks. Brad didn’t need the details of his relationship with Ada and from the smell of him, he really needed to get back to his room to shower and sleep tonight off.

  “Don’t you think you should head back, you smell like the end of a bottle, Brad,” he said softly to make sure no one else heard him. He didn’t want to embarrass the man when it was clear he was already suffering.

  “Yeah, maybe I should, I’ll just head over to your former mistress and ask her if she would like a nightcap, she jumped for you, shouldn’t be an issue for her to jump with me as well yeah?” He asked nastily.

  Nikos knew he was just lashing out and as much as Brad got on his nerves he wasn’t a bad guy. He still couldn’t stop his fist from connecting with his jaw hard. It was so lightning fast and devastatingly hard that the blonde giant hit the ground with a loud thud. He watched Ashley pale when she saw who was laid out and hated putting the couple through a scene.

  Ada rushed over her hand going to Brad’s head.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed beyond embarrassed.

  “I didn’t,” he started to say and then changed his mind and ended with; “trust me he had it coming.”

  Another friend walked up a tall and sleekly muscled Japanese man with straight black hair that he wore in a long ponytail. He looked at Ada with calculating eyes. As security of this event he couldn’t deal with this right now, not with the party moving out into the yard in a few minutes.

  This altercation probably had something to do with the rumors surrounding his relationship with Ada. He’d known Nikos for a long time and knew it would best for everyone if he could remove him from the event before someone else decided to make a snide remark.

  “Can you take him back to his room? I’ll handle this,” Yuuto said pointing to the passed out blonde on the floor. When she looked as if she would argue he played the one card he knew would work easily on a woman with a soft heart.

  “He’s already caused a scene and Ashley is too pregnant to deal with this right now.”

  Ada looked over at the woman in question who was clutching her swollen belly protectively and nodded. She needed to talk to him anyway.What difference did it matter when it was? She watched Nikos mouth I’m sorry to the host as he let Ada lead him away.

  “Nikos, what were you thinking?” She asked as she guided him out of the ballroom and into the hall. She kept a firm grip on his arm as she walked them determinedly back to her room.

  “He said something that I just couldn’t take,” he said softly.

  “Has anyone made comments to you about our relationship?” he asked quietly as guilt replaced the boiling anger.

  So that’s what it was, Brad must have said something about her. She groaned as she thought of everyone speculating about them at the party. She only had one more day and she could grin and bear anything for twenty-four hours.

  “Not necessarily and with Dabria running interference I don’t think it’s as bad as it could be,” she answered. Once they got back to her room, she walked over to her table and grabbed a washcloth and went to the small bucket on her nightstand.

  She was in luck, her ice from earlier hadn’t melted. She put a few cubes in the cloth and handed it to Nikos sitting down next to him on the bed. His hand was already starting to swell.

  “I’m sorry for everything,” he said softly his eyes watching Ada’s face closely. “I never thought about what any of this would mean for you, I didn’t even consider it.”

  “Nikos I need you to leave Luca’s company alone,” she said quietly ignoring what he said as she remembered her main goal of the night.

  He didn’t even pretend he wasn’t involved. He took a deep breath, rubbing the ice against his swollen knuckles.

  “I know I realized that earlier today. I’ve already contacted my company but it will take time I went after him with everything I had. I’m surprised that he caught on so soon. He must have a good team behind them, the trap I set was almost inescapable, it cost me millions of dollars to create.”

  “Why would you go through all of that for a man you don’t even know?” Ada asked confused.

  “A man… you know this isn’t about him. I went through all of this because he had the only thing in my life that meant something,” he declared.

  “But he never had me. We were just friends. He only offered me a job.”

  “And he never wanted more?” He questioned his face disbelieving.

  “He respected my right to decide if and when I was ready to start a new relationship he didn’t deserve to be punished for that.”

  “I know moró; sometimes my mind is unwell when it comes to you. I see you as mine and he took what is mine, and I needed to hurt him for that. It’s not right, but it’s the truth.”

  His large hand reached up and cupped her warm face. She couldn’t fight Nikos as he was right now. Her aggressive, dominant Greek had an unusual gentle look in his eyes. He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. The indulgent look morphing into desire in an instant.

  She tried to move back but his hand moved to hold the back of her head. His large fingers tangling in the thick curls. He pulled her closer to him and she could not fight the strength in his hand or the purpose in his eyes.

  She knew this was wrong and that it would change nothing. But she couldn’t resist one more night with Nikos. Their abrupt end had damaged her as much as it seemed to hurt him. She could feel her body relaxing under the weight of the desire she found in his. Still, she had to find the words to stop this even if her eyes betrayed her need.

  “Nikos, we can’t,” she began, but it was lost under his lips. He’d found his moment. He’d watched the battle play out on her face. But he was lucky he’d spent years with this woman and he knew when she wanted him. She wasn’t sophisticated enough to hide it, admittedly he wasn’t either.

  They were never ones to play games when it came to this. He used the power of his body to force her back onto the mattress. He kept plundering her mouth as his hands moved from her hair to the beautiful dress that hid her shapely body.

  If he gave her even a moment to think he could lose her. So he never let up on the seduction. His large hands found the fastenings of the dress and pulled at the buttons until it opened. He didn’t need to look down to know what he would find.

  Ada was built specifically for him. He could feel the lacy edges of her bra and groaned. Ada loved sexy underwear it’s where she spent most of her clothing budget. He couldn’t take the time to appreciate it tonight though he needed her too much.

  He could feel her hands roaming his body as well. The feminine strength in them didn’t surprise him, nor did the bite of her nails. His hands unhooked the bra and deftly slid off her panties in a move he’d done on her hundreds of times before. Ada laughed at how quickly he had her naked. She could feel the smile against her lips as well.

  “I can’t wait,” Nikos said his voice harsh as he let his mouth move down her body. He left stinging wet bites in his descent making her groan and buck against him. He took one dark brown nipple into his mouth and sucked strongly. He felt her tense as his other hand found her center.

  She was already wet for him. He played with her gently just as she’d taught him. They’d both learned the ultimate ways to pleasure each other in their time together. When he felt her tongue on the back of his ears, the most sensitive spot on his body he hissed.

  He separated from her and quickly removed his clothes his eyes never leaving hers as
he did so. He wouldn’t let anything break this moment they needed this. He wanted to cement their bond, rebuild their relationship. He would start with this.

  Moving over her he began to rebuild the fire that always raged between them. He dominated her world, taking her mouth even as his hands moved freely over her body. He needed her to want him with same viciousness he felt.

  She gave herself to the only man she’d ever loved opening her legs for him. Moaning as he fitted himself perfectly between them using his body to push her legs even wider apart. His eyes conveyed only one message, mine and for a moment it was enough.

  Her hands slid down his heavily muscled back until they found his thighs. She clawed at him using her nails and felt him stiffen. She didn’t know which Nikos was on top of her, the lazy indulgent lover who took hours to make love or the rough and aggressive one who would take her quickly and leave her feeling worked over. But she knew which one she needed tonight. It had been too long for her and she needed him badly.

  Her need called to him and without hesitation, he entered her swiftly. Heavily pushing into her and not stopping until his balls were flush against her body. He gave her only a moment to adjust to his size when her walls relaxed around him. He moved, his pace brutal and unforgiving, she could only breathe as pleasure consumed her.

  He thrust into her, again and again, the violence of his need demanding a response in her. She groaned as her body accepted his claim. His arm slid under her back lifting her body until his chest rested against her crushed breasts and his body effectively caged her own.

  She closed her eyes for a moment as the sounds and smells of their lovemaking coated the air. She could feel her body tightening under the relentless pressure of his. He rolled his hips causing an arc of pleasure as he hit her g-spot.

  Her teeth sank into his shoulder as pleasure consumed her. So intense that her legs shook against his hips. He groaned as he felt the bite of her teeth and the vise-like grip of her wet body.

  He increased the speed of his possession until he found what he was looking for, yelling as his body emptied into hers, his hips unconsciously forcing his seed deeper with each violent thrust.

  Her body accepted his willingly contracting around him, drawing him deeper into the center of her. Her arms holding him tightly as they found their release. When their heartbeats calmed and their bodies relaxed, Nikos lifted his face to look down at her well-loved one.

  Her swollen lips and sleepy eyes revealed her need for rest. He knew this weekend had been a difficult one for her. He could act the gentleman and withdraw for the evening giving her time to recoup and rest or he could do what his body was demanding of him.

  He smiled broadly revealing his bright white teeth in the dimly lit room as his body decided for him. Her eyes widened as he began to move again, shallow quick thrust designed to soothe and entice. He settled over her heavily and let the beast inside of him have control.

  * * *

  It was pure luck that she’d awakened before him. He’d made love to her all night. Her body was sore and tired and her mind was a jumbled mess. She needed time to think and plan.

  It was so easy to let her good sense disappear late at night when it felt like they were the only two people in the world. In the harsh light of day, she knew her decision had been a mistake.

  Nikos was a simple man, and he probably thought everything was okay now that they had spent the night together. He would be hell to deal with when she saw him again.

  This time she wouldn’t run, for some reason that had hurt him deeply. She would face Dabria and tell her what happened. Even if she didn’t care about what Nikos got up to, she had to own up to her actions. Also, last night she had made a decision.

  She had wanted last night to happen as much as he did. Her body craved his touch and the feelings that only Nikos seemed to inspire in her. Whatever was between Dabria and Nikos ended today if he wanted a relationship with her. She wouldn’t just roll over and accept the situation.

  Yes, Nikos had hurt her, but she wasn’t about to let their pride come between them. Last night hadn’t felt like victory or defeat, their lovemaking had been something more. As the night progressed their combustible chemistry had morphed into a gentle loving.

  She knew at that moment she would never find this with someone else. She had to fight, but first, she needed to talk to Dabria and lay everything out. She walked head down lost in her thoughts.

  She cut through the lobby stopping by the bathroom to freshen up. As she entered the stall she stilled when two voices she recognized filtered through the room.

  “I’m surprised that you are so calm about Nikos parading his mistress around.”

  Dabria watched Stella Mikonos with wary eyes. She was malicious and the biggest gossip in all of Athens. She’d run to the bathroom when she noticed the aging cougar at the front desk. She knew if Stella got her alone she wouldn’t hesitate to sink her claws into her and watching the woman now she knew her instincts had been spot on.

  “She isn’t his mistress, they were in a relationship once but it’s well and truly over.”

  “Yes, that’s what you’ve been telling everyone but I have it on good authority that Ada didn’t make it back to the party last night and Nikos never went back to his room. So if she stayed missing after the party and Nikos never came back one could only assume that they were together.”

  “That’s not true,” Dabria said, trying to figure out something to say to end this inquisition.

  “I also heard another rumor, one that was so crazy that I knew as your friend I should inform you of,” Stella said leaning in close.

  “What are you talking about Stella?”

  “I heard you’ve been living the last five years in Miami with a woman,” she said almost laughing with glee when Dabria paled and stepped back.

  “I also heard that was why you didn’t care who Nikos was with and why you never enforced your engagement. Now I am not one to spread rumors, but I had to tell my father about this and he spoke to yours. Your parents assured us that your relationship with Nikos was real. You know how my dad feels about gay’s right, he won’t have his company associated with it and your father was so upset about the implications. They paused their negotiations and everything.”

  Dabria’s breath stilled and she couldn’t move. This was the one time where her wit had failed her. She knew if the truth about her being a lesbian ever got out, it would hurt her father’s business. They were still recovering from her uncle’s embezzlement.

  She‘d hidden her relationship because of it and decided to put off her announcement until the company was sold later this year. She needed to protect her family from the backlash she was sure to receive from their small Greek community.

  Ada could feel the tension in the air. She knew the rumor was true it explained too many things. She opened the stall door with a slam and walked up the older woman with the vicious gleam in her eyes.

  “You are right I was Nikos mistress, but that’s over now. I had hoped to salvage my relationship with him but I know now that’s an impossibility,” she said pausing for effect and turning to look Stella straight in the eyes.

  “But you are not the only one with ears, Stella. For instance, how would your husband like to know about the owner of Bruno’s gym? Men like him talk and well he said a lot about you.” At the mention of Bruno, Stella quieted and went still.

  “The next time you speak to your father make it clear that Dabria is well and truly Nikos fiancé or else I will show you how quickly your reputation can disintegrate when the right people hear some of the things I’ve learned.”

  “Please don’t,” Stella started as her face drained of color.

  “If you want me to keep my mouth shut, then you best become the biggest supporter of Dabria. I have no reason to destroy you if you do what I say.”

  Stella recognized the determination in Ada’s eyes and knew from experience when to step down. She nodded her head, closed her mouth and left.
She could only hope that the girl kept quiet. Her husband wasn’t a kind man and if he figured out what she’d done…. she shuddered at the thought.

  “Why did you tell her that?” Dabria stammered.

  “Everything she said made sense and I know if Nikos offered you his name, he must have been doing so to protect you. If he believes you need his protection, then so do I.”

  “How did you know about Stella?” Dabria asked still trying to catch her breath from the close call.

  “Julian, Nikos brother told me about her. He trains with Bruno. I remember him talking about Stella Mikonos and how she was the biggest bitch in Athens and that she was having an affair with his friend. She may not remember but I’ve met her before.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Your welcome but I wanted to find you and tell you everything.” Ada said taking a deep breath. Only the truth would work here. “I slept with Nikos last night without knowing the full truth and that’s my shame to carry. I realized that I don’t want to give up on him. I love him, but he has to make the choice. You’ve been kind to me. Even pushing me towards Nikos knowing if we worked out, you would be left without his name.”

  “I never planned to let it get this far. I lost the only person I’ve ever loved because I hesitated. I don’t want that life for him. I need to get through this weekend and then I’m heading home to tell my parents in person.”

  “I won’t tell anyone about this. I can give you time now that I know the truth. I do eventually want to marry Nikos but I can wait if you need his help.”

  “I know I can understand how Nikos could fall in love with a woman like you. But I’m an adult now. I can’t keep putting off my life to protect my parents. The only reason I didn’t want to tell Stella the truth was because I want to tell my parents first. I will talk with them and disappear from the island. Hopefully, me being gone will protect them from any serious repercussions,” she explained.


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