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Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas

Page 13

by Body, Heart

  “I’m so afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  She tipped his chin up so he had to look in her eyes, then lovingly cupped his face.

  “You won’t. You can’t.”

  “I can, Kira. You have no idea.”

  She touched the gold link bracelet on his left wrist and smiled. She liked being with him like this. Just the two of them as if nothing else mattered, she just had to prove it to him. She straddled his lap, his groan zinging through her with power she’d never felt before. She kissed him softly, her fingers tunneling through his long, thick hair.

  “You won’t.”

  She didn’t know how long they sat like that, before he finally seemed to give in, if not believe her. He kissed her, his tongue hot and needy as it reached for hers, she thrilled in the contact. She refused to be afraid, she trusted Dev with everything she was, and she would revel in his attentions and everything he did to her body.

  He set her on her feet and pulled the aqua T-shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor. In no small amount of awe, she reached out and touched him. He was hard muscle under soft skin, the contrast an artist would love and she did. Slowly, she let her fingers follow his rib cage, dipping into each indentation. He had another tattoo at his hip, this one of a white tiger.

  “Your body’s so beautiful. It’s like a work of art.”

  He laughed, the action making his chest shake, she moved her hand through a thin covering of dark hair then circled one nipple, thrilling when he shivered and grabbed her hand. She caught his warning look, she smiled, then licked him slowly right where her finger had just been.


  He reached for her towel, his eyes asking her if she was sure, her mouth hungrily captured his in assurance, and he twirled them until she was down on the bed beneath him.

  His hands suddenly seemed so large as they roamed from her neck over her breasts, her stomach and grabbed at her…She sucked in a breath and lifted her head to see him.

  “What do you call it?”

  His mouth suckled at her neck, her lips then pulled one of her tits into his mouth before asking, “Call what?”

  She swallowed, swearing to not be such a prude, not with Dev. “My…” she cursed under her breath. “Down there?”

  He laughed, but as her cheeks flamed, she watched him regret it. He scooted her further back onto the bed and lay out between her legs so he had a very good view of down there. She struggled not to close her legs on his hands, the fiend only smiled at her like the devilish rat beast he was.

  “There are many words for it, ma petite bien-aimée.”

  His fingers lightly grazed her, she jerked, and he laughed. Kira determined not to so much as bat an eye the next time.

  “Some are very crude.”

  His finger slid between her folds this time, it wasn’t a mere hint of a touch like the last, and this time, she stared him down and didn’t move a muscle.

  “Some are considered mmm…trashy.”

  His breath ran over her slick heat this time as he blew on her. A muscle in her thigh twitched and she cursed it as she lost her patience with Dev.

  “But what do you call it?”

  He smiled that wicked grin and her blood heated.


  “You so do not.”

  He smiled again a second before his mouth moved over her lightly, causing her breath to hitch.

  “Soft, furry mound of love?”

  She would have laughed, if he hadn’t gone back immediately to licking her.

  “Heaven’s porthole.”

  “You beast!”

  She punched his shoulder, causing him to laugh and the vibrations rocketed through her entire body, and she came very close to losing it, but held still.

  “Bearded taco.”


  She pulled his hair, and he laughed again but only seconds before he sucked her entirely into his mouth and there was no way in hell she could be still now.

  “Oh! Dev!”

  He spent an exceedingly long time licking her folds, devouring her while she writhed and squealed and tried alternately to get away and get closer.

  At one point, he looked up at her and she assumed he’d finished. Before she could decide whether she was glad about that or not, he did that growling thing again and told her, “Pussy. I call it pussy.”

  And swear to God she felt his tongue go inside her.

  He reached up and held her hands as she strained to reach her climax, his mouth sucking her in, devouring her as if she were the most decadent sweet on the dessert tray. The sound of his mouth sucking on her, the mixture of her own wetness and that of his mouth coating her until she was drenched, combined into an irresistibly arousing experience she knew she’d only have found with Dev.

  His tongue slid in again and she writhed up, so close. So damn close her breathing contracted in her chest, he released one of her hands and stuck his finger inside her, one stroke, two. And his tongue held flat against her clit. She was done for.

  Kira screamed and panted and screamed again. Embarrassment fought with sheer ecstasy as his tongue rolled over and over her clit, his finger still moving in and out of her, continuing the sensations until she thought it was never going to end. She’d always compared it to surfing—surfers let smaller waves roll over them, waiting for that big one, the one they know will take them all the way in to shore—and she’d caught the best damn wave of the day.

  When she was spent and breathless, his big hands smoothed their way back up over her skin, he caught her around the waist, easily pulling her against him and settling her against his shoulder. At first, she didn’t realize that he intended for her to stay there, but when she tried to climb atop him, he held her back.

  Hurt, she looked up at him wondering what she’d done wrong this time. He must have recognized the look on her face because he cupped her cheek, she became momentarily distracted when she smelled herself on him, but that drew her focus back.

  “It’s enough for today, beautiful.”

  At first she wasn’t sure, but she looked him in the eyes and he looked away and that was all she needed. The man needed to stop protecting her. She sat up on her knees, not at all embarrassed about being naked, which was somewhat surprising, but she had more important issues to settle right now.

  “Devlin Kiersen. I want to fuck like a rabbit all fucking day and most of the fucking night, too. Seeing as Dodge is married, that leaves either you or Banfield. What’s it going to be, sailor?”

  Chapter 12

  “Kira, you’re fragile.”

  “I’m not bloody fragile!”

  And she was sick of him trying to protect her from what she wanted. He half sighed, half growled, and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Kira, you don’t know…”

  “Fine. Banfield it is.”

  Not that she knew where she’d gotten this batch of nerves, nor where she would go once she was out of the cabin, but she could bluff with the best of them if she had to. Or at least she hoped she could. She’d never really tried before. Unresolved desire and indignation spurring her on, she started to get up, only to have him grab her wrist in a shocking show of supremacy and pulling her back towards the mattress.

  “The hell it is!”

  Pinned to the bed, trapped beneath his hard body, defenseless, she shivered with delicious excitement and knew she’d only ever feel this way about Dev. Knew he was the one meant for her, the one she trusted and cared about and wanted to be with.

  “Fuck me, Dev.”

  She almost laughed at her own audacity. He looked down at her for a minute, his long lashes, thick and dark as his hair, batting helplessly as if he wanted to figure a way out of it, but she saw it the minute he surrendered.

  “God, yes, Kira.”

  * * * *

  Dev watched Kira’s smile spread across her face as if he were her hero, the man of her dreams, and all she ever wanted from life all rolled into one. And as hard as he tried to
fight against it, he tumbled headlong into love with her.

  Body, heart and soul.

  He knew it was wrong, knew he’d hurt her, knew now she had the power to incinerate him…but he loved her and there was no stopping it. With surrender laying heavy on his heart, he brought his face down to Kira’s, nuzzling her with his nose, pressing his face to hers, holding her head in his hands, just wanting to feel her.

  Their lips brushed. Kira’s breathing gave away how much she wanted him and—God help him—he knew he wanted her more. He lay beside her, hands gliding over her skin, around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. He ran his hand over her back, her hip, her ass, just exulting in her feel. The softness of her skin. Amazed that this beautiful creature was his for the taking.

  She put her hands in his hair, tunneling through the long strands until she found the skin at his neck. Her nails rasped over it, sending a series of shivers through him. He kissed her hard on the mouth, wanting to fuse them as he pulled her atop him, pressing their bodies together so close they would seem as one.

  He marveled at her hair, still mostly wet, and fisted his hands in it, bringing it to his nose and drawing deep scented breaths. The lavender filled his lungs as his need for her grew. He suckled her neck, ran a hand over her breast. Sucked on her tongue, devouring her mouth. Then cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look at him.


  He didn’t want to hurt her, still couldn’t see any way around it, but couldn’t bring himself to voice his fear another time as he was too steeped in anxiety that she might back away this time. She placed her hands on his cheeks, brought her nose against his and fiercely stared into his eyes. She was a hellcat, his Kira, and watching her unleash that fury was a thing of beauty.

  “You won’t hurt me.”

  She climbed into his lap, straddling him. He felt her wet pussy brush him, causing him to stifle a groan.

  “God, Kira.”

  His arms wrapped around her, he thought he might have squeezed the breath out of her, but when he looked up into her eyes, she was smiling down at him. He’d never had a woman look at him like that in all his life, so trusting and willing. His desires started to take over as he whirled her beneath him once more, spreading her legs with his knee.

  “Um, Dev?”

  He was so lost in her innocence and sweet beauty that it took him a minute to realize she’d spoken. When he looked at her, she was smiling again, that sweet smile that he knew would haunt him to his grave.

  “Are you gonna get undressed anytime soon?”

  Her words sent a maelstrom of heat, desire, and painful need through him. He stood off the bed and stripped down, catching her not-so-subtle glance between his legs as her eyes widened and her breath seemed to stop in her chest.

  He tipped her chin back, “It’ll fit. It already did once.”

  Biting her lip, she reached for him. He fought against his inclination to back up, not taint her with his darkness, but in the end, her pull was too great, and he growled like an animal when her fingers wrapped around him.

  “You’re so big.”

  He put one knee on the bed. She continued her explorations, shifting from gentle and timid to bold and daring. She stroked him, his cock glorying in her touch as if it had been made for her. He watched it grow in her hand and when the first drops of pre-cum appeared at the tip she licked them off, her gaze locked with his as if to ask if it was all right.

  He ground his teeth to keep from coming in her mouth as she slid her tongue the length of him, then swallowed him whole. She closed her eyes, moaned as if she enjoyed it as much as he. He buried his hands in her hair, every ounce of his skin so sensitized he could feel each strand of hair slide over his palms.

  He gently guided her head, pushing her deeper, but not more than he knew she could take. He watched her as she licked and sucked and scraped her teeth along him until he couldn’t stand another second. While he wouldn’t have hesitated to cum in any other woman’s mouth, he wasn’t about to start his relationship with Kira that way, he couldn’t imagine she’d be ready yet.


  He barely ground out. Putting his hand under her arms he picked her up and wrapped her body around his, taking pleasure in the feel of her skin against his.

  “Did I do it wrong?”

  He kissed her almost savagely.

  “No. you did it too damn good, I was about to cum.”

  Tossing her back on the bed, he came down beside her and in another second had her atop him.

  “And that would have been bad?”

  Her innocence reached inside him like tentacles implanting themselves in his soul until he felt as though he were a part of her.

  “You don’t want me to cum in your mouth, Kira, and I wasn’t sure I could have pulled away if I’d started there.”

  She ran her finger over his nose, his nipple, followed it with her tongue, then looked at him with honest eyes.

  “I want to try it, not now, but soon.” She pressed her hand against his cheek, her thumb reaching his lower lip; he sucked it inside. “After all, it’s a part of you. I think it could be beautiful.”


  Dev had thought of sex in many different ways, he’d never thought it beautiful, not any part of it, but he wasn’t about to dash her childlike ideals. He cupped her ass in his hands and started an assault on her perfect skin with his mouth. Starting with her neck, he quickly moved to her nipples, sucking first one then the other while Kira alternately whimpered, whined, and groaned.

  He slid his hand between her legs, his fingers sliding in her juices. She was so wet he couldn’t believe it, his response to it was not what he would have expected either, it more than turned him on, it made him almost primal. She was wet for him, and he was willing to bet that no one else had made her this wet. He flipped her again and slid down her body to taste her.

  “Mine, Kira. Just mine.”

  He knew he was wrong to demand fidelity and sovereignty from her, but his gut clawed for it, his heart cried out demanding it.

  His woman. His alone. Always.

  * * * *

  Kira was awash in so many feelings she wouldn’t have been able to define them all if she tried, but one thing she knew with absolute certainty, she was turned on. Dev’s tongue made another pass, then pushed inside her.

  “Dev, not again, I can’t.”

  But she could. And minutes later she did, but this time Dev didn’t stop. He moved above her, his tongue forcing itself on hers. She tasted herself and had to pull away to catch her breath. Dev shot her a worried look, but she instantly reassured him by sucking on his tongue in a frenzy of passion she thought for sure would consume her.

  “In me, Dev.”

  He pressed against her clit with his rigid cock and another spasm wracked her.

  “Say it, Kira.”

  Breathlessly she panted, “What?”

  “Tell me what you want?”

  His fingers grazed her tits, his mouth continued to eat greedily at hers.

  “Tell me again how you want to fuck.”

  She let out a breath and shook her head, still not sure how she’d gotten the nerve to say it in the first place. She’d never uttered words like that in her life, but it had felt good.

  And bad at the same time.

  She smiled and Dev brushed her lips with his thumb.

  “I want my cock inside your pussy, beautiful, but not until you ask.”

  He pressed her again, this time he pushed inside her so slightly she wasn’t at all sure what she felt at first.

  “What if I don’t?” she asked, with a saucy little wiggle causing him to slide further inside her. He slapped her on the ass and pulled out completely.

  “Then I’ll fucking cum all over your stomach.”

  She sucked in a breath, staring at Dev. He stared back at her, then reached for the condom, sliding it on. Once he finished, he simply continued to look expectantly at her. She knew what he wanted and didn’t
want to keep him waiting. She grabbed his face, kissed him fiercely, then stared him dead in the eye.

  “Fuck Me, Dev. Fuck me hard.”

  With a growl, he shoved into her, and Kira instantly came again, screaming in shock and pleasure. He stayed completely still until the last waves had run over her. He brushed hair back from her face.

  “If I’d so much as moved with you clamping down on me like that, this little session would have been over.” He kissed her hard on the mouth, then sucked her tits. “You’re so damn tight.”

  * * * *

  Dev slid in and out, slowly at first, allowing her body to get used to him. Her pussy gripped him like a velvet fist as he moved in her virgin passage. He held his breath, bit the inside of his cheek to keep from coming too soon.

  He slid his hands down her back and under her ass, then moved her legs over his shoulders. She was limber, easily moved into any position he wanted, and he wanted them all. He soon found it more and more difficult to control his turbulent fervor and started pushing into her harder and harder.

  The sound of her thighs slapping against his echoing in his brain, made him want even more. Her moans and halted breaths seared his soul. He grabbed her breasts roughly, she cried out and pushed her head further into her pillow.

  “God, Dev, I’m going to come again.”

  He pushed himself farther than he’d imagined, denied his own climax so long it was painful, his growl rent the air.

  “Not without me, you’re not.”

  His cum exploded from him at the same moment she screamed in her own orgasm, her pussy grabbing him, milking him dry.

  Chapter 13

  Dev let the last tremor wrack his body before he fell beside her on the mattress, in a heartbeat, he had her on top of him, crushing her to his chest, refusing to ever let her go.


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