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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

Page 5

by Piper Frost

  "You must not have kept up much. Seems like you're missing fun from your life," Grant quips.

  I narrow my eyes at him and lean forward. "I have plenty of fun in my life," I whisper. With my vibrator, sure.

  "One night in the hangar isn't plenty of fun. It wasn't enough for me."

  "In the hangar?" Affton screams and her glare is on me.

  "Came back with no pants, too," Tommy blurts, chuckling.

  "You promised!" I yell. "Jesus."

  "Tommy's the last one that'll keep your secrets from me." She laughs.

  I huff and stand. "I need another drink if we're not leaving." I storm to the bar, not planning on going back to that table. Not if he's there. "Chase, can I have two shots please."

  "Moving on to something harder? Got ya." He smiles at me like he knows why and I take a seat at the bar while I wait.

  "Toss those on my tab, Chase," a man next to me says making me spin and look at him. He's cute. Maybe a little older than me but that hasn't stopped me in the past.

  "Why thank you." I smile, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'm Carter."

  "Bill." He holds his hand in front of him. "Nice to meet you Carter. I'm the town Uber driver."

  I paste a grin on my face. I'll show him that I'm not uptight. "Can you hang on one second? I'll just...I'll be back. Soon." I rush over to the table. "Hey, you guys can head home whenever. Bill and I are going to hang out for a bit."

  "Bill?" Affton cocks her eyebrow. "Who the hell's Bill?" She looks at Tommy.

  "Bill Sesser?" Tommy turns and looks over at the bar. "He does my dad's taxes." He glances at me and nods. "Okay..."

  "Yeah. He'll take me home later so it's fine. You guys don't need to wait for me." I glance at Grant and give him a cocky grin.

  He laughs and shakes his head. "Oh good, the two most uptight people in this town have found love at Willie's. Bet Bill will give you a discount around tax time if you let him finger you with his one and half fingers. Bill has a nub." He lifts his hand and bends one finger.

  "Don't lose sleep over jealousy." I wink at him and turn, heading back to the bar.

  Turns out Bill's as exciting as a paper bag but I can't let on that he wasn't the brightest choice so when Affton and Tommy check in before they head out I practically sit on poor Bill's lap.

  "So you want to get out of here?" He finishes his nonalcoholic beer and stands from the stool before tucking his shirt back into his jeans.

  I clench my teeth together and almost take one for the team until I see the pager on his belt loop. I can deal with a nub...I can't deal with a pager.

  "You know, I'm actually meeting a friend here in a little bit so you go ahead, I'll be fine." I smile bright for him. "Thanks for the drinks."

  "Really?" he asks in disappointment.

  "Yeah really, Sesser," Grant says from behind me. "Go run home and punch in some numbers before you stick that nub in your ass."

  I snort a laugh and have to choke it back because the look on Bill's face makes me feel marginally guilty for Grant being such a dick. Bill's nice. But he's too nice.

  "I'm sorry, Bill. Grant was born without part of his brain. He doesn't know when he opens his mouth that it usually makes people wish they were jumping off a bridge."

  "Don't apologize for me," Grant says, pushing Bill back a step before stomping his foot at him and Bill goes running for the front door. "Sessor ain't a good guy. Don't let the fucking nerd fool you. He slapped my half sister around a few times. How do you think he got that nub?"

  "And you're saying you are a good guy?"

  "Only time I've slapped a woman was when she begged for it then immediately came on my dick." He shrugs and grabs the beer Chase just set down. "I think I'm the better man, yes."

  I hum, picturing just how rough he would be in bed and my body starts reacting in ways I'd rather it not.

  "Well thank you," I whisper, nursing the drink Bill bought me. Some pink frilly thing that isn't my taste but it was free so I'll drink it.

  Grant sighs like I'm the most annoying person in this bar, but yet he's still sitting here, then he takes the drink right from my hand and pushes his beer at me before nodding at Chase to get him a new beer.

  "Hey! That's my drink!" My brows furrow as he reaches over the bar and dumps it in the sink. "You poured out my drink," I pout. I don't pout. But I'm...hell, I forget how many drinks in and this beer tastes better anyway. "That would have gotten your dick stabbed, by the way. But I don't have a knife on me."

  He turns on the stool and shifts forward, his hands going between my thighs, making me spread them so he can lean on my stool as he moves closer to me. "I want to fuck you, Carter Dawn. Hard and nasty. I want to leave you crying because you're sad it's over. Stop playin' and let's leave."

  Lust. Wet panties. Tingling lady bits. I'm sure my cheeks are completely flushed.

  "No," I whisper, right before I push against him. "But you can take me home." I down the rest of the beer he handed me, pissed that it makes me happy this was his drink before he gave it to me. Can a beer bottle taste like someone? I wonder what he tastes like...

  He chuckles with a shake of his head as he stands. "Ladies first." He gestures to the door and when I walk by, he slaps my ass.

  "You don't ride a bike too, do you? Metal death traps. Fat girls can't ride on bikes."

  His hand goes around my waist when I almost trip on the rocks in the parking lot.

  "You'd be surprised what I've fit on my bike," he says and sure enough steers me toward a motorcycle just like Tommy's.

  "Goddammit," I grumble more. "No thanks. I'll walk." I huff, looking around. "Which way's their house?"

  Ignoring me, he puts a helmet on my head. "The way I'm about to ride you. Get on the bike and maybe I'll pretend I have a nub when I finger you. Get your fantasies of Bill fulfilled."

  I shudder. "God, don't talk about the nub." My stomach rolls. "I may be sick. Don't talk about the nub. How'd he get it anyway? No. Stop, don't talk about it." I take off the helmet and start walking. "Thanks for the ride, Grant."

  "Hey, baby." He grabs my arm, laughing at me. "You gotta actually get on the bike first. You want to ride the ladder instead?"

  "Fat girls don't fit on bikes." I shrug then my stomach rolls more. "Fuck, why'd you let me drink that much?"

  "Let's get something straight." He puts the helmet back on my head. "When you call yourself fat, you're being degrading. I don't put up with that shit. When I call you fat, I'm filling my spank bank. You won't call yourself fat anymore. You're gonna shut your sexy mouth and get your uptight ass on the bike or I'm putting a finger and a half in your tight pussy."

  "Well when you put it like that..." I whisper, right before my mouth starts to water. I turn and manage to spill everything I drank into the bushes, barely missing Grant's boot. "Fuck," I groan. "Who let me drink that much!"

  "Fuck." He huffs. "How about you start taking blame for your own actions. You alright now? Got it all out on my boots?"

  "Shut up." I nudge him away from me. "I didn't get it on your boots. Fucker." I storm over to his bike, my stomach feeling marginally better. Swinging my leg over it, I'm trying not to think about how terrible this ride is about to be. "Just get me home then you don't have to worry about me again."

  Until tomorrow when you fly us to New York. Shit.

  "I'm never worried about you, baby. My dick hasn't stopped thinking about you, but I ain't worried." He starts the bike before I can retort so he can't hear me over the rumbling and crackling of the exhaust.

  At Tommy and Affton's I manage to get off the back of the bike without dying.

  "Thank you," I say, handing him the helmet. "That wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be." In all reality the fresh air was exactly what I needed but he doesn't need to know that.

  "You should start believing me. The ladder won't be horrible either." He gets off the bike and sets the helmet on the seat.

  "Okay, goodnight, Grant!" I say, walking away from hi
m and toward the front door.

  Get away as fast as possible. Fast. Quick. Because being that close to him the entire drive back here did nothing to calm my libido that seems to only want one thing.

  "Goodnight, Carter Dawn." He says following right behind me and when I spin around to tell him we are definitely not spending the night together, he walks past me and down the hall toward Affton's room. Knocking once, he opens the door, closing it behind him.

  "What," I hiss. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?

  I stand in the hallway, blinking and staring at the door that doesn't open again. But when my stomach rolls again I rush to the bathroom before I can figure out what just happened, praying to the porcelain god that I don't die of alcohol poisoning tonight.

  I wake in a pool of sweat on my bathroom floor. The sun's just starting to peek through the blinds but it's like a knife to my head. Groaning, I slowly stand and toss my clothes on the floor, turning on the hot water almost as hot as it'll go and stepping under the stream. I need coffee. I need grease. Bacon sounds amazing right about now, but what sounds even better at this point is making this ache between my legs go away. Mother fucking Grant Matthews.

  Swinging open my bedroom door I'm blessed with the aroma of coffee. God, someone in this house must love me. After wrapping my robe around me, I make my way to the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks.

  "What are you doing here?" I glare at Grant, but my annoyance is soon replaced with a sigh when he sets a mug of coffee in front of me. "Is this poisoned?"

  "Why don't you drink it and find out?" He winks then moves to the microwave. "And...poison bacon, sausage, avocados, and toast. Don't ask for eggs. Affton's allergic to them or something." He sets the plate down.

  I narrow my eyes at him, my hand reaching for a slice of bacon without me even telling it to.

  "Thank you," I finally say, very hesitantly. Why is he being nice to me? "I...I puked on your shoes last night didn't I?" I cringe, remembering the parking lot. "Fuck, Grant. I'll get them cleaned...or grab the hose and clean them off."

  "Uh." He chuckles. "No. My boots are fine. Eat, get up your strength. You're gonna need it." He moves to the coffee pot.

  "It's not that long of a flight." I groan. "I need aspirin. Or something." I shove another piece of bacon in my mouth and start moving for the cabinets, trying to figure out where they stash all their meds.

  Suddenly he's pushed against my back and he pivots his hips, rubbing a very hard dick over my ass. Unscrewing a lid to an aspirin bottle he says in my ear, "I didn't mean for the flight," as he moves his hips again.

  I squeeze my eyes closed, the feeling of him pressed against me is making me briefly forget about this hangover. At least until I hear boots stomping into the room. I shove Grant back a step and groan when the room spins.

  "I drank way too much last night. Way too much." I look over at Tommy who's eyeing the both of us as he walks into the room. "That...that's not like me."

  The look he's giving Grant right now makes me want to ask what happened after Grant disappeared into their room. I definitely remember that.

  Grant laughs. "Good girls don't drink too much, huh?" He heads for the back door. "I thought you were a dirty girl, Carter Dawn?" Before I can say anything he's outside and I'm left in awkward silence with Tommy.

  "You want a refill?" he asks, a grin lifting his lips as he holds out the coffee pot for me.

  "Please," I whisper, staring at the door Grant just walked through.

  I take my coffee to my room to finish getting ready. I also take my plate of bacon, because who can honestly resist a plate of perfectly cooked bacon? I'm not sure where Grant disappeared to, and I hate that I'm even thinking about him, but I am. I really am, especially as I pack the sexiest panties I own into my bag. I hear him yelling throughout the house about ten minutes after we were supposed to leave.

  "Why the fuck is no one on my plane? You got a pilot ready to take off but he's waiting on his passengers! Let's fucking go! I'm never late!"

  Affton barks out a laugh. "Yeah right. I'm surprised you're even awake right now."

  "Late night last night, guys?" I quirk an eyebrow at Grant as I follow Affton past him.

  "Wouldn't you like to know, good girl? You were too busy puking all night to join the fun. I'll give you a ride later to show you what you missed."

  "Just get us to New York without killing us." I huff, ignoring the need between my legs. I'm not a fucking good girl and I'm not wound too tight. "Affton we need to go over the schedule for the week once wheels are up." I click back into work mode as easily as I can with this hangover. I need something to take my mind off Grant.

  "Uh-oh. Miss Uptight's back in action. Get in the car and wait until I'm in the cockpit so I can't hear your work gibberish. Let's go!" he barks loudly, clapping his hands before opening the back door to the car for us.

  "Don't be jealous that I'm more important than you, buddy," I say, pouting out my bottom lip and ruffling his hair before ducking into the back seat. "Some of us have to handle a big kid job."

  "Yeah well, she still pays me a six figure salary and fucks me." He slams the door closed and Affton goes off on a tirade.

  "Grant! You motherfucker! I'm going to fire you! You are such a pig! I'm going to fire him!" She's screaming but I can see Grant and he's on the phone at the front of the car, not hearing a word she's saying.

  We make it on the plane without any more outbursts and are wheels up much faster than I assumed he'd be able to.

  "Happy the pilot doesn't have any troubles getting it up," I say loud enough that he can hear me, smirking at my clever dig.

  "This is your captain speaking," he comes over the speakers. "Just want to tell you to sit back, relax, and don't worry about my fully functioning cock because he can get it up for you even when you're uptight and bitchy."

  "Grant! Fly the plane!" Affton bitches.

  "How do you put up with him?" I ask her when Tommy finds his way to the back of the plane. "I mean, I'd fucking stab him." Or fuck him until he couldn't breathe. Then at least he wouldn't be so annoying.

  Affton laughs. "You either love him or hate him." She closes her eyes. "Just accept you hate him and ignore him. He won't stop. He will always push your buttons and step over a line. Just try to ignore him."

  "Do you love him?" I whisper, leaning closer to her. "You're always saying you love him or hate him. You don't hate do you love him?"

  "There are days I wish I didn't know him." She chuckles. "But of course I love him. He's family." She shrugs then looks at me. "Oh! mean...oh. Noooo. No. Not like that. him." She nods like that's a good enough answer.

  "So there are no other feelings..?" I wave between her and the cockpit. "Nothing?" I shouldn't care. I don't care.

  "That is such a loaded question, Carter. I don't know how to explain he's like family but I sleep with him. I have no romantic feelings toward Grant whatsoever," she whispers. "But there's no other man I'd bring into the bed with us. I trust him and so does Tommy. It just works."

  I nod silently, trying to figure out how she can do what they do without romantic feelings towards him. I could do that. I could so fucking do that.

  "So how'd it start? You know, between the three of you? Were you and Tommy already together? How long has it been going on?" I don't know why I'm suddenly so interested in their sex life but if I'm not having it myself I may as well live vicariously through her.

  A sweet smile fills her face. "Over a year. And it started...with alcohol." She shrugs and chuckles. "Me and Tommy were together." Nodding, her gaze drifts away. "It was a different time in my life. But it happened and I got more and more adventurous with them and it really helped me kind of...put myself back together. If Tommy said no more, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. We just like to have fun."

  "Huh," I mutter. "Cool." I'm lost in thought and when Tommy walks back to the seats and bends to press his lips to Affton's I see the love between the two of them and a pa
ng of jealousy I've never experienced hits me.

  "This is your horny captain speaking. Will the hot, thick chick in the black leggings please come to the cockpit to see the captain's cock?"

  I growl, trying not to grin because even though he comes off as an asshole there's something annoyingly cute about the fucker.

  "I'm good!" I yell, making Affton laugh.

  She was right when she said somehow he makes people like him. I fucking hate it, though. Growing up I hated boys like him. So why, suddenly, does behavior like that make my panties wet and my body full of need?

  I close my eyes and try to nap on the rest of the flight because the minute we land it'll be constant go-go-go until the final day when we'll get a tourist day of the city. This job's more work than I thought it would be, but since I get to do it with my best friend it's not as bad as it sounds. Plus I get all the free hotel rooms I can book!

  Speaking of hotel rooms, as we stand here trying to check into the three rooms I booked last month I feel like reaching across the counter and yanking the fake hair off this Barbie wanna-be.

  "You booked two rooms," she says, clicking at the computer before smiling at me. A Botox and collagen filled smile and I wonder if she even remembers what it feels like to truly smile anymore.

  "I booked three." I glare at her, wide-eyed, because this is not fucking happening. "Three. We got three rooms." I yank my phone out to search for the reservation confirmation.

  "It's showing two, ma'am."

  "Fuck!" I yell, making the stick figure girl jump. Pulling up my email I stare at the screen horrified. "Great. I need you to add one more please." We need three rooms. I need my own room.

  "I'm sorry ma'am we're all booked for the week. Fashion week brings a ton of clients. The only room we have available is the penthouse but that's just one big suite." She shrugs.

  "Do it," I blurt, not looking to Affton for approval. Safety in numbers, right?

  "Great." The lady smiles bright because I just dropped a fucking fortune for that upgrade and after a few signatures the four of us are holding the gold keycards in our hands.

  "Good. Let's go." I push past them, heading for the elevators.


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