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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

Page 13

by Piper Frost

  "Fuuuuck," I moan. "God, I fucking hate you," I whimper, my legs threatening to go out from underneath me. "Oh fuck. Fuck!" His fingers press and spin, press and spin until he pinches so hard it has me screaming loud enough it echoes. "Fuck! Ah, fuck fuck!" I'm buzzing, my heart's racing, and I couldn't walk away right now if I tried.

  He sinks his fingers inside me, pumping them as his palm pushes against my clit and I'm so done from that orgasm all I can do is moan.

  "You my slut?" he asks, his voice soft while his lips gently travel over my jaw.

  "Fuck, Grant. I'm your slut," I murmur, opening my mouth for his and sinking back against him.

  Grant Matthews is a fucking tornado. One minute he's flipping you and spinning you fast enough you think you could puke and the next he turns into a pink sky and pretty horizon making you feel warm and happy.

  "Good girl," he says, kissing me softly one more time then turning me to face him. "You're a fuckin' sight." He wipes mud from my face caused by this huge tire I was pushed up against while he gave me the best orgasm I've had since I can remember.

  "I need a shower," I manage to say finally. I've never had an orgasm take that much out of me.


  When we got back to the ranch and she actually suggested we share our lunch with the Kenshaw kids I thought for sure I fucked her stupid. She's learning. And there's a lot to learn if you're not from here.

  She brought me home and probably wanted to come up. I wanted to invite her in and I didn't want her to leave, and that's why I didn't invite her at all. I'm not getting feelings, but she's working her way into my circle of trust. I told her I trusted her, but I don't. Girls like her take and take and when they're done taking, they're also done giving. And what she gives me right now is a friendship I didn't ask for.

  Turns out I have a drinking problem. But I realized I like to party more than I like to drink and you always drink at a party. And I'm always partying. So to get a jump start on trying to quit, I tell Chase I won't be working at the parlor for a couple weeks. Then Tommy helps me check into a wellness center. It's pretty much a rehab for people who don't want to come out and admit they have problems. I'm free to come and go, but it's beat into my head that I'll be a failure if I go without at least finishing a measly three week course. Tommy knows where I am. Chase knows I'm out of town. I just figured Tommy would handle the rest so I didn't bother telling anyone. Especially not Carter. I'll be the first to admit I thought this little trip was going to be pointless. But when I'm packing up my things I actually feel different. My body feels rested. And my mind's never been clearer. I can't wait to get home though.

  When I walk through Tommy's front door I sigh at all the bodies running around to prepare the house for an event. Affton's having another party. I wasn't invited.

  Heading for the back door, I know I'll find Tommy out here. He always hides when this shit's getting set up. Before I make it out there, I stop to watch Carter direct caterers upstairs while she wears a gold dress like she's walking a fucking runway tonight. Goddamn, this girl doesn't belong here. She belongs on a runway with her name in lights. Or she belongs in a bedroom behind a closed door with me.

  "Party night?" I speak up and watch as her body freezes and speech halts. I hold back my comment because I don't want to embarrass her in front of the caterer but I'd bet my left nut just hearing my voice gets her wet.

  "Yes," she finally says, her eyes pinning to mine. "When'd you get back in town? Tommy said you left..." Her eyes narrow and she slowly starts to walk toward me.

  "Just rolled back in. You miss me, baby?" I look her over twice before she makes it to me.

  "Eh." She shrugs, standing so close her tits are almost touching my chest. "I survived." She nods to the back yard. "Tommy was like a lost puppy without you, though. Maybe you two should kiss and make up."

  "Nothing to make up over. You look like you were lost without your wolf." I trail my finger over her jaw, stopping at her red lips. "I'd love to see this smeared all the way to your tits." My eyes flash to her cleavage.

  "Play your cards right and after the party maybe you can." She breathes deep, her chest rising and falling slowly as her eyes flick to my lips. "Where'd you go?"

  I look over her shoulder as three people make it down the steps but nothing's pulling me away from this girl right now.

  "Out of town." I push my thumb to her lips and like a good girl she opens her mouth. Sliding my thumb to her tongue, her lips wrap around and suck. "Dirty fucking girl." Without removing my thumb, I bite her plump lower lip. "You taste like you've been a good girl since I've been gone." I drag my thumb down her lip all the way to her chin. She's going to be pissed, but that's how I like her best.

  She lets out a low growl then steps back from me, her eyes wild, swirling with lust and pure rage. With a shake of her head, probably because she's speechless and trying not to let her pussy take over, she spins and storms off, her heels clicking all the way out of the room.

  Shoving my hands in my pocket, I follow right behind her and before her bedroom door can slam shut, I stop it with my foot, slipping inside before Tommy or Affton stop me. She spins around with a fury and I grab her, slamming her to the wall while my mouth slams to hers. I lick and suck, trying to get my fill of what I've been missing for a couple weeks. When I pull back, she has red lipstick all around that pretty fucking mouth and still has anger and lust in her eyes.

  "Lose the dress or take the chance of me ripping it off." I curl my fingers into the fabric at her tits but she quickly grabs my wrist before I yank. Her hand is tight around my wrist and her jaw clenches a few times as she glares at me and that fury in her eyes slowly changes to something a little softer.

  "Unzip me," she finally says, turning around. "And I swear to god if you rip it you're paying for it." Her hands move to start wiping away the lipstick and I grab them, pinning them to her back with one hand while my other unzips her dress.

  "Leave the lipstick. I like it when you look like a whore." I trail my tongue up the back of her ear then grunt, taking in a deep breath of her as I press my throbbing cock against her ass. Letting her arms go, the dress falls to her hips and my hands move quickly to grab her tits and squeeze. "Mmm, baby." I groan. "I missed these." I bite her shoulder, planning on leaving my imprint so when she puts that dress back on, everyone sees. "You miss me, Carter Dawn?" I push her dress the rest of the way until it falls to her feet. My fingers slide over her pussy and her panties are already soaked, making me chuckle. "You did miss me."

  "I did," she whispers, her head rolling back as her ass pushes against me.

  "Were you a good girl while I was gone?" I grab her jaw and turn her head so I can kiss her. Her mouth's addicting and she tastes like wine.

  "You mean did I fuck every other hot cowboy in town while you were gone?" she says with a low chuckle.

  I growl, biting her lip and pulling. "I don't care where that pussy's been because I know you'll keep coming back to me. I'll erase every memory of every other cock you've ever had." I fight to get her panties off and when I get them to her thighs, I undo my pants with one hand, my other still holding her face so I can taste her mouth.

  When I press my cock against her ass she whimpers and pushes back on me. "Fuck me, Grant. Please." Her body's relaxed under my touch and she's not trying to take over. Maybe she is a fast learner.

  My pants are at my ankles and I can feel the vibration of my phone for the sixth time since I got her in here. It's Tommy. I know it is. He knows I'm back and I know he wants to keep track of me.

  "Fuck," I huff, angrily panting against her neck because I don't have time to do everything I want to do to her. "Clean up your lipstick." I'm panting so hard I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Probably just a side effect of being sober for a number days in a row. I'm going to ignore the fact it's more than likely because I want her so bad I haven't even thought of fucking another woman since I finally got inside her. Taking off my watch I turn her to face me and she l
ooks like she wants to kill me. "Not my fault, baby. Dad won't stop calling." I kiss her while unhooking my straps from the watch. "This is a promise." I wipe my watch off on my shirt then slide my hand to her pussy. When she feels the cold object, she inhales and her eyes go wide. "Just relax," I calmly say, slowly pushing it inside her. "Relax, baby," I whisper, kissing her softly, not able to get enough of those red smeared lips. "I promise I'll come back for that." I kiss her one more time then yank my pants up, my phone already ringing again.

  "What the..." She feels between her legs then slugs me in the shoulder. "You shoved your watch inside of me!" she hisses, fury burning in those sexy eyes.

  "Shh." I start wiping at my mouth, knowing I have lipstick everywhere. "We don't have time for this." I grin wide and wink at her before yanking her door open and slipping into the hall. I rush to the bathroom and move fast to get the lipstick off my face.

  I don't give a fuck if they know I'm fucking her, but I don't feel like hearing a lecture. They're already going to come at me with a thousand questions about my stint away.

  I find Tommy upstairs and roll my eyes. "What the fuck? I didn't get an invite." I head toward him.

  "Didn't know what time you were comin' home." He takes a long swig of his beer. "And your phone was off so I couldn't call." He nods at me. "How was it?"

  "Well." I pull my phone from my pocket. "I just got your." I check the log. "Nine missed calls. So you did call. And it was." I shrug and look at his beer. "Fine. Relaxing. Eye opening." I shove my hands into my pockets. "What's the party for? I don't work for the company anymore so I'm not in the loop."

  "You still work for the company, jackass. It's just a leave and you know it." He shakes his head and looks around with a smile on his face. "Bean's bringing back Beany Designs." His smile grows then he laughs it off. "They're starting a brand new line for her, it launches next week."

  I smile, actually hearing what he said. It's pretty pathetic but I'm told a lot and used to only absorb half probably because my head was always swimming in alcohol, but I heard what he said. And the pride on his face makes me feel hella lucky to have these people as my family.

  "That's pretty fucking solid. If she needs a model." I tug at my shirt and wink at him, making him laugh out loud.

  "She's already got the girls in on it. And she roped me and her brother in to a shoot so I'm certain you're going to be next." He wraps his arm around my shoulders and heads outside. "Ginnie's got a shoot coming up too with Kinlee and Bobby. Affton's finally getting everything she ever wanted. I'm proud of her." He lets out another laugh. "God, I'm a fuckin' sap over here."

  "No, man." I slap his back and spot Affton inside the house fucking glowing with excitement. "I get it. You three deserve this awesome news. Ginnie will probably outshine you both, but you can ride on her goat tails." I raise my brows and stare at him until he gets it.

  "Damn, it's good to have you back, brother." He laughs. "Hey, you got somethin' on your face. Red. You bleeding?" He steps closer to try to wipe it off and belts out a laugh. "Lipstick, man?"

  "I got sober. My dick didn't fall off." I shrug, not about to go into details of whose lipstick that is.

  He watches me as he takes a swig from his bottle. "How's that whole sober thing goin' for ya?"

  "Uh..." I laugh and rub my face, not really wanting to go through this. "I'm not going to stop drinking, Tommy. I'm going to stop being a drunk, but I'm not going to turn into Jo Kenshaw or some shit. I'm not addicted to liquor, I'm addicted to routine. Getting drunk was my routine. I'm not going through withdrawals and shit, I'm wondering if I'll still be the life of the fucking party."

  "I doubt you'll have a problem with that." He chuckles. "I'm happy for you, man. And I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner."

  "You did. We all did. We used to make fun of Felder for always being drunk and I kind of just skated by not realizing I wasn't too far behind him. Then it became a joke. Is Grant sober today? It was me, man, my routine. I need to switch up my routine if it can kill me and the people I care about." I spot Carter walk up the stairs in the fucking gold dress and quietly groan as my dick starts to get hard.

  "Well I'm glad it didn't kill you." He clears his throat then immediately changes the subject to work and something that his dad did at the ranch but I can only focus on one thing right now, and it's not how to be a better veterinarian.

  Grabbing my phone, I keep nodding my head, trying to listen, but I pull up my alarm app. If she took that watch out of her pussy, she's going to be sorry. I set the alarm to ping my watch then stare at Carter through the sliding doors. The second I see her jolt and her eyes spring wide, I burst into laughter, luckily at the same time Tommy starts to laugh so he thinks I'm following along still. She kept the fucking watch in her pussy. I ping it again and she starts frantically looking around. The second she makes a beeline for bathroom, I cut Tommy off.

  "Hold that thought," I blurt and rush inside from the balcony. I cut her off before she gets to the door. "Hey, beautiful." I rub at my jaw, trying not to laugh. "You look like you got a fire in your pants." I nod to her pussy before making my watch vibrate again.

  Her cheeks are already flushed and her nostrils flare at this last one. Gripping onto my arm, she growls. "What the fuck type of game are you playing?" she hisses then her eyes fly behind me and a fake smile is plastered on her face. "Oh hey! Yeah, I'll be right there!" she yells, her nails still digging into my skin. When her eyes fly back to mine she looks like she could kill. "Grant," she huffs and shakes her head. "I need this out. Game over. You win."

  "It's not a game of win or lose. Leave the watch in your pussy if you want me to fuck you later. I've never been so hard in my fucking life." I move closer to her, sweat starting to bead around my neck 'cause I want to fuck her right against this wall. "If we weren't at Affton's launch, I'd fuck you right now in front of all these people that have started to file upstairs. Keep the watch inside you and I promise you'll get what you want later. Compromise, baby." I wink at her then start to walk away, her nails slowly slipping out of my flesh. "Nice lipstick."

  She wants to bite back but she doesn't. She stands in the hallway glaring at me with that beautiful mixture of lust and rage swirling in those eyes.

  For a few hours I wander around, a drink in my hand, staying away from people in order to avoid more drinks being handed over. The one person I can't seem to avoid is Carter though. She hasn't spoken to me, she's in work mingle mode, but every time she looks at me she's got that combo of lust and rage still. Being in a social event like this and not drinking heavily is actually pretty hard. I'd rather chill with two or three people but currently those three are floating around this place on cloud nine. I'm proud of Affton, I just wish I didn't have to be proud of her in a crowd.

  Jonathan has been talking my ear off for forty minutes and I'm trapped in a corner. I look up and immediately my gaze finds Carter. And immediately it finds some asshole that's been attached to hers and Affton's side all night. Every time I see her, he's there. I'm about to dislocate his jaw then tell Tommy he's following around his girl.

  "Yeah, man, I say just shave 'em." I nod at Jonathan who looks at me confused, but he's been talking about balls for ten minutes now and I haven't listened much but I'm pretty sure he's talking about a nut sack. "Hey I'll be right back." Moving on a mission I head toward Affton and this dude but as I get closer and pick up their conversation, I realize how wrong I was.

  "That's why you should take Carter out, Eric," Affton giggles and shoves three piece suit guy closer to Carter. Only reason it's a three piece is 'cause I'm pretty sure he's wearing a toupee.

  Carter giggles and pushes her hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't be opposed to a date." Her cheeks are pink but I highly doubt that's because she's actually into this guy. It has more to do with what's currently inside that pussy of hers.

  "I wouldn't be opposed to a date," I quietly mock her, like a fucking idiot 'cause I'm standing alone right now. She can date him, but she'll
still be fucking me.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I set off the ping that makes my watch vibrate and I look up at her as she goes stiff and stands up taller. She starts to look around and I keep a grin on my face while three piece talks about taking her to the finest shit hole on the west coast. When her wide eyes hit mine I wink. She gives me an almost sinister grin then rests her hand on three piece's bicep and continues the conversation with him like nothing ever happened.

  "I love sushi," she says, all breathy and fake.

  "Then you'll love Sugarfish." He laughs like a fucking douche. "There's also—"

  "Hey, yeah." I barge into their little huddle. "Anyone got the time?" I look around the three of them. Affton looks annoyed. He's surprised I barged in. And when I land my eyes on Carter she's trying to set me on fire with that glare. "Time? Anyone. Carter, I know you have a watch." My thumb swipes my phone screen and she makes a hiccup noise.

  "Uh, it's quarter after eleven." Three piece says.

  "Carter, can you check your watch please? Not that I don't trust you, TP. I just know Carter's watch is tight. Right on the money shot every time." I smile at her and hear Affton sigh. I probably only have a few more minutes before she physically removes me. "Carter Dawn?"

  "Does it look like I have a watch, Grant Matthews?" Her nostrils flare while she tries to keep from biting my head off. "Isn't it past your curfew?" Her eyes flash from me to TP then over to Affton, begging for someone to get her out of this situation but they're all clueless.

  "We haven't met." I extend my hand to TP. "I'm Grant. Affton's brother and Carter's AA mentor." I shake his hand.

  "Um, Eric. Nice to meet you." He keeps looking at her, suddenly turned off 'cause I called her a drunk so I laugh and shove his shoulder.

  "I'm fucking with you. I loaned Carter my watch earlier and I'd like it back." Spinning to Carter I hold up my phone. "Did you misplace it? 'Cause I have this handy app, if everyone will just shh..." I ping the button over and over, acting like I'm listening for it. "Let me turn the volume up. I think I left it on vibrate." As I swipe my finger over the volume, she slaps my phone to my feet.


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