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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

Page 16

by Piper Frost

  "I've gotten more numbers in the past four hours I've been rocking this than I've gotten in the past week. Ladies love it." He winks at me, sliding his hand smoothly over the shaved side of his head.

  "Oh my god," I groan and watch Tommy pull money from his wallet.

  "Well played, man." He hands it to Affton and Affton shoves it at Grant with an eye roll.

  "We're not going out in public like that." I cross my arms in front of me and shake my head.

  "This girl." He snickers, pointing at me. "She's embarrassed of me but still wants me to make her come. Chicks." Throwing his hands up, he heads for the door. "Guess I'm going out alone." He looks back at me.

  I let out a low growl and snag my purse. Not uptight. Not uptight.

  "I'll be back later," I blurt to Affton and Tommy who have fallen silent and are watching me.

  "Be careful," Tommy mumbles, rubbing his head as I storm out of the room.

  I don't bother waiting for Affton's reply. She's probably just pissed that I'm not taking her warning. I probably should...but god, the sex is amazing.

  I make it outside and look at Grant, standing next to his truck and smiling smugly at me.

  "I still can't believe you did that," I say, shaking my head. "How long does it have to stay?"

  "It doesn't have to stay. But it's gonna. Admit it. I look good, even with a mullet. Bet if I shoved two fingers in your pussy you'd be dripping to my palm."

  He's not ever at a loss for ways to make me wet, that's for damn fucking sure, and I want to hate it.

  "Wouldn't you like to know?" I pop open the truck door and glance down. This thing's huge, and there is no foot rail to help me up into it. No thanks. I'd rather not flash everyone in sight when I attempt to climb into this beast. Maybe a dress was a bad idea today. "Can we just take my car? I'll let you drive."

  He puts his hand out, waiting for the keys. When I hand them over, he snatches my hand and tugs me against him. "You'd still fuck me with this mullet, wouldn't you, good girl?"

  "Mmm." I shrug. "Maybe if you played your cards right." He's got me tight against him and his hand pushes its way down to my ass, making me gasp. Yes, he would absolutely find me soaked right now, but not because of the mullet. But because any time I'm around this man, mullet or not, my body reacts in ways I'm not used to it reacting. My mind as well.

  He takes me with him to pick out his new motorcycle, which is strangely perfect. I don't even think he knows he's doing it when he takes my hand as he's walking through the showroom but it makes me smile. He's more than just sex, and I'm starting to feel like maybe...hopefully...he feels the same way.

  After he picks his bike out, after three hours looking at hundreds of bikes, he's so revved up that he fucks me hard before sneaking out my bedroom door in the middle of the night. Like we're fucking teenagers. And yet again, when I should be pissed I'm not. Because he fucked me until I couldn't think straight then held me in his arms until I fell asleep.

  I should hate the man, but I don't.

  It's the Grant effect, and it's hitting me hard.


  It's a week until Germany. Finally. I've traveled a lot in this industry, but Germany is somewhere I've never been and I can't wait to go! Tommy, Affton and I are sitting here planning the trip in more detail to make the best out of the time we have there and we're each a few beers in by now.

  "I wish you could come with us," Affton says to Tommy, pouting her lip out.

  "Someone's gotta make the bacon around here." He smirks and brings the bottle to his lips.

  "Don't make bacon with Tink!" I bark, eyes wide. "No bacon. And don't feed it to her either. That's just weird." I shudder.

  "No bacon." Tommy nods. "She's too small now anyway."

  I slug him in the arm and he laughs.

  "Hey, so who's the pilot for this trip?" I wish Grant would push to get back to work. This trip could be a lot more fun with him there. Fun, and infuriating but he's not been around a lot to show Tommy and Affton that he's got his shit together.

  "We're headed to the airport," Affton mutters. "First class though." She shrugs like she's okay with that, but I can tell she's not. I wonder if Grant even stopped drinking.

  "Grant will be back before you know it," Tommy says. "I think he's actually trying this time."

  "Brandt says he's helping on the Ranch. Bo said he hasn't seen him take a drink in a few days too." She looks at Tommy for clarification.

  "I haven't seen anything. And each time I've been around him he's seemed pretty level headed. I'm sure by the time you guys get back from this trip he'll be ready to fly again." Tommy finishes off his beer. "We need something harder. This week's been busy as hell." He stands and heads into the kitchen and I glance at Affton.

  "For what it's worth, I think Grant really is trying pretty hard. He didn't like knowing how much he'd let you two down."

  "Hey." Affton sits forward and grins when Tommy's out of earshot. "Eric, Jonathan's textile guy is going to be in Germany." She wiggles her eyebrows.

  "Oh?' I let out a small laugh. "Very cool." I grin and remember the man from the party. "Grant was such a dick to him. He seemed nice."

  "He's very nice. And Grant's a dick to everyone. But Eric is nice and really cute. Really cute. You two would be adorable together."

  I smirk and spin my empty beer bottle. I don't know what the hell's going on between Grant and I, and I don't want to really talk about it with Affton either. Grant's said on many occasions that he doesn't care who I's not like that between us. "We'll see what happens." I give her that small inking of hope and hopefully that'll be enough to throw her off the whole 'Carter's going to have her heart destroyed by Grant' train.

  Tommy walks back in and the conversation drops and in its place comes shot after shot of tequila. I drink beer. Anything harder usually ends in bad decisions, but tonight I don't slow down when I feel the buzz. And when Tommy slaps the table, eyes glassy and slurring his words, I should know this is about to be one of those bad decisions, but I'm too far gone to stop it.

  "He needs more support," Tommy blurts.

  "Who?" Affton takes her shot.

  "Grant!" Tommy boasts, then stands from his chair, letting it scrape loudly against the floor. "He needs to know we're here for him for the long haul, dammit. I'm his brother," Tommy says.

  "Fuck brother," I snicker and Affton busts out laughing.

  "I'm his brother," Tommy says again, clearing his throat. "We need something permanent. Let's show him we're here permanently. I..." He pauses and the two of us girls watch him, waiting for his grand idea. "I'm getting his name tattooed on me. And a plane. Yeah. A plane, because Grant likes planes." He nods then smiles like he's the smartest asshole in the room. "I'm doing it. Beany?"

  "Uh..." She looks at the second bottle of tequila we cracked thirty minutes ago. "Yeah." Nodding, she reaches for her shot. "I'll get the same thing. What the hell. He needs support." Her eyes go to me.

  "I don't have any tattoos!" I laugh.

  "I only have one and it's not even Tommy's name but I'm about to tattoo Grant's." She laughs hard enough she slips to the ground. "He'll love this."

  I groan then start to giggle. "What the hell?" I stand and start to lose my balance immediately so I use the table as a crutch. "Great. Let's go. Oh my god." I laugh. "He's going to love it!"

  Tommy nods at both of us then pulls out his phone.

  "Chase? You busy?" He looks at us then smiles. "Good. We're coming in!" He ends the call and I briefly wonder if Chase is going to turn us away. I hope not. Grant's going to love this show of support.

  After Tommy's grand plan I'm not entirely certain what happened. I know we left the table at some point. I couldn't tell you anything after that. But now I'm waking up with a splitting headache and my arm feels like it's on fire.

  "What the fuck?" I grumble, rolling over in bed and falling flat on my fucking face. "What the fuck!" I groan, realizing I was on a couch and not a bed. "Where..." I blink
through the fuzzy room and as everything slowly comes into focus I realize the three of us must have passed out in the living room last night.

  So maybe the master plan didn't go as planned?

  Someone clears their throat and I look up from all fours, my eyes land on Grant sitting in the chair and he's staring at me with a beer in his hand. "Mornin'." He nods his head, he doesn't look too happy.

  "You..." He wasn't here last night but I don't have it in me to talk. "Hi." I groan, sitting up straight and shoving the palms of my hands into my eye sockets. "Why do I hurt so much?" I mumble, letting my arms fall. God, my arm aches!

  "Holy hell." Affton starts to cough. "I'm so thirsty." She heaves and I look over.

  "So." Grant's hands clap loud enough we both flinch, looking at him. "You three fucking idiots are fucking idiots." His eyebrows are almost to his mullet hairline.

  I can't help but laugh. He's got a fucking mullet! Oh god, laughing hurts my head.

  "Shut the fuck up," Tommy grumbles from his spot firmly on the floor. "Get out of my house," he mumbles, his eyes not opening.

  "Get my fucking name off y'alls bodies!" Grant shrieks back.

  "Ow!" I wince then manage to look at him. "I don't have your name on my body," I mumble, reaching over to scratch my arm. When my fingers hit a bandage that I know wasn't there when we started drinking last night my eyes go wide. "No," I whisper, panic hitting me as my eyes fly to his then Affton. "Affton?"

  "Oh...oh god," she whispers. "Oh my god!" Insane laughter starts to howl from her and she's rolling on the floor now. "Oh god, we love you, Grant."

  "You dumb fucks!"

  "Shut. Up!" Tommy bellows again from the floor then rolls over and groans.

  "I..." I look down at my arm then rip the bandage off and let out a scream. "No! Fuck, no!" I look at Affton who's crying she's laughing so hard and then look at Grant. "This is a joke. Get this shit off. What the fuck did you do?"

  "Me! You crazy bitch! Not me! I was at work and picked you three asses up stumbling your way home on the dirt road past Wicker Lane! What the fuck did you do!"

  I let out a groan and let my entire body fall back down against the hardwood. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I mumble. "I don't remember."

  "Too much tequila," Tommy grumbles again and I watch him slowly sit up then chuckle. "Shit, we actually did it!" He laughs hard then winces. "Fuck, I need some aspirin."

  "This isn't funny! I can't have his name tattooed on me!" I yell at the two of them who are currently dying in laughter.

  When Tommy stumbles around Grant, Grant slaps his ass then kisses his cheek. "I like your tattoo, cupcake." He winks at Tommy.

  "You two need a moment again?" I whisper, trying to shove off the floor. Coffee. I need coffee. Then I need to figure out how much it's going to cost to remove this.

  "Don't be pissed, man," Tommy mumbles. "All I remember is thinking we love you, and we needed a better way to support you. I guess these were my master plan." He chuckles.

  "Tequila," Grant says and looks from me to Affton before shaking his head and following Tommy to the kitchen.

  I start the coffee pot to brew extra strong and lean against the counter when Grant walks up next to me to pull a mug out of the cabinet.

  "This is starting to grow on me," I say, giggling as I twist his mullet between my fingers. It's not. But I really want to make fun of him for it again.

  "I'm kind of over it. Need a haircut. Tried to get Jo Kenshaw to cut it for me but she refused. Said it serves me right for getting a mullet." He grabs the coffee pot. "I'm gonna need to drive into the city and pay sixty bucks to fix this shit."

  "I'll do it!" I chirp then wince again, holding out my mug for him to fill for me. "I used to cut my brother's hair all the time. I'm pretty talented." I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  His eyes narrow then he glances around the kitchen and leans closer. "I'll let you cut my hair if you play another one of my games."

  I let out a sigh and melt against the counter, slowly sipping my coffee and watching him carefully. I did like the last game he played eventually. It drove me insane and pissed me off, but it was worth it in the end.

  "Will you tell me what it is before I agree?" I ask over my coffee cup.

  "Not a chance." He grabs one of the small bottles of liquor Affton stocks her planes with then leans against the counter, playing with it. I watch him with raised brows, wondering if he's going to drink that. That'd be disappointing. I thought he was getting his shit together.

  "What are you doing with that?" My eyes flash from the alcohol in his hands then to the smug look on his face and it all clicks. "Oh." He wants to put that... "Okay," I hear myself saying before I can even register what he wants to do. And how much it turns me on.

  "Good girl." He chuckles and turns on the water, washing the bottle off. Stepping behind me, his knee nudges my thighs apart. "Open, good girl." I wasn't expecting it right here but the man's got a way of controlling me even when I don't want to be controlled. I slowly slide my feet apart, my eyes darting around the kitchen to make sure Affton and Tommy aren't in eye or ear shot of this. His hand moves between my legs, hiking up the skirt I never took off from yesterday, and he chuckles deep when he finds my pussy as wet as it is for him. "God, you're a good whore." He kisses over my jaw and I flinch when he pushes the bottle against my pussy. "Relax, baby," he quietly says. "Relax that tight little pussy for me." Rocking the bottle gently, he pushes it inside me and his mouth latches to my neck. I breathe deep and try to get used to having to hold this in. The watch was a fuck ton smaller than this! After a bite to my neck, he kisses the spot then steps away. "Let's cut this mullet."

  I blink at him a few times, my muscles contracting, trying to keep everything in place where it should be, then I shake my head. "I don't know if I can walk," I whisper, feeling the flush come over my cheeks.

  "Yeah you can." He takes my hand, pulling me to the bathroom off the hallway, leaving me with no options.

  I wince when I realize that I really have to focus on this not slipping out, then laugh at myself for this being my biggest problem today. Honestly, the tattoo on my arm should be worrying me more than a tequila bottle in my pussy is. But I don't want to let him down.

  God, that thought's terrifying.

  I manage to trim the mullet without completely ruining the style of his hair, though I had to take off more than I think he was expecting just to even everything out. All in all, I'd say I didn't do too bad. Sure, my hands were trembling the whole time. And my panties are soaked all the way through and this bottle is about to be the death of me, but I did it!

  "Look okay?" I ask, watching him look in the mirror after I finish.

  "Fuck, I'm good looking." He turns his head side to side. "Hair looks good too. A little short but what're ya gonna do." Turning to me, that wolfish grin's on his face. "I'm getting kind of thirsty." His eyes slide down to my skirt. "Have anything to drink?"

  "Lots," I say, stepping closer to him. This game wasn't nearly as long as the first one, but I'm soaked and I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to keep this inside me.

  His hand reaches to my side and he starts unzipping my zipper. "I'm looking for something stiff." He pushes his hard dick against my hip and I moan.

  "Looks like you've already got that taken care of," I murmur, reaching to stroke him through his jeans.

  His teeth clamp to my lip as he growls and pulls. A gasp escapes me and he lets a low chuckle out, lifting the bottle in front of me. I pant in need, because somehow this man's turned me into a nympho.


  "First class is nice," I say to Affton as the plane starts its descent to Munich airport. She's been quiet this whole flight.

  "Yeah. I guess. I've been spoiled with a personal pilot for the past year though. And someone I trust a hell of a lot more than a huge airline. Even if he is a drunk."

  "Yeah," I agree easily.

  I don't want to talk about Grant to Affton and not because I'm not close to
her. I feel like I can tell Affton anything...but this. She loves Grant, and she loves me, but she hates the thought of the two of us together because she's sure I'm going to end up with a broken heart. I almost feel stupid for keeping this thing going with him because she's so sure of it, but there's something that keeps pulling me back to him and she won't understand.

  "But we've almost made it safe." I smile at her. The stewardess does her final rounds, pushing a cart this time with those tiny alcohol bottles on them and I snort when she offers us some. "No thank you," I blurt, trying not to laugh.

  Affton's schedule gets ten times busier by the time we land that it feels like days before we actually have some down time. It probably is, but there's no time for jet lag on this trip. Jonathan's been up Affton's ass since we got off the plane and rightfully so. This new line she's launched is blowing up and I've never seen Jonathan and Drake so doting on Affton.

  By the fourth day we can finally enjoy a meal without having to be in business mode. I'm just happy to be able to go out and not have to wear heels. I order a burger and beer and my eyes flash to the door when it opens out of instinct. When they hit Jonathan I sigh.

  "Your lost puppy is here," I whisper to Affton who's sitting with her back to the door.

  He's got someone else with him and if I'm correct it's that Eric guy from the party Affton had.

  She quietly squeals. "He came! Perfect! He really likes you, Carter. Last time I talked to him, he brought you up three or four times. He actually wants you to meet his brother for a potential model shoot. I think you've shot with him before when you were modeling." Standing, she grins in his direction.

  I look at him harder now. He's cute. Looks like he's a nice guy. I don't like how much Affton's pushing him on me, but there's no harm in getting to know the guy, I guess. They make it to the table and Affton immediately grabs Jonathan for a hug then plants him in the seat next to her, forcing Eric to sit next to me.

  "Hi," I say, suddenly nervous and a ping of guilt hits me. "Nice to see you again." I bring out the sweetest smile I have for him.


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