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Wasted (Kenshaw Ranch Book 5)

Page 27

by Piper Frost

  "Back to your old ways, I see?" I huff out a shaky breath.

  The bartender sets his soda in front of him. "Soda's addicting." He raises it and puts the straw in his mouth. "Eric." His eyebrow cocks. "I'm not sorry for punching him in the jaw and I'll do it again, but what the hell are you doing with him, baby?" He reaches for my hand.

  "I'm not," I mutter, "And I don't think you're allowed to call me that." As much as I want to continue this connection, because I've craved it for too long, I rip my hand from his.

  I can do a one night stand without connection. Without emotions. I can do this. I need to feel. I haven't felt anything close to the way Grant makes me feel. Complete. Like I'm the center of his universe. One more night is all I need.


  "Not allowed?" He chuckles. "I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to do whatever you want me to. So are you saying you don't want me to call you that? 'Cause you know I'll tell you what I told you the first time."

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I cock my head. "And what exactly was that?" The smirk he's got right now is bringing back the wolf I've missed so much over the last month. A wolf that makes me do dangerous, stupid things.

  "I'm not going to stop calling you baby. Get over it." He reaches for my hand again. "What the fuck do you see in Eric?"

  "Hey!" some guy yells, breaking us apart, shoving a phone in my face. "That's you!" He smells like three day old beer and on his screen is the very public, very loud breakup between Eric and I.

  I cringe and nod. "Yep, looks like it. That went viral fast." I shake my head and Grant snatches the screen from the guy's hand.

  His eyes go from the phone to me before a smug look comes over his face and he hands the phone back to the stranger. "You broke up with him." He smiles.

  "He didn't order my cheeseburger." I roll my eyes, trying not to grin stupidly. "I don't need that type of negativity in my life."

  "No, baby, you don't." He stands and is in my face before I can prepare for the kiss. A kiss I've dreamed of since he walked away and I swore him off. A kiss that, again, tells me he's deeper in this than he'll ever say. A month without touching the man and my body lights on fire for him in just one damn kiss.

  Okay, so maybe tonight's not such a good idea for my heart, but other parts of me are winning this battle right about now.

  "I still don't think you're allowed to call me that," I whisper on his lips, not wanting to pull away. Not able to. He's got me trapped in this trance, the Grant trance, and I couldn't pull away if I tried.

  "Not allowed? Or are you telling me not to?" he asks, not moving from his close proximity.

  "Seems an awful lot like a term of endearment. And last I checked you didn't have feelings like that for anyone." My heart's hammering out of my chest and the way my body reacted to his kiss it wouldn't surprise me if I let him take me back to his room without saying another word.

  "You've let me call you a lot of names in the past. Never claimed to have feelings back then either." His fingers play at the back of my neck and his other hand slides up my thigh to my hip.

  "I've learned a lot about myself in the last month," I whisper, my legs trembling already at his touch. "And I deserve someone that can give me more than what you're offering, Grant." It's the hardest thing I think I've ever done, muttering those words to him, but I'm not treating myself like I deserve if I let him walk back in here and start shredding my heart all over again. Sex tonight can be just that. Sex. Incredibly beautiful, hot, passionate, rough, sex.

  "I think I treated you pretty good." He softly kisses me and his hand starts to move from my hip back down my thigh. Stopping at the hem of my dress he drags his fingers back and forth and I feel like I'm melting. I know my panties are soaked and my pussy's begging for the touch it's missed so much.

  "Yeah," I breathe. "But you're the same old Grant. And I can't do that to my heart again." God, I wish we weren't in a crowded room right now.

  "There you go again. Embarrassed of me." He smirks, his hand starting to climb up my dress. "Let's play a game, bad girl."

  "Fuck," I huff, my feet shifting apart on their own accord and I let out a growl when his fingers trace the edge of my panties. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't seem to stop it either. "God, Grant." My forehead rests on his shoulder and I whimper when his fingers start stroking me over my panties. "I'm not embarrassed of you," I whisper. "I'm guarding the one piece of me you can crumble so easily."

  "I don't want to crumble anything, baby." His lips slowly travel over my jaw while his fingers start to push my panties to the side. "I just want to melt these." Something pushes against my opening and he looks me in the eyes. "Relax that pussy for me," he whispers.

  I moan, squeezing my eyes closed and forgetting about the crowds of people all around us. His fingers push something round and cool inside me and he chuckles when I tighten my pussy around it. A game. I can play a game.

  "Have a drink, Carter Dawn." He nips at my bottom lip. "We're going to be here until you're nice and wet, begging me to get that out of you."

  I take a deep breath and slowly smile. "Let the games begin." My fingers trail down his jaw and I lean in, pressing my lips to his. Whatever girl I turned into over the past month is gone, and back in her place is the woman I was with Grant.

  He chuckles and kisses me again, waving over the bartender. "I need you to stay hydrated," he says to me in front of the bartender who smirks, knowing full well what he means.

  "Tequila," I say, smiling sweetly at him then looking at Grant. "Trust me, I've drank enough water since we arrived here to fill a damn pool. Eric needed to keep me 'hydrated and healthy' too, you know, on top of that salad." I roll my eyes. I still can't believe I fell for his nice-guy act.

  His teeth scrape over his bottom lip while he stares at me, holding back anger. "Let's forget about him, okay? Hopefully Affton finds a different textiles guy because I'm going to rearrange his face when I see him again." Clearing his throat, he pulls back and takes a drink of his soda. Him threatening Eric like that turns me on more than bodily harm probably should, but having him stand up for me like he he did... That's the sweet Grant that can be the worst part of him because he makes me think he cares.

  "Oh I'm pretty certain he's out of work right about now." I laugh, remembering Affton going ape-shit on the guy. "So," I say. "Other than a tattoo you won't explain to me and a new found love of soda, what else is going on with you? You said we needed to talk?" I shift on my seat, whatever he placed inside me is pushing against me making me too wet for this current situation so I end up standing next to my stool, trying to play it cool. God, I hope this thing doesn't slip out. I didn't get to see it but it's...heavy? Awkward.

  Hot as fuck. That's what it is.

  "You comfortable, baby?" He smirks, his hand resting on my ass while he stays seated.

  "Perfect." I grin, thanking the stars that I keep up on my Kegels. "Stop changing the subject. Either spill what you wanted to talk about or start trying to explain your way out of my name on your chest."

  "I don't think I ever got a good explanation for my name on your arm." He grabs my arm, raising it to kiss my wrist before locking eyes with me. I swear, the way he looks at me... If the man could turn off his ego and wolf tendencies and just talk from the heart, I'm sure those eyes would match the words that came out.

  "We told you. We were drunk. And we wanted to support you." I smirk, shifting. I can feel the color heating up my cheeks under his gaze, knowing what he's doing to me right now without even touching me. I may regret this one more night with him in the morning, but for now I'm playing the game and already enjoying it way too much.

  His fingers thread between mine and his feet rest on the bar of the stool behind me, locking me into place. "So no more boyfriend."

  I shake my head, slowly grinning. "Would I be standing here if there were?" Cocking an eyebrow at him, I shift again, unable to forget about my current situation. This is torture!

  A cocky laugh mak
es his head throw back before he looks at me again, pulling me closer to him. "Yeah, baby, you would still be standing here. You're the lamb to my wolf. I want to do such bad things to you." His eyes flick to my lips. "In front of everyone in this fucking bar. And now that you don't have a boyfriend, I can."

  I bite my lip, squeezing my thighs together and glance at the bartender. "Jack and coke, please," I blurt. Walking back into a room with my wolf, as much as he shredded my heart, is definitely going to take more than one shot of tequila. My eyes move back to Grant and he's got that predatory look on his face. "I've already gone viral once tonight. I'd rather not do it again."

  "I can't promise anything." He grins and with a quiet growl, leans in for my lips. It's only a soft kiss, a warning maybe, but it's not enough. "I can promise a few other things though." He glances over my shoulder but his eyes are back on me.

  I turn and see Affton and Tommy approaching then spin with wide eyes to look at Grant. "Every time," I whisper, laughing. My cheeks burn and he's grinning like a fool.

  "You're in a bar full of strangers with my promise inside you and you're worried about Affton and Tommy?" He laughs again. "I promise you're not moving out of the south."

  "A promise inside of me?" I hiss, eyebrows pushed together and full of confusion. "Grant, what the hell does that mean? And of course I'm moving, my shit's already left the house." Affton and Tommy are getting closer and I wish they'd find their way somewhere else because now I want to know what the hell he's talking about.

  "That egg in your tight little pussy is a promise you're going to come so many times tonight you'll be too tired to walk tomorrow. And your shit hasn't gone anywhere." He slides his phone from his pocket and turns it toward me, showing me a picture of my brother sitting on my couch and it looks like my things have been unpacked. "You're not leaving."

  "What the fuck?" I blurt, grabbing his phone. My eyes move back up to his and my legs are starting to tremble. I can't tell if it's from rage or nerves, but he's acting really fucking weird and if this picture is recent it means... "He unpacked the truck and moved me back in? Why the hell would he do that?"

  Yanking his phone back, he sets it on the bar then pulls me against him. "Because you're not fucking leaving me. I promise you that. And I fucking promise I won't hurt you again."

  I stare at him, straight into those beautiful eyes, and shake my head. "I'm so confused." He will hurt me. Over and over again. Because unlike him, I can't turn off my feelings and he's not going to change. "Can't we just go fuck?"

  "God," he huffs. "You have no idea how much I want that." Pushing me back a step, he stands. "But no, because I promised myself I'd do this. I promise you're all I need, Carter Dawn." He takes a few steps away from me and glances at Affton and Tommy who are standing at a small round table, waiting for our attention.

  "Grant, where are you going?" I hiss, wanting him closer so this very personal conversation isn't heard by the entire room. If he's saying what it sounds like he's saying, we may have a much bigger problem than what's currently sitting inside my vagina.

  "I also promise I don't do the whole boyfriend girlfriend bullshit." He scowls like the thought makes him sick. I nod. His swings tonight are so drastic I'm not sure which way is up. One minute he's promising he won't hurt me then the next he's promising me, pretty much, that he will! "I promise, baby." He takes my hand and stares at it a minute before clearing his throat like he's uncomfortable. His other hand latches on too and now he's bending to one knee. "I promise I love you, Carter Dawn. And I promise I can't be without you. I don't want to fuck around anymore. I want to marry my good girl."

  It takes a few moments to register and I feel a tear slip down my cheek. When the hell did I start crying? My hands are trembling and I glance around the room that's fallen silent before my eyes land back on Grant. Down on one knee in front of me.

  "You marry me?" I whisper, using my free hand to swipe away the tears and let out a laugh. "You're mental," I manage to say through the tears. I hear a sniffle and look over toward Tommy and Affton to see both of them wiping away tears. What the hell is happening? Am I being pranked?

  "I got you a big ole ring too." His grin slides up his lips. "It's in your tight little pussy," he says quietly, but I don't think he's quiet enough. My jaw drops and I let out a laugh, the smile on my face wouldn't go away if I tried.

  "You're really proposing to me? This isn't some joke to get back at me?"

  "The only joke is you're making me look like a damn fool. I been on one knee for a couple minutes now and this entire bar's startin' to gossip. I need an answer, baby. I'll make you come either way. You owe me that much."

  I stand here stunned. My heart's hammering and my hands are shaking. I want to say yes. I do.

  "You didn't even want a relationship a month ago, Grant." This is insane!

  "Yeah." He sighs and gets off his knee, stepping toward me. "I wasn't thinking straight. You came in and flipped me upside down in a matter of a few months. When a girl can change your whole life in a few months, you marry her." His hand slides behind my head and the bar's going deathly quiet. He never got his answer and it probably looks like I said no. "Marry me."

  He's trembling. His hands hold me still as I stare into his eyes. I love him. I never stopped loving him and I doubt, as hard as I'd try, that I'd ever be able to stop. He's right, it all happened so fast but standing here with him now it feels like we've known each other our entire lives.

  "Of course I'll marry you, Grant Matthews," I whisper, smiling wide. "You do things pretty ass backwards, you know that?" I laugh at the grin on his face.

  "I do things my way." He kisses me and the bar starts to cheer. "Just like you will," he says against my lips. "I really want to give you that ring now." He smirks down at me, back in wolf mode.

  "I really, really want to see it," I murmur. The entire bar is still cheering. I laugh and shake my head. "You definitely know the meaning of go big or go home."

  He turns toward Affton and Tommy, my hand tight in his. "She has a ring, but it's in her—" I slap my hand over his mouth before he announces it to the bar.

  "We got it," Tommy says, laughing. "Congratulations, man." He's shaking his head then looks at Affton. "I fucking told you he had something planned. I could see it in his eyes. Crazy, man. But I'm happy for you." He looks at me. "Congratulations, Carter."

  I smile. "Thanks." All I can think of is getting back to his room right now so I'm at a total loss for words. I'm probably the only girl in the history of the world to have to walk around a bar with her engagement ring inside her pussy.

  People start approaching with shots and drinks and Grant's trying to decline, but they're coming from every direction. Proposing in a Vegas bar will make you a hundred friends you never wanted. Especially when the one person you do want finally admits to only wanting you.

  "I have to get her out of here," Grant desperately tells Tommy and Affton.

  "I'll cause a distraction and you guys run." Affton's full of drunk giggles as she starts to climb onto a stool. "Hey!"

  I'm busy watching the insane stunt Affton's about to pull, but Grant grabs my hand and starts dragging me away while people are distracted. When I look back, Affton's flashing the entire bar and Tommy's pulling her off the stool.

  The ride to our hotel feels like it takes forever. I can't pull my eyes from Grant and he can't wipe the smirk off his face. By the time we get to the lobby I realize all my shit's still in the room I was supposed to share with Eric. God, this trip's taken a turn I never imagined.

  "We have to go to your room." I say, giggling when we make it to the elevator and his hands are on my ass immediately.

  "Did you plan on going somewhere else?" His mouth latches onto my neck.

  "No," I sigh, melting into him. When the doors ding open to a floor that's not ours I freeze but Grant doesn't stop. And the people waiting to get on choose to wait when they see his lips on me. I smirk and the doors close, taking us the rest of the
way to our floor. "But all my shit's in mine. I'm going to have to get it back."

  His mouth stops and he grabs my face, making me look at him. "I'll get your things. You wait in my room." He hands me his room key.

  "Hey," I blurt as he starts to walk away. He looks at me and I smile. "I love you, Grant Matthews." It feels so fucking good to say those words out loud.

  "I know you do." He keeps walking but looks back a minute later. "Carter Dawn!" he yells, and if anyone on this floor was sleeping, they're not anymore. "I fucking love you!"

  I giggle and slide his key into the door, slipping inside but leaving it cracked so he can get back in, then I do the mother of all victory dances as quietly and as carefully as I can so nothing slips out. He fucking loves me! After I find my normal heart rate again, I decide the smile's never going to leave my face. Not for a long time. Then I wait. Fifteen entire minutes until Grant comes into the room.

  "Why does it look like you just did more than got my things?" I take in the disheveled appearance and the heavy breathing before seeing my suitcase and everything else he's bringing with him.

  He kicks the door closed and flips the latch. "Get naked." My things get discarded right in front of him and he jumps over them, pushing his hair back. "Naked, Carter Dawn," he says expectantly.

  "Did you just get in a fight with Eric?" I stand and step toward him.

  "Do you want answers or do you want to get naked?" He reaches for me.

  Answers can wait.

  "Unzip me," I whisper, turning and moving my hair aside. In one slow pull he has my zipper down and my dress pools at the floor by my feet. I turn back to him, hooking my fingers in my panties and slowly pushing them down my legs before they hit the floor by my dress. "Happy?"

  "More than you know." He gets to his knees and gently trails his finger over my pussy, his eyes locking on mine. Moving slowly, his finger pushes inside me and he hooks the egg, pulling it out. I moan, steadying my legs and gasping when he trails his fingers against my pussy as he pulls the egg in front of me.

  I watch as he opens the small egg and my jaw drops at the diamond ring he somehow pulled off. Holy. Shit. That's not a last minute ring. Princess cut, I couldn't even tell you how big it is other than mega fucking huge.


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