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Second Alliance_Ember Lane

Page 11

by Kelly Goode

  Perry’s eyes narrowed, but he did as requested and slunk slowly towards the recruits’ quarters. Carter considered waiting for Ember to finish in the shower, but thought it would be hard to explain why he was stalking the corridor when she came out.

  ‘She’ll be fine,’ he told himself. ‘The only danger she faces is getting shampoo in her eye. Everything is cool here. Everyone is safe.’


  ‘Are you fucking kidding me, JC?’

  Harvey pulled his alleged friend to one side as soon as Darrick retreated to his office with the promise of a trade - Ember for the demon’s whereabouts.


  ‘Save the innocent act for one of your dumb conquests; you know damn well what I’m talking about.’

  JC had the sense to look contrite as he picked up his beer bottle and took a swig.

  ‘It’s just business, mate,’ he replied, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. ‘Nothing personal.’

  ‘Ember is not business.’

  Harvey felt his escalating anger feeding into his inner-demon. He took a deep breath as he tried to keep a control on his raging emotions. The VIP area was starting to fill up with humans and he couldn’t afford to let his demon go on a rampage. There were plenty of healthy, beating hearts to consume.

  ‘Ember is not business,’ Harvey repeated through gritted teeth.

  JC slammed his empty bottle onto the bar.

  ‘Well she should be. Unless you’re planning to marry her? Have little demon babies? If that’s the case then I’ll back off. There are other ways to catch the demon and earn our freedom from S.P.T.F. It’ll just take longer. Is that what you want? Do you want to remain as Carter’s puppet? Being told where to go and what to do?’

  Harvey stayed silent, hating that JC was right. The quickest way to get out of the unit was to bring the demon’s head on a platter.

  ‘No, I didn’t think so,’ JC continued. ‘God damn it, Harvey. Get your head back in the game. You only fucked her once. You don’t owe her anything. She’s fair game.’

  ‘What if he hurts her?’

  JC laughed. ‘Ember can take care of herself. A witch like her is in no danger from vampires when she can produce fireballs from thin air. She obviously made an impression on Darrick the last time she was here. He probably only wants her for the same thing you do.’

  ‘And what is that?’

  JC waggled his eyebrows suggestively, but Harvey didn’t find his attempt to lighten the mood very funny. It wasn’t just about sex with Ember. He liked being around her. He liked the way she made him feel.

  Harvey ran his hand over his face, feeling torn. It was an unfamiliar sensation and frustration slammed into his chest like a physical force at the thought of giving Ember up to Darrick for personal gain.

  ‘You’re getting worked up over nothing, mate. Have another drink.’

  JC signalled to the barman who placed two more beer bottles onto the bar. Harvey quickly downed the cold contents and asked for another. The buzz of the alcohol soon calmed his demon.

  ‘That’s better,’ JC said, slapping Harvey on the back. ‘You need to relax, and by that I mean you need to get laid. There are beautiful women all around you. Take your pick and make your move. Forget the redhead. In a few days, we’ll have closed the case and earned our pardons, and you’ll never see her again anyway.’

  Harvey nodded, knowing a lot more alcohol needed consuming before he could forget Ember, but for tonight at least, he was going to try.

  ‘You’re right,’ he said.

  ‘I’m always right,’ JC replied. ‘Let’s go back to the main club and have a few drinks there. The women they let in this VIP area are only interested in rich businessmen or celebrities.’

  ‘Frightened of a little competition?’

  ‘Not frightened. Just practical. The key to picking up women is not wasting your efforts unless it’s for a sure-thing, and I saw plenty of them waiting for us on the dancefloor.’

  Harvey shook his head.

  ‘You really are a sexist pig sometimes.’

  ‘And you’re no angel either, Harvey or did you forget that when you fell to earth and landed on your head? Play nicely and I’ll even let you have the brunette this time.’

  Harvey looked out across the nightclub, following the trail of sexual energy.

  ‘Fuck that, I want the blonde.’


  I took my time under the shower, allowing the pounding hot water to ease the knots of tension across my shoulders. It was obvious that Carter was still mad at me, but I didn’t really know what I’d done. I didn’t understand his haphazard moods in the slightest.

  Harvey was just as bad. He’d come to Wild Side, and once again given me hope before pulling away. I sighed. Analysing my complete inability to sustain any sort of relationship would have to wait until after the team had caught their serial killer. I owed it to Colleen to focus on the case and not my poor excuse for a love life.

  I shut off the shower, and grabbed a towel from the hook outside the shower cubicle door. I dried and then wrapped the soft, fluffy cotton around my body, securing the corner under my armpit so it resembled a dress. A rather short dress, but as the gym was empty, I wasn’t worried about the amount of flesh I was showing.

  I stepped out of the cubicle, but then froze. Even though the room was full of steam, which meant I couldn’t see further than thirty centimetres in front of my face, I knew someone was there.

  Someone was watching me.

  ‘Who’s there?’ I called out.

  Water dripped from the ends of my long, red hair and I shivered. I thought I could hear someone breathing, but rationalised it was just my over-active imagination playing tricks.

  I walked slowly and silently out of the shower room and into the main changing room. There were several rows of lockers at the far end, and I jumped when I heard a scuffling sound like someone was moving behind them.

  I lifted my hands, wanting to conjure a globe of fire on each palm but my towel slipped, exposing my breasts. I grabbed the towel and fastened it beneath my armpit again. My stomach clenched at the thought of being set-upon whilst in this naked, vulnerable position.

  ‘Carter, is that you?’ I called.

  I didn’t think he’d lower himself to pulling silly pranks in order to scare me, but the thought of an alternative prowler frightened me more. I could defend myself against most supernatural creatures, but nothing would stop a bullet to the back of my head.

  ‘It’s not funny,’ I said. ‘Come out now, whoever you are.’

  A sudden flurry of heavy footsteps echoed behind me. I spun around, igniting a series of giant flames in front of me but the moisture in the air was too great, and they died as quickly as I lit them. I could only just make out the shadowy outline of an intruder as he fled.

  I searched for a secondary weapon. There was a fire extinguisher on the wall, so I released it from its confines. As I was contemplating the best way to brandish the extinguisher while opening the door, it slid open, solving the problem for me.

  I swung the extinguisher with a cry of exertion, expecting to make contact with something solid, but someone yanked the weapon from my hands and pulled me against their chest.

  ‘What the hell are you playing at?’

  I was surprised to find myself nose to nose with Carter.

  ‘I thought I heard something,’ I said.

  ‘Something or someone?’

  ‘Someone. How long have you been here? Were you spying on me?’

  ‘I don’t spy on women in the shower to get my kicks.’

  Carter’s eyes fixated on mine and I shivered as I became increasingly aware of the intensifying pressure of his solid body pressed against mine. On the other hand, maybe it was because I was wet and naked beneath my sopping towel.

  ‘I came back to check on you,’ Carter replied. ‘I was being a grouch earlier, and unfairly took my frustrations out on you. I also brought you some clean clothes as a peace o
ffering. I didn’t think you’d want to wear that dress again.’

  My face reddened as my embarrassment level rocketed. Carter had come back to apologise and I’d practically accused him of being a pervert.

  ‘I’m sure it was just one of the team returning for something they left behind during a training session,’ I mumbled, feeling foolish for my wild allegation.

  Carter’s blue eyes narrowed.

  ‘This side of the building is deserted. Perry was hanging around earlier, but I made sure he left. The corridor was empty when I arrived.’

  Carter’s hand slid up my arm and settled across my collarbone. The heat from his palm caused me to shiver once again and my nipples hardened in response. I had the insane urge to unhook my towel and press my naked body against his. Carter must’ve sensed my sudden, acute arousal as his eyes darkened.

  For a second, we stood like that, both locked in a battle of wills, until Carter broke contact. He stepped away from me and ran his hands through his short, blond hair.

  ‘Get dressed,’ he said gruffly. ‘You should try to get some sleep. I have to go.’


  JC’s fingers glided across the keyboard as if engaged in an intricate dance routine.

  ‘You’re good at this,’ I said.

  ‘I know,’ he replied, giving me a lazy smile. ‘There’s a rhythm to it, like pleasuring a woman.’

  I rolled my eyes theatrically. ‘Per-lease, I’ve not long had my breakfast.’

  ‘Suit yourself, but I bet you’re watching my hands and imagining-’


  I cut him off mid-sentence and averted my gaze from the keyboard, trying not to picture exactly what he’d insinuated. It had been months since I’d shared a rhythm with anyone - not since that night with Harvey.

  JC laughed loudly, correctly interpreting my wistful sigh.

  ‘Don’t worry, Red,’ he said. ‘Your secret is safe with me. How’s it going, working with my boy again?’


  My tone was brusque, and JC raised an eyebrow as if not believing me.

  ‘It’s fine,’ I repeated. ‘We’re both mature adults. We’re getting on like a house on fire.’

  I didn’t add that the thought of the demon going up in flames grew more appealing each time I saw him.

  ‘He talked about you all the time, you know, after he left this unit. You surprised him, I think. I know you two had a thing, but he’s not the settling down type. No demon is.’

  ‘We were never a thing,’ I replied stiffly. ‘Where is he?’

  JC looked at his watch. ‘I’m not sure. I left him at Darrick’s club last night. He probably slept in; something you should have considered too. You look tired.’

  ‘Is that a polite way of saying I look like shit?’

  JC grinned.

  ‘I tried to sleep, but couldn’t,’ I said, as justification for why I was in the briefing room at four o’clock in the morning.

  I’d wanted to sleep. After Carter had left me in the gym, I’d dressed quickly and gone back to my old room in the recruits’ wing. I’d tossed and turned, wishing sleep would take me so I didn’t keep replaying the night. The events jumbled in my mind - from how much I’d enjoyed dancing with Harvey at Wild Side, to my interaction with Sophia and my mystery intruder, to ending up in Carter’s arm. My brain ached and sleep evaded me, until I’d given in and got up again.

  ‘Ok, I’m through the S.P.T.F. firewall,’ JC said, bringing me back to the moment. ‘What exactly am I looking for?’

  My cheeks flushed, as I didn’t really know what I was doing.

  ‘I’m not too sure yet,’ I admitted.

  ‘Ah, helpful,’ JC drawled. ‘I’m not a mind reader, Red.’

  ‘Clearly,’ I snapped, ‘as I’ve told you plenty of times not to call me Red. Just print out anything relating to Chambers Enterprise, and I’ll look through it later.’

  ‘Not everything on the internet is true. More like public opinion. I’m sure there are a few inaccurate stories kicking around the World Wide Web about you.’

  ‘As I’m sure there are about you and your incarceration.’

  ‘On the contrary, when it comes to me, it’s all true. A private investigator constantly straddles the line of the law. Sometimes I put my foot down on the wrong side and they arrest me. Joining this team was quicker than waiting for my lawyer to get the charges dropped.’

  ‘Harvey mentioned that you have a hunch about why the girls were selected’.

  ‘We’re working an angle.’

  ‘Care to share?’


  ‘What happened to the “we’re all in this together” spiel? I thought we were one big, happy team.’

  JC sat back in his chair and put his hands behind his head.

  ‘Those words are nothing more than lyrics to a feel-good song. We’re not in anything together. I’m a freelance investigator. I’m only working with S.P.T.F. because it’s in my interest. If someone else offers me a better deal, then I’d negotiate terms. Don’t be fooled into thinking I’m a nice guy.’

  The printer beside the desk whirred to life, cutting off any remark I was about to make.

  ‘For Chambers’ phone records and financial data you’ll need a warrant,’ JC said.

  ‘I don’t think it’ll come to that.’

  ‘I said you’ll need a warrant. I already hacked into those files days ago, and there’s nothing of interest there.’

  ‘So why is Harvey suspicious of Mr Chambers?’

  JC hesitated as if contemplating what to say next.

  ‘I’ve known Harvey for a long time,’ he finally said, ‘and his instincts are usually sound. We know a demon killed Colleen and the other witches, we just don’t know why.’

  ‘What kind of demon?’ I asked.

  ‘The kind you don’t want to meet, Ember. I mentioned earlier that I was at Darrick’s club last night. You know him, don’t you?’

  My heart thudded in my chest at hearing Darrick’s name again.

  ‘I met him when I was working undercover last year. I don’t really know him.’

  ‘Darrick has serious connections to the underworld. He gave us a lead about the demon that has a fetish for leaving corpse-brides.’

  ‘And he just gave up this information freely, did he?’

  ‘Well, no,’ JC admitted, a strange expression flittering across his face. ‘It wasn’t quite as simple as that. He wants something in return of course.’


  ‘He wants me to find someone.’

  ‘Are you’re going to do it?’

  JC nodded his head. ‘Darrick is a powerful ally to have, so I’ll indulge his request on this occasion. It’s a simple job for me. I don’t owe this team anything.’

  I wanted to add that nothing was simple when it came to dealing with vampires, but I kept that sentiment to myself.

  ‘Once we capture the demon, we need to ascertain who summoned his services,’ JC continued.

  ‘And Harvey thinks that someone might be Mr Chambers?’

  ‘It could be anyone, Ember.’

  I considered that.

  ‘Not anyone,’ I corrected. ‘The average person wouldn’t have the knowledge to summon a demon. It has to be someone with access to that kind of magic.’

  ‘Like someone from your old coven?’

  ‘Potentially, yes. Any of the coven members would be able to research the ancient routine for summoning a demon.’

  ‘Including you?’

  I didn’t like the accusation hidden within JC’s tone, but I couldn’t deny his claim.

  ‘I could summon a demon, JC,’ I said. ‘But frankly, I’m having enough trouble dealing with the one that’s already here. I’m going to take this back to my room to read. I’ll see you in a few hours for Agent Myles’ briefing.’


  I tapped my foot impatiently against the leg of the table. It was almost lunchtime and Harvey was yet to make an appearance.
Agent Myles had been prowling the incident room, barking orders and throwing questions at the team for what felt like hours.

  ‘Where the hell is Harvey? When I request an update, I expect everyone here.’

  Agent Myles directed the question towards Carter, who unfairly seemed to taking the brunt of his wrath.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Carter replied, and his tone suggested that he didn’t care.

  ‘What the hell kind of unit are you running here? How can you not know where your recruits are?’

  ‘I didn’t think I was running this unit anymore,’ Carter replied, his face conveying exactly what he thought about that statement. ‘Why don’t you know where your recruits are?’

  Myles put his hands on his hips. ‘Is that a joke?’

  ‘No, sir.’

  No one seemed keen to make eye contact with Agent Myles, least of all me. I held my breath as he scanned the room looking for someone else to shout out. The weight of his stare was tangible, and I cringed when he addressed me.

  ‘Ember, have you seen him?’

  I released my breath and shook my head.

  ‘Not since yesterday.’

  I thought it best to leave out the part about Harvey following me to Wild Side and us dancing together.

  ‘JC, you’re supposed to be Harvey’s partner on this assignment. I suggest you keep him on a tighter leash or you’ll both be back in the detainment unit. This case is taking far too long to break, and the last thing this team needs while it’s under review, is another dead woman added to the incident board. Let’s skip ahead to what progress was made last night.’

  ‘Ember successfully made contact with her coven,’ Ghent replied, and I smiled gratefully at him for his attempt to pacify Agent Myles with some good news. ‘She’s waiting to hear from someone close to all three victims. I also managed to form a secondary contact at the coven in case we need another way to get information.’


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