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Don't Call Me Sweetheart

Page 22

by Codi Gary

  Kendall laughed and slowly lowered herself into one of the empty chairs. She was wearing an empire waist bridesmaid dress in a periwinkle blue, while the rest of the bridesmaids were in navy, setting her apart as Marley’s Matron of Honor. Kendall had convinced Brent that Sweetheart would be a wonderful place to raise a family, and since both of their best friends were living there anyway, Brent hadn’t protested.

  “Actually, I would not. You and Luke are too good together.”

  Marley smiled, silently agreeing with Kendall. Loving Luke was one of the easiest things she’d ever done, even when he was being bossy. Like when she woke up early one June morning, and he was standing in the kitchen with a box of Trix. On the front, he’d put a piece of paper in the corner that read, Will you marry me, Marley? If yes, open the box.

  She’d almost ripped the box out of his hands, laughing when she found a velvet ring box sitting on top of the colorful cereal. She’d pulled it out with shaking hands.

  He’d kneeled down, and after taking the cereal and the ring box from her, he’d said, “Marley, I love you and want you by my side for the rest of my life. Will you accept this ring and be my wife?”

  Of course she’d said yes and launched herself at him, knocking him back into the Trix box that spilled over. They’d ended up making love on the painful balls of grain, but neither of them complained.

  Until Butters ate his weight in colorful crunchy balls and they had to rush him to the vet where he passed rainbow-colored poo. Never a dull moment for them.

  “You’re ready now,” Kelly said.

  As Rylie pulled the old-fashioned mirror down and revealed the beautiful Maggie Sottero dress covering Marley’s slender frame, and the wisps of blonde hair the framed her face under her veil, she dropped the bag. A wide smile split across her face, and she felt a hand take hers. Looking down into her mother’s joyous face, she squeezed.

  “I’m ready.”

  * * * *

  Luke paced in front of the officiant, trying to calm his nerves. He stood at the edge of Sweetheart Meadows, overlooking the river below, where Marley and he had made love for the first time. He kept staring down the white runner covered in brightly colored wildflowers, and the faces of their closest family and friends, impatiently waiting for Marley to get out there so he could make her his wife.

  Wife. God, I can’t believe how happy I am.

  “Relax, man, it’s going to be great,” Brent said, standing perfectly still at his best man post.

  The music changed, and this was it. Luke stopped and waited, watching the door of the saloon. It finally opened and the bridesmaids started down the aisle, all holding large bouquets of yellow, pink, purple, and green.

  Kendall, who held a leash in one hand and dropped pellets behind her for Butters, the official ring bearer. He surprisingly didn’t seem to mind the black harness with the white bowtie on the back of his neck. The room laughed as the bunny hopped down the aisle, snacking on the little green logs all the way down to the special crate they’d set up for him. Kendall retrieved the ring, locked him inside and took her bouquet from Rylie, joining the rest of them beneath the arbor.

  When the bridal march started and Marley and her mom came down the porch arm in arm, Luke’s heart stopped. Everything and everyone melted away as he stared at his soon-to-be wife and the happiness transfixed across her face. He knew his expression mirrored hers and found himself walking halfway down the aisle to meet her. Cupping her face, he kissed her lips softly, until someone thwacked him on his arm.

  Facing his future mother in law, he said, “What was that for?”

  “For being impatient.”

  The audience erupted, and Luke sheepishly back pedaled to his place until Rose finally relinquished Marley to him.

  The pastor started the ceremony, and when he reached the part where he asked for objections, Luke almost laughed, imagining someone standing up and—

  “Oh, crap!” Kendall cried.

  Every head turned toward her, including Luke and Marley.

  “What’s the matter?” Marley asked.

  Kendall was hunched over, holding her stomach. “I’m pretty sure I’m in labor.”

  “What?!” Brent shouted, crossing to his wife. “Why do you think that?”

  “Because my water just broke all over my shoes and my stomach feels like it’s tied in knots!”

  Without further explanation, Brent swooped Kendall up in his arms, and ran down the aisle toward the parked cars. “Taking the limo!”

  “Son of a bitch!” Luke said.

  “Sir, can we speed this along?” Marley said.

  The officiant seemed stunned, but nevertheless pronounced them husband and wife.

  “Are you thinking what I am?” Luke asked.

  “Hell yes. I’m not letting them steal our thunder and our limo.”

  With a laugh, the two of them raced down the aisle after their friends.

  “We’ll see y’all at the reception!” Luke yelled.

  When they reached the rows of cars, they found Brent arguing with the limo driver.

  “Tony, get your ass in the driver’s seat and haul us to the hospital!” Marley hollered.

  Tony gaped at Marley for a half a second, then jumped into the driver’s seat.

  “Come on, guys, inside,” Luke said.

  Kendall shook her head, her face pale and sweaty. “What are you doing? You’re going to miss your reception!”

  Luke watched Marley take her friend’s hand and squeeze it. “Nah, we just want to make sure you get there okay. Besides, in case the baby needs to be delivered, Luke’s here.”

  Kendall and Marley looked at Luke, who appeared horrified and they laughed.

  “I’m sorry we stole your limo,” Kendall said.

  “I don’t care about the limo, dummy. We love you.”

  Kendall threw her arms around Marley with a cry while their husbands rolled their eyes.

  “All right, all right, hugging later, hospital now,” Luke said, ushering them inside.

  When they were all inside, Brent held his panting wife while Luke took Marley’s hand.

  “You were sure cool about them hijacking our limo. I was expecting a crazy bride.”

  Marley snorted. “Remember I said I’d had enough of crazy brides.”

  “You did, but I wasn’t sure I believed it. Especially since we might be late to the reception.”

  “No, we’ll drop them off and get back in plenty of time.” Her chin lifted stubbornly. “I’m not going to miss my first dance with you. We’re going to do this, even if I have to drive the limo myself.”

  Luke held her close, holding back his laughter at her ferocity. “It’s not exactly our first dance—”

  “It is as husband and wife and I am not missing it.” She kissed his mouth lingeringly, and he couldn’t help his reaction to her. When he was eighty, he hoped that the simple brush of Marley’s lips on his would still make him crazy in the best way possible.

  Marley’s fingers brushed over his chest, and she sent him a coy look from beneath her lashes. “Although, I will admit, I’m looking forward to what happens after the reception more than any dance.”

  He lowered his voice, and wiggled his eyebrows. “You mean the honeymoon? Me too.”

  She pushed at his chest with laughter. “No, you perv. I mean spending the rest of my life with you.”

  Luke kissed her long and lingeringly. “Don’t try to act as though you aren’t excited about the honeymoon.”

  “Fine yes, I can’t wait to spend an entire week naked with you in the hotel room eating chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne.”

  “That’s my sweetheart.” His arms went around her, pulling her close until he felt the warmth of her breath on his ear.

  “Yes, I am.”

  First of all, many thanks to my agent, Sarah Younger, for submitting my proposal for the Something Borrowed series, and always being there for me when I need you. To my amazing editor, Norma Perez-Hernandez for giving me this chance. To the staff at Kensington Lyrical for the support. To my husband and children, for learning with every book what “mommy’s on deadline” means and being so understanding. To my parents, siblings, in laws, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews… thank you for talking about and reading my books. Love you all. My friends, who have been there through all the ups and downs, especially Hope Villano, Tina Klinesmith, Deana Gillingham, and Gayle Tominaga: You are amazing, strong women, and you inspire me. I want to thank my Rockers, who share my good news, read and review with gusto. You are the best. And last, but certainly not least, my amazing readers; never stop emailing, messaging, and posting to my timeline. You are my sunshine.

  Kiss Me Sweetheart

  Keep reading for a sneak peek at


  available in February 2018 from Lyrical Shine.

  Chapter 1

  Rylie Templeton sat at her desk, staring at the box of death by chocolate muffins she’d made that morning, and wondered if throwing one at Dustin Kent’s head could be considered assault.

  God, he was an arrogant son of a bitch. He leaned a broad shoulder against the door jamb, and watched her with one raised brow and a sardonic smirk across his full lips. He’d been working at Something Borrowed for just shy of a month, and managed to get under her skin in the worst way. Constantly mocking her with his fake compliments and flattery, as if she didn’t know he was full of shit.

  “You look very pretty today, Rylie. I love you in purple. It really brings out the green flecks in your eyes.”

  Rylie narrowed her very dark eyes at him. “My eyes are brown, asshat.”

  He pushed off and started walking toward her, a long stride that ate up the length of her tiny office in no time. He placed his hands on the desk and leaned over until he was almost nose to nose with her.

  “Not true. Right in the center—”

  She caught the finger he’d started waving in front of her face, tempted to bite it.

  Not in a sexy way, of course.

  She released him abruptly and stood. Why the hell would she go there, even in her head? Dustin wasn’t sexy, and she had a boyfriend anyway.

  “I know you are used to getting what you want from women, but your flattery will not work on me.”

  “Too bad. I was just coming to tell you that Kelly wants to see us in her office. Something about the Rolland/Marconi wedding?”

  Rylie’s heart almost exploded from her chest. This was it. She’d been waiting for Kelly to give her some of the higher profile clients, but most of them had gone to Marley because she’d been there the longest. But Marley’s plate was incredibly full this summer, and Rylie had been praying for this chance since she’d watched Tonya Rolland, the governor of California’s daughter, walk down the hallway into Kelly’s office last week.

  Then, the entirety of his words sank in. “Wait, why does she want you there?”

  Before she could blink, Dustin snagged one of her muffins and bit into it, chewing slowly. The agony was killing her, until finally he swallowed. “I have a feeling the two of us are going to make this wedding very special.”

  “Are you kidding me? You and me?” Stepping around the desk, Rylie mumbled, “There has to be some kind of mistake.”

  Dustin followed behind her, talking in a low, suggestive tone. “Oh, no mistake, baby. Just destiny.”

  “Shut up.” Rylie knocked on Kelly’s office door, ignoring Dustin as he came up to stand beside her, bristling when his shoulder brushed hers. She had no idea why he irritated her so much, beyond the fact that he was an obvious womanizer and liked to manipulate women to get his way.

  That was probably reason enough.

  “Come in,” Kelly called.

  Dustin beat her to the doorknob. As he twisted it open, she looked up in time to catch his grin, his sparkling blue eyes.

  “After you.”

  Rylie passed him and went to take a seat in one of the chairs opposite Kelly. “You wanted to see me.”

  “And me,” Dustin said, taking the seat next to her.

  Rylie gritted her teeth.

  Kelly smiled and leaned forward, oblivious to the tension between them. “I’m sure you have an idea why I’ve called you both in here.”

  “The Rolland/Marconi wedding,” Dustin said.

  “Yes. They want to keep a very tight lid on everything, including the location. Close friends and family only, and no press. You two are to get everything ready so when they arrive, all they have to do is get dressed and walk down the aisle.”

  Rylie wasn’t the type to rock the boat, but she couldn’t help being irritated. She’d worked hard to get this account; she didn’t need a partner, especially some playboy millionaire who didn’t even have to work.

  Taking a deep breath, she blurted, “Kelly, I know this is a huge account, but I can handle it on my own.”

  The office went dead silent, and Kelly sat back, her brow furrowed. “Dustin, would you please step out and close the door?”


  Rylie’s whole face felt like her skin was burning off. God, she hadn’t meant for it to come out quite like that.

  “Kelly, I’m so sorry—”

  Her boss held up her hand and Rylie shut her mouth, waiting for Kelly to tell her she’d blown it.

  “I didn’t assign Dustin to this account because I thought you couldn’t handle it alone. I know you can take on all of this and it would be spectacular.”

  Rylie waited for the but that was sure to follow that glowing speech.

  “But, as both the bride and groom have no siblings, they have made their closest friends bridesmaids and groomsmen and asked for professionals to handle the positions of Best Man and Maid of Honor. Do you understand?”

  And she did. Everyone at Something Borrowed, especially her friend Marley, had wondered why Kelly had hired a man after all these years. Now it was clear she’d been anticipating this request.

  It still didn’t explain why she’d chosen Dustin Kent. Even if he hadn’t sold an app he’d designed in college and made millions on his own, his parents owned one of the biggest vineyards in the area and half the town of Sweetheart. The guy should be sleeping his way across the U.S. and Europe, not working as a professional groomsman.

  “Yes. I’m sorry if I was rude,” Rylie said.

  Kelly’s shot her an amused look. “Please. That is the first time you’ve ever questioned a decision I’ve made in what, four years? I think you’ve earned a question or two.”

  The tension Rylie hadn’t known was there leaked out of her chest as she released a heavy breath. Kelly passed her a red folder, and held onto it until Rylie met her gaze. “I also want you to keep an eye on Dustin.”

  Rylie blinked at her a few times. “You mean spy on him?”

  “No, not spy. I just want you to make sure that he’d doing his fair share of the work. I know how he likes to get one over on the other women here, but thankfully, you seem to be immune to him.”

  “I have a boyfriend,” she said.

  Kelly’s lips thinned for a half a second until she forced a smile. Rylie wasn’t surprised; she knew no one liked her boyfriend, Ashton Clark. Some were more polite about letting their feelings be known.

  “Yes, I know. Will you send Dustin back in when you leave? I’d like to finish up telling him what I expect and then I’ll send him back to you.”

  Rylie took the folder and left the room, making her way down the hallway to Dustin’s office. He was sitting behind his desk, glasses slipped over that perfect nose making him look like Clark Kent. For a second she watched him, thinking she was due for a Small
ville marathon.

  Rylie shook her head. Dustin was nothing like Tom Welling, except for being insanely good looking, but beauty was only skin deep. Vipers were gorgeous too, until they bit you.

  She knocked on the door frame and he looked up at her from his laptop.

  “Kelly wants to finish talking to you,” she said.

  Dustin shut the laptop and stood up, stretching his arms over his head. Which, of course, lifted his button up shirt. She had to fight not to look down and see if any skin was exposed.

  God, she was a terrible person.

  “So, you didn’t manage to get me kicked off then?” he asked.

  “It wasn’t about you. It was about me wanting to handle this on my own.” Plus, the commission alone would have changed everything for me.

  Dustin walked around the desk and actually chucked her under the chin. “Don’t worry, baby. I promise that you’re going to love working with me.”

  Rylie ignored the little flutter in her stomach and scoffed. “Just don’t screw this up for me.”

  She left his office, her cheeks burning as his deep chuckle followed her down the hall. She hated that she’d actually been taken with him when he’d first started working there. Marley had told her he was a jerk, but he’d actually been nice to Rylie. Then, he’d started flirting, and teasing her, and when she’d walked by Marley’s office one day to find him flirting with Sonora Star, one of their high profile brides, Rylie had known he was a dog. She could handle and tolerate a lot from a man, but she’d never trust a cheater.

  Which was probably why she’d stayed with Ashton for so long.

  She sat down at her desk in time to hear her phone beep. She checked the text message and winced.

  Did u get BBQ sauce at the store?

  Crap, she’d forgotten. Her heart sped up just thinking about how such a small thing could set Ashton off. Taking a deep, shaky breath she tapped out a response.

  I’ll pick some up on my way home.

  There was no response five minutes later, and she knew things were going to be bad.

  A tap on her door made her jump and Dustin threw his hands up. “Whoa, it’s just me. Was going to see if you wanted to scout a few sites that the bride and groom have picked out?”


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