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Wild Need [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Jane Jamison

  The sensual tension coming from both sides slipped around her, cocooning her in a very loving yet very erotic way. The men were hotter than anyone she could remember. Not in the overt way models and actors in movies were handsome but in an easy, natural way. They had an edge to them that went to their core and made her want to tug off her clothes and offer them her body. She shook herself, amazed at where her thoughts had gone.

  “I guess Tucker hasn’t mentioned it yet, but we want you to work for all of us.” Cort’s telling look skipped from Tucker to her. “I hope it’s not going to be a problem.”

  Was it a problem? Working for three men instead of one would mean extra work. Should she ask for more money? She resisted the urge. After all, her salary was more than what most personal assistants were paid in the beginning of their careers. Not that she wanted this job to turn into a career. Once she found a better job, in a bigger city, she’d take it and run.

  “Kate? What do you think?” Travis took a sip of his drink, his baby-blue gaze searching her.

  “I can promise you it won’t mean much more work,” added Cort. “I don’t need much help. Just the occasional errand into town. And Travis works the ranch like I do then hides in the office writing the Great American Novel in his spare time. Tucker is the one you’ll do the most work for.”

  “I see.” She hoped she did. She couldn’t afford to turn down the job. “Tucker, you’re an attorney, right? No offense, but I wouldn’t think an attorney would have much work in a small town like Forever.”

  “I’m a lawyer, yes, and you’d be surprised at how much legal work needs to get done around here. Especially between the residents of Forever and those of Shatland. Mostly land disputes and that kind of thing. But I work on the ranch, too.”

  “So your job is to basically do whatever we need.” Travis leaned toward her, resting his elbows on his knees. His blue eyes sparkled as though laughing at a private joke.

  Whatever they need. Oh, my.

  She took a quick drink of her lemonade, buying time for her pulse to settle down. Talk about a libido going haywire. Hers had taken an innocent statement like that and turned it into thoughts of carnal pleasure. She should’ve been shocked at where her thoughts had taken her, yet she found the idea tantalizing. After all, it wasn’t as though she hadn’t fantasized about sex with more than one man. The novels she read often had multiple men falling in love with one woman.

  But that just happens in books, right? She glanced at the men. Calm down. Besides, they didn’t even mention sex.

  Still, what would it be like to have three gorgeous men in her bed? Too many nights had passed since she’d had even one man in her bed. But three? That would be a whole new experience. One she realized she wanted to try.

  “If we still have an agreement, would you like to see your room?”

  She jolted out of her reverie to gawk at Tucker. “My room? As in, this house? Living with the three of you? I assumed when you mentioned room and board that I’d have my own place. Like an apartment nearby or an in-law cottage behind your home.”

  “Crap, man. Didn’t you explain the living conditions to her?” Cort let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I didn’t think.” Tucker took her hand and turned her toward him. “I should have, but it just slipped my mind. Are you okay with staying in the same house? You’ll have your own room, of course, with a lock on the door. But having you live with us would make things more convenient. There are times when we’ll need you during the night.”

  During the night? Her pussy tightened and she crossed her legs. “What kind of things?”

  Again, her imagination took off. What if they knocked on her door late at night and wanted more than what was covered in her job description? She swallowed and dropped her gaze only to bring it back to the men.

  Tucker glanced at his friends. “Around here you never know. Could be a legal matter like getting a client out of jail in Shatland.”

  “Or, since I write mostly at night, I might need you to help me with research for my book.” Travis cleared his throat. “Although I’ll do my best not to bother you unless it’s necessary. But I’ve got to strike while my muse is hot, you know.”

  Hot. Yes, he is. She nodded even though she didn’t really understand what he meant by “muse.” Inspiration? How was she supposed to help inspire him?

  Cort offered her more lemonade, but she shook her head. “I won’t need you much other than helping me keep track of the ranch’s books. Other than that, I might slip out during the night if there’s a fire.”

  “A fire?” Like the one between my legs?

  “Yeah, I’m a volunteer firefighter for Forever and Shatland. The station house is located between the towns. Fortunately, most of the fires we get around here are grass fires.”

  “What do you say, Kate? Do you still want the job?” Tucker stood, causing everyone else to rise with him.

  She saw their hopeful expressions. “Yes.”

  Cort let out a big breath of air and Travis looked just as relieved as Tucker did.

  “Great. Let’s show you where your desk is.” Travis led the way out of the living room and down the hallway to the last door on the left. He swung the door wide and motioned for her to enter.

  * * * *

  Cort grinned at Tucker as Kate walked by him and into the study. Two desks took up most of the room. The larger one, a huge, dark wood monstrosity, faced the door and had a leather chair decked with studs that even Donald Trump would envy. The other one was the size of the average secretary’s desk with a computer, printer, and telephone resting on the glass top.

  “I take it this is mine.” Kate ran her hand along the top of the plain chair and twirled it around. “Unless whoever uses that desk wants to trade.”

  Good. Our mate has a sense of humor. “We take turns using the big desk, but if we’re not around, help yourself. At tax time we end up using both desks as we try to sort out Tucker’s receipts.”

  “Damn it, man. We just got her to agree to stay. Don’t scare her away with Tucker’s receipts.” Travis sat on the end of her desk. “Trust me. It’s not for the fainthearted.”

  “Hey, can I help it if I’m a great lawyer but a lousy accountant?” Tucker flopped into his chair. “But they’re right. Trying to figure out my receipts is a job only a masochist could love.”

  The beginnings of a smile tipped the ends of her mouth. A mouth he wanted to taste before the night was over. He didn’t have to see his friends to know they were thinking the same thing and more. But her first night was not the time. They needed to ease into things.

  “Do you think I could get a tour of the house? Especially the kitchen?”

  “Please tell me you like to cook. I’m kind of the unofficial cook for these two ungrateful louts, so anytime you feel like putting on an apron, just say so.” Cort liked cooking, but if she wanted to join him in the kitchen to help him get things hot, then he’d welcome her with open arms and a ready cock.

  “I’m not very good. I tend to experiment.”

  “We like experimentation of most any kind.”

  Cort barely kept from rolling his eyes at Travis. Could the guy be any more obvious? He agreed with his friend but planned on doing a better job of controlling his innuendos. “Come on. We’ll start the tour with the kitchen then work our way up to your room.” So much for controlling my not-so-obvious advances.

  She skimmed her hand over the computer that was the latest and fastest version available. “I love computers, but I could never afford one.”

  “Then we’ll have to get you a laptop so you can work outside when it’s nice. I don’t know how Tucker stands being locked away for hours in the office.” Cort moved toward the door.

  “It’s not like I’m a hermit. I spend more time outside than I do inside. But now that Kate’s here, staying inside sounds like a good idea.”

  Travis grabbed Tucker’s arm and hauled him toward the door and Cort. “I thought the idea of having a personal assis
tant was to free you up and get you away from your desk.”

  Cort laughed, but his laugh trailed off as Kate floated across the floor, clogging his throat with need. Floating was the best way to describe her walk. Although he sensed she wasn’t trying to be sexy, her walk was that and more. Her legs were more than long enough to wrap around his waist to pull him close.

  Was she wearing panties or a thong? He wrenched his gaze away from her lower half to her firm, full breasts. If a man could die with his hand on her breast, then he’d die a happy man. She walked past him, and he closed his eyes and inhaled, drawing in her unique scent. Travis and Tucker caught him as he opened his eyes, knowing looks on their faces.

  Our mate is hot. Smart and hot. The best of the best.

  Although he hadn’t spoken the words, he knew they could read his thoughts by looking at his face. Pivoting on his heel, he slid a hand along her back and guided her to the swinging door of the kitchen. He bit back a curse when his cell phone rang, pulling him away from the others. “You guys go on. I’ll catch up with you after I take this call.”

  He never ignored a call in case it was the captain of the volunteer fire squad calling about a fire, but he half considered it this time. He glanced at the caller ID, frowned, and punched it on.

  “What’s up, Daniel?” Daniel and Anderson Holms owned the ranch next to theirs. Knowing Daniel, he wasn’t calling unless it was important.

  “You’ve got a fence problem, Cort, and your cattle are grazing on our land. You want me to handle it or see to it yourself?”

  Every rancher helped other ranchers when they could, but when it came to rounding up cattle, it was best to do the job yourself. “Thanks, but we’ll get on it. Where’s the break?”

  “Right at the intersection of our ranches closest to the Moonstone Bar. Better get to it before nightfall and the night critters go out prowling.”

  Coyotes and wolves they could handle, but Cort wasn’t sure if Daniel meant regular predators or supernatural ones. Not long ago, a rogue vampire had even tried abducting one of the pack’s females. Along with the help of a local “friendly” vampire, they’d managed to take care of the kidnapping vampire before he’d caused too much damage. He wouldn’t be bothering anyone any longer.

  “Thanks again, Daniel.” Cort pushed the off button and shoved against the swinging door to shoulder his way into the kitchen. He stopped short at what he saw.

  Tucker leaned his back against the counter while Travis reached around Kate to show her how to use the oven. By the expression on Tucker’s face, Travis was pushing his luck.

  “If you three can stand to break it up, we’ve got a problem that needs fixing.”

  Kate jumped at the sound of his voice and spun around, pushing Travis away. A pretty pink hue rushed into her face as she brushed her hair out of the way.

  Tucker sauntered over to him. “What’s going on?”

  “We’ve got a downed fence out by the Holms Ranch with our cattle wandering onto their land.”

  Travis let out a curse and headed for the back door. “I don’t get it. I know that fence is sound. Tucker, let’s get moving. Cort, take the pickup and see if any cattle are getting on the road. Bring Kate, and don’t forget Buster.”

  Tucker and Travis were out the door before Cort could give a response.

  “Like I’d ever forget.” Cort grabbed the keys to the pickup then stalled as he took in her outfit. “You brought a pair of jeans and some boots, didn’t you?”

  She ducked her head as though forgetting what she’d worn. “The jeans, yes. But not work boots. I’ve got a solid pair of running shoes though.”

  “Then go change. Your bag’s in the room to the left at the top of the stairs. Meet me outside by the truck in five minutes.”

  “But why am I going? I don’t know anything about cattle.”

  He wanted to reach out and caress her cheek to soothe the startled glint in her green eyes. “Around here everyone lends a hand whenever and however they’re needed. You might as well get broken in the right way from the start.” When she didn’t move, he jerked his head toward the door and added, “Well? What are you waiting for?”

  Her shell-shocked expression washed away with a determination he had to admire. “Okay. Got it. Five minutes.”

  He followed her as she dashed toward the swinging door. Unprepared for her sudden reversal, he bumped into her and had to grab her to keep her from falling.

  Her mouth parted, and that was the last straw. Cort pressed his lips to hers and released her arms in favor of her round ass. She gasped then, after a moment, leaned into the kiss. She offered her tongue to him and he took it, the first taste of her exploding in his mouth. She was sweeter than he’d imagined, and he groaned into the kiss.

  He gripped her butt cheeks harder and sucked on her tongue, unwilling to turn her loose in any way. They’d waited years for her, and now that she was here, he couldn’t let her go. Not even for the sake of his cattle.

  Sliding his hands to her thighs, he thrust his crotch against her, his growing cock pushing against his jeans in a painful way. He devoured her mouth, loving the way she took his tongue as eagerly as he’d taken hers. She had to feel his cock against her, but she didn’t try to move away. The knowledge made him grow faster, longer, and he ached to unzip his jeans and take her in the hall, in the kitchen, and in every other room in the house.

  Not believing his luck that she’d stay where she was, he tunneled his fingers into her long hair and held her mouth to him. She felt so right, so perfect against his body, he knew no other woman could ever compare. His cock would fit perfectly in her pussy, and he groaned knowing they didn’t have time to prove it. He deepened the kiss and squeezed her butt cheek as he tightened his hold on her hair. God, he wanted her, needed her. She slid her palm over his chest and cupped his neck. The simple move almost made him come in his jeans.

  His inner wolf howled with delight. Scratching at his insides, the animal raked his lust higher, bringing out the natural instincts of an animal who’d found its mate. He kept the beast in check, letting it take over just enough to give him added fervor.

  He yearned to pick her up and carry her upstairs. Need drove him to distraction as he broke the kiss, ready to do just that.


  He groaned as she pressed harder against his chest. Her intent was unmistakable, but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. In fact, if possible, he’d deny it until his last breath.

  “Cort.” Her tone was louder, stronger than before.

  He nuzzled her neck and fondled her breast. Maybe if he ignored her voice, he could forget about his duty to his friends. She pushed again, and he finally pulled away from her, a growl just below the surface. “I know.”

  “Then let me go.”

  He met her gaze and thrilled at the lust clouding it. “Kate, I want you. We all want you. This is your home now. Do you understand me?”

  She frowned. “I’m not sure. But why me? We don’t even know each other.”

  “You coming here was no accident. We searched for you. Tucker found you, and he knew right away. But if you hadn’t taken the job…we’d have located you another way. Fate would’ve brought us together no matter what.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He could see her disbelief, even distrust, etched in the way she studied him. She lowered her gaze, saw the bulge in his jeans, then stepped back from him. His stomach flipped over in an agonizing way. Had he ruined their chances with her? He drew in a ragged breath and raked a hand through his hair.

  “I want you to trust me, Kate. Search inside yourself and you’ll find the truth. It’s there if you look for it.”

  He moved fast, taking her by the arms. She jolted but didn’t try to get away. Unable to do anything else, he crushed his lips to hers again. Again, her flavors swept over him, leaving him rocked to the core. He swept his tongue around her mouth and groaned, knowing what he had to do. He forced himself to break away from her. With a pained
grin, he whirled her around and spanked her on the butt.

  She yelped and spun back to him, shock on her face and her mouth open as though readying for a retort. He held up his hand as though to spank her again. “Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t like that. I can see it in your eyes.”


  “Nope. No buts, and don’t say another word. Just do as I told you to do. Move it and get changed. We’ve got cattle to wrangle.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  She had guts. He liked that and knew Travis and Tucker would like it, too. “If you don’t, I’m going to tear off your clothes and fuck you until you’ll do whatever I say and like it.”

  He saw it. He saw her desire to challenge him on it just so he would fuck her. She didn’t have to put it into words. It was written on her face as plain as day. She wanted him to fuck her. His wolf howled her name, and he had to grind his teeth together to keep the howl from coming out.

  “What’s it going to be, Kate? Move or fuck?”

  For a moment, he thought she would say the word he ached to hear. Come on, Kate. I need you to say it. Say fuck me and Travis and Tucker won’t blame me a bit for not helping round up the cattle.

  Her mouth worked and his cock twitched. His breathing grew labored as the need to have her threatened to overwhelm him. When she spun around and started up the stairs, he wanted to kick himself for letting her go.

  Chapter Three

  The drive to where the cattle were loose was a quiet one. Kate held on to the door handle as Cort sped the pickup down the gravel lane back to the main road. Her mind whirled as she tried to make sense of what had happened.

  She glanced at Cort then back out the window. When she’d met him at the pickup, he hadn’t acted any differently. In fact, he’d complimented her by telling her how fantastic—his words exactly—she looked in jeans and her faded Oklahoma University T-shirt. Then he’d opened the door for her and hurried around to the other side.


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