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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 12

by Lauren Wood

  “Please Rick!”

  I didn’t know what I was asking for, but like every other time, I didn’t have to know. Just like Amber had told me, Rick knew what to do and I was left there to close my eyes and to just feel it all. It was overwhelming and the coil inside of me was wound so tight that I was sure it was going to snap. I cried out when it did, colors bursting behind my eyes. I held my breath because I had forgotten how to do everything else but cling to the man above me, my thighs wrapped around his neck in a tight grip.

  Finally he moved away and looked down at me with a grin on his face. I loved the way he looked and I couldn’t hold his gaze for long. His body was moving up and over me and I knew what was next. I was scared of this part, but when I closed my eyes, I didn’t have to see the pulsing manhood coming towards me like a weapon. All I could do was feel his hard body moving over the top of me and how it felt to be pinned underneath him. I was still having aftershocks of pleasure as he moved over me.

  When I opened my eyes at his request, it wasn’t his own that I saw. I was looking in between our bodies and he was touching me in the most delicious way. His cock looked huge next to me and it sat on my mound, awaiting further instructions. I knew where it was supposed to go, but I never thought it would actually fit. Now I knew for sure that it was impossible.

  I looked up to Rick so that he could see the error and he wasn’t worried about it. His eyes were dark and needy. There was no more waiting. I clenched my eyes closed as I felt the pressure on my core where his mouth had given me pleasure not long ago.

  “Look at me Claire. I want to remember this moment forever.”

  I did as he asked and he pushed in suddenly without warning. The pain was swift and took my breath away. The slow burn was quickly dissipating and I was left with a need to move and rub him around inside of me. He kissed my face, my eyes, everywhere before he started to move slowly. I gripped his neck with my arms and pulled him down for a kiss. Each thrust into me gave me a wave of pleasure that I had never known before and it wasn’t long before I was at the edge of reason again. His name was like a mantra on my lips, urging him on to a bliss that I knew was so close. I could almost touch it, but it was just out of reach.


  He stopped and I whined. “Am I hurting you? I can stop if I am.”

  He started to pull out and I grabbed him around the waist and shook my head not to. The last thing that I wanted was for him to stop what he was doing. He just felt too damn good, but I wanted it faster. When I told him that, Rick called me a minx and immediately gave me exactly what it was that I needed. I screamed with the next wave of pleasure that took over me and the only thing stopping me from flying off was my grip on Rick. He grounded me.

  In the distance, I heard his own breathing becoming ragged as he slammed in harder and harder. What I thought wouldn’t fit was taking over every inch of me and my body was somehow receiving it all. I didn’t know how, but it was and it felt amazing.

  When Rick stopped on top of me, pushing deep one last time, I could feel the hot seed blast inside of me and make me feel even fuller than before. It was more than I was able to handle and before long I was pushing up against his chest to get him out of me. Now I was going to explode if he didn’t.

  Rick pulled out and laid down next to me, pulling me into his arms. I had never felt so content in my life. All of the worry was for nothing and I felt shorted that no one had told me how amazing it was going to be. Was it like this for everyone because if so, I couldn’t see how anyone ever left their bedrooms?


  One Year Later


  “I can’t believe that we are finally here Rick.”

  He smiled back at me and then we both looked down to the view of the Big Apple. We had talked about this, planned for it, but to finally have another office open in New York was like a dream come true. Rick had told me about it long ago and then his dream had become mine.

  “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Everything has changed now and I feel like the sky is the limit.”

  “It always was you Rick. You just needed someone to believe in you.”

  He smiled back at me and I knew that he was going to kiss me next. He had this look in his dark eyes that was hard to ignore and I looked away before I was pulled into his vortex. “Don’t start Rick. Amy and Amber are going to be here soon with Makayla. I don’t want you getting all wound up.”

  He growled in response and I giggled back at him, moving towards the coffee pot that was set up in the office kitchen. We had spent the day decorating and making sure all of the furniture was where it was supposed to be. There had been many long looks and my only way to get out of it now was to get away from the temptation.

  “Where are you going Claire?”

  Rick had followed me in and I pushed him back when he came in for a kiss. “I am trying to be good. You need to do the same.”

  “I will be good, I promise that. Never heard a complaint yet.”

  He was impossible sometimes and when I wanted him as badly as he wanted me, it was easy to see how we were always getting ourselves into strange situations. If I wouldn’t have heard the ding of the bell on the door, I have a feeling we would have been caught in an awkward position today as well. I feel like people around us were used to our ardor, but it was hard to deny how badly I wanted him.

  “Stop. They are here.”

  I pushed a little harder and ignored his full lips in a pout. I wanted to be in his arms as much as he wanted me in them, but later. When I told him as much, it didn’t brighten his mood all that much. I didn’t have a chance to give a counteroffer before Amy was bursting in with Makayla. She was crying and I took my baby girl into my arms.

  “Did you miss momma, Kaykay?”

  She stopped crying almost immediately and I was sure that it was because we had been separated. I was still finding it hard to do things without her, but with Amy and Amber there to help me, things were starting to get back to normal. This was one of my first trips and I had to make sure I was here for the opening.

  “How was she?”

  Amy shrugged her shoulders. “She was good until a little while ago when we pulled up. I swear she knew you were in here and was going to cry until I brought her to you.’

  “Well she does have her father’s stubborn streak.”

  “And his hair. She has so much hair and it is so dark.’

  I smiled and looked down at the blue eyes staring back at me. It was the best part of both of us and I snuggled her to my chest in a moment of utter love. I couldn’t help it and for a moment I had to wonder why I was leaving her at all. Wasn’t there a way that I could take her everywhere with me?

  Shaking my head, I knew it wasn’t the case and I gave Makayla back to Amy after Rick gave her a kiss on the nose. He was just as smitten as I was and the only thing that wasn’t certain was who was going to spoil her worst. I had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be me. Kaykay already had her father wrapped around her finger.

  “Has she had anything to eat?”

  “She had a bottle a little while ago. She will let me know when she is hungry. We are going to play somewhere while you guys do the opening.”

  “Take her to my office. I have some of her things in there for when we are here. It is already baby-proofed. Amber ran through it all earlier.”

  “Where is your sister?”

  “Getting dinner I think. We are doing a meet and greet with the new consultants and then heading home. It is going to be a long night, but then we can all sleep in our beds tomorrow.”

  Amy smiled and I knew that I wasn’t the only one that was ready to get back. New York was beautiful and I loved the place we had here and the apartment, but I was still missing our home. The place where we started was always going to have a special place in my heart.

  I helped Amy to the office I had set aside for her and the baby. Giving Kay a kiss on the head, I went back to the small kitchen and moved to g
et my coffee.

  “I can’t wait to go home Rick.”

  “I was hoping that we would have a chance to see some sights tomorrow.”

  “You don’t want to go home, in our own bed?”

  Rick was noncommittal and asked me why.

  “I just miss it. I want to be there with you. Hotels feel strange. It doesn’t feel like ours.”

  His arms wrapped around me and I added that I was ready for him to have me, at home.

  “You are going to make me wait until we get home?”

  I laughed at the painful look that he was giving me. One would have thought that he had his penis in a vice. “If you are good, I may take pity on you in the plane.”

  That got his dark eyes leaping with fire and I looked away to save myself from getting scorched. He pulled me to him and kissed me hard on the lips. I was left breathless when he finally pulled away. Rick was going to make me pay for my teasing with some of his own.

  “Fine Claire. I have a feeling that you are going to be the one pulling me into the bathroom soon enough.”

  Rick walked away with a smug look on his face that I wish I could counter with one of my own. But he was right, he always was. The damn man knew me better than I knew myself. I was already dying to be with him again




  I had a decision to made, that would change everything.

  Could I say ‘I’ do for business?

  I had one rule in life, don’t fall in love. Now I have fallen for my wife.

  I had everything that a man could want.

  My bank account was stuffed, I had a new woman every night of the week and every guy wanted to be me.

  Life was perfect.

  I thought I had everything that I wanted.

  Then something was offered that I hadn’t been able to secure myself.

  I wanted to win the favor of the best investor in the country and learn his ways.

  Ronald Gary was a hard man to get a hold of.

  When I did, he had a proposal that I couldn’t refuse.

  I was to marry his daughter.

  A woman I had never met.

  I met her on our wedding day and she was beautiful.

  Long legs and a curved body called to me from underneath the veil.

  I fell for her charm and wit, but I wanted more.

  I wanted the real marriage, the real wife.

  I wanted my hands on her.

  Once I knew that she was to be mine in all ways,

  I had to figure out a way to convince her.

  All I had to do was get my hands on her and I would show her what I could do.

  Her innocence was intoxicating and I was drunk from my own need.

  I was going to be her first.

  Her only.

  I was going to be the man to make her scream.


  Chapter 1


  “Sir, can we please have a picture?”

  I tried not to look annoyed as I got out of the vehicle. I was here for a charity event, but there was never a situation in this world that didn’t involve the press. I smiled for the cameras and then put my hand out to get Ashlyn out of the limo. She was my date for the night and I might as well get the picture part over with.

  We stood together for a few moments while the flashes blinded my eyes before I told them that it was enough. I was there to give away a large amount of money, the last thing I needed was to be blind for the rest of the night. As I walked into the banquet hall, there were still bright colored blotches in my eyes that I was trying to blink away.

  “It is so beautiful Keenan, don’t you think?”

  I looked around and agreed. It was a nice place, decorated to the hilt and I had to wonder how much of the donations tonight were going to pay for that. It would have been more fiscally responsible to just send the money in, but this was how the charity world worked. Half of the money raised was spent to congratulate the ones that donated. It was a vicious cycle and I was only here because my father insisted. He didn’t insist much, but tonight was for him. He had even remarked that I should bring a lady of class with me as well. When I found out about those on the guest’s lists, I heeded his warning.

  Ashlyn was as close as I could get on such short notice. Most of the women that I saw were models and debutants, but that didn’t make them any kind of classy when a few drinks were in them. My father had asked that I didn’t bring one of my whores with me. Ashlyn was a woman I had met through the family years ago. We had a few dalliances until we realized that we were better as friends. She was the only one that I knew I wanted around that long and I loved the look on her face.

  “You act like you haven’t seen a place like this before.”

  She gave me a look that reminded me what else I knew about her. She hadn’t come from the same world as me and I was sure that was part of why I got along with her so well. She had none of the airs that the usual women I dated did. She didn’t care what designer she had on or what kind of drink was in the glass. I didn’t have to spend all of my time trying to impress her and she could just enjoy herself. I was almost envious at the way that she could see everything in a positive way.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think about it.”

  Ashlyn waved me off and was going for a tray of drinks. She looked back at me and asked if I wanted one. It was rather ridiculous for her to ask, but that was just how she was. Ashlyn didn’t have time for how things were supposed to be.

  “Here. At least they have good food and drinks. I don’t know why you were so hesitant to come. It looks like it is going to be a good time.”

  “Only you would think so.”

  “Only you could be a sour puss in the middle of all of this. Come on, let’s get something to eat. Is there going to be any bands playing or anything like that? I really want to dance.”

  Her brown eyes were alight and I wished for a moment that there was something more than a friendship between us. For all intent and purpose, we should have been more. My father would have hated me not marrying a rich woman, but that would almost be a bonus. There just wasn’t that chemistry between us that a woman and man needed to be more. It really was a shame. She was perfect, just not for me. I almost felt more like her brother, protective of her in that way.

  I told her that we would dance in a little while after we ordered our plates. I was just tired of the same people around me all of the time and it was shocking how many of the same people I had seen at the last charity drive. That one was for children’s relief fund. I really couldn’t be sure because all of these things seemed to run together.

  When we found our names for the seating, I saw that I was going to be next to Ronald Gray. He was a business man that was old to the investing game. He was a man that I had tried to get ahold of several times, but I was never able to secure an appointment. It didn’t matter that I was worth a few billion. He had more money than God from what I heard and I wanted a piece of it.

  It was one of the main reasons that my father had told me to make an appearance and Ronald was literally the only reason that I had. To my chagrin though, the man wasn’t there yet. I had to hope that he hadn’t sent someone else in his stead. It would be my luck.

  Ten minutes later, I saw the older man coming to the table and I started to relax. Everything was going to be okay. I really needed to listen to Ashlyn about that sometimes. She was convinced that I wished bad things on myself always expecting them to happen.

  “Well I didn’t expect to see you here Keenan.”

  I stood up a little to shake his hand and cover up the surprise that he actually knew who I was. He was like an investment guru and anyone that was taken under his wing was made richer in days. Ronald had the magic touch and I hoped for that now.

  His hand was firm and I smiled at the woman that he had with him. She was an older woman and I was as equally shocked that he would take his wife to one of these t
hings. Most men his age would have taken a beautiful young woman, most likely the mistress. If I had to guess, they were about ninety percent of the women that were in this room.

  “This is my wife Evelyn.”

  She was beautiful and had kept up well with her age. I don’t know why, but her being in our midst puzzled me so much that I had to have it pointed out that I hadn’t introduced Ashlyn. When I did, I felt a little embarrassment.

  “This is my friend Ashlyn.”

  The older woman smiled at Ashlyn and I could tell that she found me rude. It was not very often that I was looked on that way and I knew I was going to have to win her back if I wanted to work with her husband. I had heard that he was a family man and now I was starting to see how real that assertion had been.

  We all sat down and the waiter was there almost immediately for Ronald. I didn’t like to point out in my mind that we had been sitting here for several minutes and was still not waited on. It was a humbling moment if nothing else that just drove me to want to get to know him more and figure out how I could make the money that he does. I had the capital. I just needed a nudge in the right direction.

  “You know, it’s funny Keenan.”

  “What is that Sir?” I hadn’t been paying too much attention, too much in my own head.

  “I think that it is strange that you are here tonight. I had my assistant check and see who would be at this table and I was told a few extras that don’t seem to be here at all in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Winchester.”

  I looked away for a moment and took a drink of the wine in front of me. I had made sure that I was at his table. I didn’t care how it happened. I didn’t know what to say and I figured that if Ronald was saying anything, then it would be because he already knew what was going on.

  “What can I say Sir? You are a hard man to get a hold of.”


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