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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 39

by Lauren Wood

  “Does it hurt? I think there are some pain relievers in this kit thing. I can get you something.”

  She was going to move away and I stopped her with a light touch on her arm. “No, that’s okay. You being here with me is making it feel better.”

  Meri rolled her eyes and got up. “I will go get you some ibuprofen or something. I can’t stay with you all night, so you might as well get something just in case.”

  I wasn’t going to get my way, no matter how nicely I seemed to ask for it. Even hurt, Meri held to her guns. Which gave me even more of a shock when instead of leaving me as she had suggested, she leaned in closer and smiled. Seconds later, she was pressing her lips against mine, letting my tongue push in between her lips before she moaned against me. Meri’s arms wrapped around my neck, her breasts pushing softy against my hard chest and the sounds that she made were heavenly.

  Just before I was about to lose it and try to take it over, she released me and moved back to give me some space. I wanted her again, worse than before and I didn’t understand why she stopped. Surely she knew that she was driving me crazy with her antics. One minute she wanted me and one minute she was pushing me away. My cock was throbbing and I wasn’t ready to give the moment up.

  When I tried to reach for her, she skirted my advances and I was left wondering what the hell had just happened. Was she just playing with me and my emotions?

  “What was that for?” Maybe an answer would make it better somehow. It wouldn’t change that need that was running through me at such a fast pace, but at least I would understand why.

  Meri was breathing hard and she kind of shrugged. I had a feeling that she didn’t know herself. “I don’t know. I guess I was trying to make you feel better, like you tried to make me feel better the other night. Did it work?”

  “It worked, but now I want more. You can make me feel real good Meri. It is all in your power.”

  She let me kiss her again for a few minutes, but when I started to feel her up a little bit, it was back to the same answer that I had gotten before. Meri pushed me away and I was getting irritated with the whole situation. Was she just messing with me because she could?

  “I need you Meri.”

  “I am sorry Sam. I like you, but I am not ready for that kind of thing.”

  What was there to get ready for?

  “I understand.” I really didn’t, not even close. Why did she turn me down again and again like it didn’t even faze her?

  I went to take another cold shower, determined to not let her see how bad off she left me. I didn’t want her to know that I was dying inside. I was Sam Clemons after all. I didn’t want for anything, except her.

  When I got out, the lights were off in the bedroom and I had to imagine that she was already asleep. I wished that sleep would come so easily to me. I needed her, wanted her desperately, but there was no way that I was going to kill my pride to go back in there. Meri had made herself clear after all.

  So I went and lay down. As soon as my eyes closed, I was thinking about the woman in the room next to me and I knew that sleep was going to be futile. Instead, I tried to listen and see if she was still awake. I wasn’t a man that usually took such liberties when someone else was around, but it was like I couldn’t help myself. The more I thought about her, the more I felt like I was going to explode. I didn’t want to go into the shower again. Then I would make her think that something was going on.

  Instead I lay on the couch and tried my best to hear her. My memory filled in the silence with the sounds from when we kissed and I had gotten my hands on the soft mounds on her chest. It was only for a few moments, but the noise of her pleasure alone was enough to get me rock hard and pulsing in my hand as I stroked myself slowly.

  I closed my eyes and knew right where my mind was going to go. I wanted to see Meri in my mind and that was exactly who came up, her innocent green eyes called to me in the most basic way, beckoning me to her. I pretended that it was her hands on me and not my own. It was her small fingers wrapped around my shaft, straining to give me pleasure.

  It wasn’t long before I could feel cum rising in my balls. It had been so long since I had lain with a woman, longer still that I had been focused on only one woman and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. My cock exploded in seconds and I mumbled Meri’s name, over and over again. It felt too good and I had to stop before I started it up all over again. I wanted her so damn badly. It was starting to mess with my head.

  I opened my eyes to the noise in the bedroom and covered up real quick. After a second I relaxed, sure that it was nothing. Making my way back to the bathroom, I felt relief, but I was even more determined to have her in my bed. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  Chapter 9


  He must have heard me. I couldn’t hold in the shock that I felt seeing him that way. I had never seen a man doing what I found Sam doing on the pull out couch. His cock was rock hard and so big. He was stroking it up and down. When he started to squirt out fluid, I heard him call my name ever so softly and that is when I couldn’t hold it in anymore. What was I supposed to say to that? I couldn’t believe what he was doing and to find out that he was thinking of me as he blasted off was more than I was willing to think about.

  It kept me up for hours after he was long asleep. I could hear the slight snoring coming from him as he slept in the other room. He was able to sleep, but there was no way that I could. Watching Sam pleasure himself, saying my name, made my body go into haywire. All I could think about was the thickness and the way his face had looked. It had been pure pleasure and the sounds he had made and the image in my mind made my nether region tingly.

  I touched myself and I was shocked to find that I was soaking wet. I touched the sensitive nub that I had rubbed before in the still of the night. Now every time I passed over that particular area, I jumped because it was so sensitive. I wanted more and my own fingers just weren’t cutting it. I wanted Sam’s hands on me, not my own.

  It took me a while to come to the conclusion that I needed to go to him. It was almost three in the morning when I couldn’t take it any longer and I finally got out of the bed I wasn’t going to be able to sleep in. I needed something more and with everything going on, maybe waiting wasn’t the best idea anymore. I still didn’t know if tomorrow they were going to try and bring me back to jail. It was the worst thing that I could think of, but I knew that it was a real possibility. Did I really want to wait forever when the man of my dreams was in the next room, thinking about me? What did it mattered if tomorrow everything changed when tonight felt so perfect?

  My heart slammed in my chest as I made my way out to the living room area. Sam was fast asleep, I could tell by the even sounds of his breath. Every once and a while he would make a few noises, roll over and I would stop, not sure what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do when I woke him up either. I had come with nothing but lust and a need.

  Everything was not going as I had planned. It was a spur of the moment decision that brought me to the side of the couch and now I wasn’t so sure about anything. I was about to turn around and walk away when Sam’s eyes opened and he saw me standing over him. There was no way to talk myself out of it. I was caught and I didn’t know what to say or what to do. All I knew was that I didn’t want him to tell me to go.

  “Meri, are you okay? What’s the matter? Did you have another dream?”

  The questions were rapid-fire and he gave me the answer before I even realized it.

  “Yes, I had another bad dream. I hate to ask this of you, but do you think there is any way that I can lay down with you? I just don’t want to sleep alone in there. It’s a strange place and I keep waking up thinking I am back in jail. If you were next to me, I would know that I wasn’t.” It sounded good and I hoped that he bought it because it would be embarrassing to no end if he didn’t.

  Sam didn’t say yes or no, just moved the sheet back as an invitation. I could see that his chest as bare
again and I could only imagine that he was wearing those tight boxer things that left nothing to the imagination underneath the covers. I shook as I moved to get into the pull out bed next to him. I tried to not show how nervous I was, he of course didn’t know the conclusion that I had come up to. Sam didn’t know what I was going to offer him.

  “You are always welcome anywhere I am Meri. I hate that we are still here, but soon you will be home in the States and all of this will be behind you.”

  His words were a balm to my emotions. I don’t know why I needed to hear that, but it made me tremble a little less as I pulled the sheet over me. We weren’t touching, the bed big enough that we didn’t have to. After a minute or two, I asked him to hold me. I made it out like I was cold, but it wasn’t his heat that I wanted. I needed what I had seen earlier. I wanted this man to be the one. All I had to do was convince him. Usually a man would try something with me. This was the first time that I was trying to initiate it.

  “Sure, um if you want me to.”

  “It is just really cold in here and I feel safe with you.”

  Sam made a sound behind me that made me laugh, but soon I felt him pulling me into his arms and it was all that I thought it would be and so much more. I was ready for the hard chest, but not the tickling curly hair on it. His hard thighs were muscled and felt just as tight against my backside and my own legs, but the extra hard knot that I knew what it was, was pressing against me even harder. He pulled his hips back, but couldn’t hold me in his arms and not touch his manhood against me. I snuggled back to feel it even more and he growled into my ear. It took everything in me to not make a sound. I knew that it was feeling good and that same electric shock feeling that I had before was now back.

  I made a sound as his fingers brushed over my hardened nipples. “What are you really doing here Meri?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that you are all warm and soft in my arms. I can’t think of anything right now, so am I reading this wrong? Are you ready to take me up on my offer to make it all better?”

  I bit my lip and pressed my ass back against the hardness that sprouted from in between his legs. I moved back and ground myself against him until I thought it was pretty clear what it was that I wanted. I wanted him inside of me, where I yearned to be touched the most. That was all I could think about. Why couldn’t he get that? I didn’t want to have to say it out loud.

  His hand moved over one breast and he squeezed it gently, like he was testing out the waters. I didn’t stop him and that was as close to an answer as he was going to get. I was sick of waiting. I had been waiting my whole life to feel this way and it seemed as good of a time as any.

  “Meri, your body feels perfect against me.”

  He pulled me tighter to him, every inch of me was covered by every inch of him and it was perfect. He did fit so nicely next to me, like that was what was supposed to happen. It was as if everything had led up to this and I was done trying to put off the inevitable. It was Sam that I wanted, no matter how he was brought into my life.

  His hands were everywhere, pulling away all thoughts I had of him. I couldn’t think when he was touching me. All I could do was feel. His fingers were pulling on a nipple, while more moved down my stomach to the place between my legs. I was so hot there, his touch lighting a fire inside of me that was impossible to control. Even if I had wanted to, there was no way that it would have happened any other way. This was fate in the making.

  Sam turned me around, kissing my lips and making my heated core grind against his hardness. He pulled me on top of him and I finally straddled his thighs to keep myself upright. It was wobbly up there and I didn’t know how to stop myself from falling over, his body underneath me not static at all. He was thrusting up with his covered cock, while I tried to keep my balance. Finally he just yanked me down till my breasts pressed against his chest. His lips captured mine and promised to never let go. I was lost in the moment with him.

  Things moved quickly after that and I don’t know where it all changed. My clothes were off before I knew what was happening and instead of feeling his hard meat through the clothing, it was not hotter than ever, a searing rod burning my inner thighs. I as now beneath him, feeling the large man cover me completely.

  “God you are so ready for me Meri. I don’t think I can wait any longer. I need you now.”

  My arms went over him and I knew then that this was the moment. This was the moment that everything was going to change. His words came mere moments before I felt the sharpest pain I think I had ever felt before. It was Sam pushing through my innocence and I called out, trying to stifle the sound coming out of me, but it was impossible.

  Sam paused on top of me and looked at me with surprise. “What just happened?”

  I giggled and told him that he was my first. I thought it was rather obvious, but Sam was still stunned. He froze so long that the pain had long since subsided and now I wanted more. He felt good inside of me, but I wanted him to move, to slide in and out like I knew he was supposed to.

  Squeezing the thickness inside of me, I heard him groan and I did it again to see if it was a fluke. He grunted and pressed his hands down on my hips, like that was somehow going to stop what was going on with my inner walls. He couldn’t stop what my inner muscles wanted to do.

  “You have to stop Meri. You are going to make me lose my cool.”

  It sounded a little scary, but it was like an unanswered promise as well. I wanted him to lose the control that held him above me, his arms shaking. I knew that I wanted all of him and I pulled him down for a kiss, while my insides massaged him. If he wasn’t going to move, I was going to have to make him.

  Sam pushed in quickly, slamming into me with all of his might and I no longer wanted to tease him. If I thought I was full before, now it was far worse than I could have imagined. This whole time, there was another inch or two that I didn’t know existed.

  I cursed and he chuckled. “I warned you.”

  “All I heard was promises.”

  I really didn’t know what I was asking for, but now all I could think about was Sam. He was inside of me, taking me over and there was nothing that I could do about it. I became one with him in those moments and each time he thrust inside of me, I fell deeper into his spell.

  My body exploded, as well as my mind. I couldn’t think straight and all there was right then was Sam. Clinging to him, I went from one pleasure wave to another. Eventually it was I that had to push back from him. He was just too much and I couldn’t stop the way I felt anymore. “God, I love you Sam.”

  A second later he was shooting deep inside of me and I hoped that he didn’t hear my declaration in the moment. I meant it, I really did, but I knew that it was too soon. I shouldn’t have said it, but I passed out in his arms before I could really think about it too much.

  This is what is was supposed to feel like.

  Chapter 10


  I stayed up listening to her even breathing for some time. The tiny woman was curled against my chest, her curved body touching mine. I wanted her again, hell needed her again desperately, but it had not worked out the way that I thought it would. I had assumed so many things, that I now knew were wrong. I was her first and I heard the soft words uttered right before I came. I had really messed up this time.

  Getting up, I went to the phone that I had been ignoring all day. It wasn’t like I wasn’t worried about what was going on back home, but I just wanted some time together. I wanted to be with Meri all on my own, just me and her. It was all I could think about and the more I tried to push the thoughts away, the harder it was to do that.

  My phone had so many missed calls. I had done my best to postpone the court date next week, but it looked like my assistant wasn’t able to make it happen. That meant that I had just four days, two of those non-business days to get me and Meri back home. It may have well been impossible, but I knew that I wasn’t going to leave her here. I was going to be in Thailand
until she left. I owed her at least that much. There was so much that she wanted from me, most likely expected from me, but it would never happen. I was not the man of her dreams. I was not a man worthy of love.

  Going back into the hotel, I stayed downstairs for a while, trying to get my head on straight.

  “You look lonely.”

  The same woman that I had seen every day since I had been here finally spoke to me again. She sounded even younger than she looked.

  “No, I am not lonely, but thank you.”

  She was surprised to be turned down, much like I had felt when Meri had done the same thing to me. “You are beautiful, but I cannot.” It was strange that I felt like I even had to give an excuse, though I knew what it could do to someone’s ego, what it had done to mine.

  Going back upstairs, I didn’t look back at the temptation. Now was I not able to indulge? Was this night the start of the end? Relationships, marriage were the end. I had never seen one work and I told myself years ago that I wouldn’t play the game. Why have one woman, when you can have them all?

  I slipped back into the fold out bed that she was lying in. Meri was still naked, her body was half exposed by the sheet at the bottom of the bed and I was left hypnotized by how good she looked. I wanted her again, desperately and I moved closer, hoping that I could awaken the woman and her desires one more time. I had thought that one time would be enough. I just needed to feel her and taste her that once to get her off of my mind. But it hadn’t worked at all. I wanted her even more than ever before and the more I tried to fight it, the worse off I was.

  She moaned as I kissed her neck, her ass backing up against me. Meri wasn’t even all the way awake, but her body had already agreed to my plan. She wanted me, I could feel it and it didn’t take long to wake her up and convince her. I pulled her on top of me and entered her slowly. She was sore, I knew that I had to take it slow, but it was Meri that pushed for more. I had created a monster and it was I that was drained dry an hour later.


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