Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set Page 78

by Lauren Wood

She was leaving the ball in my court, but I wasn’t sure how much more I should say? Should I just come right out and ask her, throwing all caution to the wind?

  “You made love to me all night and then you didn’t really say much the next morning. I don’t know what to think and then you wouldn’t answer your phone Mandy.”

  There was more to say, but the emotions were creeping back in and it was a bit more than I could handle. Why couldn’t she see that it was hard to go on without her? That I didn’t want to?

  “I’m sorry about that Greg. Everything has been kind of crazy around here and it was a lot to process. Alfie is acting different although at least he is talking to me now. He said that you guys talked this week?”

  She had walked into the kitchen and I knew that there was a good chance that she was trying to avoid me. I stopped her with a light hand on her arm, waiting for her to meet my gaze. It was like she didn’t want to and when she finally did I could see that she was upset.

  “What is wrong?”

  Mandy shrugged and tried to turn away, but the grip on her arm wouldn’t let her.

  “I just, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what this is and it is just too much.”

  I moved closer and pulled her to me, bending down to kiss her. She was shaking in my arms, but her lips responded to me like they always did. Soon I was the one that was losing my place and not sure anymore. Every time we were together lately I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her and this moment was no different. Her brown eyes were so big and she had a vulnerability that I hadn’t seen this time around.

  “I want us to be more Mandy. I want what I wanted for us back then. Do you know that I was going to ask you to marry me on your birthday? If you would have waited another week or so, you would have seen that I wanted you as my wife and to have a family with you. It is what I always wanted Mandy. College was not the end of the world and even if I would have lost the scholarship, I would have figured something out.”

  “You wanted to marry me?”

  She was using past tense and I was going to let her for a time.

  “I loved you Mandy. I wanted to marry you after the first date. I know that we were young, but I have always loved you Mandy and I still do.”

  “How can you love me after all of this time?”

  “Because I never stopped.”

  I kissed her again and I could see that she was shocked by the turn of events. I was as well and the need to ask her was overpowering.

  “I want you to marry me now Mandy.”

  “You can’t mean that. We haven’t seen each other in years and a lot has changed. You don’t even know me anymore.”

  I shook my head and didn’t agree. “There is nothing about you that has changed that I don’t love. You are still the same girl I fell in love with all of those years ago and now that I know what it is like to live without you, I am not letting you go again. I meant it Mandy. I want to make you my wife.”

  I got the ring out and I saw her eyes go to it. I went down to my knees like all of the movies suggested and she covered her mouth as her eyes started to redden.

  “Will you marry me Mandy and make me the happiest man in the world?”

  She kind of giggled at the last part and while it was cliché, I knew that it was how I would feel if she would just give me the yes that I needed so much.

  Mandy shook her head and whispered yes very low before I kissed her. It was not loud enough that I really heard it that well, but it was good enough. My heart soared and my body was shaking as I pulled her to me. Mandy melted against my chest and I knew that she was going to be mine forever. Now that I had a second chance with her, I was never going to let her go again.



  “Just don’t tell your mom that I told you. She will never let me hear the end of it.”

  “I was starting to wonder why she has been acting that way. I have never seen my mom cry like that before. I thought that there was something going on with you two.”

  I shook my head. “No, it is nothing like that. She is just going to have another baby and Mandy seems to be hit hard with the emotional part of it.”

  Alfie rolled his eyes and shook his head in agreement. Mandy hadn’t been herself for weeks and I think both of us were relieved when we found it was a baby making her crazy.

  “I am never going to have kids if that is how girls get.”

  I just kind of shook my head and laughed at my son. He was still so clueless and didn’t even know. I had so much to teach him.

  “You will find the right girl Alfie and there won’t be anything that you wouldn’t do for her. That is what I want for you. I want you to find love like me and your mom have.




  Chapter 1


  “Gina!” I called out as she furiously grabbed her bag and started limping towards the front door. “I’ve had enough Bash, not even your good looks and money can keep me here with that monster,” she cried out as she pointed at my six-year-old daughter who is standing behind me, smiling innocently.

  Sophie was at it again. Each time I brought home a girl I’m willing to settle down with, Sophie ends up scaring them off. There were times she would pretend she had an imaginary friend and when something horrible goes wrong she blames her imaginary friend, or other times she would plant lingerie’s all over the house and tell the woman that I’m dating that I had “Female Friends” over. Where did she get the lingerie? I’ll never know.

  This time it’s with a lovely woman named Gina who is a kind nurse at one of the hospitals I own. I own hospitals, hotels, and resorts but I simply can’t own one woman, Sophie made sure of that. Gina finally limped out of the house and I knew she wasn’t coming back. Sophie managed to convince Gina that her dolls were possessed, so when Sophie put a doll at top of the stairs and the doll said Gina’s name, Gina fell down the stairs in fear.

  I sighed as I stared at the door. I heard a giggle then a small yes coming from behind me, and as I turned around Sophie’s mischievous smile quickly faded and was replaced with fake disappointment. “Drat! I kind of liked Gi—”

  “Enough Sophie, I know you did this on purpose.” I was beyond pissed but if I lash out at Sophie, I know she’ll cry and I’ll be the one to cheer her up. She is my weakness.

  “I’m sorry dad, it’s just that—” but I didn’t want to hear any of her excuses.

  “Sophie Baudelaire! Go to your room.” I told her sternly. She bowed her head in sadness and started marching up to her room. The maids were by my side in a second and I told them “Make sure she doesn’t leave her room. And bring her some snacks but nothing with too much sugar,” The two maids nod in understanding and said in unison “Yes sir,”

  I sighed as I made my way to the messy dining room where Gina threw food at me and accused me of being a horrible father. I knew that Sophie was mad at me for not trying hard to be with her mother but it’s her mother who is the hard one. Her mother is the famous model, Isabella Sinclair.

  I was young and dated her because for obvious reasons. She’s gorgeous, smart, and talented. She unexpectedly got pregnant and she didn’t want the child, she was thinking of abortion but I begged her not to. In fact, we got married after and had the most public marriage and wedding of all time. She made sure that our marriage was like a fairy tale to the public.

  It did until she told me she was unhappy. Her words were “Marriage and mother life isn’t for me,” We had a divorce, she took a good amount of my money that could last her, her whole life. And she took the penthouse in Paris. But she gave me full physical and legal custody of Sophie.

  The last time she ever visited Sophie was during her 5th birthday. Sophie had a lavish children’s party that made every single girl dress up as a Disney Princess. Isabella showed up and Sophie was ecstatic. But Isabella had little care for Sophie, for her attention was on the spo
tlight that shined brightly upon her that day rather than the birthday celebrant.

  Sophie’s too young to know these things about her mother. And I tend to keep it that way rather than letting her know the truth and letting it break her heart. Sophie means everything to me. I will tell her the full truth once she’s at an age where she’ll fully understand the situation.

  From time to time she would send a postcard or a gift but I knew it wasn’t her, it was her secretary. Recently, she called and promised Sophie that she’ll be at her school’s event, Mother’s day. Which I got furious about and started yelling at Isabella. Even though Isabella claims she promises she’ll be there, I know that she’ll stand Sophie up and it’ll only break her heart.

  I rest my head in the palm of my hands as I leaned my elbows on the table. Apparently, there’s no woman out there that Sophie will approve of. But Sophie’s right, I should try harder. Maybe not with her mother but with finding a woman. I’ve been trying a bit too hard to find a suitable mother for her instead of looking for an equal partner.

  I’m a full time father and CEO. During my little breaks I do go out and have some fun, I mean every man has their needs. I just have to make sure that every night when I bring a woman home I have to be sure that Sophie is at my parent’s home and not in the house where I’ll fuck a woman.

  My cell phone rang and I quickly answered it. “Sir Sebastian, the investors called to confirm the meeting on Friday,” my secretary told me. I sighed once more and said “Tell them we’ll move it on Monday. Sophie has an event at school that day and I can’t miss it.”

  “But Sir Sebastian that would be Mother’s day. Is your presence compulsory?” he questioned. It was also his job to keep me on top. Apparently, today is just one big sigh.

  “Isabella promised Sophie that she’ll be there,” I told him.

  “Oh my,” he gasped. He cleared his throat and added “Yes sir, I understand.” We said our goodbyes as I started making my way towards Sophie’s room. No matter what, Sophie always has to come first, I just have to find a woman who understands that.

  Even if she’s only temporary.

  Chapter 2


  “Bye Ms. Pierce!” all my students bid me a farewell. It was the end of a lovely Monday. The first day of school. I was an elementary teacher who loved teaching children. It was a passion of mine passed down from generations. I waved as all my students waved from me from their expensive cars.

  I taught at one of the most prestigious schools in the state. It was filled with daughters and sons of CEO’s or even the mayor. What I love about these children is that they’re nothing like their parents. I walked back into my classroom filled with art made by my students and started cleaning up a bit.

  Until I heard someone spoke. “You need any help Ms. Pierce?” I jumped as I pressed my hand upon my chest in hopes my heart would calm down. It was just one of my students. “Oh, Sophie you scared me. Where’s your parents?” I asked as I put down my papers and approached her. I sat in front of Sophie as she explained “My dad is late again. I thought he would send Rupert, our driver. But he promised he’ll pick me up,”

  “And your mom?” I asked. She made a frown and said “Mom is in Paris,”

  I didn’t like how distraught Sophie was. Sophie’s my star student. She’s the smartest and the most talented student I have. In fact, Sophie and her mom were going to deliver the welcome speech on Mother’s day.

  “How about you help me make some decorations for Mother’s day?” I asked hoping it would bring her spirits up. I felt weight being lifted off my shoulders as I saw her beaming smile at me. She nodded with excitement.

  Minutes bled into hours that it was almost six in the evening. Sophie got a bit hungry so I treated her to the nearest vending machine. But I was furious towards Sophie’s dad. He can be the President or a powerful billionaire for all I care, but that doesn’t excuse him. He’s a parent and he should be more responsible.

  All the teachers were heading out so I decided to go and wait with Sophie for her dad near the parking lot. Ms. Clark who is a few years older than me decided to stay with me as well. Ms. Clark was one of the few teachers that welcomed me at this school while others simply don’t care.

  “I’m sure your dad will be here any second,” I assured Sophie as she held on tightly to my hand. “Your father is a busy man Sophie. I bet he has a good reason why he’s late,” Ms. Clark added.

  I rolled my eyes. Suddenly a black Rolls Royce rolled into the parking lot and this made Sophie jump up and down. The nice car stopped in front of us, Ms. Clark and Sophie had a smile plastered on their faces while I frowned. I felt more relieved that her father even arrived.

  The windows were heavily tinted that there was no possible way to look at the people sitting inside. The window in the backseat rolled down and I was taken back by a very gorgeous man. For sure this can’t be Sophie’s dad?

  “Hi daddy!” Sophie waved. Well, looks can be deceiving.

  “Hi pumpkin, sorry I’m late. I was hold up at—” but I didn’t give him a chance to explain himself when I said “Mr. Baudelaire, may I please have a word with you?” The man’s eyes then gazed over at me as he lifted an eyebrow. “Dad, this is Ms. Pierce. My teacher!” Sophie said.

  The man then closed the window and stepped out from his car.

  Oh my word…

  He was absolutely delightful. The lush, chocolate brown hair he groomed so carefully that had a rippling quality made my hands tremble with the need to comb his hair with my fingers. His roman nose complimented his strong defined face. Prominent cheekbones with a concrete jaw, and not mention his manly, peppered stubble. He had a devil-may-care outlook and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his entrancing silver eyes that were lit with a fire of passion. His height and shoulders screamed strength and power. And I bet that underneath that Armani suit is a body that’ll put Abercrombie models to shame.

  “Ms. Pierce, did you ask me to exit my car just to ogle over me?” his teasing grin made me snap out of my trance. Oh boy, the urge to slap that stupid grin off of him was real.

  “Mr. Baudelaire, do you know what time it is?” I asked him. He then adjusted his sleeve to look at his Rolex watch and said “It is a quarter till six, why?”

  I smiled as sweetly as I could as I folded my arms in front of my chest. “Mr. Baudelaire, all the other students have gone home. Probably enjoying a fresh homemade meal while talking about their day with their families while Sophie had to eat from a vending machine! You have to be more responsible towards your child,” I scolded him as if he was just a student of mine. Other teachers who are on their way towards their cars stopped and watched us. I didn’t care if I was causing a scene.

  “Ms. Pierce, if you haven’t interrupted me, I was just explaining to my daughter that I was late because I was held up at work,” he said calmly.

  “I don’t care if you’re meeting with the President. Work is no excuse to be late to pick up your own daughter,” I told him as I shook a finger at him like he was some boy. I felt Ms. Clark grab onto my elbow to hold me back but I shrugged off her hold on me.

  Sophie’s dad looked amused and surprised. Just to add fuel to the fire, his eyes traveled down my body and I was quick to react, “Mr. Baudelaire, my eyes are up here. Not only are you irresponsible but a perv—”

  “Alright Ms. Pierce, I think Mr. Baudelaire understands what you mean. I bet it won’t happen again,” Ms. Clark butted in as she shoved me aside. I glared at her not because she shoved me aside but because she winked at Mr. Baudelaire.

  “Sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Baudelaire, it was nice seeing you today.” Ms. Clark said as she practically stuck out her breasts to emphasize it. Sometimes I question my own gender.

  “It’s no problem Ms.?” Mr. Baudelaire asked.

  She stuck out her newly manicured hands and said “Ms. Clark,” she made sure that he heard the Ms. To make sure he knows she’s single and ready to mingle… with him. Mr. Baud
elaire then smiled and said “Thank you Ms. Clark for your kindness, Ms. Pierce’s complaint will be fully noted,” He then turned towards me and said “See you around Ms. Pierce,”

  He got in the car along with Sophie and sped off. Ms. Clark was all waves and smiles while the car sped down the road. I, on the other hand, was thinking how such good looks was wasted on a very irresponsible perverted man. Ms. Clark suddenly spun around to face me. Obviously, she’s displeased with my encounter with Mr. Baudelaire.

  “What were you thinking Ms. Pierce?” she asked as she waved her arms in the air exaggerating her speech. “I was just telling Mr. Baudelaire that it was wrong of him to pick his daughter up at such an hour,” I explained myself.

  “You know that Mr. Baudelaire is one of the most powerful billionaires in the country, right?” she asked. I give a curt nod and said “I don’t care if he was even the President himself. What he did was irresponsible and I will not tolerate such behavior,”

  The whole night was filled with thoughts about how irresponsible Mr. Baudelaire was and his alluring stare. It was truly unnerving, to be frustrated with that person yet you’re captivated by him.

  Next day had come and I was standing near the parking lot along with all the teachers waiting for our students to arrive. I was greeting a student of mine when all of a sudden I heard “Good morning Ms. Pierce!” Sophie’s voice chirped happily. “Good morning Sophie,” I greeted her back with a smile.

  “My dad said he hopes we’re on time this time,” she said as she pointed at a certain direction. My smile quickly faded as I saw Mr. Baudelaire leaning on the hood of his black Porsche wearing sunglasses and he was grinning at me. I noticed that all the other teachers ogled at Mr. Baudelaire especially Ms. Clark.

  His white shirt clung to his muscles emphasizing each and every bulging muscle. As he raised his arm to wave at me I couldn’t help but stare at his flexing muscles. He grinned once more and entered the car. I turned back to Sophie and smiled as I mumbled to myself “Show off,” If I wasn’t in front of young children then I would have totally flipped him off.


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