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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 86

by Lauren Wood

  Suddenly, her back was against the wall, and he slowly slid out of her. “Cole,” she gasped.

  “Can’t help it,” he muttered. “Just need to feel it.” After a few strokes, he gripped her hips and began to move walk again. She saw the familiar walls of her bedroom, and squealed when they tumbled on the bed.

  Immediately, her legs were up, and he was sliding inside her again. She grabbed the sheets and arched her back. “Yes. No. Wait.”

  He froze. “What? What am I doing wrong?”

  “Pull out,” she whispered.


  “Pull out,” she insisted.

  Cole was confused, but he did as she asked. He slowly pulled out of her warmth and stumbled off the bed. He didn’t know what he’d done, but he wasn’t going to continue if she didn’t want it.

  She flashed him the sexiest of smiles and got up on all fours. His eyes widened as he realized she was facing a mirror at the end of the bed. “It’s my favorite position,” she said as she reddened a little. “And I like to watch.”

  He growled and launched himself at her. On his knees behind her, he gripped her hips and slowly entered her. He watched her in the mirror. As he slid inside, inch-by-inch, her mouth dropped open, and her eyes closed with laden desire. Her long hair covered her, and he took and hand and swept the hair to one side.

  “I want to see those beautiful breasts swing when I plow you,” he muttered.

  Her eyes flew open, and she cried out when he was fully inside her. He felt her muscles contract around him, and his body quivered. His wolf liked her. He wanted to come out and play.

  Still, he held his wolf at bay. He didn’t want to hurt her or terrify her. He swung his hips back and forward, sliding the full length of his cock out of her warm and wet pussy. It was heaven.

  The little noises that she made when he buried himself inside her again were driving him crazy. He wanted to hear more. He wanted them louder.

  “Fuck, baby,” he moaned.

  “Harder,” she hissed.

  Gritting his teeth, he swung his hips harder. She cried out. “Oh God. Harder. Please.”

  Digging his nails into her hips, he complied, and he almost lost control as he slid into her. She pushed her ass back. “Harder, Cole. Please, fuck me harder. I know you want to.”

  That did it. He saw his eyes flash yellow and inside, his wolf howled, and he leaned over her and began to pound her.

  “Fuck, yes,” she screamed. “So good. Oh, God, I think I’m going to break.”

  “Baby,” he panted. “Fuck. FUCK!” They both panted and moaned as he kept up the pace, and he could feel his balls start to tighten. But God, he wanted to feel her come again. He reached and raked a nail over her clit.

  Her body bucked, and he watched as her mouth opened. “Come for me baby. Come, and scream my name,” he demanded as he did it again.

  She shoved her whole body backwards, bowed her back, and screamed his name as her body shook. Her muscles spasms squeezed him, and he howled as he slammed into her one last time and emptied himself inside her.

  Sasha closed her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. Cole had fallen to the bed, and he’d pulled her on top of him. For a few minutes, there was nothing they could say. They were both beyond spent.

  And what could she say? The sex had been incredible, but they both knew that. She’d felt a connection unlike anything else. Body and soul.

  She couldn’t keep denying it. She knew nothing about him, but he was hers.

  “Why did you choose to be a firefighter?” she whispered.

  His hand lazily stroked her body. “It’s a good fit for my personality. I have a dominant personality, and that means I like to take charge and protect. It feels good know that I protect people.” He nuzzled her neck. “And I don’t mind a little heat.”

  “What do you want in life?” She cocked her head to watch the slow curve of a smile cross his face.

  Finally understand that this is where you belong?

  She lightly hit him. “I’m just trying to get to know you. Answer the question.”

  “I want to know that I can protect my mate. I want to raise a litter of pups, and I want to have a life where everyone I care about is loved and safe.”

  She felt her heart start to beat a little faster. But of course he would say that. That’s what she wanted to hear.

  But somehow, she knew it was the truth.

  “You don’t have to believe tonight. Just tell me that you’ll give me the chance to prove it to you,” he whispered.

  “Okay.” She paused. “Do you always partially shift during sex?”

  He turned to stare at her. “Noticed that, did you?”

  She shrugged. “I told you. I like to watch.”

  “No, it doesn’t normally happen. My wolf liked what he saw. He liked when he felt. And he wanted to experience it a little more. I tried to keep it from happening. I didn’t want to hurt or scare you.”

  She bit her lip and traced a finger around his nipple. “You didn’t hurt me. It was the best sex I’ve ever had. And seeing you lose control like that, it kind of turned me on.”

  She heard a low rumble in his chest, and she shrieked just a little when he flipped her over and settled his weight on top of her. Her jaw dropped open when she felt his hard length settle between her thighs. “So soon?”

  He nipped at her shoulder. “That’s what you do to me. God, I want you in my arms. I want to be inside of you all the time.” He raised his head. “But I know you’re probably sore.”

  He tried to lift off her, but she raised her legs and trapped him in them. “I’m already wet,” she admitted.

  He probed at the entrance, and she lifted her hips. Slowly, he sank down in her.

  Before, they were wild and untamed. But now, he was unhurried as he slowly pulsed inside her. She felt sexy and luxurious as she stretched her body to test the different angles. She mewled. God, he felt good.

  His skin was warm under her fingers, and she explored him without hesitation. Where she was soft, he was hard. The muscles rippled under her touch, and she moaned. There wasn’t a single part about this man that she didn’t love.


  The word wrapped around her as he touched his lips to hers. As much as she might want to deny it, she’d felt it the first time she’d laid eyes on him. This wasn’t a blind date that turned into a forever kind of love. This was the man she was always meant to be with.

  He manipulated her hips up, and he she cried out as he touched that spot. Christ. It was going to be death of her. She swung her legs up higher and was rewarded as he sank deeper in her.

  “I love the noises that you make,” he muttered. “Fuck, baby, I think they actually make me harder.”

  She panted. “You’re the reason I’m making these noises,” she pointed out. “That cock is so good. And you’re tongue,” she sighed as his tongue swirled around her nipple.

  He pulled her hips off the bed as he cradled her, and he began to thrust quicker. At first they were shallow and teasing, but soon he was pounding her. She gasped and cried out, and as the tension built, he changed the angle again.

  There. He was hitting both spots in one thrust. She clawed at his back. “Cole,” she cried out. “I can’t handle it,” she gasped. She struggled to hang on as he relentlessly drew her to the brink of madness.

  “Baby, baby, my love,” she moaned. “Gonna come. Oh God, you’re going to make me come.”

  “I’m close. Come with me. Together,” he murmured. She closed her eyes and released the control as he slammed into her. Suddenly, he lifted her off the bed and rocked back on his heels.

  She clasped an arm around his neck, and when her whole weight settled on him, she lost it. Closing her eyes, she screamed as the orgasm rocked her, and he was gripped her hips, grounding her to him, as he let out a long guttural moan and spilled his seed inside her.

  Slowly, the fell back to the bed, and she squealed when he twitched inside her.

  “You are insatiable,” he muttered.

  She laughed tiredly. “Can’t help it. You’ve turned me into a monster. I have a feeling I’m going to be wet for you for the rest of my life.”

  He stilled on top of her.

  I love you.

  The words whispered around in her head, and she smiled. She was his mate. He belonged to her, and he would protect her. With a sight, she closed her eyes and let her guard down.

  I love you too.



  Chapter One

  Sara Albright, was only 22 years old and was running a farm and watching over her siblings. It wasn’t the life she had ever imagined for herself. But after her Ma and Pa had been in the accident, she had no choice.

  She sighs heavily as she cleans up after her two siblings. Henry, age 16, and Sally, age 17. They didn’t ask for their parents to be killed either, none of them had ever thought of a life without them around. Well, eventually, but not until a much later time.

  The shock of it all still was fresh in her mind and heart. She would forever miss her parents; it had left a huge hole in her heart. But it hadn’t been one that she had any time to focus on.

  Immediately the tasks of everyday life had been pushed on her. She didn’t have a choice, she would be the one who had to feed her siblings and do it all. But Sara knew how bad the situation was for them, she was on the verge of losing it all. What would happen to her family then? Sara honestly didn’t know her family had been the only one who accepted her anymore. Ever since she had stood beside Elizabeth, the rest of the community here looked at her as an outcast.

  Sara didn’t blame them, after all what had she expected? She was Amish and knew how her community would react. As soon as everyone had heard about the unwed Elizabeth’s impending child, they had turned on her quickly. Not Sara though, she had known Elizabeth since they had both been young children.

  She knew that Elizabeth hadn’t done this as a betrayal to their religion. She had just enjoyed rumspringa too much. But that was the time they were supposed to have fun. Not that Sara would have gone and had sex, but her friend had. How could she turn her back on her?

  Elizabeth had not admitted to that though, she had told everyone that Seth had raped her. It wasn’t true of course, but Sara still stood by her friend. It had cost her everything, well almost everything. At least she hadn’t been kicked out of the community. That was just because when the truth had come out, Sara had played dumb. But she knew people looked at her differently. She knew they were sure she had known the truth. After all her and Elizabeth were almost inseparable since they had been little. In fact she was sure they all thought Sara had gone and had sex during rumspringa too. Though she hadn’t, she couldn’t plead her case, no one ever listened.

  Her friend had left shortly after that to parts unknown. But Sara had been stuck there, and then after a short two weeks her parent’s had passed away. Numb, but smart enough, she realized that no help would come from anyone in the community. She had to solve this on her own, but how?

  She heard a knocking on the door; it must be someone who saw my sign for vegetables for sale. She was happy, that would mean money coming in finally!

  She opened the door to a man who was definitely not Amish. He was dressed in ripped blue jeans and a t-shirt with some sort of cartoon superhero on it. She had seen outsiders wearing them in town before.

  “Who are you?” She asked, immediately leery.

  “Yeah, well you don’t know me obviously. But I have a proposition, wait do you use like our money?” He stopped and looked waiting for her to answer.

  Sara was still shocked looking at him. “What? Yes we use money, how do you think we buy things?” She chuckled lightly.

  “Okay, then I have a great deal for you. I can change your life, with only two weeks of your time spent. I can make you rich.” He explained.

  “Well sir, first off I don’t know your name? However, how rich can you make me?” Sara admitted she was interested. If it would mean being able to keep the farm, and her now much smaller family together, she was all for it.

  “Oh I’m sorry, my name is John Austin. I’m the agent for Ben North. Have you ever heard of him?” He asked.

  Sara had seen things while in town about Ben North many times. She had always thought how attractive he had been in those pictures. “Yes, but only a little bit.”

  “He is playing a new role, and needs to learn about Amish culture. So what I would like you to do is help him out. Let him come into your home, and teach him everything. This is a very important role to him, and we are willing to offer you ample compensation for your time and effort.” John explained.

  “Well, he would have to come in as a cousin. We’d have to try and make it possible that the community would believe it. See I’m already quite the outcast here. But bringing in a man, who isn’t related, no they would tar and feather me for sure. I’d be kicked out and have nowhere left to go, my siblings, I don’t know if they would send them with me. I have no clue what would happen, but it isn’t something I want to experience.” Sara explained.

  “Of course, we will follow your rules. Aren’t you interested in how much we will be paying you?” He asked.

  Sara realized she hadn’t found out what he was offering. She realized it was because she was thinking of what Ben North looked like. He was rugged and very handsome. “Of course I do, how much are you offering me?”

  “We will give you $250,000.”

  She sat up surprised by the huge amount of money. If she used that correctly, it could keep the farm running for years. “When will he be coming?”

  “Is next month okay?”


  “Good, see you in a month. Thank you very much. I’ll bring the money that day when I drop him off.” John shook her hand and said goodbye.

  Sara plopped down on the sofa. Her life would soon change for the better and she would have Ben North in her house!

  Chapter Two

  Ben North looked out of the windows as they drove through Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “What kind of world is this? I’ve not seen one oriental restaurant, let alone a Thai food one. What in the world has John talked him into? How in the world will he survive here?” He talked to the driver.

  He heard the man chuckle lightly, “No sir you won’t find much choices in food here. But you’ll really enjoy what they have to offer. The Amish food is something that many enjoy around here, and pay quite a pretty penny for.”

  Ben looked around more; he couldn’t even imagine what this was going to be like. In a slight panic he pushed the button on his phone and calls John.

  “John, how the hell will I do this? I mean seriously, is she going to take me around all the other people? I don’t think I’ve learned enough to pull off really being Amish.” Ben questioned the man quickly.

  “Look, you want to do a great job on this role right? You will have to absorb as much about the culture as you can. The good news is that you won’t have too many visitors; she is kind of considered an outcast there. It was why I picked her out of all the choices. She also wants to make sure you don’t blow your cover, so she’ll watch how much interaction you have with everyone. If they find out something, they will banish her from their community.” John explained.

  “What? John, why didn’t you tell me that before I agreed to this? What if I blow it for her? How do you think I’d feel knowing I got some girl banished from her whole community?” Ben could feel his blood pressure rising. It was so much more pressure on him, he didn’t think he liked it one bit.

  “I didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t have agreed to it. But Ben this is what you need to pull this off. You’ll have lived the life and you’ll know exactly how they would react. You’re sure to bring home the Oscar for this one, no doubt about it. But in order to do that, you had to go. Tell me Ben, if I would have told you about the chance she was taking. If I would have said, look Ben if you get found out, her and her
brother and sister may be kicked out of the community. Would you have agreed to do it?” John asked.

  “Hell no I wouldn’t have agreed. It’s not just her but two other people? John, you’ve put me in some sort of spot, I’m just thinking of calling it all off.” Ben said.

  “Look Ben, the kid really needs the money. Her farm is going to be lost if she doesn’t get it. Plus I took the money to her yesterday. She’s got it already. You should have seen her face. Seriously, I think we just saved her family with this offer.” John explained.

  Ben felt his heart melt a bit. “Oh shit. Alright, I’ll do it, but I’m not going to like it one bit.” He cut off the call without saying goodbye.

  The thing was John knew him quite well, he knew what would make Ben feel bad for Sara Albright. That was his hostess name. He was to be her cousin Ben from out of town.

  He knew John had picked this girl on purpose. John had most likely checked out everything he could about her. Then approached her and made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Not if she wanted to ensure her family farm was to continue. It was a dirty ploy, but it had worked. Ben knew that John was right about this role.

  Ben North had been a big name in the movies for the past 7 years now. But he had always played an action hero. He had gone to John one afternoon a few months back and asked him to find him something different.

  “What do you mean different?” John had asked him.

  “I want a more serious role. A drama, something that will make people see that I can do much more than action. I’m tired of the same old story line. I want to spread my wings, and while doing that, I want to prove how skilled I am.” Ben had told him.

  John had looked at him, and studied Ben closely. “Well I just got one in yesterday, I was thinking of passing on it, at least for you.”

  “What is it about?” Ben had asked.

  “It’s an Amish love story, well, more of an Amish betrayal. But it opens as a love story; the husband finds out that his wife has been sleeping around on him. You would have to pull off that you were Amish, and well its high drama. The story is pretty decent, I have to admit.” John explained.


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