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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 105

by Lauren Wood

  “I will be the first to admit that I haven’t always used proper judgment when choosing my partners. But they were different from you. I never felt about them, not the way I do about with you. I’ve never loved any of them.” He admitted.

  “But tell me Johnny, have you ever told them you did? You know just to get them into bed.” She asked.

  He laughed, “I never have to tell them anything, they throw themselves at me. I guess they wanted to sleep with the star quarterback. Maybe they hoped to hook me in their grasp, so I would marry them. I don’t know. But I can tell you the only other person I’ve said those words to, who is female, is my mother.” He said.

  Carrie looked at him closely, she believed him. Her heart soared, maybe he did love her. “Okay, I’m sorry. I just really am scared that you’ll find someone offering something, and you’ll take it.” She stated.

  “Carrie from here on out I only want you, no one else.” He told her.

  “Alright Johnny.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, he moved his hands over her body. Soon he was making love to her again, taking his time. She rode the wave of pleasure to climax after climax.

  Johnny looked at her as he moved in and out of her slowly, “Carrie this is special, I love you.” He said and kissed her.

  They climaxed together and melted into each other’s arms. Carrie snuggled up closer to him and let her heavy eyes take over.

  “Hey it’s late, I should go.” He shook her awake.

  “Oh sorry I fell asleep.” She yawned and stretched.

  “So did I. I think I heard your roommate come up a little while ago.” He told her.

  “Most likely, I forgot the sock on the door in my haste. Did she come in?” Carrie asked.

  “I heard her open the door and then shut it.” He said.

  “I’ll hear about it from her later I’m sure.” She laughed.

  He kissed her, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Shortly after he left Sally came into the room. “You forgot the sock.” Sally said.

  “I’m so sorry.” Carrie apologized.

  “It’s okay; I didn’t see much of anything. Just the two of you all tangled up. Naked bodies peeking out from the covers, so I guess you did the deed!” Sally laughed.

  Carrie felt embarrassed, but finally shook her head yes.

  “Tell me was it nice? Did you enjoy it? Did he enjoy it?” Sally was full of questions.

  “It was amazing. You know I have nothing to compare it to though.” Carrie said.

  “Did you orgasm?”

  “So many times, I can’t even tell you.” Carrie said and Sally laughed.

  They talked later into the night, Carrie sharing some details, but not everything.

  Chapter 14

  Johnny felt like he was walking on air. He had told her had he felt tonight. Those words had seemed so easy to say, and rung true to even his ears. He knew it was true, he had never felt so much for anyone in his life.

  He had been telling her the truth about not saying those words to another female, but his mom. Carrie was someone that Johnny wanted to keep in his life for a long time.

  The funny thing was he wanted to ask her to marry him, had planned on getting a ring today even. His head felt like it was stuck in a whirlwind. When she had asked him if he was serious about his feelings, it had hurt him a bit.

  But as she explained why she had said it, he had to agree with her. He wasn’t the most reputable person in the world. His reputation was one of a real player.

  Johnny Strom was no longer going to be that way though; he had decided that she was the one. He didn’t feel like sleeping, but knew he should.

  “Maybe I’ll take her out and let her pick out the ring?” He said to himself.

  However, that seemed so unromantic. No he would rather hope that he picked something she would love. He wanted to find a ring that fit her personality, and showed how much he loved her.

  Johnny hadn’t told anyone yet, but he had been approached by a professional manager the other day. “Hey Johnny, you know we are really interested in having you join the team. So what do you think? We would draft you first and sign you to a nice contract.” The guy had told him.

  He had his sights set on going to a warm location; the team that had contacted him was the San Diego Chargers. After talking to the guy he had done a bit of research on the area. It had seemed nice enough. Now though he had Carrie to consider too.

  “That’s if she says yes though. What if she says no?” Fear flitted through his heart. Hell he didn’t want to lose her when he had just gotten her.

  Johnny tried to think of the perfect way to present it all to her. He stood in front of his mirror and tried it a few times. “Look Carrie, I know we only just really started dating. But I feel like I’ve been with you for years now. I feel so natural around you, like I can be myself. Will you marry me?”

  He shook his head that sounded so corny. No he wanted to sweep her off of her feet. He wanted to make it impossible for her to say no.

  Finally falling into the bed he slept for a bit, and got up as soon as the stores would be open. He had a plan for the day and didn’t want to be side tracked.

  Johnny made his way downtown and found a store. He went inside and pick a ring out, one he thought she would love. “That’s a perfect one.” Johnny told the clerk.

  “It’s a nice choice. It offers simplicity, yet is classic and beautiful at the same time.” The clerk said as he rang up the purchase.

  Johnny took the package and put it into his pocket. He wasn’t paying much attention as he walked out the door.

  “Johnny, hey, how are you?” He heard a female voice call to him from behind.

  He turned to see Patty walking up to him. She was doing her best I want you look and prancing his way. “I’m good Patty, but I’m a little busy right now.” He tried to turn and leave.

  “Oh not so quick there cowboy, I think we have some score to settle still.” She walked up to him and rang a finger down his chest, stopping short of his belt buckle.

  He moved away from her. “Look I’m not interested. I have a girl now. As a matter of fact, I’m asking her to marry me today.” He told Patty.

  Patty’s face turned mean instantly. “You have a girl? Johnny Strom, the biggest male slut I’ve known. Right, who is the idiot who thinks you, will be faithful to her?” She demanded.

  “I will be faithful to her.” He stated.

  He noticed her face as she figured out who he was talking about, “Oh you and Carrie? No way, she’s a virgin. Oh I get it. You’re going to marry her so that she will be the little housewife. While you’re on the road doing whatever it is you can. Just look me up, I’ll be waiting.” She laughed and walked away.

  Johnny wanted to call out and tell her no, it wasn’t true. But why waste his time with Patty, she was simply jealous. She had been trying to get to him for a long time now. He had slept with her a few times, but it had never meant anything.

  Instead he went back to his room and made reservations for him and Carrie. Tonight he would take her to the fancy French restaurant in town and ask her to marry him.

  Chapter 15

  “You bitch, how dare you take him from me.” Carrie heard from behind her.

  She turned to find Patty, her face red with anger. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Sally got in between the two girls. “Hey Patty back off. What’s going on?”

  “Johnny, I love him and she took him from me.” Patty shouted.

  “You didn’t love him, hell how many other guys do you sleep with?” Carrie shouted back at her.

  “Oh little virgin girl don’t get all up on your high horse of morals. It doesn’t matter, you need to back off.” Patty said, trying to push her way to Carrie.

  “I’m not a virgin anymore.” Carrie said quietly to Patty.

  It threw her into a fit of rage, and Sally had to hold Patty back. “You little bitch. He doesn’t love you; he’ll only use you for
a bit. Don’t believe for one second he’ll ever be faithful to you. He already told me that you’ll stay at home, and when he’s on the road. Well let’s just say, I’ll be the one he’s with.” Patty shouted out.

  “Patty knock it off will you.” Sally pushed her back. “You have no idea what is going on between them. But I can tell you the skin on your face is turning green from jealousy.”

  “That’s it; I’ll have you two kicked out of the sorority by noon. Pack your bags and find another place to live.” Patty stalked out of the room.

  Sally turned to Carrie, “Don’t believe a word she says. She likes to create problems.”

  Carrie smiled at Sally; she wished that what Patty had said didn’t sound so possible. But the fear was building up in her heart already. Maybe Johnny had said that, but why.


  Johnny called her a little later, “Hey I made reservations for Le’ Chic for us, I’ll be over to pick you up in a few minutes. I have a lot of things to talk to you about.”

  Carrie felt the fear creeping in once more, “Okay, I’ll get ready.” She said. As she dressed she couldn’t help but feel like he was going to tell her what Patty had already informed her about. Or would he tell her? He might just do it, and she would be unaware of it all.

  “Carrie, hey Johnny is here to pick you up. I had him wait outside, you know just in case Patty comes out of her room.” Sally came into the room and told her.

  “Thanks.” She made her way to him.

  He smiled as soon as he saw her; she felt her heart lurch out for him.

  “You look amazing.” He said.

  “Thanks, but tell me what you want to talk about please.” She said.

  If he was going to tell her she wasn’t right for him or something like that she didn’t want to go out to eat. She would rather cry in the peace of her own room. Well at least for a couple more hours.

  “Well I wanted to wait until we were in the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant. But I guess here goes. Carrie I love you, and I really want to have you in my life. Will you marry me?” He asked as he got down on one knee in front of her.

  “Are you going to marry me, and then sleep with other women on the road?” She asked.

  “What? Why in the world would I do that?” He asked.

  “Patty said that your plan was that, to marry me. Then when you were on the road you would look her up and other women.” Carrie admitted.

  “No, I never said that to her. I told her I’m not interested that I have a girl, and I only want her. Carrie, I got an offer to move to San Diego, to play pro ball. Will you go with me? You can go with me to every game; I’ll never leave you home. I want you around me all the time. Well except in the locker room, you can’t go in there.” He said.

  “What? Oh wow, I can’t believe this. Yes I will marry you. I’m sorry I even thought she was telling the truth. I love you Johnny.”



  Chapter 1

  I was just pulling into my driveway when I saw her for the first time. Watching her through the black tinted visor on my motorcycle helmet I couldn’t help but stare at her.

  She was slightly pale with long blonde hair, I couldn’t tell what color her eyes were from the shades that she was wearing to protect her eyes from the sun but I’m betting they’re blue.

  I checked her out as I shut my motorcycle off and watched as she lifted her head slightly from the basking chair she was laying in.

  Her blonde hair was put up in a ponytail and she looked as if she had headphones in her ears but she had a slight smile on her face. I was pretty sure her name was Amanda but I wouldn’t have bet money on it.

  Taking off my motorcycle helmet and welcoming the cool breeze that picked up, I was hot in the leather motorcycle outfit I decided to wear, even my feet were soaked with sweat inside my motorcycle boots.

  “Nice day isn’t it?” I called over to her, seeing her nod her head and take one of her earbuds out of her ear.

  “What’s that?” She called back, she hadn’t heard me but at least she acknowledged that I was talking to her.

  “I said nice day, isn’t it?” Repeating myself which I didn’t like to do.

  “It is.” She nodded her head, her smile growing wider across her face.

  “My names Dean.” I thought I should at least introduce myself and hope that she would do the same.

  “Shelly.” She replied. It was a good thing that I didn’t put money on it I would’ve lost but money isn’t anything if you have a lot of it.

  “Nice to meet you,” I stated, wanting the conversation to continue but I had to get out of the leather that was surely going to be had to get off my sweaty body.

  I left my motorcycle in the driveway and as I reached the steps to the front door it opened and my driver Jake came out.

  “Would you like me to move that to the garage for you?” He asked he was a balding man with brown hair and light brown eyes.

  “That would be good, thank you. Wash it down so that it looks new.” I grinned at him.

  The motorcycle was my favorite thing to drive. I always made sure after each ride it got a scrub down. Not by me of course, that was the reason why I had so much help. So I wouldn’t have to do it myself.

  I hoped that she was going to be outside when I got done taking a shower. Maybe I would invite her over for a drink or two, or to go swimming on this hot day that threatened to get hotter.

  Chapter 2

  His name was Dean, I had watched him since I moved into the mansion that my father had given me in his will. I stuck to myself mostly and thought about my father and the things that he had done to help me out. I was no stranger to the loneliness. The only people to keep me company was the help that decided to stay on because my father had taken care of their pay as well.

  I watched him walk into his house and saw the way he walked he had a lot of confidence, the way he talked to the man that came out of the house I would’ve probably told him to wash his bike himself but that’s just me. I could see that he was kind of a bad boy but I would never let him treat me like that even if I was his help, it didn’t matter how much he was paying me.

  My father had taught me to give the same respect that I would expect from others and I always had.

  A smile lingered on my face when I thought about being on the back of the motorcycle with him, I had never been on the back of one and it looked thrilling, he looked like a bad boy when he pulled into the driveway. I wasn’t stupid. I knew that he was checking me out and taking his time getting off his bike before he decided to talk to me.

  I picked up the spray bottle beside me that had water in it and I spritzed myself with it, the sweat was getting to me and the day was getting hotter. I wanted to get into the pool but it was being cleaned for the start of the summer.

  “Is there anything you would like me to get you?” I heard a soft voice behind me.

  It was my maid Jenna, she was short with brown hair and dark brown eyes. I didn’t make her wear a uniform. I knew how hot it was outside and I wasn’t going to make her sweat in a uniform that my father had designed for the help.

  She was wearing a pair of shorts and a white tank top with flip flops on her feet.

  “An ice water would be good.” I smiled up at her, keeping my white framed mirrored sunglasses on.

  “I’m sorry about the pool, it will be another day before you can get into it.” She told me.

  I nodded my head but it wasn’t something I wanted to hear. There was no use in complaining, it would change the news that I heard. It would just complicate things.

  “Thank you for not getting upset with me.” She smiled, getting ready to turn away.

  “There’s no point in it, life’s too short,” I muttered, shaking my head.

  “Your father didn’t see it that way. I wish he had the personality like you have.” Jenna told me.

  I watched her walk away, I felt bad for her. The morals that my father had taught
me he didn’t abide by himself, he just taught me what he thought was right. Though it was I wished that the help had more good things to say about him than bad.

  My mind drifted back to Dean when I watched him take off his helmet and I saw his sweat black hair that was recently cut I wanted to run my hands through it. I didn’t care if he was sweaty or not, I was betting that he was enjoying the coolness of the shower he was probably taking the second he got inside the house.

  I closed my eyes imagining him in the shower, cooling his heated body down and I bit down on my lip. A slight moan came out of my mouth but I wasn’t worried about it, no one was around me, or at least I thought no one was.

  Chapter 3

  I stood by the rose bushes that separated our yard and looked at her, hearing her moan made my heart race as I stood watching her with just a pair of swimming trunks on. It was too hot for a shirt and I didn’t bother putting on any sandals.

  “You must be having a good dream.” I chuckled, watching her jump at the sound of my voice.

  “And what are you doing sneaking up on me like this?” She grinned at me, her recovery of being jumped was impressive.

  “I wasn’t sneaking up on you, I was going to ask if you wanted to take a dip in the pool with me. I noticed that yours was down for repairs.” I gave it right back to her.

  I was beginning to like Shelly more and more. The quick wittiness that she had when most women wouldn’t be able to handle the sarcasm that I dished out she was ready for it and with the snap of her tongue threw out just as much sarcasm.

  I watched her lift her sunglasses and I was right, she had light blue eyes, blue eyes that took my breath away but I wasn’t going to let her know that.


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