Kiss Me Twice Part 1

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Kiss Me Twice Part 1 Page 6

by Lauren Hawkeye

  “Baby...” The heat in his stare burned away that doubt. “Wow. Baby, you look...”

  His expression told me what his words failed to. There was hunger, plain and simple, written all over his face. His cock was hard, standing straight up, the head damp with his own need. His hands were fisted at his sides, like he wanted to grab me and just didn’t trust himself.

  “Baby, what do you want me to?”

  “She wants us to take away her control.” Dorian’s voice was silk over steel, and I felt my nipples contract, my sex clench as I looked at him again. What I saw, standing there in the doorway, made me shiver.

  Dorian had always been a few steps beyond bossy when it came to sex. But right now, as he looked at me on my knees...

  It was like another layer of his personality had risen to the surface. The normally easy- going way he held his body had gone hard and demanding.

  He and Mal shared a look, and they didn’t have to speak for me to know that Dorian was checking to see if Mal was okay with him taking this over... whatever this is.

  I watched, holding my breath until my lungs burned as Mal gave a short nod.

  “Head down.” Dorian’s voice was full of dark promise, and in it I heard the faintest hint of pride. Saw the same in the slight curve of Mal’s lips.

  I might have surprised them, but they liked that I had asked for what I wanted.

  “Eyes down,” Dorian reminded me. A tendril of bliss started to unfurl inside of me, just from that one small command.

  Focusing my gaze on Mal’s bare feet, I felt Dorian kneel behind me. He ran his hands through my hair, stroked his wide palms over my back...

  And then caught my wrists and held them together.

  “You need to tell us if you need to stop. Just say no and we’ll stop. Okay?” Having my hands behind me like this arched my spine and thrust my breasts forward.

  I nodded, my breath hitching at what he could possibly mean by that. Nerves skittered over my skin, but at the same time excitement tangled in my belly.

  “Say it out loud.” This was Mal, who cast a fierce look at Dorian. “I want her to say it out loud.”

  I couldn’t see Dorian, but the small exhalation he made told me that he was grinning. His fingers tightened around my wrists, and that tendril of cool bliss unspooled just a little bit more.

  “I understand.” Saying it out made me tremble, both with anticipation and a hint of fear. But I welcomed it, because under their commands, I was discovering that I didn’t have to think, just to feel.

  It was... it was fucking amazing, is what it was.

  “Mal, Adele is going to suck you now.”

  “What?” I wasn’t protesting... I was just absolutely shocked at the matter of fact way that Dorian gave his crude command. I wondered what Mal was going to think about Dorian ordering us around like that, but the faint shudder that passed through my serious lover told me he was just fine with it.

  “I still owe you a punishment. This is it.”

  I listened to the sound of Dorian’s belt buckle, the metallic sound muffled by the thick steam in the room. This was followed by the hiss of the leather sliding through the denim belt loops.

  When I felt that cool leather press against my wrists, a harsh contrast to the nearly overwhelming heat of the room, I jolted.

  “Easy.” Mal’s hand found my hair, stroked through it, soothing me. He continued to pet me as Dorian twined the belt around my wrists, pulling it snug, sliding a finger beneath the leather and my skin to make sure it wasn’t too tight.

  And when my arms were fully bound behind me, when Dorian gave that final tug, I could feel my arousal ramping up, a seductive snap of pleasure that made me wet.

  “Oh.” I felt like a gibbering idiot, but I really, truly felt like my brain had been put on a dimmer switch. I was still aware of what was going on, but it didn’t matter. I had no responsibility here.

  “Now she’s getting it.” Dorian chuckled, then spanned my waist with his hands. “Lean into me, love.”

  I widened my stance, my legs on the outside of his. He guided me back so that I was on his lap, supported by his own muscular thighs. His fingers were tucked into the belt around my wrists, and I knew that he wouldn’t let me fall.

  “From the noise you were making, I’m guessing Mal just made you feel pretty damn good.” Dorian whispered in my ear. “I think you need to repay the favor.”

  “I...” A wave of nerves hit me—why, I didn’t know. I’d gone down on Mal before. I knew his smell, his taste, the way he fit in my mouth.

  But this was different. This was entirely out of my control.

  “Do it.” As though he knew I’d started thinking again, Mal schooled his face into stern lines. Wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock, he gave himself a few pumps, and I was taken aback by how absolutely, incredibly beautiful he was.

  When he pressed the head of his cock to my lips, my mouth watered. I could smell him, musky and male and perfect.

  I swiped my tongue over the moisture beading there, and was rewarded with his deep, guttural groan.

  “Open your mouth.” Dorian tapped on my jaw, and I did what he said. Mal slid in, bit by bit, letting me adjust to the heaviness on my tongue. He pressed forward until he hit the back of my throat, his length completely ensconced in the warmth of my mouth.

  My eyes watered, and I looked up helplessly. A hint of panic whipped over his face, but when he started to pull back, I shook my head.

  “Just give her a second to adjust.” Dorian fanned his fingers over the small of my back. “But she’s going to have to learn to take it.”

  Fuck, yes. It felt so good to be told flat-out that this wasn’t my choice. And yet it was absolutely nothing like the horror that I’d lived through because ultimately... it still was in my hands.

  Out loud, that didn’t make a lot of sense.

  In my head? It was perfect.

  I hummed in my throat to let Mal know that I was ready again. He pulled almost all the way back, then slowly pushed back in. The fact that he went all the way, pressing in until his erection was in my throat, told me that he was in the same wicked frame of mind as Dorian. And I welcomed it, stretching my jaw, letting him fill my senses as he moved back and forth, wiping everything else away.

  With Mal filling my mouth, my hands behind my back, Dorian muttering encouragement and the steam shrouding everything erotically, I was overwhelmed in the best possible way. Encouraged, I swallowed around Mal’s cock, experiencing a surge of pleasure when he moaned and his pace quickened.

  “Good girl.” Dorian let go of the belt and reached around me. His hands found my breasts, cupped them and tugged on my nipples. He wasn’t gentle, and I jerked at the sudden lashes of pain, which quickly melted into pleasure.

  His fingers dipped between my legs, sliding through my wetness. I knew I should be embarrassed, I was so wet, but I was just past the point of caring.

  “Mmm. Creamy and perfect.” Dorian lifted his fingers to show me my own arousal. “Our girl likes being bound, Mal. She likes having your cock in her mouth.”

  Mal groaned at the words, and I felt his body tighten. Fuck me, he was aroused by Dorian’s dirty talk too.

  It was fucking hot.

  “Don’t come yet.” Dorian warned, and I protested as best I could. I was aroused beyond belief, but I needed something more to come, and the man knew that—he could play my body like a musical instrument. But then I realized that he was talking to Mal. I thought that Mal was going to tell D to fuck off, but instead I watched as a flush of arousal washed over him, and he slowed his pace.

  Without speaking, Dorian pressed against my back, urging me to lean forward. This changed the angle of Mal’s cock in my mouth, and let me suck on him more easily—fun for me and, to judge by his groan, excruciating for him.

  I heard the sound of the belt buckle again, felt Dorian loosening my bonds. He slowly unwound the strap, letting the sweating skin beneath breath.

  I hea
rd him then, soft grunts, and wondered what he was doing, since he wasn’t touching me. The first lash of liquid heat over my skin told me, and I reached for him with one hand, for Mal with the other, needing more connection in this perfect, perfect moment.

  “Fuck. That’s so hot.” A glance at Mal showed his eyes riveted behind me, on where Dorian was jerking himself to completion on my skin. Knowing that Mal was watching Dorian, and Dorian was watching Mal, amped my excitement up tenfold.

  The heat of Dorian’s release washed over my lower back at the same time that Mal spilled down my throat, both releases accompanied with harsh groans and panting breath. Frantically I swallowed and licked at Mal, desperate for every drop, and my fingers dug into Dorian’s hip, trying to urge him closer.

  “Now you.” I couldn’t even tell who said this, but suddenly Dorian’s hands were spreading me wide, his thumb rubbing over my clit. Mal pulled from my mouth, and before I could mourn the loss his fingers were inside of me, my two men tangling grips to give me pleasure.

  “Oh. Now. Now!” I was so on edge that it only took the slightest of touches to send me flying. I cried out, shuddering through the hardest release of my life. The steam surrounding us made things seem like a dream, and it was through this that I watched Dorian clasp Mal by the back of the neck.

  I continued to shudder as one man pulled the other closer, and then closer still.

  And when my body finally started to soften, my muscles melting, I watched with wide eyes as Dorian cocked his head, dragged Mal through the remaining inch between them, and then...

  Kissed him.

  Chapter Four


  I really didn’t know why I’d kissed Mal last night. What had happened between the three of us had just been so intense.

  Words couldn’t describe how I’d felt when I saw Adele sink to her knees and offer herself to Mal. It had played on every dominant instinct that I had, and it had been like coming home to take her to the places she’d wanted to go.

  And Mal... Mal was always all about what Adele wanted and needed. Knowing that, I’d used him as a tool for Adele’s pleasure.

  Except that it hadn’t been that simple—the intensity of the connection between all three of us had blown my mind. And so I’d kissed him. And he’d kissed me back, damn it, and it had been...

  It had been like the three of us finally coming together as one.

  But the second his thoughts caught up with him, he’d frozen. And I couldn’t lie, the look on his face when he’d fully come to his senses?

  It had rubbed my heart fucking raw. He hadn’t run away, no, nothing as simple as that. He’d helped me dry our woman off, gotten her some water, had helped me tuck her into bed.

  And then he’d looked at me with this blank expression, just an utter fucking void. He’d gotten dressed, and he’d left Adele’s condo—I hadn’t followed him, but I’d heard the door slam.

  We hadn’t spoken today, hadn’t texted, though he must have said something to Adele, because she hadn’t questioned his whereabouts when she got up this morning.

  But I was questioning it—more, I was wondering if I’d just thrown our whole relationship into the bin.

  And the fact that I was even wondering that pissed me right off. I’d never been attracted to a bloke before... but there was something about Mal. Maybe it was just the fact that he was Adele’s, too. Whatever it was, I knew it went both ways. It had to be addressed.

  But I thought he’d come further than that. It wasn’t like some random dude at the bar had planted one on him. It was just me.

  And I was being a fucking girl about it, sitting here thinking about my feelings. Scowling, I lifted my coffee, which was the size of Canada, and chugged, scalding my tongue a bit in the process.

  “Dorian Marshall?” The voice wasn’t familiar. Turning, I found a bloke not much older than me or the guys entering Java the Hut, his hand extended for me to shake.

  “Mr. Damian.” I stood abruptly, taking the hand he’d offered. He laughed.

  “Just Chris is good.” Pulling a chair around backward, he straddled it facing me. “I work with rock stars. None of them are into the mister, master shit.”

  “Right.” Mister, master shit. Which of course just made me think of last night.

  I sat back down and tried to relax. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this nervous. But this was my dream, my fucking dream come true.

  And where do Adele and Mal fit into this dream?

  I couldn’t think about that right now.

  “The guys should be here soon.” I fought the urge to check my phone, to see if they were running late. They tended to travel as a pack, since they shared an apartment even shittier than the one I lived in with Mal.

  “Relax, Dorian.” Chris propped his elbows onto the tiny cafe table, and regarded me with amusement. He was dressed simply—distressed jeans, a white T-shirt, a leather jacket. But looking at them, it was clear that they were all pricey. Those were name brand sunnies on his head. Plus...

  He had that confidence around him, that one that I’d learned at a very young age only came with material comfort.

  “I’m cool.” I took another scalding sip of my coffee, trying to look...

  Oh, fuck. I was trying to impress him. I hadn’t done that since I was a snot-nosed kid back in Oz. Nowadays, I was pretty comfortable in my own skin. Chicks dug this skin, anyway, and for the longest time, that was all that mattered.

  And if this same meeting had happened before I’d met Adele, chances were I’d have been sitting here right now, being a bit of a stereotypical asshole rocker, daring this dude to either give me a chance or go fuck himself.

  But now...

  Well. Let’s just say I was not okay with just sponging off Adele indefinitely. I knew Mal felt the same way—it was part of why we’d both been in agreement on keeping our apartment.

  But I wanted to take my girl for fancy dinners, and buy her shiny things. I wanted to take care of her, in every way.

  I wanted to take care of Mal, too.

  Chris looked amused at my attempts to just play it cool. “What’s got you so stressed? This is a done deal, if you guys will have me. We just need to hammer out the details.”

  “Come again?” Almost choking on my drink, I tried to ignore the excitement that pulsed through me. “Holy shit.”

  Chris burst into laughter—yeah, so much for being cool. And of course, the guys chose that moment to burst on in. Within seconds, their loud voices and domineering personalities filled the air in the small shop as they swaggered around, acting like assholes to impress Mr. Hollywood here.

  They were acting like I would have been if I hadn’t had Adele and Mal on the brain.

  “I’ve booked some time at a small local studio for tomorrow. I’d like you guys to come do a quick four song demo. I’ll use this to pitch to the tour company, but they have a last minute opening and I don’t see any problems there.” Chris cast a sidelong glance at me as he spoke, as though he thought I might be a problem.

  Don’t be a fucking wombat, Dorian.

  “That’s great.” My voice was loud, brash, and the blokes looked a tad startled. Shrugging it off, I figured they’d chalk it up to excitement. “What songs are we doing?”

  Chris eyed me again, and I had a suspicious that I hadn’t fooled him. But he didn’t comment, instead listing off four of our most popular original songs, including Three Little Words.

  “And if the tour goes well—and it will—we’ll be shooting a video when we get back.” His utter confidence astounded me.

  A music video?

  Someone was going to put that much faith in us?

  No one had ever done that—not until Adele. And it suddenly made all of this seem very, very real. I watched my mates as they tossed around ideas—these blokes who had been in my life forever. This was their dream. And it was my dream too, so why was I all fucked in the head over it?

  I knew why. I knew exactly why. I was pa
st the point in this relationship where I could just head out and not look back—I was going the miss the fuck out of Adele. Mal too, though thinking of him made me frown.

  We could get through two weeks apart, sure. But what happened after that?

  I knew I might be getting ahead of myself, but... how in the fucking hell would I ever choose?


  Not so very long ago, I’d savored the sensation of being alone, absolutely alone, in my condo. It was like a cocoon, all that lovely empty space protecting me from the horrors of the world outside.

  But now as I curled on my bed, running my hands over Humper’s soft fur, I found the silence absolutely deafening.

  “Ugh.” Rolling onto my back, I heaved out an aggrieved sigh.

  A day off, alone, was no longer as ideal as it had once been. I wanted to know how Dorian’s meeting with the manager was going. And Mal had texted me earlier to tell me that he’d gone back to the apartment he shared with Dorian to study.

  This meant I was going a little stir crazy. And with all that empty space, my busy little brain automatically tried to fill it with memories from last night.

  I’d gone out on a limb and asked for what I wanted. And I’d gotten it... and then some.

  “Dorian kissed Mal.” I said this out loud, wondering if it would seem more real if I did. I just—wow.

  I’d picked up on a few little undercurrents between them from time to time, but when we were all in the heat of the moment, it was hard to tell what was coming from where, exactly.

  I’d been completely shocked—and hugely turned on—by that kiss. Seemed like this girlfriend was jonesing to watch her boyfriends get it on and Mal had been into it too. I knew him. I knew when he was aroused.

  But then he’d pulled back—and I don’t mean just physically. Even through the lovely haze I was drifting in after the most spectacular orgasm of my life, I’d sensed him pull away. And I was pretty sure that was why he’d headed off so fast.

  I wasn’t entirely surprised. When Mal had come back into my life a few months ago, he’d changed, true, but it wasn’t like he was a different person than the one I’d first met, more like he’d just grown up and stopped caring so much about what other people thought. Clearly he’d loosened up enough to be in this relationship with Dorian and I, but I knew what his family was like... not that I’d been introduced to them yet.


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