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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 5

by Brad Carr

  “Yessir,” they affirmed.

  Kerr stomped away. Leaving them to their bunks, they could hear him barking orders to someone else in the hallway. Reeves tapped Angus on the arm.

  “Nice guy. He makes us feel all warm and cozy doesn’t he,” Reeves mentioned jokingly. “Makes you want to sit on his lap and ask for a bed time story.”


  Angus felt granules of sand held in his palms. The sky was clear with a full moon resting above. Bright diamond colored stars with gasses of green and purple windowed past the atmosphere. Staring at the ocean shore watching the waves fall, Angus knew he wasn’t alone. Behind him, Salem Vol and the army of skeletons rested within a stone’s throw away. Some had a campfire going, drinking mead and telling stories. Others roasted seagull meat on a spit. While the remaining few were practicing with their swords.

  Salem, resembling a rotting corpse, rose to his feet. Stepping closer to Angus, his appearance began to transform. Flesh and skin began to reach around his body until his appearance mirrored Angus’ memories.

  “What’s going on? Why am I here?”

  “Son, you are in turmoil. Major changes are happening. This place you are going to will seem unfamiliar, and dangerous to you. Comforts of your home weigh heavy on your mind. You refuse to let go of Rola. Mourning a life that cannot be, isn’t beneficial. Don’t lose your hope boy. Your destiny will become apparent.”

  “I don’t give a damn about destiny. I want my old life back. I miss my wife. I want to see my son again.”

  “I’m not a messenger, I can’t tell you all of what the future holds. Even if you do see Fraser again Angus, he won’t see you. At least not the father he knew.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The man you are today is not the man you will be. You have always been a peaceful soul, Angus. Although that is noble, peace must be compromised sometimes. Violence is sometimes necessary in Mitton. The easy life of Satellite Island has made you weak. But I’m here to tell you, you will be a great soldier. Your intelligence and strength will increase to a point where no one will recognize the person you were. But to do this, you may have to do things you will not like.”

  “I already did something I don’t like. I left those people behind on that ship. I finished sinking it. I should have tried harder. Maybe I could have saved more.”

  “Then you would be dead you stupid fool! You cannot save everyone. For the good of the Capital Kingdom and yourself, you made a decision. Stick by it. People die all the time, Angus. But you are not going to be one of them yet. Do you understand?!”

  “Yes, I am sorry.”

  “Stop being sorry all the time boy! You should have learned something about yourself on that ship. Sacrifices have to be made, and you made them. Right or wrong? That is an illusion. It is time to lead, Angus. Listen Son, I will always be with you. My soldiers and I will be guiding you when you dream.” Salem’s skin began to slowly deteriorate again. “I don’t have much time left to stick around. But heed my warning Angus, a great enemy is coming to the Capital Kingdom and the Scarlett Republic. Be prepared.”

  Salem and his soldiers crumbled, the wind scattered their ashes. The moon above illuminated brighter morphing into a blazing sun; shaping to the circular light fixture on the ceiling. After a few seconds, Angus realized he was awake.


  It was late afternoon, the day the survivors of Helga arrived to Outpost Seven. Stepping onto the wooden docks, Angus and Reeves walked in front of the small group. The outpost had an unusual appearance, yet its simplicity felt welcoming.

  To the east of them, a tall metal fence stretched out to the city walls; blocking off a lush forest stretching above. Located to the west of the docking bay, children were collecting shells on a rocky shoreline; areas of tall beach grass grew to one and a half meters. Further west, plots of farming land brimmed with vegetables and fruits.

  Crushed sea shells and jungle wood planked walkways created paths to the suburban streets. Transplanted maple trees and shrubbery were located on every street entrance and cross path. Apparently, the soil from the forest had been collected to enhance growth of these decorative plants.

  Smooth stones lined up through the vendor areas. Residential shacks and stores were constructed from scrap materials. Windows in most of these structures were refurbished from ancient cruise ships.

  Small businesses were selling unknown meat, vegetables, old electronics, homemade weapons, and tools. The most populated area consisted of a seedy looking outdoor bar near the docks.

  Out in the distance about a kilometer away, was the reinforced sandstone city walls measuring about thirty-two meters in height. Tesla fences charged at the base of the walls to give a blue hue of a force field. This fence reached halfway up the walls to provide extra protection from foreign or domestic invaders. Sections of the wall were still being constructed to surround and block off the city areas from the ocean, forest, and suburbs. Watchtowers and power wind mills within the city walls towered high above. Solar panels were installed at an angle running the length of the exterior walls. Capital Kingdom guards strolled the top of these fortifications.

  “Recruits! Pay attention! When your name is called by your guides, report to them, and follow their lead. They will direct you to the barracks, before you begin training in the next few days,” Colonel Kerr commanded.

  When Reeves heard his name called, he looked at Angus, held out his hand, then said,”I will catch up to you later. Thanks again for saving my life.”

  “No need to thank me. Good luck, hopefully I’ll see you again.” Angus shook Reeve’s hand. Reeves separated from him and scurried to his guide.

  “Angus Vol?” a female Capital Kingdom soldier called out. She was a young woman with an athletic build, golden fair skin, almond shaped eyes, and dark spiky hair. Her outfit was made from a stretchy material with shiny blue gray armor covering individual muscle groups.

  Angus raised his hand, walked toward her and responded, “Here!”

  “Good Day Mr. Vol. Please follow me.”

  “Wait, I’m the only one in this group?”

  “AG Vol requested that you get a special tour of the area.”

  “What is your name?”

  “I am Private Rebecca Yu. You may call me Rebecca if you wish.”

  Nodding, he reached out to shake her hand, Angus replied, “It’s nice to meet you Rebecca.”

  Together they progressed up to a gate entrance. The sea shell path created crunching noises under their boots. Much like the crushing bone sound in his dream a few nights before.

  “That sound couldn’t be a coincidence. Could it?” he questioned to himself.

  A portly soldier stood behind a high mahogany counter in an outdoor gate house. “Name?” asked the soldier as he scanned Angus’ eye with an optical scanner.

  “Angus Vol.”

  “Welcome recruit. Please follow your guide through the gate.”

  Passing through the gate, Private Yu began informing Angus of important landmarks. She showed him the first tree planted from the forest in the outpost. The Memorial Wall of the first settlers to Outpost Seven was the second part of the tour.

  Commenting on the citizen domiciles she mentioned, “Private residences are available for purchase after you have served at least a two years out in exploration. Building materials are the responsibility of the buyer. The Capital Kingdom only sells the land after you’ve earned your citizenship here at Outpost Seven.”

  “Bad name for a city,” remarked Angus.

  “Once the wall is finished, or whenever King Lucian decides, this place will have a name.” Private Yu pointed to her left and commented,”This is the Jousting Pit. It’s a good way for volunteers to earn their way into the city walls to become part of the Exploration Commission. It is specific for those that traveled here illegally. If they wish to become citizens of Mitton, they are required to earn it.”

  “Jousting Pit?”

  “Yeah, two people figh
t and hit each other with sticks until one concedes.”

  “Sounds like fun,” said Angus with a small sarcastic tone.

  “There are other ways to become a citizen. A prospect can earn their citizenship by working with body disposal, fisherman, custodians, pirate hunters, and so on. As long as it is approved from the MITTON COLONY ASSOCIATION, or MCA for short. You were one of the lucky ones who got picked to be in our Exploration Commission.”

  “I don’t call leaving my life behind as lucky.”

  “Well, I had to struggle to get here. Much better than living on Phantom Island. Living on a shitty swamp infested and haunted island is not ideal.”

  “Sorry, I’m not a believer in that sort of thing.”

  “What ‘thing’?

  “Ghosts aren’t real,” Angus stated.

  “You would be a true believer if you grew up there,” Rebecca commented in a serious tone.

  Angus and Private Yu approached the Outpost Seven City Wall Entrance. Armed soldiers lined up near the doors, while jungle wood fences held back a crowd of people, pleading to gain entry. Many voices could be heard yelling, “Please let us in!” “We have rights dammit!” “The MCA are a bunch of assholes!”

  Angus and Rebecca traveled through the entrance and past the wall. While the exterior of the wall seemed heavily populated, the interior was quite the opposite. It was scarcely populated. Angus felt surprised by how much empty parcels of land, separated the buildings. Open land could be seen in the distance past the structures.

  Further south in the distance, a few kilometers away, sail boats full of cargo snaked around a river. The river had a separate entrance to the walls.

  Five extravagant two-story luxury apartment buildings spread out in different areas. The exterior of these buildings had a white stucco texture. Roofs of the apartments were made of red clay tile.

  A plot of land nearly three acres in size had the specific purpose for war pigs. Trainers could be witnessed behind the electric fence along with the multi colored beasts. Bales of hay were placed in different areas inside the enclosure.

  A two story rectangular concrete building with a flat roof was established near a matching bath house. It was the recruit barracks. Recruits socialized outside on wooden picnic tables. Many were playing cards or listening to the radio.

  A tan sandstone cafeteria building rested near the South wall. Recruits and soldiers exited the doors. Some of whom, held their stuffed bellies from the dinner they consumed. Gardens overflowed with herbs residing near the cafeteria.

  The ground was a mixture of sand and green grass. Unlike the suburban areas, the pathways to all the structures were made of red brick and mortar. Palm trees were transplanted near a small fountain and lush park area.

  On the North wall stood a sectioned area of two story apartments with a stained wood exterior. These apartments were reserved for fully trained guards and military personnel.

  The largest structure rested near the East wall. It was five story building made of expensive materials such as quartz, marble, glass, and gold trim. Compared to the structures, this resonated a sense of power over the others.

  “What is that big fancy building for?

  “It’s the MCA’s office. Nothing gets built here without their approval. King Lucian used to be the President of the MCA. They have political pull. But AG Vol has more influence in this outpost.

  “Private Yu? Is this all there is to the city?” asked Angus in disbelief.

  “No, this is just the surface. Follow me and I will show you.”

  Angus followed her to a small building made of jungle wood. She opened the door and entered. It seemed empty inside. Rebecca marched over to the left corner of the room typing in a code on the panel of a wall. Immediately, the floor descended beneath the ground like an elevator.

  “Mr. Vol, please do not mention this to anyone else yet. Others will be shown this area after they are trained. AG Vol has given me permission to show you this area.”

  Angus nodded in agreement as the elevator descended. Slowly the door slid open. The underground was livable. An entire civilization resided down there. Rooms and buildings were carved out of the gray rock below. Secondary hallways were small and cramped leading to different rooms. Scrap metal and wood were used to make doors.

  “Welcome to Tyra’s Keep,” stated Yu. “Named after the former Queen Tyra obviously.”

  Each room had brass signs embedded to the rock. “Filing Rooms, Exploration Department, Food Distribution, Communications,” and many other names could be read near the door of each room.

  “This area was originally carved out by the Cap Explorers about twenty-two years ago,” stated Rebecca. “The surface of the area was too dangerous to live on at that time. Out of the original explorers, eight hundred and sixty-seven died within six months. Only one hundred and thirty-three survived; completing this home underground. The explorers who died were killed by various things. Most were killed by the local wildlife. Others died by disease, hunger, and a revolt.”

  “A revolt?” Angus inquired.

  “Your uncle never told you?”

  “I don’t remember meeting my Uncle Brakion. All I know is that my mother called him a complicated man. My father died when I was very young.”

  “My apologies, I just assumed you knew him. According to the stories, your Uncle Brakion was the leader of the first team sent to Mitton. He established stability in Outposts One through Six. Brakion was commissioned by Queen Tyra to expand the territory, so he set up a post here. He had to leave it behind when he was voted in as King.”

  “Where does the revolt come in?”

  “A few years into the construction, a soldier named Kansas Sparks gained popularity among the explorers. He was a strong soldier, one of the most efficient soldiers in the Capital Kingdom. Many thought General Brakion was doing a poor job of leading. Seeking to overthrow Brakion and take control of the post, Sparks led a revolt.”

  “What happened then?”

  “Sparks was betrayed by his revolutionaries. When the battle ensued, Brakion released his war pigs along with his loyal soldiers. Sparks’ revolutionaries retreated within minutes and ran for their lives into the jungle. Some were captured later, but most never returned. Most likely they died in the jungle.”

  “What happened to Sparks?”

  “Well, Sparks’ fate is a bit of a mystery. Some say Brakion had him executed. Others believed he retreated. While other rumors claim that General Brakion banished him. The most popular rumor has him being sentenced to Prison Island. In either case, no one has seen him in close to twenty years.”

  “So I guess the revolts ceased.”

  “Technically yes, but there were attacks on the outpost by predators. That is why the wall is being constructed.” Yu paused for a moment. “Let me continue to show you the rest of the tour.”

  Traveling down a few corridors, they encountered a huge area. Vendors sold merchandise and food. Filling the air, the hum of hundreds of voices speaking all at once. Citizens were shopping, eating, or standing around talking. Above the store fronts, balconies were connected to the apartments carved into the cave walls. Ceilings of Tyra’s Keep reached nearly three stories high.

  “It’s beautiful for an underground dwelling. Do people outside the wall know about this place?”

  “Only people within the walls of Outpost Seven. Most who live down here rarely leave out the exit. Caravans leave from here to deliver or procure necessities through the cargo tunnels connected to the districts. For many, the surface area doesn’t interest them. They are protected from the harsh environment above.”

  “How do they buy things from the market?”

  “The barter system is used down here in a sense. People barter an item to the ‘Exchange’ and then they receive credit towards the stores here. Well, at least until a new money system is created by the new king. But so far, this system has worked well. Those serving in the Soldier Class get credit on a monthly basis during tra
ining. They can use that credit anywhere in the outpost. But you won’t need much while training, your necessities are taken care of.”

  “I guess that’s a plus.”

  “How about we have some fun?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Follow me.”

  Private Yu led Angus down a maze of corridors. By this time, Angus couldn’t remember which direction they originated from. He was lost, everything seemed to be the same in appearance. All of the hallways were roughly cut stone walls. But Yu knew Tyra’s Keep well.

  She led him to a large gun range for target practice. Nearly twenty-four partitions separated each gunmen. As they strolled by each partition, Angus could see transparent holographic projections of soldiers getting fired on by each participant, from distances of fifteen to sixty meters.

  Approaching a counter, a portly elderly man stood behind it. “How can I help you Rebecca?”

  “I need two laser pistols, one for me, the other for my friend Angus here. I’m paying for fifteen minutes, for both of us. We’ll share one and take turns since it looks crowded in here today.”

  “Private Yu, that won’t be necessary,” Angus intervened.

  “No, I insist. My treat, besides I want to.”

  “If you insist, thank you.”

  The man scanned Rebecca’s eye for payment. Behind him, on a wall, he removed two pistols. The gun was nearly a third of a meter long, with a matted black finish, and comfort grip handles.

  Arriving to their partition, Angus insisted, “Please, you go first.”


  Rebecca held the gun in her left hand. A holographic projection of three soldiers rushed towards her from two hundred meters away. She squeezed off three chest shots, obliterating the holographs.

  “Nicely done!” Angus complimented her.

  “Your turn big man,” she gestured playfully.


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