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The Elisha Amulet: Enigmas & Empires: Book One

Page 8

by Brad Carr


  Three hours passed when Scarla reported back to Sparks. She was out of breath, carrying a new laser gun. “Sir, you must come see this.”


  A ship similar to Magnus’ “Helga” was docked. Sparks entered. Exploring the rooms and hallways; he found it fully stocked with food, water, guns, ammo, and dark gray armor. Inside, on top of the panel on the bridge sat a tablet. It read:

  Coordinates are already dialed into the navigation. We have waited in anticipation for your escape. You must leave with haste. The Capital Kingdom Navy will be arriving soon. Any and all survivors must enter the ship. Simply press the green button on this console when you are ready to depart. More will be explained upon your arrival to our location.

  Sparks spoke to Scarla standing beside him. “We have to leave now. Get everyone on this ship. The instructions I received were true. We have been chosen to join.”

  “That is great.”

  “Yes, it is. Oh, and get someone to bring Rose’s body on board please?”


  “Scarla, she deserves to leave this island too. Out of respect.”

  “But you shot her. How is that respect?”

  “Just do it!”

  Chapter 9

  Brakion dropped down from the saddle on Bantam’s back, his boots kicked up sand. Placing his hands to the war pig’s cheeks, he telepathically spoke to him. With just a look into his gaze, the highly intelligent beast comprehended Brakion’s dismissal.

  Bantam trotted off towards the exterior face of the war pig fence. Resting his aging bones, the war pig kept his eyes open slightly; guarding lazily over the other swine. Brakion hiked the opposite direction towards the stone stairs, leading to the top of the outpost walls.

  Staring down, he could view the lives of people outside the wall. Bartering vendors engaged in trade. Others used various styles of martial art training in the arena. But what impressed Brakion the most, was the farms and gardens on plots of land near the beach.

  Uncommon varieties of fruits and vegetables grew lush. Brave farmers traveled through untamed territories to transplant top soil, and discovered new sources of food. Ownership of land wasn’t required, they established agriculture in community areas. Armed men and women with swords, knives, and spears guarded these farms from thieves.

  “Surely these people deserve to be a part of this community,” he thought to himself.

  Brakion was inspired, but also frustrated by the sluggish pace of Outpost Seven’s development. While politicians dictate how and when things are done; the outpost is lacking optional sources of food, and better commerce.

  He knew something must be changed; not only for the good of the Capital Kingdom, but also the benefit of those living in Mitton. Outside this wall, populations of immigrants were rising. Brakion knew from experience, overcrowding can cause harmful effects to small areas. Rebellions and diseases destroy progress.

  Heading down the stairs and back to his office, he entered. He noticed Joel, sleeping in a chair. Gingerly, Joel stood up as fast as he could upon hearing the door creak.

  “I’m so sorry my King. I didn’t mean…”

  “It’s okay Joel. You know, you don’t have to be here all the time. You can retire to your quarters whenever you wish.”

  “But sir, I have nothing better to do.”

  “Very well, please send a message to King Lucian. I need to speak with him.”


  “Just make sure you don’t say it’s from King Brakion. I don’t think Lucian appreciates it. Use AG Vol this time okay.”

  “My apologies, I will try to remember this time.”


  Hours passed quietly. A faint knock resonated on Brakion’s office door. Looking up from reading reports, Brakion commanded, “Come in.”

  “King Brakion?”

  “Yes Joel?” Brakion responded while ignoring the term ‘King’ that Joel refuses to drop. “King Lucian is ready for the conference now.”

  “Thank you Joel.” Brakion pushed the communication button.

  King Lucian’s image projected on the wall. He was a young king of thirty-five. Slender and pale, clean shaven, with short hair of ash brown. His hooked nose dominated the proportion of his face.

  “Greetings AG Vol, I see Joel still calls you king. I got a message calling you as such,” Lucian mentioned in a frustrated tone.

  “I ask that you please forgive him, King Lucian, he’s an old man set in his ways. But he serves the Outpost well. He’s forgetful at times, but does an adequate job. Please pardon me for requesting a conference in the middle of a busy time for you, but I need your leadership.”

  “Go on, you have my attention.”

  “What is the status of my request to explore another one hundred sixty kilometers for colony expansion?”

  “Well, that’s the MCA’s job isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I know, and again I apologize for going above them on this, but it has been an entire year since I requested it. Yet the MCA keeps rejecting it. May I speak freely?”

  “I think that would be best.”

  “Thank you. Let’s just call this what it really is, elitism. The MCA view these people as poor and uneducated. But that simply isn’t true. Most of these potential citizens are from our own islands and have been educated in our ways.”

  “Is there a reason for the rush AG Vol?”

  “Yes, outside these walls are people who are useful to us. They want to be a part of the new Capital Kingdom territories. Some qualify as good soldiers. But in all honesty, we have more than military needs. Many are very industrious. They are finding new ways to farm, and have discovered new sources of food that could feed this outpost. That in itself would be worth taking off some of the burden from the islands to send provisions. A substantial number of these potential citizens have construction backgrounds too. Having more hard working citizens could increase income for Mitton. Finally we require some form of money system, besides bartering. The other districts in Mitton already have currency, we do not.”

  “Outpost Seven isn’t a district yet.”

  “But we have enough souls here to finally be recognized as one.”

  “Point taken. But what about the under ground citizens? Couldn’t you use them to expand?”

  “They are hard at work discovering new routes to possible future districts. The subway construction should not be halted. Our scientists need to focus their attention on energy and medicinal breakthroughs. Working underground is the only way to keep our new technologies secret until it is ready for public use. They are good at their craft, it would be a disservice to the Capital Kingdom to displace them.”

  “What if you let in a lot of uncivilized people AG Vol? There could be negative reasons why they left the islands willingly. What do you propose to address this?”

  “Nothing is perfect of course, but I could oversee a screening process. I will only let them in gradually, until they can be placed into beneficial positions. Also, I failed to mention earlier; we are in need of a police force to oversee the new areas upon colonization. We need properly trained officers, not soldiers. Protection for the farmers and construction workers outside the walls could lead to new territories. I will only allow top candidates to dwell within the walls. But I need your permission to expand.”

  “You make a good point Vol. Very well, I will issue a command to the MCA to allow Outpost Seven’s expansion. However, they will want some kind of compromise and financial gain. So I’m only going to allow eighty kilometers of colonization for now, as well as citizenship for those who pass screening processes. But you will have to enforce a temporary taxation to cover the expenses and upkeep of new construction. I expect your support for the MCA in their future endeavors.”

  “Thank you King Lucian.”

  “Just remember, it will be your responsibility if this fails. But you’ve overcome major hurdles in setting up the previous six districts. So I do have confidence in you
r abilities. Goodbye Brakion, keep me posted on the success.”

  When the projection blanked, Brakion spoke in excitement, “Joel!”

  “Yessir?” replied Joel, out of breath attempting to hasten his arrival inside Brakion’s office.

  “I need to meet with Sergeant Argiss, Private Yu, and General Loft in the morning. Please relay the message while I work out some details.”

  “Of course, my king.”

  “Oh and another thing Joel, when you send a message to Satellite Island, especially to King Lucian; please leave out ‘king’ in my title. I know you seem to forget, but King Lucian can be a little abrasive. I don’t want him to fire you. I like you too much.”

  “Thank you sir!”


  Brakion curled up in the fetal position. Slumbering in this posture gave him slight relief from pain coursing through his body. A firm pillow rested between his knees. His right arm tingled from resting on it too long. Constant pulsing of his heartbeat could be felt throughout his back and legs. Sitting up, his expression contorted and cringed. Gritting his teeth together he let out a low grunt. It took him close to twenty minutes to bathe, groom, and dress for the morning ahead.

  Stepping to the back of his home, he decided to take the cave entrance to Tyra’s Keep. On his wooden planked floor, was a rusty metal hatch. Typing a six digit code on a key panel opposite the wall, the hatch door opened. Descending down the metal rung ladder, it closed behind him.

  Murky and musty, the cave lacked sufficient lighting when he stepped off the ladder. Only a minimal amount of illumination could be viewed near the ladder itself. The remainder of the cave section was pitch black. However, he traveled this route nearly every day. Lighting was not a necessity for him to know his direction. His perception functioned at a high level, and Brakion developed remarkable eyesight in pitch black areas.

  Pressing his hand on the wall, locating the exact location of the handprint scanner, a robotic voice spoke, “Alpha General Brakion Vol.”

  Click! The door unfastened from the lock and he entered another cave chamber. This area was sufficiently lit from ceiling bulbs. Trekking towards a gray steel door, he placed his eyes near an optical scanner on the right side of the wall. Again, a robotic voice declared, “Confirmed.”

  Entering the doorway leading to Tyra’s Keep; the atmosphere changed to the opposite of quiet. The loud hum of conversations in the marketplace permeated the walls. Strolling through the middle aisle, the inhabitants moved to the left or right side of him, allowing undisturbed passage.

  Brakion located the administrative hallway and stepped inside the conference room. An oval oak table was situated in the middle of the room. Sergeant Argiss, Private Yu, and General Loft rose from their seats, standing in attention.

  “At ease,” he said walking to his chair and sitting. Brakion did not delay in starting his declarations. “I have called you here today to give you good news. We are expanding Outpost Seven another eighty kilometers for agriculture, food services, housing, medical centers, small towns, and whatever we deem necessary for functionality.”

  “Sir, should we be discussing this in front of Private Yu? Actually, is there a reason she is present?” Sergeant Argiss questioned.

  Argiss was a portly fellow with a bulbous nose and thick mustache that curled up on its ends. Wearing a tight fitting black military uniform, his stomach rested past his belt buckle. Thick and dark wavy hairs padded his skull.

  “Yes, Argiss, right you are. I should probably mention that first.” Turning his attention to Private Yu, he said,”I am promoting you to the rank of First Lieutenant. Congratulations Rebecca, you deserve it.”

  “Thank you AG Vol. I am honored.” Lieutenant Yu responded with a great sense of pride beaming on her expression.

  “The honor is mine.” Brakion turned his gaze to Sergeant Argiss to his right. “Argiss, you are being promoted to the rank of Captain, congratulations.”

  “Thank you sir. I won’t let you down.” said Argiss.

  “Oh, I’m counting on it. We have a lot of work to do.” Brakion continued to his original thoughts. “Now that is finished, let’s move on. I’m going to need the Corp of Engineers to send personnel to survey each area we explore. We need two engineers per team. We’ll need beacons set up every twenty kilometers. Supply crates should be full of provisions and tools for later use. Once this is done, the new recruits will be establishing and protecting forts. Construction crews will be sent to them once the areas are cleared. Captain Argiss I am delegating you to oversee this. You can access all the soldier files we have. Pick the best teams suitable for this task and install at least one civilian surveyor to them. Hire whomever you wish to be your assistant. I will give you authority on trivial decisions. However, any major decisions come to General Loft or myself. I will be making a lot of inquiries, so be prepared for unexpected visits from either General Loft or I.”


  “Lieutenant Yu,” Brakion continued, “I have a special task for you. You will be in charge of personnel for our Expansion Exploration Division. Your task is to inspect, review, and rally any volunteers outside the Outpost Seven wall to join in this expansion. Together, we will create the requirements, and system strategy of background checks, to the people yearning to inhabit the outpost. Hard working and talented citizens are useful to the Capital Kingdom. They have to earn their way, or have already done so by their accomplishments. By the end of the week, I will be addressing the citizens living under ground, those inside the wall, and those outside the wall. Underground citizens need to begin visiting the surface more. And it is time, to fill our walls with responsible citizens.”

  “Of course Sir, but why gift me with this task?”

  “Because you earned your way inside here, Yu. Living outside the wall for many years, no one knows the people better than you.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  “General Loft, I want you to hire the right people to supervise construction, farming, businesses, and public utilities. Before you do, we have to contact the MCA. I’m sure they’ll want a kick back from this even though they don’t deserve it. But the King unfortunately has ties to them, so I don’t have a say in the matter. Meet with them, come to an agreement. Start low and offer them two percent of the land we are exploring. But don’t let those leeches go above five percent. Can you do that?”

  “Of course AG Vol. I will make sure it sounds like their idea to stroke their egos so we can get this thing rolling.” Loft confirmed.

  “I know you’re the right man for the job. After we are done setting up the new exploration of eighty kilometers. I will recommend to King Lucian that you be the Alpha General of any future outpost.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  “I will oversee all three of you from time to time. We will have progress meetings every week at this time. I am available later this afternoon should you have any questions or ideas. I really want you to work out the details on your own. Then, discuss them with me next week. I will expect a full proposal. Meeting adjourned. Let’s get to work.”

  Chapter 10

  Brakion was seated on a metal stool inside a tower above the Outpost Seven wall. Pondering ideas about details to expand the new eighty kilometers. Outside the wall, something caught his glimpse. Grabbing his binoculars, he peered though the lenses.

  He drew his attention to the farmers below. One small lot in particular had five workers. Three were planting fresh seed, and two were keeping guard. It seemed strange to be sowing new seeds two months prior to the cold winter. Maybe they knew something he didn’t.

  In particular, his eyes shifted to a small retail gardening stand on the edge of this farming lot. Behind it was a small girl standing on a wooden planked box. Zooming closer to her face, she seemed to be around the age of five or six years. She had her wavy, sand blonde locks tied back in a tail; with a caramel brown complexion, and light hazel eyes. She wore tan cotton pants and shirt, with brown leather sandals. Her clothing
was a few sizes larger than her little body could fit into. Hemp rope was tied to her waist to keep her attire secured.

  Something about this little girl reminded him of someone he knew. He felt a mix of joy and sadness as memories of a friend long dead flooded his recollections.

  “If only she had lived, she would have had a child who looked like this,” he thought to himself. His eyes glazed, but he immediately squashed his expressions as he typically does. After a life of struggle and loss, he had become accustomed to suppressing melancholy.

  The little girl took trade for purchase of the farmer’s crop. Unusual in appearance, the vegetable was shaped like a potato. Its outer skin was brown, with numerous soft green tendrils growing outward.

  A woman approached behind her. Her raven hair tightly curled, draping down to her shoulders. Clearly this woman was the little girl’s mother. Her face had a similar appearance to her daughter’s, except for her full lips, oval jawline, and hair color. This mother was more so of a dead ringer reminder of a passed friend.

  Brakion stood up from the chair, put his binoculars on the stool seat and walked out of the guard tower. Descending the steel stairs, he pressed a button on an earpiece behind his right ear.

  “Security detail requested. Lieutenant Yu, meet me at the rear underground exit.”


  “Leah!” called out Mona.

  “Yes Mom!” shouted Leah.

  “Come here!”

  “I’m with a customer Mom!”

  “When you’re done, honey!”

  “Okay!” Leah confirmed, turning her attention back to the male customer in front of her.

  “So, is this trade ok?” he asked, his gapped front teeth made a whistling sound when speaking.

  “I’m going to need a little bit more.”

  “Well, I have this,” the man responded, holding out a small sliver of whale bone. It had a beautiful carving of a tree with rays of sunlight behind it.


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