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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

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by Jeannette Winters

  “You’re a real estate agent?” Sharon asked.

  That was the furthest from the truth. Real estate shark was more like it. The only person he worked for was himself, and every business transaction was for one purpose only, to turn a huge profit. “Not exactly. More like moving the businesses on paper.”

  “Legally?” Claude asked.

  “Dad, Dean would never do anything illegal. He is from one of the most influential families in Boston,” Tessa stated.

  Dean looked at her. It was funny to watch her try to defend his honor, but the truth was, her father had damn good reasons to question him. It may all be legal on paper but the actions taken before the transaction may not have been. How he got there didn’t matter to him; the only thing that mattered was getting what he wanted. He looked at Tessa. And I always do.

  “Tessa, your father didn’t mean anything by that. This man just seemed to show up unannounced to our home, and your father would like to know what kind of man he is, that’s all,” Sharon said, trying to ease the tension which lingered in the room ever since they’d entered the house.

  Dean didn’t like anyone questioning what kind of man he was. It wasn’t any of their business. He was who he was, and no one was going to change that. If you want to question someone, you might want to start with your own daughter.

  “Claude, if you are worried that my dealings may somehow affect your daughter in a negative way, I can assure you that I am not the one you need to worry about,” Dean said.

  Tessa looked at him puzzled. “What does that mean?”

  He turned to meet her gaze. “You know who I’m talking about Tessa.”

  She shook her head and said firmly, “No, I don’t.”

  He hadn’t planned to have this discussion in the presence of others, but if she wanted to continue to keep up the act, he had no problem calling her out on it. Even in front of her parents. Let’s see how great your acting skills are now, Tessa. Dean arched his brow and glared at her. He couldn’t wait to see her expression when he said the name. “Dax Marshall.”

  She looked more puzzled than shocked. Did she not think he would have figured her out, made the connection? Dax must not have warned her exactly who she was playing with when she agreed to help him. If you’re smart, Tessa, you will come clean now. Game over.

  “I have no idea what Dax has to do with any of this,” she said adamantly.

  On a first name basis, I see. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of regret. He had hoped she would at least pretend not to even know who Dax was. Instead, she almost sounded as though she was defending him. Oh, he wanted to give it to her. Tell her exactly what it had to do with. How she was his puppet and feeding secret information to Dax to take down the stock in the company so it could be snatched up for pennies on the dollar. Dean could almost picture what her father, the pastor, would have to say about his baby girl then.

  “Oh, my,” Sharon said as she looked back and forth between Dean and Tessa. “Claude, I think we better go in the kitchen and let these two work some things out between themselves.”

  Claude didn’t look like he wanted to go anywhere, but Sharon nudged him with her elbow and eventually he rose from his seat and walked out of the room. Dean was grateful for the privacy, but the timing was off. He’d rather they’d had their privacy while they had been on the porch.

  Once alone, Dean said, “You don’t know what type of man Dax is, Tessa.”

  “Why are you so concerned with Dax, and why do you think he will hurt me? Because as I see it, right now the only one hurting me is you, Dean.”

  He looked her in the eyes and could see the truth in that statement. Never had he intended to hurt her, but he was. But that was what you risked when you decided to get involved in such takeovers. Poly-Shyn was going to survive, but he wasn’t so sure Tessa was going to get away unscathed, no matter how hard she tried. You put yourself between two hammers. It’s not too late to get out before you get crushed.

  “The pain you’re feeling right now is nothing compared to what might come if you don’t back off. You do know Dax is seeing Kenzi Barrington.” He wasn’t too happy about that himself, but he wanted to see if she was aware of Dax’s actions or was solely concentrating on Dean’s.

  Tessa looked shocked. “Yes I am aware of that, but how do you know any of this? The even better question is, what does this have to do with me?”

  “I know way more than you think I know, Tessa. How does that make you feel—Dax being with Kenzi?” Dean asked. He wasn’t sure why he asked that question. Tessa’s feelings for Dax had nothing to do with him. His only concern was to protect Poly-Shyn from the takeover.

  If that was the case, then why did the pit of his stomach ache while he waited for her answer? Did he want her to say it hurt like hell or that she didn’t care one bit? Neither should matter to him, but somehow it did and that realization didn’t please him.

  “I don’t have an opinion. If she wants him, she can have him. If not, well . . . that is between the two of them. Kenzi seems to be a strong woman, from what I have heard about her, and I’m sure she will find the right person. I still don’t know what this has to do with me.”

  She didn’t appear to hold any jealousy in regards to Kenzi and Dax. Was it that they were not intimately involved and only had a business relationship? Business is all I should be thinking of right now, but damn, Tessa, you have me in fucking knots. Just answer my question.

  “What’s your relationship with Dax? And why are you dressed different here than at work? Is your work attire a part of your cover-up for this game you are playing?” His words were clear, and he wanted an equally clear answer.

  “Since I’ve never met the man, I would say we don’t have one.”

  “None at all?” Dean asked.

  Tessa crossed her arms in front of her and asked, “What type of relationship do you think we have?”


  “I work for you, Dean. And with the number of hours I put in, do you really think I have time to moonlight for another employer? And as for my choice of attire, how is that any of your business?”

  Moonlight, no, but spy, yes. “Are you saying you have absolutely no connection with Dax Marshall?”

  “That is what I am saying. Why? What makes you think I do?”

  “I thought you were working for Dax to gather information regarding Poly-Shyn for him.”

  Tessa stood up abruptly and paced the room. He could see wheels spinning in her mind. When she finally turned back to face him, her eyes were dark green with anger.

  “Are you saying you thought I was spying on you?”

  He nodded. The truth wasn’t pretty, but it normally wasn’t as far as he was concerned.

  “And you kissed me even when you thought that I—” She covered her mouth. “You need to leave now.”

  Dean stood up, went to her, and took hold of her upper arms. “Tessa, listen to me.”

  She shook her head and raised her voice. “I don’t want to hear what you have to say, Dean. How could you do such a thing? You thought I was the enemy, but yet you . . .” Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  “It’s not as bad as you are making it sound, Tessa. You don’t know how these things work in business.”

  “I might not know about how you do business, Dean Henderson, but I do know that what you are suggesting I did is illegal. The fact that you even thought I could do that says you know nothing about me. Now get your hands off of me and leave. You’re not welcome here anymore.”

  Dean didn’t want to let her go. Not like this. He wanted to make her understand why those thoughts had entered his mind. Before he could, he heard Claude and Sharon enter the room again. Sharon went directly to Tessa’s side so Dean released his hold on her, and she turned to her mother to bury her tear-stricken face.

  “Son, I’m a peaceful man, but I won’t have you hurting my daughter. Now she said for you to go, so I suggest you go. When things cool down, I’m sure the two of you ca
n continue this discussion, but right now, this is over.”

  Dean never let anyone tell him what to do. Claude on the other hand was only trying to protect Tessa, and he had to respect that. This was their home, and whatever he and Tessa had to say to each other was not meant to take place here.

  Without another word, Dean headed for the door. He turned and looked at Tessa one last time before leaving. This isn’t over, Tessa. This is just the beginning.

  “I’ll see you Monday, Tessa.” Then he closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Eight

  Tessa spent the rest of the weekend avoiding the topic of Dean entirely. She almost made it through Sunday night, but her mother wasn’t going to let her leave without sitting down for a mother-daughter talk. I should have seen this coming. Why didn’t I leave after lunch? Probably because I need you to tell me it’s going to be okay.

  “You might be judging him too hard, Tessa. Didn’t you say his father had passed recently, and he is trying to run this business on his own?”

  “Mom, that’s not the point. He suspected me of unethical behavior. You know me. I would never do such a thing. Never,” Tessa said seriously.

  Sharon patted Tessa’s hand. “Honey, I know that, and your father knows that. But these are things you learn about another person over time. Your relationship is still new and needs to grow.”

  Relationship? Oh Mom, if you only knew what really happened. What he thinks of me. “He’s my boss, Mom.”

  “Yet we came home last night to find you in his arms, kissing. I know my eyes aren’t as good as they used to be, but you didn’t seem to mind too much either, if I may say so.”

  Damn, I forgot you saw that. “That’s not going to happen again, Mom. I probably don’t even have a job anymore.”

  “And what makes you think that?” Sharon asked.

  “I threw him out of your house.”

  Sharon laughed. “Oh dear. Did we shelter you that much? Don’t answer that. So you think this man is not interested in you as more than just an employee?”

  Tessa looked down at her hands folded in her lap. She didn’t want to think about Dean at all, never mind what he might or might not want with her. Her own emotions were already turning somersaults. Adding anymore was more than she could take. “Mom, can we change the subject? I need to get up really early in the morning if I want to make it back to Boston before rush hour traffic hits.”

  “So you’re going to work. Good.”

  “Mom, why do you think I still have a job?”

  Sharon smiled at her. “He did tell you he would see you on Monday. If he wanted to fire you, then he could have done that from Boston. There’s only one reason for him to drive hours to Denfield. And it has nothing to do with business.” She got up and continued, “But you’re right. Tomorrow you have a big day ahead of you. And I suggest you get up bright and early and get extra pretty before you go into the office.”

  Left alone with only her thoughts, her nerves took over. How was she going to face Dean when she couldn’t even face herself right now? Could her mother be right? Had Dean only come down to see her and not because he thought she had some involvement with Dax Marshall?

  Oh, I wish it was true. But Mom, you don’t know him like I do. He’s all business all the time. There was nothing wrong with that, but the way he ran the business was a problem.

  She turned off the lamp on her nightstand and pulled the blanket up around her neck. Sleep was desperately needed but, no different than the last two nights, it didn’t come easily or restfully. After hours of tossing and turning with her eyes burning from pure exhaustion, she finally faded off to sleep.

  Tessa made it into work much earlier than needed. Since she had blown off work Friday afternoon, she was grateful to have some quiet time to play catch-up. Sitting at her desk sipping on her second cup of coffee, she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. It was going to be a long day. If all went well she would be able to avoid seeing Dean and hide out in her office. Something has to go right eventually.

  “You look like you had a rough weekend,” Lexi said from Tessa’s office door.

  Tessa didn’t even open her eyes. There was no point. Lexi seemed to have an uncanny way of reading a person, so sitting up and denying it was only going to feed her curiosity even more. “It was a long ride in this morning from my parents’ house.”

  “Bummer. I was hoping maybe you and Dean had hooked up and you were recovering from a wild weekend together.”

  It might not have been a wild weekend, but Tessa still couldn’t forget the kiss. The fire Dean ignited in her would not cease. If it wasn’t for her parents showing up when they did, she knew she would have given him anything and everything. Not because he wanted her, but because she wanted him. Even now, if she was not constantly busy, her mind drifted back to him. The whole situation was bittersweet. If she only knew for sure what he was thinking and feeling. He asked a lot of questions but didn’t seem to give any information about himself. Was that because there wasn’t any to give? She tried to read him, but he was impossible to figure out. Maybe over time that would change. What are you thinking, Tessa? You probably won’t have a job by the end of the day.

  She could still hear Lexi in her office. Tessa couldn’t help but open her eyes to see if she’d been joking or not. Oh no. She was serious. “Lexi, he’s my boss, our boss. And suggesting anything other than that is unprofessional.”

  “It’s only unprofessional to get caught.” Lexi laughed. “Besides, he seemed adamant to find you Friday, and I can tell you it didn’t have anything to do with Poly-Shyn.”

  “And you know this how?” Tessa was hoping she would not regret asking, but she really wanted an answer.

  Lexi came over to Tessa’s desk and sat in the chair across from her. “Oh Dean and I have known each other since we were teenagers. I met him when Willa and I were in boarding school. He had come up to see a mutual friend, Kenzi Barrington. Remember I told you about her last week.”

  Oh, I remember. The one involved with Dax Marshall, who seems to have Dean in some crazy uproar. I think I need to find out more about Dax. Can’t fix what I don’t know. “Well, you read this one wrong, Lexi. He did need to see me, but it was about business.”

  Lexi shook her head. “I must be slipping. Maybe next time things will be different Tessa, because I know I wasn’t totally wrong. That man has the hots for you. And that was even before your makeover. Imagine what it’s going to be like when you go to his office today.”

  Dean had noticed her makeover, but even that had been seen as a ploy to gain information on Poly-Shyn. What she still didn’t understand was why he suspected her of such a thing. Over the weekend, she’d replayed every moment that she had with him. Could he have picked up on her nervousness and that caused suspicion? If so then he was still going to suspect her because her nerves were worse than ever right now.

  If I can help it, I won’t be anywhere near him. “Our paths don’t often cross, Lexi.”

  “Well today’s your lucky day because they are going to very soon. I saw him in the elevator, and he told me to send you to his office.” Lexi was grinning as she said it.

  Tessa forced a smile back, but knew that it was not believable at all. She rose from her seat and headed out the door. “Try not to get into any trouble while I’m gone. I won’t be long. I’ll get you set up for another project when I get back.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t do a thing until you get back,” Lexi said. She picked up her cell phone as though she really was going to spend the time surfing the Internet.

  Great. I really hate Mondays.

  “Shaun, I don’t want to talk to you about Kenzi. Whatever is going on between her and her brothers is not my concern,” Dean said, but his tone did not match what he felt. She was like a sister to him. If she was in trouble, he wanted to know. But he knew his brother wouldn’t know what really was going on with her. No one ever did.

  “Dean, this is not just about her brothe
rs. This is about you and her,” Shaun said.

  He leaned back in his chair and stared at his older brother. If his brothers thought there was something between him and Kenzi other than friendship, they were as wrong now as they had been all those years ago.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Shaun.”

  “You’re going to. If not from me, then from someone else. We were all so damn wrong. Why didn’t you tell us, Dean? We’re your family. We would have protected you.”

  Shaun always had a way with words, and this had piqued his interest. He could spend the rest of the day pondering whether they would have supported him, but the truth was, it was in the past and no longer mattered. He no longer needed or wanted anyone’s help. Too little too late.

  “I didn’t need it then, and I don’t now. So unless you plan on changing this subject, let’s consider this meeting over.”

  Shaun shook his head. “Kenzi told her family what you did to protect her secret. It didn’t take long for Asher to tell Brice. I have to admit I still don’t understand why you did it. I mean, you went to juvenile detention for assault with intent. If you had just said why you beat that kid up, you might have gotten off, or, at least been put on probation.”

  Dean couldn’t believe Kenzi had broken her silence after all these years. Why would she do that now? What did it change? The damage was already done for them both. Talking about it now would only open wounds that should remain closed.

  “This isn’t something I want to discuss with you, Shaun. Not with you or anyone,” Dean said, his voice conveying the anger building within him.

  “Dean, I hear you. That wasn’t an easy time for any of us. And if everything I heard is correct, it especially wasn’t easy for Kenzi. I understand why she wouldn’t say anything. It’s hard for a woman to come forth after such an ordeal. Even years later, it was a shock to her parents but it explained a lot about her past and present behavior. What I don’t understand is why you held this in all these years and never told us. Not even when you were judged guilty by Dad and kicked out of the house.”


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