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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

Page 15

by Jeannette Winters

  Tessa looked across the table to Dean, who was staring at her. She wished she could read his mind and know what he was thinking at that very moment.

  “I think letting you ladies sit together was a bad idea,” Dean said in a serious tone.

  His brothers looked at him then at the ladies. They had been oblivious to what was being said until Dean brought it to their attention.

  “Zoey, don’t scare her away. Dean won’t find another woman who can put up with his sorry ass again,” Alex said while laughing.

  Tessa had a feeling he wasn’t joking. Dean’s expression said he wasn’t thrilled with the comment either.

  “Hey, guys, she’s a guest here, so why don’t we make her feel more welcome?” Lena asked. Turning to Tessa, she asked, “So where are you from, Tessa? You don’t sound like you’re originally from Boston.”

  Now everyone was watching her. She’d almost rather they go back to fighting. Tessa never felt comfortable being the center of attention. She turned to Lena and tried to pretend it was just the three girls sitting there.

  “I’m from a small town in Connecticut, Denfield. You’ve probably never heard of it. If you blinked, you drove past it.”

  “I’m from a small town myself. It had its charm growing up. There’s no place like it. Everyone watches out for each other. Like a huge extended family,” Lena said. “How about any siblings? Parents?”

  “I’m an only child, so I’m not used to sitting at a table like this.” Probably wouldn’t be even if I had a bunch of brothers like Zoey. “My parents still live in Denfield. My father is a preacher, and my mother works as a bookkeeper for some of the local farms.”

  “The preacher’s daughter? Really, Dean? What lies have you been feeding this woman to be able to pull this off?” Alex asked.

  Dean’s jaw clenched, and Tessa saw his fist on the table. “Cross the line, Alex, and guest or not, we’re going to settle it here and now.”

  Tessa knew she needed to defuse the situation before Dean acted on his threat. “You have all been watching too much reality TV if that’s what you think of us.” She forced a laugh.

  It seemed to have worked as the tension began to leave the room. Except for Dean. But then again, he knew her better than they did and could tell she hadn’t appreciated Alex’s comment either.

  The rest of the time there was uneventful. Normally that would be a bad thing, but with these guys, she would take that any day. Before leaving Zoey made sure to get a commitment to meet for lunch on Monday. Tessa wasn’t sure how to answer, so she said the only thing she could at the time. “I’d love to.”

  The day was still early, and she hoped Dean was going to fulfill his promise from earlier. However, when they got back to her apartment, he made an excuse that he needed to get some work done before morning.

  He wasn’t cold to her. He kissed her goodnight and gave her a playful slap on the ass before he left, yet she could see he was still troubled by what Alex had said. Then again, it could have been something else. She had seen him talking to Brice before they left. Whatever they were discussing, it didn’t look good.

  She knew he was having issues with Poly-Shyn, some that he had yet to find out about. Tonight she would let it slide because tomorrow Bennett should have the answers to whoever hacked or messed with the computer system, and then she would have to take those facts to Dean. She could only hope that whoever it was, he would deal with them through the law and not through his anger.

  Tessa decided to spend the rest of her day relaxing. As she sat sipping a cup of tea her cell phone rang.

  “Hi, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Just checking on you. I haven’t heard much from you since that young man has come into your life. Is everything okay?”

  That wasn’t easy to answer. She didn’t really know herself. “Yeah, I think so. I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

  “Well, I was very concerned when you didn’t call us this morning. Your father convinced me not to call the police and put out a missing person report.”

  “Mom, really? I’m twenty-six, I don’t call one Sunday, and you panic?” I should’ve called. I knew it but my mind was elsewhere.

  “So what was so important that you could not pick up the phone?”

  Well, here it goes. This is going to open up a whole new topic. One I’m not sure I’m ready for. “I was out with Dean. He took me to meet his family.”

  Dead silence on the other end, then only one word. “Oh.”

  Her mother normally had a lot to say. Why was she now at a loss for words? Was this a bad sign? Did they see something in Dean that she hadn’t and didn’t know how to tell her? It was too late with how she felt about him.

  How I feel? That is what scares me the most. I can’t help how I feel about him. Even though there is no way he could feel the same, that man has already stolen my heart.

  “Mom, I have to go. There is a project I need to finish for tomorrow.” Now she was lying to her mother just so she wouldn’t need to hear anything negative about Dean.

  “Why don’t the two of you come here next Sunday? He seems like a nice young man, and we would like to get to know him better.”

  “Really, Mom? What makes you think he is nice?”

  “Because anyone you love, Tessa, has to have a good heart.”

  That I love. Is that what this is? Love? If it was, then loving someone who doesn’t love you back was a pain she needed to prepare herself for. But was that even possible? Was it too late already?

  “He’s got a lot going on right now with the company. I’ll let you know. Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, dear.”

  Tessa’s relaxing night turned into one of sorting out her feelings for Dean. No matter how she tried to deny it, what she felt was stronger than anything she’d experienced before. But the word love was not something she was willing to admit. If she said it, he would run, and then where would she be? Alone without Dean.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tessa stared at Bennett, hoping he was going to tell her he could fix everything. But he didn’t. She couldn’t believe what he had told her. This was no accident. The files were purposely taken and for no other reason but to use against Dean for firing him. The name Tim Marcil sounded vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn’t put a face with his name. When she tried to pull it up on the computer, she found all his personnel files had been eliminated.

  “I have to say, he’s good. We’ll just have to be better,” Bennett said.

  Tessa tried to think back to when this might have all transpired. It was before she took over as HR manager. She would have still been data entry. If she was correct, Tim was one of the first ones fired when Dean took over. The first of many.

  “I have people trying to locate him, but so far we’ve come up empty-handed. I don’t think he’s gone that far, Tessa, so I need you to be on high alert.”

  “Do you think he will come here?” Tessa asked nervously.

  “A man that would go to such lengths to hurt Dean is totally unstable. That makes him extremely dangerous. You can’t predict what an irrational person would do. We need to bring Dean up to speed on this now.”

  That is what Tessa had wanted. They had the answer to who was behind the issues with Poly-Shyn. But now that she had them, she didn’t want to be the one to tell him. For her, it wasn’t as easy as giving him the name of the man. It was so much more. How was she going to explain to him that unless he changed how he did things, this was going to be a pattern for him throughout his life? There would be different names and different scenarios, but all of them out for revenge.

  That would have to be a topic for a different time. A time when she could talk without letting her heart get in the way. And now she couldn’t control that. No, this was best handled by Bennett. He probably would believe him more anyway.

  “Thank you for the information, Bennett. I will find a way to tighten security around here. That is not something I am familiar with, but I will do my best.�

  “I’ll handle all that. Just you keep me updated on any new or unusual activity you see on that computer of yours. And until this guy is caught, I would suggest becoming more alert to your surroundings,” Bennett warned.

  “He’s after Dean.”

  “Tessa, I cannot stress enough that we are not one hundred percent sure what his motive is. If he wants to hurt Dean, he may very well use someone close to him to do so. Do I make myself clear?” Bennett asked firmly.

  Tessa nodded. Hurting her wouldn’t make any sense. She might have strong feelings for Dean, but he had made it clear he wasn’t capable of such feelings. If how he acted during the family gathering yesterday didn’t show her that, then nothing would. He was distant, and she still hadn’t heard from him today. No, she wasn’t the one Tim would use to hurt Dean. More likely it would be someone like Zoey.

  Oh God. She’s meeting me for lunch today. I have to warn her. “Bennett, please update Dean with all the details you have so far. Here is my cell phone number if you need to reach me.”

  Tessa got up from behind her desk and grabbed her purse.

  “And where are you going?” Bennett asked.

  To warn a friend. “I have a late lunch meeting that I can’t miss. I’ll be back by three if you or Dean need me.”

  Bennett shook his head. “I would rather you take one of my men with you.”

  Tessa shook her head. “I came here by myself without any problem. I’m sure I can handle a lunch break. Besides, it’s not even a block from here. What can happen in broad daylight anyway?”

  “You would be surprised, Tessa. You come from a small town, but Boston is different. You won’t see it coming, and when you do notice it, it’s too late.”

  If he was trying to scare her, it was working. But she didn’t live in fear, or she never would have moved here against her parents’ wishes. This was one more opportunity to prove to herself that she belonged here.

  “If you won’t listen to me, then make sure you go straight there and come right back. No detours. Understood?” Bennett barked at her as she was leaving the office.

  Tessa was really getting tired of people telling her what to do and treating her like she was not able to take care of herself. “You watch out for Dean. I’ll watch out for myself,” Tessa said defiantly.

  That, of course, didn’t mean she wouldn’t watch out for Zoey. It sounded like Zoey had enough to worry about. Adding a possibly harmful threat was not going to help ease things among the family members. Especially if they found out why there was a threat.

  No, she would only let Zoey know what she had to know. The rest would be up to Dean to reveal. This family needed to unite around something. Maybe protecting Dean was it. Then again, maybe not.

  It had been a sleepless night last night for Dean. But this time his mind wasn’t filled with finding out who was trying to sabotage Poly-Shyn, it was filled with thoughts of Tessa.

  What had he been thinking, taking her to meet his family? They were as far from normal as a family could get. If Lena and Zoey hadn’t been there, Tessa would have been thrown to the wolves. I’m one of them.

  The look on her face when Alex commented on her being the preacher’s daughter stuck out in his mind. She was shocked but covered her pain well. There was only one major problem. Alex said exactly what was in Dean’s mind all along. What the hell is she doing with someone like me?

  He knew he should end it today. Bring her into the office and tell her that this is not working. The heartbreak was going to happen sooner or later for her. Before she became any more attached to him, he should cut the ties.

  The problem was they were still going to see each other in the office. That wasn’t going to make things any easier on her. Maybe he should fire her and sever all ties so her pain came all at once.

  Even as he thought it, he knew he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her like that. He’d crushed so many people who got in his way without even blinking an eye, but this sweet woman wouldn’t be one of them. No, he had to find another way to let her down. Gently, like she deserves.

  The outcome might be the same, but the process would be so much different. He wasn’t sure how to go about that, though. Normally he handled things like a hammer. How was he to change gears and become . . . what? Someone soft and caring? It ain’t possible. Not for me at least.

  Brittany-Lynn knocked on the door. “Sorry Dean, but I’m really not feeling well today. I hate to leave you short-handed, but would you mind if I go home early?”

  For the first time, he really looked at her. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks flushed. How had he not noticed when he saw her that morning? Probably because I never looked.

  “Go home. Come back when you feel better,” Dean told her. He watched her walk out of his office. Even the way she was walking said she was sicker than she wanted to admit. “Brittany-Lynn,” he called after her. She turned back to him. “Take the week off and take care of yourself. There’s nothing going on that can’t wait till you get back.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Henderson.”

  “Call me Dean.”

  Dean was expecting to hear from Bennett today. He said Monday, which as far as he was concerned should have been at eight this morning. It was already after noon and not one word. He dialed his number but it went to voice mail. What the fuck, Bennett. I need an answer. Where the hell are you? You better not be screwing off.

  There was a knock on his open door. “Did your fire your secretary? I saw her in the hall, and she looks like hell,” Bennett said.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Dean asked without answering his question.

  Bennett walked over and sat in the chair across from Dean. “Doing my job. Are you ready to hear what’s going on or is that chip on your shoulder going to get in the way?”

  He didn’t know why this guy was so highly recommended. Bennett had no respect for who was paying his salary. If it weren’t for the fact he needed this information, he would throw his ass out the door now.

  “What did you find?”

  Bennett pulled out a folder containing the details on the files Tessa had discovered missing. “Looks like your HR manager is on top of her shit. She noticed confidential files, which had been archived, are now gone. She reached out to me, and I have to say I was shocked to find that was the link to what is happening to your stock.”

  Tessa found the issue? How was that possible? She wasn’t experienced enough to do the job, never mind catch something so crucial. Could I have misread her? Have I judged her by the lack of qualifications I saw on paper instead of having faith in her?

  He remembered her coming to his office last week to talk about the business, and he had shut her down. Was she trying to tell him then? Warn him about what she had discovered? It all made sense now. Tessa was trying to watch out for him, for Poly-Shyn, and he was too arrogant to let her. Damn, I’m a fucking jerk.

  “So who’s this asshole out to destroy my company?” Dean asked.

  “First, let’s get one thing straight. It’s not your company yet, so what is happening is going to affect all the Hendersons.”

  As far as he was concerned, the only thing pending was the financial transaction to buy out his siblings. He had the money but wanted to settle this part first. Or should I say my dear ole brother Brice wants this settled first.

  “What do you think he is after? The company?”

  Bennett shook his head. “I’m not sure. From what I see, it is a direct attack on you. He is out to hurt you and if that means financially, then he will do it. If it means hurting those you love, then he will do it. You really pissed this guy off, Dean. You might want to reconsider how you conduct business before it costs you something you can’t replace.”

  “What’s this guy’s name?”

  “Tim Marcil. He was head of your finance department.”

  Dean didn’t recall his name. Actually, he didn’t know the names of most of the people he’d fired. Getting to know them persona
lly only complicated things when it came to running a company. He liked to keep things clean and easy. Do your job or get fired.

  “Where is he now?”

  “We haven’t been able to locate him. My gut says he’s not far.”

  The thought that he was around, watching and waiting, pissed Dean off. Bennett better find him before he did because if this was personal, he was going to make sure he had the last word, and he would never mess with him or his family again.

  “Find him. I want this asshole shut down. Got it?” Dean barked.

  Bennett got up and said, “That’s the plan. For now, I suggest you let your brothers know what’s going on. I will have my team handle the security here as well as at B&H.”

  Dean raised his brow in question.

  “I work for Asher and Brice. This was a favor. I’m not one of your employees.”

  The last thing he wanted was to be indebted to Brice. He didn’t need his help, but it was a little late to worry about that now. All he could do was call his brothers and Zoey and let them know there was a nutjob out to fuck up everything he was working on. Somehow I don’t think that will surprise any of them.

  Dean called his brothers first as he knew those calls would be brief. Zoey, on the other hand, made everything a production. If he could get off the phone by closing time, he would be amazed.

  “Hey, Zoey. Got a few minutes to talk?”

  “Yes, I was going to call you. You go first since you never call me,” Zoey said.

  She was right. There never had been a need to before. Zoey called him enough, so as far as he was concerned it was all good.

  “We are having an issue at Poly-Shyn.”

  “We all know that. Have you seen the stock? If you don’t fix it soon you won’t need to worry about whose name is on the company because there won’t be one,” Zoey stated.

  Dean had hoped the family like usual had been too busy to be tracking the failings of the company. Apparently not. Leave it to Zoey to be the one to mention it to me now. Since when do you keep things from me?


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