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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two

Page 19

by Jeannette Winters

  “I thought you said you loved me,” Dean teased.

  Tessa kissed his shoulder again and replied, “I do. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy this short period of control that I have.”

  Dean laughed. “Tessa, I don’t recall any time I’ve had control with you.”

  That sounded funny. Dean was in absolute control, no matter who was in the room. That man didn’t back down from anything. Even when a man was holding a gun on him.

  They had yet to discuss what had happened to them. There was no time like the present. She had a few things she needed to mention as well. Might as well clear the air since we can’t do what we want to do.

  “Can you tell me about Tim? Why he went to such extreme measures to get back at you? Was he that upset that you fired him?”

  She felt his body tense slightly. Tessa knew this was going to be a difficult topic, yet no matter when they talked about it, it wouldn’t get any easier.

  “According to what Bennett found out about him, my father had hired him right out of college, and that was his first real job. He practically lived to work for my father. He had advanced over the years. When I took over the company he was one of the employees who felt they had earned the position of CEO and not me.” He looked at Tessa seriously. “I’m sure you know how I respond to anyone stepping on my toes.”

  All too well, unfortunately. Tessa nodded but wanted him to continue. It was hard getting him to share like this, and she didn’t want to break his momentum now.

  “He was engaged to a much younger woman who must have wanted him for his money, because when he told her he was fired, she moved out and left him for another guy with more money. Shortly after that, the bank repossessed his car. Apparently he felt I was to blame for all his troubles. Hence his deep rooted hatred for me.”

  Tessa could understand how Tim may have seen and felt that way, but the blame shouldn’t fall to Dean. There was only one thing he was responsible for, and that was the termination. She had enough experience in HR to know anytime there was an acquisition or a new CEO in place, there was a turnover of major heads in every department. It was common practice. A bit more common at Poly-Shyn.

  “Dean, the man must have had issues long before you fired him. What I witnessed as a captive was not a rational man. He was obsessed yet not sure of what he wanted. He only knew he wanted to hurt someone. If it wasn’t you, he would have found another person in the company to go after.” She said softly. “If we carry guilt, it becomes a ball and chain to the past and never allows us to move toward the future.”

  Dean laughed. “Now I hear the preacher’s daughter coming out in you.”

  She slapped him teasingly. “Don’t you go there, Dean Henderson.” Of course, this brought back her own guilt she’d been carrying for a while. It was time for her to come clean. I hope he understands why I had to do the things I did for a few terminated employees.

  “Since we are on the topic of employees being let go, I think there is something we need to discuss,” Tessa stated.

  “Yeah, I know. I have to learn to be more understanding with the staff. I get it,” Dean said.

  Yeah, that too. “This is not about you or what you did or didn’t do while learning the ropes as CEO. This story, or confession I should say, is about me and what I purposely did to help a few terminated employees.”

  “If you become any more understanding, you will be giving everyone a raise and a private office,” he teased.

  This is going to go over great when I tell him what I’ve been doing. “I’m not that bad Dean, but I’m close.” She sat up on the bed where she could watch his reaction closely. “I’m not sure if you realize how many people you’ve fired since you came on board. I don’t have accurate numbers either because I only started tracking terminations when I had to step in to handle the HR management duties. That is when it all started.”

  “What started?” he asked.

  “The first person you let go had a very sick child. I couldn’t just let them walk out to face that alone. I did some research and didn’t see any policy against providing a severance package, so I gave them one.”

  He just looked at her waiting. Somehow he knew there was more to the story. How can you read me so damn well?

  “The second person also had an issue, and before I knew it, I was preparing packages for every employee you axed.”

  “What exactly did you give them in these packages?”

  She swallowed and tried to prepare herself for what was going to come. “Six months continuation of their insurance and their salary.”

  Tessa sat there waiting, but nothing came. Dean closed his eyes as if in deep thought. Was he so upset that he couldn’t even look at her? He should be. I’m upset with myself for doing this so long without saying a word. I should’ve fired myself. No severance.

  When Dean opened his eyes, his words were not harsh as she expected. “When we go back to work at the office, I think we should sit down and review that list. It is possible I may have acted too quickly on some of those terminations.”

  You think? “What are you saying, Dean?”

  “We have a lot of open positions, and this company can’t run itself. Let’s put some of them back to work. You know Tim did a lot of damage to the stocks. We aren’t at risk yet, but we’re close. While I was stuck lying around, I had plenty of time to do some serious thinking. Dax Marshall has offered a potential partnership.”

  “And you’re considering it?” Tessa asked.

  “Let’s say I am willing to sit down with him and hear what he has to say.”

  Tessa wasn’t going to push it. She knew that was a huge step for him. Lying back beside him, she said, “That’s a good place to start.” For Dax and the other employees.

  As she settled back into the comfort of his embrace, her cell phone rang. She knew the ringtone; ignoring it wasn’t an option. Her father would call back until she answered. He didn’t believe in leaving voicemail.

  Turning over, she picked up her phone. “Good morning, Dad. How are you?”

  “The question is, how are you, Tessa? I assume, since we haven’t heard from you, that things are going well.”

  I am not having this conversation with you, Dad. It’s bad enough when Mom asks all kinds of personal questions. “Dean is feeling much better. Thanks for asking.”

  “May I speak to him?” Dean asked.

  Tessa looked at him, knowing her ears were playing tricks on her. There was no way he asked to speak to her father. But he had his hand out waiting for her to hand him the phone.

  “Dad, Dean would like to speak to you.”

  “That’s mutual,” he said.

  Handing Dean the phone, she sat up again and waited, holding her breath.

  “Tessa, would you mind grabbing me some coffee?” Dean asked.

  She knew he was only trying to get rid of her. It was bad enough they were talking to each other, but where she couldn’t hear, that wasn’t fair.

  He didn’t speak, so she had no choice but to go and leave them to some privacy. As she closed the bedroom door behind her, she was tempted to plant her ear against it and eavesdrop. Of course, she wasn’t in her apartment with the hollow doors. No, Dean had solid wood doors. She wasn’t going to hear anything. Sending me from the room is so ridiculous. One night, and already Dean and Dad are all buddy, buddy. Or at least, I hope that is the case.

  “Mr. Brooks, I would rather be doing this in person, but I need a few more days before I am free to travel like I want,” Dean said.

  “Perfectly understandable. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. But I don’t think you kicked my daughter out of the room to talk about your health,” Claude stated.

  Dean laughed to himself. For a preacher, he was as tough as they come. Not anything he’d expected. But he respected it. “You’re right.” He wasn’t nervous, yet the feeling he felt inside was something he’d never experienced before. Maybe it was because he’d never had a relationship with his
own father and speaking to hers wasn’t easy. Add the topic of the conversation and that wasn’t making it any better. “I want to talk about Tessa and me. I love your daughter.”

  “I knew that last week when you were willing to die to save her.”

  And I would do it all over again if I had to. “Last night I asked her to marry me,” he said the words and waited. It really didn’t matter to Dean if Claude approved or not, but he knew it mattered to Tessa. What matters to her, matters to me.

  “And her response was?”

  “Yes,” Dean said proudly.

  “Congratulations. Looks like I will be getting the son I never had.”

  Dean hadn’t even thought that far. “Would you like to come up to Boston again? Maybe have dinner with us??”

  “I’m not all that fond of the city. What would you say about coming to Denfield for Sunday dinner?” Claude offered. “This would give us time to celebrate your engagement.”

  Engagement. Shit, I haven’t gotten her a ring. I’m doing everything backward. “That would be great. We’ll see you then.”

  Dean hung up the phone and was actually looking forward to sitting down with Claude and Sharon. The last time he was there, Tessa threw his ass out. For good reason too. This time, we go together and leave together.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Dean I cannot believe that you really want to spend your first day of walking a little on your leg at my parents’ house. They’re going to be thrilled to see us, but it doesn’t have to be today. Now that you’re working from home for a while, we could’ve made this trip any day of the week,” Tessa stated as they rode through downtown Denfield in the limo.

  She could see the townspeople watching as they drove past. Normally she lived very low key and would’ve made Dean travel in her car, however, his leg still required elevation for a good part of the day, and a two-hour drive in her compact car would only aggravate his injury more.

  “Tessa, your father was adamant about joining them for dinner today. After my behavior during my last visit to their home, I can at least accommodate his request,” Dean said.

  She remembered all too well how emotional and tension-filled the last visit had been. It had started with the sweetest kiss and ended in a fight, with her parents as on-lookers. Maybe you’re right, Dean. Coming here today might be what we both need.

  “I know it will be quiet. Not much happens around here on Sunday afternoons. Unless you consider rocking on porches or playing card games, living on the wild side.” Tessa laughed.

  There was a part of her that missed it. Being in Boston had its charm, but everything moved at one speed: fast. No one seemed to take time to enjoy the moment. Dean was a master at running on high speed. But the fact that he truly wanted to spend the afternoon here was music to her ears. Just remember, Tessa, he is still healing. Once Logan fully discharges him, nothing will hold him down. We’ll be lucky if we can get him here for holidays.

  She wasn’t going to let that knowledge stop her from enjoying her time with him today. One thing she had learned while Tim had his gun pointed at her temple was, time was short; it doesn’t matter how you look, or your age or demographics, it’s all precious.

  The limo pulled onto the long driveway and stopped in front of her parents’ house. Her mom came out onto the porch, still dressed from church. Her parents weren’t the type to be all fancy when they were at home. She hoped they weren’t doing this just because Dean was coming. I want him to get to know the real you, the real us.

  Tessa couldn’t believe those were her thoughts. She had done a lot of pretending over the last several weeks, and now she was going to judge her mother on possibly doing the same thing? I think I need one of my Dad’s lectures.

  Climbing the steps to the porch, she saw Dean’s face wince with each step. She wanted to reach out and help him, but Tessa knew he was stubborn and would only refuse. Instead, she slowed her pace and stayed right by his side.

  Once inside the house, Sharon hugged both of them. “I hope you don’t mind, but I asked a few friends over for dinner.”

  All Tessa could think of when she said few, was the entire congregation from the church showing up. The beauty of a small town was everyone was friendly to each other. The difficult part was they all invited themselves to whatever special occasion you were celebrating. All with the best intentions, but Dean is not used to that. He likes his space, his privacy, and if they are coming, he isn’t going to get either one.

  “Mom, Dean is still recovering, and a crowd is not what he needs right now. Maybe you can call them and cancel?” Tessa half pleaded.

  “Tessa, I’m fine. I would like to meet their friends,” Dean answered.

  You say that now. But you won’t be saying it later. Tessa looked around and didn’t see her father. That was unusual, as he always met her at the door with her mother. It was possible he was still at the church. “Is Dad home?”

  “Yes, he’s in the back yard. Why don’t we go and join him?” Sharon turned to Dean. “It won’t be too much for you out there will it?”

  He smiled saying, “I will be fine.” Turning to Tessa, he said softly while laughing, “What my doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt me.”

  She kissed him lightly on the cheek. “You better hope I don’t rat you out to Logan.”

  “I’m sure I can convince you to keep quiet,” he said suggestively and winked.

  Tessa blushed, hoping her mother hadn’t just heard that. Thankfully she seemed oblivious and was already making her way to the backyard. They leisurely followed behind walking hand in hand.

  As they opened the back door, Tessa noticed all the balloons and streamers decorating the yard. Looking around, she saw the people Mom referred to as “friends” were actually Dean’s family and a few of hers as well. What the—?

  “Surprise!” Sharon exclaimed.

  What the—? He saw Brice holding Nicholas in his arms, talking to Claude. Sharon, who had gotten outside before them, now stood with his other brothers. Zoey and Lena were grinning as though they were in on a big secret and were trying to contain themselves from shouting it out.

  Dean had no idea what his family was doing there. It was a surprise party for what occasion exactly? He knew it wasn’t his birthday, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t Tessa’s either by the bewildered look on her face.

  As he and Tessa made their way to the waiting group, he saw a cake that said, Congrats Dean and Tess.

  Claude and Brice were the first to come and greet them. He watched Brice bend over and hug Tessa while Claude extended his hand to Dean. “We wanted to all get together and celebrate your engagement with you. Hope you don’t mind we kept it low key.”

  Tessa shot Dean a look of surprise. He had never told her that he spilled the news to her parents. From the look on her face, she hadn’t shared the information with them yet either. He couldn’t blame her. After all, his proposal left a lot to be desired. He was sure that was not what she had dreamed of growing up.

  “Thank you, Claude. But there is something I need to do before the party begins. If you two don’t mind, I would like to talk to Tessa for a minute,” Dean said.

  “Take your time,” Claude responded.

  If they thought that meant he was going to take her back to the house for some alone time, they were wrong. He took her hand and brought her into the center of them all. Dean wasn’t one much for public displays, actually loathed them, but today was different.

  Once everyone had gathered around Tessa and him, and all eyes were on them, he turned to face her. She was still looking around at everyone, trying to figure out what was going on. He really didn’t care how or why this party was conceived, this was the moment he had been waiting for.

  Tessa was stunning. Her red curls broke free from her hair tie. And her green eyes sparkled like he had never seen before. Somehow she looked different back home in Denfield, more radiant and glowing. Maybe that was the answer. She was home here. She was meant to be in the co
untry where she could relax. He had to admit, he tried to get out of the city every chance he could. Maybe this is something else we need to discuss once we’re alone.

  Everyone was quiet, and Tessa finally looked back at him. No time like the present. Dean held on to a nearby chair and slowly dropped to a bended knee. The pain shot through his thigh like a knife. He saw Logan approach out of the corner of his eye. He held up his hand to stop him.

  He had been waiting for the right moment. Here, surrounded by family, was perfect. Once stable, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box, which had been delivered to him a few days earlier.

  Looking into the most beautiful eyes he could ever imagine, he let his words flow. Words he never knew he was capable of saying, or feeling.

  “Tess. From the moment our paths crossed, you changed my life. You are the most intriguing, joyful, and passionate woman I’ve ever met. You have opened my heart, and for the first time, I know what love is. Like the daisies you love so much, you are my sunshine, not just on rainy days, but always.” Holding the teardrop diamond ring up to her, he took her left hand in his. “Tessa, I love you with all my heart. Now, in front of those who care about us, I have one question. Will you do me the honor, and become my wife?”

  Her hand trembled in his, and her eyes glistened. “Dean, I don’t want to know what my life would be without you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. Yes, I will marry you.”

  He slipped the ring onto her ring finger. When he tried to get up his leg would not push off the ground. He felt an arm slip under his left shoulder and help him. He tensed up and was about to pull away until he saw it was Claude. Nodding his appreciation, he let him lean some of his weight on him. The pain was intense as he rose to both feet, but he refused to let it show.

  Claude patted him on the back and stepped away. Dean turned back to Tessa, who had been watching all that transpired. The tears she held back now trickled down her cheek. He knew they were from joy by the curl of her lips.


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