Fallen Into You

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Fallen Into You Page 7

by Remmy Duchene

  “Wow,” Dana gasped.

  “I know, right?” Abhay said, pulling into the parking lot of Sliver’s. “I never thought being with a man could be that good. I mean he was—wow.”

  Dana giggled. “Well, that’s because the ass you were with before had no clue what he wanted. A man or woman has to tell their lover what they want, what makes them go gaga. Mathias demanded your body and it turned out great.”

  “You know what got me though?” Abhay asked, climbing from the car then closing the door. He turned to extend a hand to Dana.

  “What’s that?”

  “I was vocal—once I got over the initial nervousness that is. I was just as demanding as he was and he didn’t shy away from it. In fact, it seemed to turn him on even more.”

  “Like I said,” Dana said as they entered. A waitress walked them to their booth and Dana removed her jacket and hung it up with Abhay. “Sex doesn’t have to be shameful or taboo. I don’t know how you went so long without experiencing that. So, what now?”

  Abhay waited until the waitress took their drink orders and was gone before he replied. “Well, he’s supposed to call me later. I’m waiting to see if that happens.”

  “You said you left him sore.” Dana wiggled her brows. “He’s definitely gonna call.”

  Abhay’s cheeks heated. “I really like him, Dana. I figured I should go into this with an open mind.”

  “As so you should.”

  “I’m just afraid of what the others will say.”

  The waitress returned and after they placed their meal orders without looking at the menu, they were left alone once more.

  “What do you mean? Because he’s a stripper?” Dana asked. “I’m sure they won’t have an issue with his job per se. They might be worried he’ll hurt you but I don’t think that’s unexpected.”

  “It’s not. Don’t you just love it? I’ve spent this entire time trying to stay away from men and the first one that gets me is a stripper.”

  Dana laughed. “Well, I think it’s divine intervention. I mean, you were almost a…” Dana glanced around then leaned in as if she was about to impart some wisdom. “A v-i-r-g-i-n and Mathias sounds like a certified freak. It’s the perfect combination.”

  “He is. He likes to touch himself while I watch,” Abhay whispered. “And lord have mercy, do I love to watch.”

  “My point.” Dana smirked as she lifted her coffee to her lips.

  Abhay dropped a couple of sugar cubes into his and stirred.

  Is that the kind of lover I am? Can I be as wild as Mathias in bed? Will I—should I—let Mathias top me?

  There were so many questions swirling about his head. They were ones that had vanished the moment Mathias’ beautiful ass was hiked in the air for him. There was no thinking when seeing that hole pucker and his palms imprinted on Mathias’ ass from grabbing it hard.

  “Hello? Earth to Abi?” Dana snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. “Where did you go just now?”

  “Mathias’ bedroom.”

  Dana giggled. “Well, sweetie, I bet he’s one hot stud, but focus on me for a second.”

  “Okay, beautiful. What’s on your mind?”

  She laughed and gave his shoulder a playful smack before setting her coffee mug on the table. Their food arrived but she didn’t focus on it. Instead she met Abhay’s eyes and smiled. “Remember you offered to set me up with your friend?”



  “Let’s do it,” Dana said. “I can’t seem to find a good man on my own to save my damn life and I’d like someone special by my side. So, yes. I’m game.”

  “Okay, cool. I’ll call him later and set something up. I figure I could invite him to my place for dinner and you could be there. That way, you can meet him and see for yourself if you want a one-on-one date.”

  “Do you have a picture of him?”

  Abhay nodded and pulled out his phone. He scanned through a slew of Dana’s selfies before he reached one of Leon with his big gray eyes and dark hair. He handed the phone to his friend before picking up his fork to eat.

  “Damn, Abi!”

  “Good damn?”

  “This man is gorgeous!” She sighed. “Are you sure…”

  “Dana, you’re beautiful,” Abhay said. “He’d be lucky to have you look at him.”

  She giggled and handed the cell back. “You’re a sweet talker. He just seems—very straight, that’s all.”

  “Ugh, labels. Hang on, let me call him.” Abhay wiped his hands in his napkin before scrolling through his phone to find Leon’s number. It rang a couple of times before his friend picked up.

  “Hey, Abi!” Leon answered, his Spanish accent evident. “How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good. I don’t have a lot of time to talk but I wanted to know if you’re still single.”

  Leon laughed. “Are you trying to set me up?”

  “Actually, yes.”


  “Her name is Dana.”

  “Your friend Dana?” Leon asked. “I thought she wasn’t looking.”

  “Well, she’s ready now. I told her I’d have a dinner at my place and the two of you can meet and talk to see if you like each other enough to go on a date.”

  “And her reply?”

  “She’s down for it.”

  Leon chuckled. “Then by all means. I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

  “Sure you will be.” Abhay laughed. “Send me your flight info and I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

  “Thank you, my friend…”

  He chatted for a little while longer before Abhay hung up and smiled at Dana.

  “So?” she asked. “What’d he say?”

  “He said he’s down.”

  Dana flailed. “And he knows I’m…”

  “He knows.” Abhay assured her. “Trust me—he’s seen your videos. And I think he might have a little crush. He’ll be here next Wednesday.”

  “He’s staying with you?”

  Abhay shook his head. “Nope. Hotel. I tried getting him to stay by me but he wants to be closer to the slopes.”

  Dana nodded and they continued with their morning date. By the time he dropped Dana off at her audition and was on his way home, he couldn’t wait to lie in bed and text or call Mathias. But he slowed down when he remembered he was the one waiting to hear from Mathias. He couldn’t call.

  He got home and parked his car in the underground garage. Exhaustion kicked in so all Abhay did was send his sister a quick text telling her to call him when she arrived at the airport, plugged the phone in and set it on the bedside table. He removed his shirt and socks then fell face first onto the bed.

  For the first time since being with Mathias the night before, he realized just how tired he was. His shoulders ached, right along with the backs of his thighs. He’d sunk his fingers into Mathias’ thighs to use them as leverage to fuck him as deep as possible.

  Every muscle had been used, strained and stretched. Perhaps a shower would be good, but for the next few hours he had no intentions of moving—except to roll over. For the time being, Abhay was going to bask in his soreness, wear it like a badge of honor and take a nap.

  Chapter Ten

  Calling off work hadn’t been possible and after texting Abhay to let him know, Mathias walked into the Rose feeling as if the world was ending. He said hello to the usual people but pretty much hid out until he had to take the stage. His one private dance that night canceled and he was able to leave early at around ten. After taking a quick shower in the back, he changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a black shirt then sat in his car texting Abhay. The first text went unanswered for a while and he began panicking.

  What if canceling on Abhay had been the wrong thing to do?

  What if Abhay realized the job would always get in the way?

  What if I wasn’t enough in Abhay’s bed last night?


  He grabbed the phone.

  Sorry I took so lon
g. Priya was regaling me with stories of her trip to Bora Bora. What’s up?

  Mathias exhaled long and hard.

  I know it’s late but can I still see you tonight?

  Really? I thought you had to work?

  My last dance canceled so I took off early. If it’s too late I understand. We can see each other tomorrow.

  No—it’s not too late. 3215 Brigada Lane. Text me when you get here and I’ll give you access to the penthouse elevator.

  Okay. See you soon. Is your sister still around?

  Yes. She’s gonna be here for a little while then a friend is coming to pick her up.

  Do you still want me to meet her?


  Okay. See you soon.

  Mathias exhaled, tested his breath by blowing into his palm then reached into the side of his bag to grab a stick of gum. With that set, he turned on the heater, checked his mirrors and pulled out of the spot. Though he was still nervous about meeting Priya, Mathias figured there was nowhere to go but up. After all the things he and Abhay had done to each other— He sighed. With a shake of his head, Mathias refocused as he sped through the core of Bathsheba, the mountains running along his right before veering off onto Pasternack Avenue and then onto Brigada. This was where the super wealthy lived, in condos that towered into the heavens and houses that overlooked the beautiful mountains. Mathias always felt out of place whenever he ventured there. He’d gone out of his way not to. After an ex-boyfriend had moved there and they had broken up, Mathias had no reason to visit. Now Abhay was there and he found himself back among the rich and famous.

  At the gatehouse he was stopped, and the guard had him sign in. Apparently, Abhay had called down telling them to expect him. Once he was allowed through the large gates, he followed the guard’s directions to the visitors’ parking and found a spot close to the entrance of the luxurious building. The lobby was beautiful with works of art on the wall. No doubt generic.

  He stopped at the elevators to text Abhay, who replied.

  The code is 1452.

  Repeating the numbers to himself, he stepped in. Once the doors closed he followed the directions on the small screen above the numbers and soon the elevator was sliding smoothly upward. When he stepped from the elevator it dawned on him that he hadn’t gotten directions to Abhay’s unit, but thankfully the sexy stud was leaning against the wall as the door opened. Without thinking, Mathias rushed across and pressed into Abhay’s chest. He buried his face into Abhay’s neck and inhaled.

  “Hey,” Abhay whispered, tangling his arms around Mathias’ back. “Hey, come on now. I’m right here.”

  Mathias spoke, but even he heard his voice was being muffled by Abhay’s skin, so he lifted his head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to act so needy.”

  “Really? You think I’m offended because you missed me?”

  Mathias’ cheeks heated. “Some guys don’t like that kind of thing.”

  “Well, I’m not some guy. I wanted to meet you out here to give you a little time before meeting Priya. And to do this…”

  Abhay framed Mathias’ face in his palms and gave him a deep yet tender kiss. Mathis sighed and melted into Abhay’s chest, still amazed he’d been the second man Abhay had kissed. How is that possible when Abhay knows how to use that tongue?

  “If you want, we can stay here a little longer,” Abhay whispered.

  “No. Let’s do this.”

  But as confident as Mathias hoped he sounded, his heart raced inside him like a drum. He stole another kiss just before they stepped into the warmth of the unit. Abhay took his coat and hung it up while Mathias removed his shoes, then they walked together into the living room where the television was going.

  “Yes!” A dark-haired woman punched the air. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  “Are you gambling again?” Abhay asked, laughter in his voice.

  “I don’t gam—” She whirled around. “Oh! Hello. Sorry, I’m not usually this crazy.”

  She was beautiful—big eyes, gorgeous lips—then again, she looked like Abhay. How could she not? Mathias had to pull himself from his head to realize she had her hand extended to him. With a smile, he accepted it. “You must be Priya.”

  “I am. I’m the beautiful one.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Mathias.

  Abhay groaned. “That’s what she thinks.”

  “He’s just jealous,” Priya said, taking her hand back. “It’s nice to meet you, Mathias. My brother has told me about you. “

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your time together,” Mathias said. “I know you’ve been away. I just wanted to say hello.”

  “Oh, no trouble a-tall. I thought you were imaginary at first,” Priya pretended to whisper.

  “Ooo-kay. All right,” Abhay cut in, taking Mathias’ shoulder. “This conversation is over.”

  “No, no.” Mathias grinned, stepping from Abhay’s arms and toward Priya. “Tell me more.”

  Priya giggled. “My brother isn’t a dater. We’ve labeled him the Hermit. I’m happy he’s found someone.”

  “Even if that someone is a stripper?”

  “I’ve learned a long time ago, Mathias,” Priya said, her eyes serious now. “Never judge a book by its cover. When my brother came out, our parents judged him. They never gave him a chance to show the kind of man he is. I see what it did to him and I never want to do that to anyone else. So, as long as my brother is happy, and you make him happy, I have no reason to object.”

  Mathias nodded. “I can respect that.”

  “Good. Now, I must get ready.” She patted Mathias’ shoulder then stepped by to drop a kiss to Abhay’s cheek. “Feel free to um—kiss and make out. But if you’re taking it any further, please hang a sock on the door or something.”

  Mathias laughed out loud but when he turned to Abhay, Abhay had his face buried in his hands. Mathias didn’t speak until after Priya left the room. “She’s amazing.”

  “Yeah. She’s not your sister,” Abhay said.

  Mathias could still hear love in Abhay’s voice. With a sigh, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Abhay’s hips. “She did, however, make some valid suggestions.”

  “We both know if we start kissing now it won’t stop at that and I don’t want her walking in on us,” Abhay said. “So, in the meantime, let me feed you.”

  Mathias moaned. “Yes, you can.”

  “Food, Mathias Jago! Food.” Abhay laughed but kissed Mathias anyway.

  “Now who’s being a tease?”

  They left the living room and spilled into the open-concept area that was the kitchen. Mathias took a seat in one of the stools and watched Abhay move around the kitchen as if he knew what he was doing. There was something even sexier about Abhay then—his shoulder-length dark hair pushed back, his wide shoulders, his very delectable ass. Mathias breath caught in his throat.

  “Try this.” Abhay set a place before him.

  “What is it?”

  “Couscous with chicken tandoori,” Abhay said. “Priya and I made it earlier. Let me get you a glass of wine.”

  “I can’t. I’m driving.”

  “Um—I was kind of hoping you’d stay the night…too soon?”

  Mathias grinned. He couldn’t have stopped that emotion from spreading his face. In that moment, he knew for sure he looked like the Grinch who’d just gotten an idea but he didn’t care. Instead of replying, he leaned in and kissed Abhay deeply. “I’d love to—but, darling, I have no clothes.”

  “You’re not going to need any.”

  Before Mathias could reply to that, Abhay turned away from him to open the fridge. He then sat beside Mathias with a bowl of grapes. “How was your night?”

  “Weird. I didn’t want to go to work. I usually enjoy dancing but tonight I couldn’t…” Mathias put some food in his mouth and paused as the flavors exploded on his tongue. He moaned and chewed. “Tonight was different.”

  “Why do you think that is?”

  Mathias shrugged. “Damned if I know.” But that was
a lie. Mathias knew why it had been different on that stage. He didn’t feel right having other men look at what he knew in his heart belonged to Abhay. It was too soon to admit that, though, so the lie would stand. “Maybe it’s time I did something else. I mean, my body can’t hold out like this forever.”

  “Mathias, this isn’t because of me, is it?”

  “No. I’m twenty-seven years old and I have no future,” Mathias said. “I suddenly realize it—that’s all.”

  “Well.” Abhay rubbed his back gently. “If you need some help deciding, I can offer whatever you need.”

  Mathias turned to look into Abhay’s eyes. For a moment all he did was stare into them, feeling the truth in those words. He nodded, kissed Abhay then went back to his meal. “It’s not bad that I want to settle down and rejoin the mortals, is it?”

  “No.” Abhay’s voice cracked.

  “Okay, lovers!” Priya floated into the room, looking like a version of Aphrodite. “Jeremy is here. I shall bid you two…” She kissed Abhay’s cheek then Mathias’. “Adieu.”

  Abhay laughed. “Be safe.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sister.”

  When the condo was quiet again, Mathias looked over at Abhay and cleared his throat. “Friend?”

  “He’s her boyfriend. I’m just waiting for her to admit it.”

  Mathias laughed.

  Abhay left Mathias to finish eating. He straightened up his bedroom, tossed a load of laundry into the machine then showered. When he returned, Mathias was curled onto the sofa watching some boxing match or the other. Though he had no interest in the sport, Abhay crawled onto the sofa in front of Mathias and snuggled into his body. He was relieved when Mathias wrapped an arm around him and began kissing the back of his neck. His body reacted immediately but he loved the peace he felt being like that with a man. Though his mind veered off course a few times to what the future might hold, Abhay reined it in and tried to focus on the heat of Mathias’ body, the softness of his lips and the fire of his breath against his skin.


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