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Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother

Page 19

by K. S. Martin

  I’m in his lap again and he surges into me. God he feels good inside of me. I wanted to explore more with my mouth but this is good too. I hold on to his shoulders and let him thrust into me. I’m on top but I’m not in control of this. Jake’s hands are on my hips moving me how he wants me to move. I let him control the motion because it feels incredible. I arch my back to take more of him. I tremble all over. The climax is coming. It’s working its way across my nerves. The heat is spreading from my center to my fingers and toes. The tingling sensations work their way out too. My body jerks violently as every nerve fires at once, my muscles contract and heave. Jake roars his completion and my head falls to his shoulder. I’m gasping for breath, my body is covered in a sheen of sweat and my heart is pounding. I love him.

  He holds me against his chest for a long time while my womb and center contract around him. I like for him to hold me when it’s over. My stomach growls in protest. I’d forgotten I was hungry. Jake lifts me off him and grabs his boxer briefs then wipes me with them. “Go clean up then we’ll eat. I think she made enchiladas.” He smacks his mouth. I’m not as excited about them as he is but I’ll try them. If I don’t like them, I will find something else. I’m glad she won’t be there to watch me eat. It’s weird having someone in the house with us.

  When I’ve cleaned myself and fixed my hair, I head out to get dressed. Jake is already gone. How does he get dressed so fast? I put my clothes back on and make sure that I am presentable. When I get to the kitchen Jake is putting our plates out. He was right. I’m not a huge fan of Mexican food but if he likes this then I should learn to eat it. “Water?” I nod and he puts a cold bottle in front of me. My mother would skin him for using plastic bottles. ‘There is nothing wrong with a glass and the tap. It can be used thousands of times and when it breaks it can be recycled into another glass.’ I used to complain that the other kids at school had bottles in their lunches. She would ask me what was wrong with the fountain. My mother wanted to save the planet. If she’d had her way everything plastic would’ve been illegal.

  I taste the enchilada and know why Jake is so excited about them. They’re delicious. I spoon some sour cream on it that he has brought out of the refrigerator. He has a bowl of guacamole too. I try it and decide I like it. I think I would like this on my eggs. I moan at the taste and at the thought. “I have another meeting Jane, stop making those noises.” He nudges me and I fork more of the enchilada into my mouth while I ignore him. It’s so good. Jocelyn is two for two. I think I might like letting her cook for me. I still don’t want her to watch me eat what she’s made though, not unless I’m sure that I like it.

  The rest of the day Jake is in a meeting and he lets me skip it. He’s meeting with his security chief. They’re discussing how to prevent someone breeching every protocol they have like Mikey did. She’s in the meeting too. At five, he comes back from his meeting and goes straight to his office. He doesn’t look at me. I watch him type on his computer. His fingers almost blur he is so quick. I don’t want to interrupt but I’m incredibly bored too. I go into his office and push the button on our private elevator. “Jake, I’m going upstairs now.” I say while I stand there. He nods but doesn’t look up. Is he mad at me? I don’t think so. He was very happy with me before the meeting.

  I think he’s onto something else and I feel sorry for whoever or whatever it is. He has a very predatory look right now. The doors whoosh open and I step inside. I tap the numbers on the keypad and I go up to our apartment. I let myself inside and listen for Jocelyn. Jake said that she was off but she’s here. I don’t hear her but I do scent food.


  I wander to the kitchen and there is a pot on the stove. I go over and lift the lid. Beef stew, and it smells incredible. I find a bowl and dip some of the stew into it. There are biscuits under a piece of foil and I grab two. I wish I could watch TV while I eat. Maybe if I sat on the floor in the media room I wouldn’t spill.

  I grab water from the fridge and tuck it under my arm. I have the biscuits in one hand and the bowl in the other. I head for the TV. I haven’t watched much lately and I’m wondering what is going on in the world. I put everything down on the floor and find the remotes. I think I am going to buy myself a small TV with one remote with my first paycheck. I wonder if I get a paycheck. Jake never said he was paying me. I push the buttons and it finally comes on but the screen is blue. I push more buttons and I get TV in Spanish. I feel stupid because I can’t work a TV. After a series of buttons, I get the news. Thank God. I sit and kick my shoes off. My biscuits have stew on them now from where they slid in the bowl and they are delicious soaked with the thick tomato broth. I bite into one and lean back against a seat.

  The news anchor is talking about the Middle East. Boring. We’ve been fighting over there longer than I can remember. I don’t want to watch people dying while I eat. I change the channel and watch the food channel. There is a show about baking. Mom was great at it but I didn’t inherit the skill. I like to watch though. There are several contestants and I think they are in England. Everyone has an accent. They’re making cakes with fruit in them. I watch while I spoon stew into my mouth. Jocelyn should go on one of these food game shows. She has my vote. I keep eating until I’m stuffed and I wonder where Jake is. He’s late.

  I gather my dishes and take them to the kitchen. He’s been here. His bowl is in the sink. I go to his office then to the bedroom but I don’t find him. I take my cell phone out and text him.

  -Where are you?

  -Back at the office, had an idea for an app, running with it, don’t wait up.

  I clean the dishes then go to my closet to undress. I see a suitcase packed and standing at the door. He’s given me new luggage. What was wrong with my duffle? Where is my duffle? I look around and can’t find it. Hmm. I lift the suitcase so I can pack it but it feels full. After opening it, I find that it is neatly packed with nice clothes. I huff out a breath. He told me that I would have my clothes to wear and these are his. I pull them all out and hang them back up. I go to the drawers and get jeans, sweats, sweaters, and tee shirts. I leave the under wear that she’s packed. I also leave the black suit for the funeral. Tommy. Damn. I’ll miss him, miss seeing him, and miss his goofy smile. I sniffle then wipe the sudden tears from my cheeks. I repack my suitcase and put it back by the door. I’m mad at Jake. Either he lied to me or Jocelyn didn’t follow directions. I don’t like it and now I have to ask if I can trust them.

  Briefly, I consider a bubble bath then decide against it. I miss Jake. I put my pajamas on and go to find him. How many people are going to view my ratty flannels if I make this trip? I don’t care and go through the apartment to the elevator. I go down to his office. He’s bent over the keyboard typing with furious abandon. How does he do that at that speed for that long? He glances up and grins then leans back in his chair. He closes the doors to the office. I hear the glass slide in its track quietly. “It’s late, huh?” I nod and go around the desk to climb into his lap. “Miss me?” I nod again and kiss his neck. I feel his hand slide down the front of my pajamas and I smile against his warm skin.

  “How early are we leaving?” I murmur against his skin. He likes it. I feel tiny goosebumps under my lips.

  “I have a driver picking us up at six.” I look up at him. “What?”

  “Why do we need a driver?” I ask. He’s wasting money again. He shrugs.

  “You have a garage full of cars downstairs. Can’t we drive ourselves?” Jake grimaces. “You planned on working on the way there.” I sigh.

  “I do have to work Jane so I can buy you these pretty things.”

  “Mom bought these.” We were in a thrift store and she thought the doggy footprints all over them were cute. They were still in the original packaging and she was delighted that she could get brand new pajamas for two dollars. She loved a bargain. “Can I drive? We can take the Jeep and I’ll drive, so you can work.” I do want to drive it and I know the way home.

  “I’ll need
you to drive the SUV if I’m going to work.” I wanted to drive the Jeep, I’m not sure of my skills driving the gigantic SUV. “Can you handle it?” I nod. How hard can it be to drive something as big as a school bus? As long as I don’t have to park it, we should be okay. I’ll drive slow and careful. I can do this. “Sure?” He’s goading me. I stiffen.

  “I can drive Jake.” I’m getting mad again. He’s always had a knack for pissing me off.

  “I know you can drive Jane. My question is can you drive something that big and keep control of it on the road.” I give him my sternest look. “Okay. You can drive.” He kisses my temple. I roll my eyes. “Now what’s wrong?”

  “That just feels so…brotherly.” Jake grins. I point to my mouth and he kisses me there. His lips linger warmly on mine. That’s better. My nipples stiffen and I feel the hairs rise all over my body. His fingers brush through the curls between my legs. I let my legs fall apart and Jake’s fingers are suddenly inside me. I arch and his thumb grazes the tiny bundle of nerves at my center. I moan into his mouth as the tiny spasm works through me, like a mini orgasm. It wasn’t my intention for this to happen when I came down here but my body has other ideas.

  “Jane.” He says against my mouth. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  “No desk sex?” I grin up at him. He shakes his head. I give him a pouty look and he pulls his hand out of my pajamas then sets my feet on the floor. Jake turns his computer off and sticks the thumb drive in his pocket. “Did you make a new app?” He nods. I push the button for the elevator and it opens, I go inside and he follows. He taps the key pad and the doors close. “The first app you made, was that my idea?” The corner of his mouth slowly lifts. “It was my idea! Damn it Jake.” I slap his arm.

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist.” He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. “You couldn’t have written the code for it anyway. You needed my help.” I cross my arms over my chest. I’m not happy about this but then too he’s right. I couldn’t write the code but he could’ve shared. I could be a billionaire too, or half a billionaire. I could’ve bought Mom that Corvette she always wanted. “Jane.” I roll my eyes up at him and step off the elevator into the foyer. “Jane, I did all of this for us. What’s mine is yours.”

  “When do I get paid?”

  “You’ve worked two days.”

  “I’m just curious.”

  “Every other week, so next Friday.” He unlocks the door and I brush past him. “Jane.” I keep going then I remember my suitcase. I whirl around and he’s right behind me.

  “When you told me that you told Jocelyn to pack jeans and tee shirts with words on them, were you lying?” His eyes flash and he shakes his head. “Well, my suitcase was full of a lot of your prissy stuff. There was not a tee shirt or pair of jeans anywhere in there Jake. How am I supposed to help Dad clean out Mom’s closets if I’m wearing thousand dollar blouses?” He presses his lips together in a flat line. “I repacked and from now on I will pack my own bags. Also, where is my duffle?”

  “I don’t know Jane. I never saw it. Are you angry with me?”

  “Duh.” I turn around and march into the bedroom then climb into bed. I am mad at him. That app was mine. I could’ve done so much for my family and pack with that money.

  “What is this about?” He sits beside me on the bed. I shake my head. “Jane, we’ve discussed this. You will tell me, let’s not drag it out. Just say it.”

  “Okay, the app was mine. You took all the credit for it and you never gave me anything for the idea.” He nods. Ass. I huff out a frustrated breath and turn over. Jake chuckles. I look over my shoulder at him. “What?”

  “You.” He cups my face and looks down at me with so much kindness it’s sickening. “Only you would be mad now about something that happened so long ago. And I would venture to say that it’s not because you didn’t get the credit for it, it’s because you could’ve done something with the money for someone else.”


  “What could you have done Jane?”

  “Bought Mom a car.” I mumble.

  “Not conquered the world?” I roll my eyes and turn away. “I offered to buy your Mom a car, she declined. She wanted me to put the money away to take care of you so that’s what I did. Your holdings are quite significant.” What? Since when? “Why did you want to know when you get paid? Is there something you need?”

  “I want a TV.”

  “Is the one in the media room broken?” I look back at him again.

  “It’s too hard to operate. I want to push the red button and everything works.” Jake laughs. “Argh.” I cry with frustration.

  “I’ll fix it.” He leans over and kisses my temple.

  “Argh.” I cry again. Brotherly kisses. Jake laughs and gets up. “Where is there a thrift shop around here?” I ask. Jake raises an eyebrow. “I want to watch TV in here and in the kitchen. I don’t want to spend my whole first paycheck. I want to put some away.” He shakes his head and goes into the closet. I reach for my cell and start a search for thrift stores. I can go to the one at home. Dad will lend me the money. I know they have a decent selection.

  “Barney, I need two TVs installed in my apartment, one in the kitchen the other in the bedroom.” I sit up. He’s coming out of the closet on his cell. “No, no theatre system. Just a basic TV. Yeah hook it up and Barney, I want to push the red button and everything works.” He gives me a cocky grin. Ass. “No nothing is wrong with the media room. No just keep it simple. Thanks. Anytime over the weekend, I’ll let security know you’re coming.” He lays the phone on the table with his keys and wallet. I’m glaring at him. “What now?” I just glare. “Jane are you dead set on being mad at me? Do you want to take the Jeep and go by yourself? I can stay here if you need space.” My heart falls. That’s not what I want. I don’t want to be away from him, not even for a minute. I shake my head. He strips to his boxers. “I swear I didn’t tell her to pack the prissy clothes.” I sigh. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. He walks slowly toward the bed. “Am I welcome or should I go to a guest room?” I close my eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” I say it softly.

  “That’s not an answer.” I hold my arms out and he grins. “That’s better.” Jake turns the light off and gets into bed with me. “What’s really wrong?” He pulls me tight against him. This is what I needed. I needed him.

  “I don’t know. I’m having a day I guess.” I feel him smile against my neck.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes.” He pulls my top over my head and I hear it hit the floor, my bottoms follow. He nibbles at my shoulder. “Talk to me Jane. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what it is.”

  “I wanted to buy the TV. I wanted words on my shirts and I want to sit at a table while I eat and watch TV. It’s stupid, I’m stupid.”

  “You’re far from stupid Jane.” He’s kissing a trail down my arm. “You’re brilliant, you’re just having a day.”

  “I can’t even turn the damn thing on without it being messed up. It took ten minutes and then you ate without me.”

  “I heard that you missed me at dinner.” I nod. “And my media room is too complicated.” I nod again. “And you need me inside of you.” I giggle.

  “I didn’t say that.” I say coyly.

  “Oh but Jane you did.” His tongue wraps around my nipple and I roll onto my back to give him easier access. He sucks it into his mouth and a shiver rolls through me. I arch my back to offer him more. He moves to the other while his hand has moved to cup my mound. “I’ll fix the TV in the media room for you. Promise.”

  “I can’t eat in there because I’m afraid I’ll spill.” He chuckles and I feel his hot breath on my damp skin. “Only you would worry about that. I have a house keeper. It gives her pleasure to clean things. I have more money than I know what to do with so if you spill your drink or whatever, I can replace all the furniture and never notice the loss. I can also put a table in there so you can sit, eat and watch TV. But before the weekend is over there wi
ll be a TV everywhere you go.” I laugh.

  “Don’t do that. The kitchen and here are fine and I don’t need a giant one either. Just something small that I can look at or listen to while I putter around.” He’s kissing a trail down the middle of my belly to my center. I squirm.

  “Got it, nothing big.” His tongue dips into me and I buck. I didn’t realize how much I needed this.

  “Jake.” He grunts while his tongue works my clitoris. “You were right. I need you inside me.” He grunts again then moves and flips me over. He hauls me to my knees and plunges inside. I moan loudly. That is exactly what I needed. Jake flattens himself over me. Usually he stays behind me but tonight his body is curled over mine. He kisses my shoulder and slams into me again. The fullness feels divine. “More.” I whisper and he does it again. I arch and push back against his thrusts. Within seconds I detonate around him. He doesn’t stop. I love it that he can keep going. I think he’s been holding out on me all this time. He’s gone easy on me. Jake brings me to climax twice more before he finally lets go. I slide down to my belly with him on top of me. I’m pulsing around him and he’s kissing my back.

  “I love you Janie.” He whispers as he frees himself from me. I feel him wiping me with his boxers as I drift off to sleep.


  The next morning I wake and watch the sunrise. The sky is pink, gold, and gorgeous. The clouds rippling across the sky are dense with silver under them in the bright morning light. It’s amazing. Not as amazing as her though. It pales in comparison.


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