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A Risqué Engagement

Page 15

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Yeah, what happens when your crowd gets out of hand?”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t have guards, they just aren’t at the door.”

  “So, who is?”

  “No one, but I never leave the screens unmonitored for long. The door is open, and I’ve already left the security room.”

  “You should never leave them period.”

  Don’t worry about it. My backup man will be in there in no time.”

  Xavier shut off his engine and pulled his long legs out of the car. He slammed the door. “All right, appreciate you, later.”

  “Aye don’t be a stranger, man.”

  “I won’t.”

  Xavier ended the call and strode across the brick alleyway to the back door. He reached for the handle and opened it, coming face to face with Carlos and Corinne. His immediate response was surprised as his brows lifted and a smile began to form, but when his eyes shuffled between the despair on Corinne’s face and the scowl on Carlos’s, the smile dropped, and his face drew into a dark mask.


  Corinne shook her head, and her gaze motioned to Carlos’s hand that was pinned in her side. Xavier glanced down and spotted the revolver and Carlos waved it at Xavier then back at Corinne.

  “Don’t think about doing something stupid,” Carlos said.

  Xavier’s dark gaze held firm on Carlos. “I don’t know who you are, and frankly I don’t care,” Xavier said. “But if you think you’re getting past me with my woman, think again.” His voice was ominous, his adrenaline already pumping at an all-time high.

  Carlos squinted and sneered. “Oh yeah, who’s going to stop me? You?” Carlos moved his hand up, pointing the gun at Corinne’s head. “I’d blow her away before you got the chance to—"

  On instinct, Xavier moved, slamming his fist into Carlos’s face. The force of his hit knocked Carlos off Corinne, and Xavier reached for her, snatching Corinne so fast it felt like a half a second between the movement. He shielded Corinne behind his back as a battlefield cry shrieked from Carlos and simultaneously blood spurted from his nose.

  Carlos lifted the gun again just as Xavier reached for the weapon, grabbing it around its barrel. The two wrestled over it for a long second when a shot rang out once, then twice. Xavier gained the upper hand, twisting Carlos’s wrist so hard it snapped.

  “Aaaaaaaaaaah!” Carlos screamed.

  Another blow to Carlos’s face took him down, then another, and finally a stomp to his abdomen.

  “Aaaaah! Fuck! Son of a bitch!” Carlos screamed.

  Xavier reached for the gun and lifted it over Carlos.

  “Xavier!” Corinne shouted. “Don’t, baby, please!”

  Xavier’s aim held firm; he had a clear shot that would send Carlos to meet his maker. Hunter’s words reverberated in his head.

  “Yeah, but tomorrow isn’t promised.”

  And Xavier realized how close he’d come to possibly losing Corinne forever. What if he hadn’t been there? What if he’d decided to stay at the bachelor party and let Corinne enjoy her night with the ladies? In that moment, he’d gone mad, and his finger began to close around the trigger.

  “Xavier!” Corinne screamed. “Please, I need you, baby please!”

  In an instant, her words pulled him from his thoughts, and he turned to her just as a bounty of security enclosed around them. Xavier dropped the gun and pulled Corinne into his arms.

  “Are you hurt!?” His deep voice throttled over her skin. His hands felt around her, checking every inch of every spot on her body.

  Corinne trembled and grabbed hold to his shirt where she clutched him tightly, never wanting to let him go.

  “I’m fine. I think.” She was shell-shocked, and the commotion around them doubled than tripled as police entered the area.

  “Xavier!” Paul called out, jogging down the corridor.

  Xavier stuffed his face into Corinne’s hair and held her tight as his heart knocked just as hard as hers. He locked his jaw and closed his eyes, grasping her so firmly it would take the Jaws of Life to separate them.

  Corinne stuffed her face into his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said, her words muffled as she sniffled.

  Xavier’s hands rounded to her face, and he lifted her chin.

  “Bella, you have no reason to be sorry,” he said, his heart tight at the thought that she could possibly blame herself for what had just taken place.

  Corinne nodded. “I—” she stuttered. “I know him.”

  Xavier frowned. “Who is he?”

  “Carlos, the guy from Anguilla.” Tears flowed down Corinne’s face. “He knew my name. He’s been stalking me.” An outpour of tears flooded her cheeks, and Xavier drew her face into his and kissed every spot that was wet.

  “This is not your fault.” He kissed her lips. “I don’t care how you knew him or what you said. It is never a fault of your own when someone sets out to stalk you or do you harm.” He kissed her so hungrily his heart felt like it would explode from the love and desire that filled him.

  Corinne’s tears continued to flow, and her heart was mixed with several emotions. Among them was guilt, but what overtook her at that moment was love. An indescribable feeling that she’d never felt before and couldn’t explain.

  “I love you,” Xavier said between kisses.

  That just made Corinne cry harder but happy tears this round.

  “I love you, too,” she said, and their tongues tied as their lips sealed in a scorching kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sunday Morning

  New Life Tabernacle Apostolic Church

  Even though Corinne was only a few feet away from him as she stood behind the bride, Xavier still felt naked without her on his arm. Last night had been the craziest night of his life. He’d witnessed a real phenomenon, and it had nothing to do with Corinne’s stalker Carlos. Xavier stared at Corinne from behind his best man’s position aside Hunter, and although he heard the vows his brother spoke, in Xavier’s mind it was his words with Corinne on the receiving end. Never in a million years would he have recognized himself in this position; with wanting to love someone for eternity like he desired with Corinne.

  He was sure after Nadine, that wouldn’t happen, not a chance in hell. But fate had something entirely different in his stars, and it settled in his heart and spiraled through him like an enchanted spell. Xavier was in love, and his forever stood so close he could taste her… again. After leaving the club last night, he’d placed her in the safety of his car and asked, “Come home with me, please.”

  “You don’t have to ask, just take me with you,” she responded.

  It was his pleasure. After speaking to the owner of Jazzy’s, the police, and updating everyone at the bridal and bachelor parties, the two never left each other’s side, showering together and locking around each other limb to limb throughout the night. It was ecstasy, but at the same time, last night’s events made Xavier realize that life was short. Hunter was right, tomorrow isnt not promised, so he wanted to make sure Corinne knew just how much he loved her with every moment they breathed.

  “I do.”

  The sanctuary went up in applause and a thunderous stomping after Hunter spoke those words. Xavier pulled from his musings and slapped a firm hand against Hunter’s shoulder.

  Tears ran down Camilla’s face as she repeated his declaration.

  “I do,” she said.

  Another round of stomping coursed through the building, and some of the bridesmaids shouted beside her garnering a laugh from Camilla and Hunter.

  “By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.”

  The applause was deafening. Hunter lifted Camilla’s veil and slipped his hands to her neck, pulling her in for a mouthwatering kiss. The crowd had gone so wild that the building shook, and the bride and groom turned together and side by side took a bow.

  When they took their walk down the aisle, celebratory confetti was thrown at them, and the couple made
their exit hand in hand. Coming to also stand by each other’s side, Xavier and Corinne held a loving eye on one another. Xavier lifted his arm and Corinne slipped hers through.

  “I know this is Hunter and Camilla’s wedding, but I have something for you.”

  Corinne arched a brow. “A gift?”

  Xavier rubbed his beard with one hand. “Of sorts,” he said. I can’t really call it a gift.”

  Corinne was intrigued.

  “You’ll see what I mean.”

  “Where is this non-gift?”

  Xavier chuckled. “At the reception.” He motioned toward the exit. “Shall we?”

  Corinne smiled and nodded, then the two headed for the soiree.

  “I’d like to propose a toast.” Xavier stood to his feet and cast a glance around the expensively decorated room. “To the bride and groom.” The attendees repeated after him.

  “To the bride and groom!”

  Xavier went on. “May you have more love than you can possibly contain.” He glanced at Camilla. “Camilla, you’re a great addition to this family, and I couldn’t be happier to have you as a sister. You and Hunter will take the world by storm and become a bigger power couple than Beyoncé and Jay-Z.”

  A round of laughter cruised around the room, and Camilla and Hunter smiled and laughed with them.

  “Thank you!” Camilla said. “I guess I can now call you brother.”

  They laughed again, noting that the Valentines didn’t call each other by name but referred to one another as “brother.”

  “On that note,” Xavier said, glancing to Hunter, “brother, it’s not every day that you find the woman of your dreams.” Hunter nodded. “And you truly have a gem in Camilla Augustina Valentine.” Snickers went about, and Camilla interrupted him.

  “Drop the Augustina, it’s just Valentine baby!”

  Another round of rambunctious laughter coursed throughout, and Hunter leaned over to kiss Camilla’s cheek. She blushed, and whistles carried throughout the room.

  “You’ve got me there, I stand corrected,” Xavier said. “Congratulations to you both.” He took his eye across the table where the bridesmaids sat, particularly to Corinne Thomas. “You know, last night, Hunter, you said something that stuck with me and haunted me all through the night.” Corinne’s expression turned quizzical as Xavier glanced between her and Hunter.

  “What was that, brother?” Hunter asked.

  “Tomorrow isn’t promised.” Xavier paused and Hunter nodded, remembering the conversation. “You were right.” Xavier’s chest tightened as he thought about what he’d shown up to the club to witness, and his gaze sauntered back to Corinne.

  “Bella… a month ago I’d spoken with you on the phone. At the time, I felt an urgency so great to be with you that I asked you to meet me halfway between where you are and where I am, right now.” Corinne smiled, recalling the request. “I was determined to get to you, but you were in Anguilla, and there wasn’t a logical way for us to come together in a timely manner.” He cleared his throat. “I didn’t know it then, but I know now that I’ve loved you from the very moment we met.”

  Corinne’s eyes lurched, and she gasped along with everyone else in the room.

  Xavier glanced around to her parents, Brenda and Daniel Thomas, who he’d had a lengthy conversation with before making the toast, then his gaze traveled back to Corinne. “I know, sounds impossible, right?” he chuckled. “Well I’m here to tell you, that nothing’s impossible when it comes to the matters of the heart. And I’m here to ask you again, baby, if you will meet me halfway between where you are and where I am right now.”

  All eyes turned to Corinne, and her heart tumbled in her chest. She blinked and rose to her feet, the chair behind her scrapping across the floor. As she moved, so did Xavier, and everyone watched on as they met in the center of the floor.

  “There’s something in my pocket I’ve been dying to get out.” He gripped her hands and went down on bended knee.

  Corinne’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened. “Xavier!” she screamed, her nerves rattled before he could ask her the ultimate question.

  “Bella Anima, will you do me this honor and spend the rest of your days, afternoons, and nights with me?”

  The ring he removed was in a gold box and when it opened, a glimmer cruised through the princess cut.

  “Oh my God, yes!” she shouted. Tears ran down the corners of her eyes, and Xavier stood and lifted her into his arms. He twirled her, and their faces mashed as their lips joined in a hot titanium kiss.

  The building rattled as the thunderous applause shook the structure and Xavier squeezed Corinne tight slowly sitting her to her feet. She squealed as he put on the ring and a voice nearby cut into their celebration.


  Corinne turned to the person who’d spoken. The young girl’s face held familiarity, but Corinne couldn’t pin it.

  “I hope you don’t mind me joining your festivity.” Her voice held a deep accent. “But I wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you.”

  Corinne glanced at Xavier who held her with a resplendent grin.

  “Who are you?”

  “Natasha Kaweme,” she said.

  Corinne’s mouth dropped, and a rush of tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “You’re kidding!”

  Natasha smiled. “I’m afraid I am not.”

  Corinne glanced back at Xavier, her mouth open unable to take in a breath properly. Looking back at Natasha, Corinne threw her arms around the girl and hugged her so tightly she could feel Natasha’s heartbeat. Laughter poured from their mouths, and tears mixed on their shoulders as they embraced.

  When Corinne pulled back, she stared at the face of the girl she sponsored long ago. She was still young, possibly early twenties, but it was her face nonetheless.

  “I wanted to let you know,” Natasha began, “that your donations help feed my family and me. I also had a chance to go to school and now I’m a missionary, traveling the globe to help others. So I just want to say thank you so much. You are like my second mother.”

  Corinne cried so hard she could’ve fainted. She couldn’t even respond, only pull Natasha back in while reaching for Xavier. The three of them hugged so tight it was scorching, and everyone who looked on also held tears in their eyes.

  “Thank you so much,” Corinne cried, speaking to Xavier. “You have no idea how much this means to me.” Her voice trembled, and Xavier tightened his grip.

  “I love you,” he said, “and I wanted you to know that your uncle Bennie is an asshole.”

  Corinne shouted out a laugh and tittered to the side. Xavier looked at Natasha. “We would love it if you could stick around for a while, even if it’s just to catch this live band.”

  Corinne peered at him, and Natasha nodded, saying, “I’d love to!”

  Xavier kissed Corinne on her temple then released them both and walked to the stage. When Hunter, Lance, and DeAndre followed, everyone moved forward to hear them play. Corinne threw her head back and laughed again before grabbing hold of Natasha as they rejoiced in watching A Band of Brothers serenade them all.

  The End

  Did you enjoy A Risqué Engagement? Subscribe to my newsletter or join my Facebook Group to get updates from me, the author! Stay tuned for the pre-order on the next installment featuring Lance Valentine and Allison Sullivan in: Give Me a Reason.

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  Note from the Author

  Thank you so much for reading A Risqué Engagement, In the Heart of a Valentine, book two. I hope you enjoyed Xavier and Corrine’s story! Reviews are the lifeblood of independent writers. The more reviews we get, the more Amazon and others promote the book. If you want to see more books by me, Stephanie Nicole Norris, a review would let me know that you’re enjoying the series. If you liked the book, I ask you to write a review on, Goodreads, or wherever you go for your book i
nformation. Thank you so much. Doing so means a lot to me.

  2018 Author Sightings!

  XOXO - Stephanie

  Other Books by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Contemporary Romance

  Everything I Always Wanted (A Friends to Lovers Romance)

  Safe with Me (Falling for a Rose Book One)

  Enough (Falling for a Rose Book Two)

  Only If You Dare (Falling for a Rose Book Three)

  Fever (Falling for a Rose Book Four)

  A Lifetime with You (Falling for a Rose Book Five)

  She said Yes (Falling for a Rose Holiday Edition Book Six)

  Mine (Falling for a Rose Book Seven)

  The Sweetest Surrender (Falling for a Rose Book Eight)

  No Holds Barred (In the Heart of a Valentine Book One)

  Romantic Suspense Thrillers

  Beautiful Assassin

  Beautiful Assassin 2 Revelations

  Mistaken Identity

  Trouble in Paradise

  Vengeful Intentions (Trouble in Paradise 2)

  For Better and Worse (Trouble in Paradise 3)

  Until My Last Breath (Trouble in Paradise 4)

  Christian Romantic Suspense


  Reckless Reloaded

  Crime Fiction


  Prowl 2



  Golden (Rapunzel’s F’d Up Fairytale)


  Against All Odds (Surviving the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) *Non-Fiction

  About the Author

  Stephanie Nicole Norris is an author from Chattanooga, Tennessee, with a humble beginning. She was raised with six siblings by her mother Jessica Ward. Always being a lover of reading, during Stephanie’s teenage years, her joy was running to the bookmobile to read stories by R. L. Stine.


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