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Suspicion of Guilt

Page 20

by Tracey V. Bateman

  You wouldn’t recognize Rissa (until she starts talking with that accent of hers). She has lost fifteen pounds since she started dating the new youth minister at church. They’re already talking about a Christmas engagement. That’s a little soon if you ask me. I plan to wait until at least New Year’s. (Laughing again).

  Please stop worrying yourself about the baby. She’s thriving in her new home. Her parents have been wonderful with Cate and they send pictures almost every week. They’ve named the baby Hannah Rose. Isn’t that beautiful?

  As for Cate, you have nothing to fear from her either. So please be at peace on that account. She prays for you every day, and told me recently that she can’t wait for you to get well, so that you can come home. So you see, we’re all ready for you to come back to us. Our family is incomplete without you here.

  And yes, dearest Shelley. You are most welcome back home. Reece and I are waiting to set a date for the wedding, hoping you can be one of my bridesmaids. Know what’s funny? Reece doesn’t think he has enough male friends to escort all of you girls (and my two sisters) down the aisle, so we’re thinking about splitting you up between us. Part of you will be “groomswomen.” Who knows, maybe Reece will get a couple of more friends before we have to order the tuxes. But at least it’s an option.

  I need to close this letter. Elizabeth and I are going to lunch together today. Can you believe that? It was by her invitation this time, too. Oh, did I tell you? They’ve decided to approve funding after all. Apparently, the budget is so well-managed under Elizabeth that they can expand the benevolence program. I won’t receive quite as much as last year, but with the other sponsors and the tons of donations that have come in since my sister Raven’s news story about the house, we are well on our way to staffing the place.

  Please pray that God will send the girls He has chosen to live at Mahoney House.

  As for you, take one minute at a time. And come home to us when the time is right.


  Denni folded the letter, licked the envelope and set it in her outgoing mail slot. She leaned back in her chair and looked out at the yard next door. Buffy yelped as she tried and failed to jump the fence.

  A smile curved Denni’s lips as Reece walked up to the fence to speak to Mrs. James.

  Denni’s heart swelled with love. She watched him politely smile and defer to the elderly woman. God had certainly brought him a long way in a very short time.

  He turned, as if sensing her attention. When his eyes found hers, the love reflected there increased her pulse. He spoke something to Mrs. James and turned, heading toward the back door. Denni rose and met him halfway. They met in the kitchen. “Hi,” Denni said, her breath caught in her throat.

  Reece’s arms encircled her, drawing her close. “I missed you.”

  “Me too,” she murmured as he dipped his head and claimed her lips.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5128-5


  Copyright © 2005 by Tracey V. Bateman

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  *The Mahoney Sisters

  *The Mahoney Sisters




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