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As Fate Would Have It

Page 2

by Cheyenne Meadows

  Rye picked up the suitcase once more, watching her slide past. The gentle sway of her hips had his jeans cinching tight once more. Cool your jets, man. Yeah, so she has a nice ass, one that a man can cup in his hands as he pulls her… Shaking his head, he forced that image from his mind. No more of that. We're simply going to be roommates for a while. No more, no less. Following her down the hall, he soon stood in his new quarters. Brie had already showed him the bathroom one door down from his room as she continued the tour.

  "Make yourself at home. I'm going to jump in the shower. If you're hungry, there's plenty in the fridge." Having said that, she disappeared back inside her bedroom, the door closing firmly behind her.

  Rye's attention lingered on that closed door for a moment longer as one thought came to mind. He needed to invest in some looser jeans and soon.

  Chapter 3

  Twenty minutes later, Brie stepped from her room, hair still damp from a shower with a T-shirt and faded, comfortable jeans. Freshly brushed teeth dragged her back to partially human status once more. Pulling her long locks up into a ponytail, she headed toward the kitchen, a little curious as to where Rye had taken himself.

  Rye stood in the middle of the kitchen, searching through a cabinet, while the milk and cereal sat on the table. Closing the door, he pulled another open, snagging a bowl before shutting it again. Hearing Brie approach, he turned while his eyes locked on her new wardrobe.

  "Did you find everything okay?" Brie furrowed a brow. Glancing down, she did a quick once over, making sure everything was covered properly. Just why is he staring at me like that? Pants are zipped, shirt is down, no stains or spots. Sure, the white T-shirt was plain and common, something seen often on sales racks in department stores. The jeans, complete with worn knees lacked sophistication, but were comfortable and cozy. Her long, blonde hair was gathered in a ponytail, hanging down the middle of her back. Certainly nothing out of the ordinary or stare worthy in her opinion.

  Rye blinked a couple of times as if his mind had wandered somewhere else. "Uh, yeah." Looking at the bowl in hand, he sat it on the counter before asking. "Spoon?"

  Grabbing a glass out of the cabinet, Brie sat at the table, keeping an eye on her new roommate. Something about him made her uneasy. Probably those long overdue Cinderella hormones. The ones that make you search for Prince Charming, run off to his castle, and do naughty things with him while astride the horse on the trip there. "Oh, first drawer to the left of the dishwasher." Pouring some milk, she took a sip.

  Pulling open the drawer, Rye stared for a long moment, then grinned wickedly. Snagging the box, he turned, holding it up in the air. "Umm… Brie? Do you always store your feminine hygiene products with your silverware?"

  Choking on the milk, it took her a moment to breathe again. Sure enough, he held up that familiar peach box, the one she had stashed at his arrival. Where is that big black hole that is supposed to swallow me at times like this? Coughing a little, her face flamed. With any luck, he'll blame that on the lack of air, not my absolute embarrassment. Something told her, by the smirk on his face, her luck fell short. With as much dignity as she could muster, she snatched the box out of his hands, and headed back down the hall to her bedroom. That surely wasn't a laugh she heard coming from the kitchen. If so, I'm going to have to whap him upside the head. With a shovel. Hard.

  A few deep breaths later, Brie re-emerged from her bedroom, determined not to let Rye get her goat. Sitting back down, she drank her milk once more. Glancing up, she caught Rye's grin, then his low chuckle. Okay. Maybe something sharper than a shovel? A garden spade? I do have a big back yard. Wouldn't be too much of a bother to dig a hole big enough…

  "Brie? Earth to Brie."

  She blinked a couple of times, focusing on the man across the table.

  "What had you so deep in thought?" He inquired with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Oh, nothing. Just planning a small murder is all. Can't really tell a cop that, now, can I? Instead, she quietly responded, "What have you been up to these last few years?"

  A long pause followed before he shrugged. "Little of this, little of that. Nothing too exciting."

  Obviously the subtle approach didn't work. Guess I have to be more direct if I'm going to get any answers. "I see." She rubbed one finger around the rim of her glass before lowering the bomb. "Got a woman?"

  It was Rye's turn to choke. Sputtering a couple of times, he sucked in a deep breath. "Not at the moment." Picking up a glass of juice, he swallowed deeply before volleying the question back to her. "Got a man?"

  The flush returned quickly. "Not at the moment." A sudden memory sprang to the front of her mind. Considering the idea for a moment, she tossed the question out like a full count fast ball. "Aunt Flo mentioned you were an actor in the movies?"

  "Yeah." He took another bite of cereal.

  Gee, like talking to a mule. "What kind of movies? Action, drama, comedy?"

  "Porn." He answered in a flat tone, as if reciting the alphabet. Taking another bite of cereal, his eyes locked on her face.

  Brie couldn't help but stare. He said porn? Rye Taylor, porn star? No, way. Well, on second thought, with that body… way. Still, why hadn't she heard this tidbit of gossip from the family? Oh, he probably didn't want relatives checking out his… family jewels in the throes of passion. Wonder if… Nope. Better to not go there. "Do you have a favorite porn film?" The words emerged as a squeak.

  "Vegas Nights."

  File that in the old memory bank. Or maybe not. Like she was going to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and a porn flick. "Okay. So, I take it you are no longer in movies?" At his nod, she prodded. "Why did you quit? Did you get too old? Were you any good at it?"

  * * * *

  Rye leaned back in his chair with a deep chuckle. She had always been nosy, since the day they met. In fact, she used to pester him with so many questions he threatened to tape her mouth shut, more than once. Guess some things never changed. "I decided that acting wasn't what I wanted to do with my life." That was certainly true. In all actuality, he was an opportunistic extra in a small action movie production a few years back. He had walked past the area and they were one man short for the scene where two high level spies met to exchange information. So, he sat at a table and pretended to converse with a beautiful woman and pocketed two hundred dollars for doing so. Of course, having her in his bed that night was a nice little bonus. Boy, that woman could scream, too.

  "Were you any good at it?" Brie persisted.

  Grinning to himself, he recalled that woman once more. Judging by her reaction, he was damn good. "Care to find out?"

  Rolling her eyes, Brie finished her milk. "I remember you went off to college. What was your major?"

  He sipped his juice before answering. "Criminal law." The abrupt subject change didn't go unnoticed by him.

  "So, you always wanted to be a cop?" Her eyes locked on his hand, following the movements as he replaced the glass back on the table.

  "Yeah, for the most part. Graduated college, hit the academy, and was on a beat within a year." Finishing the juice, he set the glass down, watching Brie's face. "How about you? Nursing school, right?"

  She nodded. "College, then nursing school. Working days at City Hospital at the moment." She remained mute for a second while he watched those sharp little front teeth nibble on her bottom lip. Such a small gesture, but one that made his belly slowly flip. "So, you had a buffer?" The words blurted out of her mouth. By the rising blush spreading across her face, he wagered she wished them back.

  One eyebrow shot up. "Buffer?"

  Nodding, she tried to clarify. "You know, someone who… ummm… got you ready… for the big scene?"

  "Oh, you mean a fluffer?" A wide grin covered his face. Who knew she had heard of such a term? Maybe the repressed little nurse wasn't so naïve after all. At her nod, he continued, "Well, all the stars have them."

  Her mouth dropped open as she squirmed in her seat at the kitchen table. Her ros
y cheeks drew his attention, as did the flicker of astonishment in her eyes.

  "Aunt Sally said you are on vacation." Rye's mouth twitched at her startled expression. Now, this might prove to be very entertaining. Wonder how many shades of red her face can turn? Standing up, he sat his dishes in the sink. Well, he was sure of one thing. He was going to discover each and every one of them. It was too good an opportunity to pass up.

  Following suit, Brie placed her glass in the sink as well, quickly washing her hands. "Yep, thankfully. I am more than ready for a break."

  "So, what are you going to do with your time off?"

  She smiled wide and genuine. "Gardening, landscaping, home improvement."

  His face fell. Of course he had to be saddled with Miss Suzy Home Improvement Girl. A long resigned sigh escaped from his chest. Not that he minded manual labor and even livening up a yard, but he could think of much better ways to spend those days. If he was going to sweat, he could find more enjoyable causes. Something involving a bedroom and a naked seductress.

  Chapter 4

  Glancing at her watch, Brie slipped on her tennis shoes as she headed to the front door. "Feel up to a tour of the neighborhood, first?" If she got started on the walk early enough, perhaps she could avoid the neighborhood gossip ladies and their endless questions and insinuations about Rye. Though sweet and caring, those women poked their noses into anyone's business they wanted to, or found interesting. If at all possible, she planned on staying below their radar.

  Shrugging, he followed, stepping out the door. "I take it you do this often?"

  Brie fell into step beside him, leading the way to the sidewalk, then hooked a hard left. "Yeah. My morning walk. I enjoy it, anyway."

  Nodding, Rye shortened his stride, easily keeping pace. Gaze moving from one house to another, he softly asked, "Do you enjoy your work?"

  Thinking about that question, she answered truthfully. "I used to. Now, things are just so chaotic with the shortages. I think we're all pretty run down and simply tired." A few more steps passed before she asked in return, "How about you? Is police work all you dreamed it to be?"

  Rye smirked at that. "I like being a cop, especially a detective. Like anything else, you have good days and bad. Can't win every battle, but I think every little bit helps." Glancing down, he watched her hair blow in the breeze, the ponytail lightly swaying.

  "Don't you worry about the danger?" Turning, she surveyed his face, waiting for his answer.

  He took his time before speaking. "Sure. Anyone who tells you different is lying. But, it's just part of the job. Just have to be careful out there."

  A blue-haired elderly lady walked out to the sidewalk from her front porch, morning paper in hand. "Oh, good morning, Brie."

  Sighing, Brie paused, plastering a smile on her face. "Thelma. How are you today?"

  "Just fine. Now, aren't you going to introduce me to your… friend?" She smiled widely at Rye, her eyes traveling the length of his body and back.

  Just resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Brie quickly did the introductions. "Thelma, this is Rye. Rye, this is Thelma."

  Giving the neighbor a charming smile, he held out his hand, taking hers and lightly kissing the back of it. "My pleasure, madam."

  Thelma tittered at his attention. "Oh, my. Such a mannerly one, too." Not taking her eyes off him, she asked Brie, "Is he your new beau?"

  Her face heated. Here we go. Of course, the neighborhood gossips would have this tidbit of information spread in a matter of minutes. Probably by that afternoon, they would have ballooned the story to include something outrageous like she finally found a man and they already shacked up together or some such nonsense. "He's a close friend of the family."

  Thelma slowly removed her hand from his grasp. "Oh, that's just too bad." Leaning over to Brie, she whispered, "This one would have livened up the neighborhood, dearie."

  Uh huh. Brie managed a lukewarm smile. Her older, widowed neighbors were forever trying to play matchmaker. The last time she went out on a date with someone Thelma suggested, it proved to be a disaster.

  Rye grinned, obviously enjoying her embarrassment. "Well, Thelma, it was certainly good meeting you. We best get on with our walk. I trust we'll see you again soon?"

  Grinning from ear to ear, Thelma nodded. "Most definitely." Giving a little wave, she watched them move past, her eyes checking out his backside.

  They hadn't taken more than a dozen steps when a loud female voice hollered out, "Thelma! Thelma! Are they hot and heavy in the sack?"

  Not for the first time, Brie wished a sudden wormhole would open up and allow her to just drop to the other side of the earth. A quick peek found Rye's lips twitching as he fought back laughter. Just great! He finds this amusing? "Ummm… that was Jane. She lives on the other side of Thelma in that blue house we just passed."

  Thelma yelled back, "No! This one is family."

  They heard a distinct snort, quickly followed by, "I swear! All the nice looking ones are gay, taken, or family. What's this world coming to?"

  Brie sputtered, breaking into a giggle. Nosy neighbors, yes, but they were sweet and funny. All in all, they made the neighborhood a better place to live.

  Rye simply rolled his eyes, his steps never slowing.

  The cranking of springs from a garage door opening caught their attention. A tall blonde stepped out, unlocking the car door in the process.

  Rye's head swiveled toward the noise. "Damn."

  Brie stopped and turned to see what had captured her roommate's attention. One glance said it all. Long blonde waves fell to Bunny's waist, while a mini-skirt barely covered a rounded rear. If she bent over, everyone could tell for sure if she had panties under or not. A narrow waist led to a bust that fell short of popping out of her shirt.

  Bunny emerged from the garage to the car waiting in the driveway and Rye became immediately ensnared. It was remarkable that his tongue didn't hang out as he focused on Bunny and her attributes. He licked his lips more than once, like a starving man eyeing a juicy treat.

  Brie crossed her arms and waited, watching his expression with a sigh of disgust. Men and their obsession with boobs. The bigger the better, even store bought made the grade.

  "Who is that?" His voice sounded a little more ragged than she recalled.


  "Bunny? That's her name?" He continued to stare. As she slipped into the passenger's seat, he bent and turned his head, checking for one final glimpse.

  A Hispanic appearing man strode quickly from the darkened garage, heading directly for the car. The shorter, dark haired man with the sunglasses spoke to her, then climbed into the driver's seat. In a moment, the car rolled from the drive into the street.

  Watching the Porsche pass, Brie answered, "We don't know her name. That's just what the neighborhood calls her. Probably more like her occupation than her name would be my bet." She couldn't keep the boredom out of her voice.

  If she were completely truthful, she would recognize a tug of jealousy seeing Rye so actively interested in her neighbor. So, Bunny was a knockout. His eyes didn't have to bug out of his head at the sight. For a split second, she wanted, needed him to look at her like that, like the sun rose and set on her. She consoled herself with the knowledge she had one positive trait Bunny didn't… brains. Of course, she didn't know that for sure, but it just seemed reasonable that the potential Playboy cover carried fluff between her ears.

  Nodding, Rye followed the car until it moved out of sight. His attention returned to Brie. "What does he do?"

  Shrugging, Brie started walking again, checking both ways before crossing the street. "No one knows. Mr Gomez is very quiet, always in a hurry. Dresses to the max with a fancy car. I would venture something profitable."

  Rye quickly nodded before stepping out once more on their morning walk, remaining for the most part mute. Brie peered in his direction now and again, but decided the hamster wheel in his mind spun circles in thought. Probably not a good idea to interrupt a
male mind at work.

  Chapter 5

  An hour later, Rye followed behind Brie as she bounced across the large backyard. A huge stack of landscape bricks sat off to one side, surrounded by containers of flowers and plants of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Damn, she was serious when she mentioned landscaping. A rolled-up blue garden hose sat on the small patio under a metal loveseat painted bright white. Two huge rocks the size of bedside tables loomed over a carpet of lush green. A pile of tools leaned against the large oak tree that served as the centerpiece of the backyard.

  "So, what do you think?" Brie smiled, pride evident in the sparkle in her eyes.

  Rye scoped out the yard once more, picturing the landscape blocks in place and the new addition perennials in the ground. He had to hand it to her, she had vision. Lots of work involved, but it would be a pretty view from the back patio sitting in the shade and sipping lemonade. "Looks like you have something here, Brie."

  Beaming from the offhanded compliment, she hastened to the tree, picking up the shovel. "I thought I would go ahead and get the plants in the ground first, then work on the bricks afterward. That way, if it rains, it's not a big ordeal."

  Nodding, he headed over to stand next to her, tugging at the shovel handle. "Sounds like a plan. I'll dig, you plant."

  Brie shook her head and frowned. "No. First of all, I was told your shoulder is injured. I won't be responsible for doing more damage. Secondly, I am more than capable of digging holes." She pulled the shovel handle back in front of her, the metal end still resting on the ground.

  "My shoulder is fine. Besides, I'm not going to stand here and watch you dig holes." Again, he yanked the handle toward his chest, while her hands still grasped tight.

  "I like to dig holes. You can put the flowers in the ground." Once more, she tugged it back to her.

  "I am going to dig the damn holes. Now let go of the shovel."


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