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Lust in Time

Page 12

by Amarinda Jones

  "Hell no.” Garrett opened his arms towards her.

  Arabella crawled onto his lap and started to pull at his trouser buttons.

  "I wonder when zips get invented.” She grinned in satisfaction as Garrett groaned as she freed his cock. It stood to attention eagerly as Arabella ran her hand down the hard, long length. And all for me.

  "I did not bring a ... what did you call it? A condom?” Garrett ran his hands along the inside of her thighs and edged her closer to him.

  "Oh God I do not want to go through that rubber tube thing again.” Arabella wanted good hot sex without the dramatic sound effects. “I just want you inside me and I want you now, Master Robillard."

  "Well climb on board, honey."

  Arabella needed no further urging. She wanted to feel Garrett once again hard inside her filling her as no one else could. She wanted to add to the memories of him she was hoarding. She slid down on his cock and sighed happily.

  "You like that?” Garrett's hands went to her breasts, gently kneading her flesh.

  "Oh yeah.” Pure hot power surged through her body as she slowly rocked back and forward on his cock. “Taste me, Garrett,"

  "Yes ma'am.” His lips descended on one nipple and he sucked hard.

  Arabella bucked wildly against him. When she sank down on his cock she had thought to ride him slowly. But that plan was already shot to hell as she could feel the tension building up inside her searching for release and unfortunately she was not the patient kind. She quickened her pace wondering if it would always be this way when she made love with Garrett. Despite the uncertainty of her situation “always” had a nice ring to it.

  "Oh Garrett...” Arabella sighed as she undulated back and forth gripping his cock tightly between her legs.

  "See how good we are together?” Garrett was breathing hard and heavy, his control at breaking point like hers.

  "Hmm...” They were better than good. They were explosive. She leaned forward, her mouth on his, their tongues entwined. Arabella bounced up and down and Garrett whimpered as the orgasm overwhelmed her.

  "Scream, honey, you know you want to,” Garrett encouraged with a soft, triumphant chuckle against her lips.

  Arabella screamed long and hard as the wild and delicious feeling overcame her. She flopped against his chest as the last aftershock ripped though her body and Garrett came hard a moment later.

  "Oh boy.” She clutched Garrett holding on tight almost as if she knew what she had to hold onto and what she had to fear losing. It was almost like what she had with Garrett was too good to be true.

  "Still think you came back because of my sister?” Garrett stroked her hair softly, his cock ensconced within her body. “You are here for me and for yourself."

  She liked the fact that he stayed inside her almost as if Garrett did not want to break the connection between them. Although Arabella was feeling incredibly happy herself at the moment she was worried that admitting she was in 1888 to be with Garrett would somehow jinx the moment—that time would say “wait a second why is she still there?” Could she keep Garrett in her life? Could this happiness last? Angelene had stayed with her man. Why couldn't she? Surely time would not play favorites so cruelly? Arabella was no expert at happiness but surely she was due her share?

  "I am going to see Frank Black tomorrow.” Stubbornness, thy name is Arabella. Do not name happiness for fear of it being taken from you . Arabella looked at Garrett and wondered why she was telling him her plans. It was not like he needed to know or that she needed his permission. It was just oddly nice to have someone to share information with.

  "Why?” Garrett looked at her with sudden curiosity.

  "Jealous?” Admittedly it was unusual to bring up another man's name while your lover was still buried deep inside you but a small part of Arabella hoped he was jealous. It was crazy and childish but also kind of thrilling to know you meant so much to one person that they only wanted you to be with them.

  "Should I be?” Garrett massaged her back softly as he locked eyes with her.

  "No because I will only ever have sex with you in this time.” Or any other time. She had heard about ‘mating for life'. Now she understood it. Why accept second best when your heart could only ever belong to one person?

  "Arabella Smith, you know it's because you love me as I love you."

  "Yes and I also know there is a possibility I can be sent back as fast as I landed here. Nothing is certain between us, Garrett.” And that was the killer. As much as she wanted to believe she had been thrown back in time for Garrett, Arabella knew life was never that simple. She was a realist. She knew things happened for a reason but sometimes the reason wasn't what you wanted. She knew she was risking terrible heartbreak being with Garrett. Sure Angelene stayed. But she was destined to stay because of her husband. She did not have a book tying her to this time. Which link was stronger? The book or Garrett? “We are literally from different worlds. My loving you is irrelevant if I am chucked back into 2008 without you.” She felt a sudden pricking of tears in her eyes. She never cried. Get a grip, woman!

  Garrett shook his head and smiled at her in exasperation.

  "You are stubborn, Arabella."

  "I am what I am.” And he was what he was. She was beginning to feel a part of what he was hardening nicely inside her. Arabella pushed down on him, her vaginal muscles contracting around his cock.

  "Why are you seeing Black?” Garrett's hands slid down to her arse and he fondled the cheeks with the obvious intent of taking her again.

  "You know he plans to marry your sister.” Arabella squirmed in delight as his hands slid between the cheeks of her arse and ran along the moist cleft.


  "Well I am not going to let it happen."

  "You want Amy Louisa to marry Adam Wade so when the times comes you can swing your pretty arse back to 2008 with all the problems solved.” Garrett leaned forward and kissed her shoulders tenderly.

  The man could kiss the underside of her foot and she would be turned on.

  "I don't know how much time I have. I want to make things right. Don't you want your sister to be happy?” Arabella had no siblings of her own but she had some idea that was what brothers and sisters wanted for each other.

  "Yes of course I do, honey, but I am not in control of her life. My father is."

  "What a load of rubbish! She is a grown woman who can make her own choices.” The thought of any man telling any woman what to do did not compute with Arabella. Surely Garrett wasn't like that? She would have to re-think the whole sex thing if he was. After this one last ride of course .

  "Judging by you, Miss Arabella, I can only imagine that in 2008 women have a great deal of independence."

  Arabella narrowed her eyes at him. Just what was he inferring?

  "Do you have a problem with independent women?” Yes Garrett was a man of the nineteenth century and maybe she should cut him some slack, but what would have happened if the Suffragettes had just given up on the rights of women? Arabella knew she could not be with a man who did not respect her.

  Garrett massaged her shoulders gently, his eyes honest on hers.

  "I love everything about you. I would fight for your right to be as independent as you wanted to be but you have to remember that this is 1888 and most women are very much trapped in a male dominated society."

  Arabella blew out a deep frustrated sigh. Garrett was right. Women were screwed in this century. How could she get Amy Louisa married to the love of her life if her father stood in her way? Arabella raised herself off Garrett and looked down at his club-like cock. How could she have sex when there were issues she had to sort out? Quite easily ... no, wrong response . She had to focus and sitting on Garrett's cock did not help her do that. Arabella had to work out how to get Amy Louisa and Adam Wade together so she could go home. Do I want to go home? Yes ... sort of. Oh bugger! I cannot think clearly around Garrett. The man and his cock must go.

  "Well 1888 just sucks.” Close yo
ur legs and back away from the hot guy, missy.

  "Sucks?” Garrett asked in amusement as he tried to pull her back on top of him. “Does that mean it's a bad thing?"

  "Yes.” Arabella crawled off of him and reached for her pajama pants. She had to plan and scheme and she could not do that around the man with the cock.

  "'Cause sucking to me is a very good thing.” Garrett caught her ankle before she could move too far from him. “You're not upset with me, you're upset with society's rules.” Garrett advanced towards her with intent in his eyes.

  He reached for her pajama pants and flung them out through the tree house door.

  Great now I have to climb down bare-arsed. Not a good look for any woman.

  "Hey ... what the...” Suddenly Arabella found herself on her back as Garrett picked up her other ankle and pulled her gently forward so she was lying beneath him on the sprung wooden floor. She looked up into Garrett's eyes and saw passion and love. Arabella knew what he wanted and she wanted the same thing but she needed time to think and with Garrett looking all hot and ready to go, thinking wasn't an option—doing was.

  "This is all too overwhelming.” So why were her hands instinctively pulling him down towards her? What happened to her need to plan?

  "I have not yet begun to overwhelm you, honey.” Garrett settled himself between the cradle of her thighs. He gently pushed the hair back from her face and kissed her lips softly. “This is about you and me, Arabella. Everyone else does not exist at this moment. 2008 and 1888 are just numbers.” His hands trailed down to her breasts. “There are no buts or maybes. It's not complicated. I love you, I want you and I need you."

  How did I ever get this lucky?

  "You know I am going to try and get Amy Louisa and Adam Wade together.” Arabella wrapped her legs around Garrett's waist.

  "Yes I would be disappointed if you didn't.” Garrett grinned at her in a sexy manner. “Now may I come inside?"

  "Please do,” invited Arabella as she welcomed the hard thrust of his cock into the hot wet core of her. She gasped as Garrett's mouth sucked down hard on her nipple. “Oh boy if I get splinters from this...”It will be damn worth it.

  Garrett took his mouth from her breast and rolled them both so his back was on the floor.

  "I can't have you getting hurt now.” His hands fastened on her hips. “I have plans for you, Miss Smith."

  Arabella sat up straddling Garrett, her hands on his chest. His heart was pounding in the same crazy rhythm as hers. For two people who were technically one hundred and twenty years apart they were two halves of a whole. She could fight what she felt or she could see where it took her. She had a horrible feeling there was going to be heartbreak at the end of this. But if she passed up this one moment in time she knew she would regret it.

  "I love you, Garrett.” His smile in response lit up her entire being. It was funny how the simple things made people happy.

  Garrett pulled her down to him and kissed her hungrily.

  "That wasn't so hard to say was it?"

  "Well you are awfully cute so that helps, Master Robillard.” Arabella pushed herself upright and started to ride her man slowly.

  "This will work between us, Arabella.” Garrett's voice held an edge of determination that made Arabella want to believe him.

  "Let's take it moment by moment.” And at that precise moment she was feeling hot, thrusting force between her legs and she wanted to savor that sensation. This time she planned on being real slow and thorough and milking every bit of pleasure she could.

  * * * *

  "Did you hear that, Maud?” Aggie rushed into her sister's bedroom. “It sounded like Arabella screaming. I think she might be in pain."

  Maud Rainey rolled over in bed and shook her head with an exasperated smile. She loved her sister but sometimes she was incredibly dense. The scream that tore through the early morning calm was one of release and pleasure. Maud remembered only too well what that felt like but that had been long ago.

  "Arabella is doing better than either of us. Just go to bed, Aggie."

  "Are you sure, Maud? I don't want her coming to grief."

  "She's coming to something,” murmured Maud in envy as she punched her pillow. “Go to bed.” She listened to Aggie leave the room. “Bloody Will."

  Chapter Eight

  "In 2008 I am what you might call an entrepreneur,” Frank Black said as he led Arabella through to the elegant parlor of his spacious home. “I dabbled in this and that."

  "Which translates into you're a lowlife scumbag who made money out of other people.” Black's home was much larger than the Raineys’ and on par with Angelene's. Arabella had found out how Angelene's husband made his living. He owned the local mill. Somehow she instinctively knew that Frank Black was not the type to dirty his hands with honest work. “So what was it, pyramid schemes? Money laundering? Drugs or all of the above?” It annoyed Arabella that she had squashed herself into a corset to come and visit him. But he was right. She was not the sort of woman who sat back and ignored challenges.

  Frank Black threw back his head and laughed.

  "I really like you, Arabella."

  "And yet I don't care for you at all.” Arabella looked around his home. Unlike the Raineys’ comfortable abode, Black's home was sumptuously furnished but devoid of any true life. So how did he afford all this if he had only been in 2008 for a month? “So what's the story Frank? You've been here all of five minutes and yet you have all this stuff."

  "You'd be amazed what you can achieve in a short space of time."

  Arabella picked up a delicate figurine and turned it over as all the best snoops did. Minton. Nice . That would fetch a pretty penny in 2008.

  "Actually very little amazes me,” said the woman from the twenty-first century whose corset was crushing her ribs and whose legs ached pleasantly from the early morning romp with a man who would be one hundred and fifty-five in her time. Please I dare you to amaze me.

  "Did you hear of the Winslow Securities Trust?"

  Arabella smiled cynically. Of course.

  "So you're the arsehole that ripped off all those investors.” The Winslow Security Trust worked on gullible land speculators. They put their hard-earned retirement savings into developing canal front living on the Gold Coast. Problem was there were no canals to speculate on, just a bunch of glossy brochures that lured and enticed. “So you were one of the pricks that had his coat over his head in the television pictures as they pushed you into court? How very brave of you."

  "No they were my partners. I was just about to face a jury of my peers in court for my part in our business dealings when—wham—I ended up at the Raineys'."

  "Hmmm, let me guess,” began Arabella, circling the parlor idly as Frank Black was not a man you allowed to trap you in one place. “You took off to the 1888 equivalent of the Gold Coast and flogged undeveloped land that wasn't yours.” Not a bad idea, just a morally corrupt one.

  "I had no choice. When I landed at the Raineys’ I realized that despite the fact that the ladies wanted to help me their idea of help and mine were completely different.” His eyes followed Arabella's every movement.

  "So you helped yourself.” Arabella was no moral compass for anyone but she did not believe in ripping people off for self gain.

  "I had to survive.” There was no apology in his voice. Just fact.

  Arabella had met some cold-hearted people in her life but Frank Black now shot to the top of her list of assholes.

  "So I suppose you think your reason to come back in time is to make money."

  Frank Black chuckled at her words as he shook his head at her tone.

  "Unlike you, Arabella, I do not think there is a mystical reason for me being here. I take every situation on its merits and try to make it work for me."

  "Don't you want to go back home?” Arabella could not think of one redeeming thing to say about the ratfink before her. From his smirking face to his alley cat morals he was slimy. Probably small balled as w
ell .

  "Why would I want to go back?” Frank Black asked as if the question was ridiculous.

  "You left your life—as sorry-arsed as it is—behind."

  "1888 is better as I am a free man. No one wants to put me in jail here."

  "Yet,” added Arabella, sure that like all crooks he would screw up and get caught.

  Frank Black walked towards her and looked at her assessingly, his eyes lingering on her tightly encased breasts.

  "Tell me, Arabella Smith, what did you leave behind?"

  Good question. The answer was sod all. There was nothing for her but debt and unemployment in 2008. She had no family. No one but a few friends would miss her yet Arabella had some half-arsed idea what she was doing. It was a sterile, impersonal time but she understood it. She liked her freedom and fast food. She hated corsets and conventions. In 1888 she had restrictions yet she had Garrett Robillard and he was very good at taking a corset off. And she had love. That was not something she had experienced before. This was all so confusing. Time had been fickle throwing her back. Would it be just as unpredictable chucking her forward? Arabella could not let go of the fact that she should go back to 2008. Why she should, she did not know, since there was stuff all to keep her there. Maybe because it was familiar and the familiar asked nothing of her. Was Garrett right? Was she just being stubborn or was it more that she was scared?


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