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Lust in Time

Page 14

by Amarinda Jones

  "Miss Smith, it is none of this your business,” he responded tersely.

  "Just because you stuffed up your life by marrying someone you did not love does not mean your daughter has to."

  "Arabella,” warned Maud, putting a restraining hand on her arm.

  "No, Maud, I will not shut up.” She looked at Maud in frustration. What the hell was wrong with these people that they gave up so easily? “He threw away his chance to be with you and he cannot be allowed to screw up Amy Louisa's happiness."

  "That is enough! You are to have nothing to do with my daughter,” bellowed William Robillard, his face red with rage. “And I will never let Garrett marry you."

  They were fighting words. Arabella jumped to her feet and squared off to face the angry patriarch.

  "You cannot forbid me to do anything and I will marry your son so stick it in your ear.” She looked at Maud who shook her head in exasperation and at Aggie whose eyes were open wide with delight. Okay probably enough said . “If you'll excuse me.” Arabella walked calmly out of the room, her heart hammering and mind whirling.

  Chapter Nine

  "I hear you announced to my father we are getting married.” Garrett climbed through the bedroom window that Arabella opened for him. She stood before him dressed in nothing but a thin lawn camisole that fell down to the tops of her thighs. It did nothing to conceal the tangle of curls between her legs. His cock had been hard all day just thinking about making slow, lingering love to Arabella. Seeing her now with her nipples poking at the thin fabric and knowing that she was bare-arsed and waiting for him made him wonder if he could go as slow as he had wanted to. Though hard and fast the first time and soft and slow after that was a good plan too.

  "You are supposed to wait to be asked you know,” Garrett murmured happily as he pulled off his boots and started taking off his clothes. He had been delighted when his father had stormed back to the house and told him “that woman declared she is going to marry you.” Garrett wanted nothing more than to marry Arabella and keep her in his life forever. He ripped off his shirt and made swift work of removing his trousers. He grinned as Arabella's eyes widened with interest at his already impatient cock.

  "Your father pissed me off."

  "I have to tell you, honey, I don't believe in long engagements.” He moved quickly to her, needing to be skin to skin with the woman he loved.

  "We're not getting married,” Arabella sighed in frustration.

  Garrett saw a mixture of fear and resignation in her eyes. That she loved him he did not doubt. That Arabella could allow herself to accept what fate had handed her was another thing.

  "Yes we are.” There was no doubt at all in Garrett's mind.

  "But what if I am not meant to stay in this time?” Nothing in life or even time travel was guaranteed.

  The sadness in her voice touched Garrett deeply. He reached for the book on her bedside table. It was the novel that had brought Arabella to him.

  "I believe you were brought into my life because you need me and you need to be loved. Only I can do that Arabella—you know it and the fates that brought us together know it.” He placed the copy of The Border Shepherdess down and reached for her, pulling her into his arms. “Don't fight it, honey."

  * * * *

  Arabella wanted to believe everything Garrett said but the book connected her to Amy Louisa as well. If she helped her find happiness did that mean it would ruin her own? What exactly was the bloody reason she had been brought back?

  "I don't know,” Arabella murmured as she ran her hands down his chest, loving the feel of his strong body against hers. Did she live for the moment or be sensible and push him away? Though it would be an awful shame to let the nice hard cock that was pushing at her stomach go to waste.

  "Yes you do.” Garrett ripped her camisole down the middle, picked her up in his arms and dropped her on the bed.

  "Hey!” She wanted to sound affronted at the caveman-like tactics but there was something to be said about bodice ripping and having the gorgeous man you desired lie down on top of you with the intent of making love to you until you screamed with pleasure. Yum.

  "I need you, honey."

  The sexy look in Garrett's eyes was so overwhelming that Arabella wanted to give him anything he asked for. She reached down and touched the head of his cock caressingly.

  "I can see and feel that.” She opened her legs wide so he could lie in between. Nothing would make her happier than having this adorable man hot and tight inside her. Arabella had been waiting for this moment all day.

  Garrett ran his hand down between her legs, smiling as she jumped in reaction.

  "Nice and wet and all for me.” Garrett massaged her clit with his fingers as his tongue stroked one pink nipple.

  Oh yes.

  "Only you, Garrett,” she moaned as his mouth sucked hungrily on her breast. If she got sent back to 2008 Arabella knew she would never take another lover as no man could ever compete with Garrett Robillard. “Take me now.” Arabella wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him down tight against her.

  He looked up at her with passion-filled eyes.

  "I wanted this to go slow."

  "Do you really think either of us is going to be able to hold on a moment longer?” The cock against her stomach was already weeping it was so ready to explode. “I want you inside me now, Master Robillard. We can do slow later."

  "Anything you want, honey,” growled Garrett possessively as his lips sought hers hungrily and he plunged his cock deep inside her.

  Arabella dropped her head back and bit down on the shriek that came to her lips. She was aware that the Raineys were sleeping but she was sure they would not want to hear what she was doing if they happened to wake.

  "Oh Garrett...” she panted softly as he thrust deeply back and forward inside her.

  "Do you like this, Miss Smith?” Garrett asked with a knowing grin as he leaned forward to kiss her hard.

  "I love it and I love you.” She clutched his body to her never wanting the moment to end. She had thought the whole thing about feeling ‘complete’ with another human being was psychobabble to sell books. But now Arabella understood it. “I don't ever want to leave you, darling."

  Garrett smiled with delight as if her term of endearment meant the world to him. He pulled out of her body and gathered her up into his arms as he sat back on his haunches.

  "So you'll stay for me.” His eyes were locked on hers as he penetrated her once more.

  "As long as I can,” Arabella swore as she rocked back and forward on his lap, the need to come so overwhelming that she thought she would explode.

  Garrett grabbed her hips and moved her faster on top of him.

  "This will work, honey."

  "God I hope so.” Arabella bit her lips as the orgasm started to overwhelm her. “Please kiss me now."

  "My pleasure.” Garrett's lips muffled her scream.

  Arabella's body shuddered hard as she felt Garrett shoot hot and powerfully inside her as they came together.

  "Bloody hell,” she gasped quietly as she slumped against Garrett, who in turn flopped sideways on the bed, cradling her in his arms, their bodies still joined.

  "You know you have to marry me now."

  "Because we didn't use protection and I could be pregnant?” Even as she said the words Arabella felt a warm glow run through her body. This was the second time in a couple of days she'd thought about having kids. Having Garrett in her life made her positively clucky.

  "As great as having a baby with you would be, honey,” Garrett said as he ran a possessive hand down her stomach to where they were joined, “I was thinking more along the lines of needing to have our own home so you can scream as much as you like when you come."

  Their own home. Marriage. Babies. Arabella Smith domesticated. It was crazy yet doable—but for one thing.

  "Frank Black is a scumbag."

  Garrett chuckled at her words.

  "I was hoping you were going to s
ay what a fabulous lover I was."

  "Darling, that goes without saying.” Arabella stroked Garrett's chest softly as she thought about the one black mark in their otherwise perfect dream.

  "Is it just that you don't want him to marry Amy Louisa or is it something else?” Garrett looked at her in concern.

  "He's a conman."

  "Yes he is.” Garrett's mouth was grim with distaste. “I have told my father but unfortunately he views this as enterprising rather than manipulative.” He looked at the woman curled up against his chest. “There is something else isn't there?"

  "Frank Black wanted me to sleep with him."

  "What?” Garrett barked out angrily.

  "He said if I did he would leave Amy Louisa alone."

  Garrett swore savagely under his breath.

  "And? I can see by the look in your eyes there is more you have not told me."

  "No, that's it.” Garrett Robillard had eyes that could see right inside her. She had nowhere to hide.

  "What else, Arabella?"

  She sighed deeply. Logically she knew Garrett had to know about the threat. After all it was against him. However she had a feeling he would be more worried about her than himself. That would make him vulnerable.

  "Black said he would hurt you if I did not have sex with him.” Arabella bit her lip as for one crazy moment she thought she would cry. The thought of anything happening to Garrett was too horrible to contemplate.

  Garrett's eyes softened on hers

  "Oh, honey,” he responded with sudden understanding.

  "I would never..."

  Garrett kissed her tenderly as if no further words of explanation were needed.

  "You know I am going to have to punch him for even approaching you with that suggestion.” The muscle in his jaw tensed angrily as he said it.

  "Well as much as that would delight me, it's a bit rash."

  "If he touches you I will kill him.” The tone of Garrett's voice indicated this was not negotiable. “I love you, Arabella."

  "I know.” She smiled at him suddenly as she felt his cock rapidly swelling inside her. “Hmmm ... again?"

  "I did warn you once I got you to a bed I would make love to you for hours."

  Hours later Arabella was exhausted. Garrett Robillard was a man of his word. In fact, as far as Arabella was concerned, he was man of the century for his stamina alone.

  "I may never walk straight again,” Arabella said as she crawled from the bed. Her body ached pleasantly everywhere. Her skin was covered in stubble rash and her lips were so swollen from kisses that Botox would never be an issue with Garrett around. She looked over at him as she reached for her robe. “You look mighty pleased with yourself."

  "I am,” Garrett lay naked with his hands behind his head smiling at her.

  "You are...” A sudden discreet knocking at the door stopped Arabella's words.

  "Arabella dear, would Garrett like breakfast before he leaves?” Maud called politely through the door.

  Arabella's mouth dropped open and her face burned. How embarrassing. How did Maud know?

  "Garrett's not with me.” Even as she said the words she knew she sounded like a teenage girl caught necking with her boyfriend.

  Garrett laughed loudly at Arabella's words.

  "I'd love breakfast, Miss Maud,” he called back as he jumped out of bed like a new man.

  "Good Morning, Garrett,” Aggie called happily to him. “We're having pancakes."

  "Aggie too?” Arabella put her hands to her face and wondered how she was ever going to face them. They had different moral standards and Arabella felt like she was abusing their hospitality and yet they were offering her and Garrett pancakes.

  "Pancakes will be perfect,” responded Garrett. “Give us a moment to dress."

  Arabella pulled her hands from her face quickly and looked at him in horror.

  "Now they will think we are naked."

  "We are.” Garrett pulled her into his arms. “They know we have not been playing chess all night though you do have some mighty fine moves, honey."

  Arabella slapped his chest softly.

  "How am I going to sit and eat pancakes with those ladies?"

  "With a knife and fork,” replied Garrett before kissing her soundly.

  * * * *

  Two hours later Arabella grimaced with distaste as she watched Frank Black strolling with an awkwardly constrained Amy Louisa by his side down the short main street of Glendenholme. Arabella gritted her teeth and hoped like hell Garrett was telling his father again what a prick this man was. She watched as Amy Louisa broke off from Frank and spoke to some friends of hers. Arabella made her move on him.

  "Come to congratulate me on my engagement?” Frank Black called to Arabella when he saw her. “You could have stopped this you know."

  Arabella snorted contemptuously at him. She had promised Garrett she would not approach Black. But the promise did not extend to coming across him innocently. It was always good to have loopholes when you were pissed off and wanted to have a go at someone.

  "By sleeping with you? Oh please, you still would have taken Amy Louisa.” She looked at him with distaste. “What do you have on her old man?” There had to be more than just William Robillard wanting a secure future for his daughter.

  "What makes you say that?” Black looked at her as if annoyed that she could see through him.

  "Because no man would sacrifice his daughter for the likes of you."

  "You are a smart bitch.” He looked around him to see who was listening. “There was this business deal of old man Robillard's that went belly up and he needed some cash fast to shore up an investment and—"

  "And being the slimy bastard you are you swapped money for his daughter."

  "I am a man who will succeed whatever the cost.” To Frank Black that was a fact.

  The man was just plain nasty and she felt contaminated just talking to him.

  "Why do you want Amy Louisa anyway? You have money and there are lots of women who will sleep with anyone for cash.” Though there was not enough money in any century for Arabella to contemplate it.

  "While that is true Amy Louisa has something they don't. She has class and she is pure.” He looked over at the woman in question. “Added to that, despite a small cash flow problem, Papa Robillard has a healthy estate."

  "If my limited understanding of the nineteenth century is correct, the patriarch did the usual male chauvinistic thing and left the bulk of the wealth to the child with the penis and an allowance to the daughter."

  "Or if the son dies then the daughter gets it all.” Frank Black looked at her significantly.

  "If you hurt Garrett I will kill you.” This was written in stone as far as Arabella was concerned. She wanted to slap him when he laughed at her words. “I swear I will."

  "You only have to open your legs to me to save your precious Garrett."

  Arabella looked at him in disgust.

  "Even if I was insane enough to do that you would still kill Garrett as you are a greedy asshole."

  Frank Black laughed with delight.

  "I like you, Arabella. You see straight through me and that is refreshing. We would make such a good team."

  "Fuck off.” Arabella murmured over-politely.

  "Ladies don't swear."

  "Or wish green ants would chew your dick off slowly and painfully, but I do both."

  Frank Black smiled widely at her and reached for her arm.

  "Touch me and I will scream."

  "Like you screamed for Robillard when he took you in the arse?"

  "Drop dead.” Arabella turned to walk away from him.

  "I'll win this battle, Arabella."

  "No Frankie-boy, you won't.” Arabella smiled in cynical sweetness at him. “You see Garrett has told his father what a greedy prick you are and what you plan to do.” Not that she had faith in Robillard senior seeing the light.

  "You bitch!"

  "This ruins your plan somewhat doesn't it?�
� Arabella was pleased at his reaction. He knew he was screwed.

  "You will pay for this,” he muttered as he stalked away angrily.

  Chapter Ten

  "I told my father he must do something to stop Black,” Garrett said as Arabella let him into the Rainey home. “All the money in the world is not worth my sister's unhappiness."


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