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Trinity Bound

Page 22

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  He passed Josh a beer and winked. Damn arrogant wolf. He could have been thinking about Hannah, and that’s why his erection tented his jeans, straining at the material. Though now that Josh thought about her and those pouty lips, the teeth of his zipper dug into his dick. Fuck, that’d leave a mark. He adjusted himself, then let the cold brew go down his throat. Hopefully that’d take an edge off the heat coursing through his system. Sure.

  “You ready?”

  Hell yeah. An image of Reed on his knees, sucking him off as he thrust down the man’s throat made him groan.

  Wait. Ready for what?

  Reed laughed and tossed him a hammer, which he barely managed to catch in his current state of arousal.

  “I meant to finish the deck. But if you want to hammer something else, I’m game.” He raised a brow.

  “Oh.” He cleared his throat. “We need to finish this before we get another storm, but I’ll take you up on that offer later.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  With that, they got to work, laying down planks and hammering nails until their work resembled the deck they were going for.

  “Shit,” Reed growled.

  Josh broke out in a laugh. “I thought werewolves had amazing reflexes. How the hell did you hit your thumb?”

  The other man scowled and shook his hand. “It’s not my fault. I was distracted.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, you were bent over in front of me, shaking that ass of yours as you worked that last piece of wood. What do you expect?”

  He swallowed hard. “You’re gonna blame me for that?”

  Reed shrugged. “Pretty much.”

  “Okay then.” Deliberately, Josh turned around and bent over again, inspecting his work.

  His mate groaned and walked up behind him, resting his hands on Josh’s thighs, rubbing the worn denim. He wiggled his butt, something out of character for him. He was usually the dominant one, not the playful one. But being with Reed in this position sent shivers down his spine and made him want to submit to him.

  “You know we haven’t actually done this since the night in the forest,” Josh said. They’d slept with Hannah and touched a bit, but they hadn’t shared sex between the two of them. A fact that bugged Josh. Didn’t Reed want him?

  His lover leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I know. I didn’t want to come on too strong and jump you every day. Though the thought did cross my mind.”

  “Are we done here?” he grumbled. “Let’s get inside. I know you don’t have neighbors, but the idea of giving anyone a show might be too much for me.”

  Reed laughed. “Come on, big boy.” He slapped his ass and walked into the house.

  Slightly offended, he rubbed the sting as he followed him. “Big boy?”

  “Well, it’s the truth. Ask Hannah.” Reed frowned.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe I want to know what it feels like. What Hannah feels.”

  Josh gulped. “You mean…”

  “Yeah.” Reed shook his head. “But don’t worry. I mean, it’s just a thought.”

  He blinked then brought the other man in close for a hug. God, to think this man needed reassurance that he loved and wanted him, floored him. That meant Josh wasn’t doing his job. Yeah, his own identity shit took up most of his thoughts these days, not to mention the changes in him. But that didn’t mean he had to neglect Reed.

  He took the other man’s chin in a firm grip. “Never, ever, think I don’t want you.”

  Reed exhaled a shaky breath. “I know that, Josh.”

  “Do you?”

  He laughed a hollow laugh. “God, I’m such a middle child.”

  Josh chuckled and kissed his forehead. “No, you just aren’t the beat-your-chest-and-drag-your-mate-back-to-the-cave by their hair type of guy your brothers are.”

  They both laughed until tears leaked from the corners of their eyes.

  “Besides,” he continued, “I can do enough of that for the both of us.”


  He ran a hand through Reed’s sandy blond hair “I do want you. In every way.”

  His mate growled and pushed him down on the couch. They shed their clothes, nibbling and licking at each other’s skin. Josh could drown in that sandalwood scent. He twisted his body and crushed his mouth to his. The other man tasted of beer and that rich taste that was all Reed, so different from Hannah. But oh, when they both melded together in a medley of deliciousness, it was incredible.

  Naked, he slid his hands up and down his lover’s body, relishing the smooth contours of his body and the way the muscles on his stomach contracted and clenched when he trailed his calloused fingers up them. Reed lay beneath him, rubbing his hands down Josh’s back and gripping his ass. Josh thrust in the same rhythm as Reed’s rubbing, his cock sliding against his lover’s. Thick tendrils of desire wrapped around his spine, and his balls grew heavy.

  This was the first time it was only the two of them. No Hannah. He noticed the lack of her presence but had also wanted to know what it felt like to be with Reed alone.

  “Damn,” he grunted. “I want you.”

  “Then have me.” Reed gripped his cock and pumped him.

  Josh almost buckled of the couch and came. So different from Hannah. He loved her small hands on him, the way she twisted and worked him slowly. But with Reed, there wasn’t any caution. Just pure passion and strength.

  Jesus. He was one lucky man.

  “You need to stop that,” Josh choked. “I’m not like you; I don’t have your kind of recovery time. I don’t want to come until I’m inside you.”

  They both shivered at the thought.

  “Then get inside me,” Reed rasped.

  “Oh, I will. But first I’m going to taste you.”


  Josh knelt in front of Reed and took him in hand. He pumped his fist then slid slowly back down before rolling the other man’s balls in his palm. Reed tilted his hips, and Josh licked the drop of pre-cum on the crown, letting the salty taste settle on his tongue before swallowing him whole.

  They’d done this a few times before, but he still felt like he was learning how to please his lover and trying to find a rhythm both of them liked. That’s what made this relationship feel real—the fact that they talked and tried to see what felt good. Josh relaxed his jaw and took him deeper, letting the other man’s cock touch the back of his throat before he hollowed his cheeks and sucked. He lifted his head and released him then repeated the process until Reed panted with need, thrusting his hips.

  “Shit, I’m gonna come.”

  Josh locked his hands around Reed’s hips and swallowed that heady taste until he’d milked every last drop. He pulled back and let go of the man’s still hard cock with a pop.

  “I think I just died.”

  Josh licked his lips. “What a way to go.”

  Reed smiled then rolled over, putting his ass in Josh’s face.

  “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  The other man laughed. “Well, I didn’t mean to be that obvious. No, I was just reaching for the lube. Can you get it? It’s in the drawer in the bottom of the side table. I’m too boneless.”

  Josh raised a brow and looked at the rock hard erection pressed between his lover and the couch.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Oh, you aren’t boneless at all, babe.”

  He laughed then dug around the drawer for the lube. His heart raced at the thought of what he was about to do. Such an unknown territory. Taboo to most. But, fuck, he wanted this.

  “Uh, Reed, we may have to move the lube to a different room at some point. Not that I mind the fact that we are ready in every room in the house. But once Finn and Brie are big enough to walk around, that could get a little embarrassing.”

  Reed laughed. “Not to mention our children.”

  Josh smiled and ignored the headache forming then lowered his head to bite Reed’s li

  “Tell me what to do.”

  “Just rub me. Circle the rim with lube then put a finger in to stretch me out. Eventually you should be able to get three in. Okay?”

  He took a deep breath and tried not to come just at the thought.

  He dabbed his finger with the lube, then dribbled it on Reed’s crease and his lover shuddered.


  He circled the rim, loving the way Reed clenched in response. Slowly, he entered a finger, and Reed clamped down.

  “Shh, relax.” Josh rubbed circles on his lover’s back, and he calmed.

  He played some more then added a second finger, finding that bundle of nerves that Reed played with on him then circled it.

  “Yeah, right there, Josh.”

  He fucked him with his fingers, adding a third one when he was ready. Josh pulled out then stood behind him, positioning his cock at the entrance.



  Josh pushed forward, the head of his cock disappearing into his lover’s ass. Fuck. He’d never felt anything like it. So hot. So tight. So different from Hannah. But he wanted her too. Wanted them both. Fuck.

  He pushed forward, pausing at intervals while Reed adjusted to him. Finally, his legs touched the back of his lover’s. Josh paused, sinking into the feeling of the vise around his cock. Then he pulled back until just the head remained buried and slammed forward again.



  He grunted then thrust over and over, panting, sweat dripping, until only the sounds of pounding flesh and groans filled the room. The couch shifted forward with each thrust, and Reed pushed backwards, wanting more contact.

  Lightning shot up his back, tingling his arms and legs, ending in his balls, until he came with a shout, his body pumping his seed into his mate, Reed soon following. Josh collapsed on top of him, his cock still buried. They were both sweaty and he pulled out then rolled them to the floor, a tangle of limbs and heat.

  “I love you,” Reed whispered. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “I love you, too. And tell me about it.”

  Pain shot up his arm, and his head throbbed.

  Reed got up on one elbow and ran his fingertips down Josh’s temple. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “Never better,” he answered through tight lips.

  If only that were true.

  Chapter 25

  Josh scratched at the scab on his arm, frustrated the damn thing wouldn’t heal fully. No matter what Hannah or North did, it still looked like a gaping wound. At least it didn’t bleed anymore. But it was beyond annoying.

  Pin-pricks of sensation danced along his skin, ending at his temples. Growling, he rubbed them. Why wouldn’t this damn headache go away? It’d been acting up, getting progressively worse for the past week, since his interlude with Reed on the couch.

  The three of them had made love every night, in various positions and couplings, and he felt closer to the both of them. Like they were a real family.

  Blinding pain shot across his body, and he fought the urge to vomit. He let out a string of curses.

  Hannah ran into the living room and held her hand out. “I felt your pain across the house. Let me help.”

  He stepped back, cradling his arm. “I’m fine,” he bit out.

  Her eyes widened, and Reed stepped into the room.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Josh shook his head. “I just have a headache and acted like an ass.” He shifted closer to Hannah and kissed her softly. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  She smiled, but her eyes still look weary. “It’s okay. Pain makes everyone nasty. But let me help.” She held out her hands, and Josh shook his head.

  “I’m fine, really.” Something nagged at him, some reason not to let her touch him. He didn’t know why, but she couldn’t be allowed to Heal him.

  She shrugged but still looked hurt. “Fine. But please let me know if something is wrong. I want to help. Okay?”

  He didn’t answer.

  She brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes and reached up to place her lips on his. When the kissed ended, she walked back into the living room to look over a few of the Pack’s medical books she’d brought over from North’s clinic.

  Josh looked over at Reed, who scowled at him.

  “You’re not fine,” he growled.

  “Back the fuck off. I just need a minute,” Josh’s voice raised with each word.

  Why the hell was he yelling at him?

  Reed growled again, this time his eyes glowing gold. “Watch it. Please.”

  “Reed, leave off,” Hannah scolded. “Come and help me. Josh needs some space. I need your help placing names in this book with the faces I’ve seen.”

  “Always the mediator, our Hannah,” Josh snarled.

  What the fuck is going on?

  “Josh, what’s up your ass? Why are you acting like this?” Reed asked, both anger and sadness on his face.

  I have no idea.

  “What? I can’t act like I want to? I can’t speak my mind? I’m sorry if I don’t want to act like the husband in this calamity of a relationship with the two of you. I’m not a sick fuck who needs this shit.” His vision reddened. The fury of his lies and anger tasted metallic on his tongue, but urged him to stand tall.

  Reed scowled, pain in his features.

  Hannah paled, her breaths shallow. “Josh, why are you saying these things? What’s wrong?”

  “You’re what’s wrong. Everything about this. I don’t want this. I just want to go back to what I had and not even think about the two of you and your fucking mind games.”

  “Josh.” Reed lowered his voice to a guttural growl, his eyes shiny. “I love you. Hannah loves you. But you can’t speak to us this way.”

  He screamed, his fury echoing off their walls. He stumbled forward and shoved everything off the counter. Hannah yelped, and Josh turned towards her.

  Just like the dream. Her neck begged for his hands. Josh clenched his fists, his mouth salivating for the kill.

  Reed jumped in front of Josh’s prey, protecting her.

  “I don’t need this!” he screamed. “I don’t need the two of you.”

  “Calm down, Josh,” Reed soothed. “Let’s just talk about this.”

  Hannah bit her lip, her eyes shiny. Why didn’t his prey cry? Shouldn’t she be sad? Her breaths grew shaky, her curly hair bouncing on her shoulders with each movement.

  “Please, let us help,” she whispered.

  Josh screamed again, a red haze filling his vision. The room lit in an eerie red glow. Apparently it wasn’t just his vision that was red, but his eyes as well. “I don’t need your fucking witch and werewolf help. I was fine before I met you. And I don’t need you now.”

  He picked up the clay sculpture of a curly-haired girl Reed had made for him and threw it into the wall. It shattered into a hundred pieces, and Josh reveled in it. He turned from them and ran out the house, destroying more as he went.

  The cool air brushed his face as he left the porch.

  Wait. Where was he going? Shit. Go Back. Find them. Apologize. Let Hannah Heal you. Anything to stop the pain. Not just his arm and head, but the bleeding in his heart.

  A blinding pain came again, and he vomited in the bushes. Fuck. He needed to leave. Leave the Pack. Leave that sick filth behind him.

  He didn’t care where he ran; he just needed to go. A flash made him blink. Then he saw nothing.


  Hannah let the tears fell from her eyes as the front door slammed. Her chest ached as she struggled to breathe.

  Josh had left. He’d actually left. He’d just broken their things, said words he couldn’t have meant, and walked out the door. Her heart quivered and she fought to remain standing. She’d thought everything was going well. The three of them were a family, and they’d been looking toward the future. They wanted babies.

  She let out a sob.

  “What was
that, Reed?” she choked out.

  “I don’t know, baby.”

  She ran to his arms, sinking into his warmth. He sheltered her, holding her close and she inhaled that forest scent that came from his wolf.


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