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1987: How Do I Get You Alone (Love in the 80s)

Page 3

by Cameo Renae

  As the others head down the trail, his eyes connect with mine. I wave, and a real smile finds him, warming my heart. Then he winks, and my legs go weak. Damn him.

  He stands and points a finger ahead of me, and when I turn, my forehead smacks into a tree branch.

  “Ahhh!” I squeak.

  Travis heads my way, but I hold up a hand stopping him. “I'm all right,” I say out loud, rubbing what feels like a welt. There are no words to describe my embarrassment. Everyone is staring at me like I’m crazy.

  “Lyssa, what the hell are you doing?” Tiff asks with hands on hips.

  “Oh nothing,” I reply. “I had a close encounter with a branch, and it wasn’t as friendly as I thought.”

  “Duh, Lyssa,” Stacey huffs. “You, like, totally deserve that for hugging trees instead of boys.”

  Matt laughs, then leans over and kisses her on the lips.

  I sigh and roll my eyes. At least trees don’t invade my space and leave bodily fluids on my face or in my mouth.

  The lake was part of the Prestons’ fifty-acre property. Most of the land is unusable, covered with thick trees, but they cleared an impressive pathway to the lake which was about a half-mile away. The trail is lined with flowers, and I always feel like it’s leading me to somewhere magical.

  The others walk on ahead while I linger in the back, taking it all in. The quiet and scenery are well worth the trek. The sun shines above, and the familiar smells of the woods trigger wonderful memories from past summers we’d spent here.

  In the fifth grade, we were playing hide-and-seek in these woods when Tiff got lost. Everyone was frantic, thinking the worst possible scenario, but she’d run into the woods and couldn’t find her way back, going further away from us.

  It was Travis who finally found her, right before sunset. After that, we were never allowed to play hide-and-seek in the woods again.

  This place makes me both happy and sad, thinking this could be my last memory here.

  As we reach the lake, it looks as breathtaking as it always has. It’s nearly two hundred yards around, with the clearest blue water. The entire lake is enclosed by tall spruce and cedar trees, and a large dock with bench seating is directly ahead of us. One side has a shade cover.

  From the center of the dock is a small boardwalk that juts out over the lake. It’s perfect for jumping off and has ladders on either side to climb back up.

  “Oh. My. God,” Stacey's voice interrupts. “So, did you guys like watch that new episode of 21 Jump Street? Johnny Depp is so freaking fine.” Matt narrows his eyes at her.

  “Oh, he’s totally fine, but Richard Grieco,” Tiff counters, “can be my boy toy any day.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” David barks.

  “Dude, take a chill pill. Like I’d even have a chance.” Tiff rolls her eyes and smacks him on the ass. He laughs, and as she strips down to her bathing suit, he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder.

  “David, you asshole! Put me down!” she screams, beating on his back.

  He runs down the dock and leaps right off the end. They both splash into the water and come up laughing.

  I turn around, and Stacey and Matt are making out again. The sounds of their lips and tongues sloshing together make me nauseated.

  Gag me. No, like seriously. Gag me with a freaking ice-cream scoop, and knock me the hell out with it after.

  This was one more reason why I didn’t want to bring a boy to the cabin. Tiff almost brought David’s friend Kent, but I told her that if he came, I was staying home. Kent was a dick, in more ways than one. All of his brain cells were condensed into that one little appendage. Now, if he were Clark Kent, maybe I’d have considered it.

  I tie my hair back with a black scrunchy, satisfied it matches my new two-piece Body Glove bathing suit with hot pink sides. I slip out of my oversized white shirt, and slather sunscreen all over me.

  Matt gives a war cry then takes off running down the boardwalk like a maniac, bombing David, and Tiff.

  “Asshole,” Stacey curses, adjusting her white rimmed sunglasses. “He like totally forgot to apply my sunscreen. If I get burned, I will seriously be pissed.”

  “I guess no third base for him tonight?” I say, with a grin on my face.

  Her eyes roll under her glasses. “He’ll be like totally lucky to get to first.” She smirks, then flicks her towel and spreads it on the dock.

  I walk over to the covered part of the dock which houses a small cabinet holding the lake inflatables. I pull out a raft and unfold it, then begin the tedious feat of blowing it up. On my last few breaths, I look up and spot Travis and Dallas walking toward us.

  I don’t see a girl with them and wonder what happened.

  I’ve known Dallas as long as I’ve known Tiff and Travis. We’d run into him on occasion when his mom would bring him over to their house to visit her sister, Mrs. Preston. He’s two years older than us and handsome, in a Ralph Macchio sort of way. He is as tall as Travis, but not nearly as muscular.

  Most of the time he was just a stuck-up, rude jerk, so it didn’t thrill me he was here.

  As they reach us, Dallas’ eyes dart from Stacey to me, then freeze. The way he’s staring at me with his mouth agape is a bit unsettling.

  “Lyssa Taylor?” He sounds shocked, but his eyes are hidden behind dark Ray Ban sunglasses.

  “Yep,” I reply, giving him a halfhearted wave. I regret waving because now he’s heading toward me.

  “What happened to her?” he says a little too loud to Travis, elbowing his side. “She’s freaking hot.”

  I don’t want to look at them, and I groan internally, knowing Dallas’ flirty reputation. I suddenly wish I’d brought my pepper spray. But it doesn’t matter. He has balls, and I have a wicked knee with a reputation.

  “So is that your dude out there on the lake?” he asks. I can only assume he’s talking to me, so I glance up and notice he’s pointing to Matt.

  “Nope. That’s Stacey’s dude,” I answer, still avoiding his gaze.

  “Hey, Dallas.” Stacey waves. Her boobs are practically bursting from her bright yellow bikini, and it reminds me of a song my mom used to play—Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini—minus the polka dots.

  “Hey, Stacey,” he replies. “You’re looking bright and perky.” A smile lifts on Stacey’s bright pink lips. “So, Lyssa, where’s your boyfriend?”

  “Don’t have one.” I finish off the last blow of my inflatable.

  Dallas is now standing a foot away, trying to get my attention. “Shit, if I weren't tied down, I’d snatch you up.”

  My mouth drops open, and my head snaps up to look at him. “And who says I’d want to be snatched up by you?” I roll my eyes. “Besides, where’s your girlfriend? I thought she was coming.”

  Stacey exhales loudly. Without looking, I can tell she’s cringing at my reaction. But I don’t give a damn. I’m not a flirt like she is.

  “She couldn’t get off work,” he replies, hovering.

  I glance over at Travis standing off to the side, watching us with a glimmer in his eye.

  Why isn’t he helping me?

  I push the stopper into the raft to seal it and stand, stopping inches away from Dallas. “Isn’t that a shame. She’s totally missing out.” I see a shift in his eyes and a grin lift on the corner of his lips. He thinks I’m coming on to him.

  Behind, I see Travis move, but I keep my focus and lean in closer to Dallas. I place my hand on his chest, and whisper, ever so lightly, in his ear. “Hopefully, she’s thinking about you, as much as you are of her.” I trace my finger down his chest, give him a wink and a smile, then turn and saunter down the boardwalk.

  “Shit,” he exhales.

  I can’t help but smile inwardly.

  About halfway down the boardwalk, I throw the raft into the water and dive in after it. The water is ice cold but feels amazing. When I surface, Dallas is mumbling unintelligible words. As I glance back, Travis is laughing. His ey
es catch mine, and he gives me a subtle nod. I can only assume he’s happy I stood up for myself. But I didn’t do it for him. I did it so Dallas hopefully catches the hint and stops flirting with me for the next few days.

  I am floating blissfully on the water, soaking up the sun while trying to block out the banter between the others, when I feel a tap on my arm. As I turn, there’s a face a few inches away from mine.

  Screaming, I flip off my raft, sucking water into my lungs. I surface, coughing, and grabbing for the inflatable.

  “What the hell?” I hack, glaring at Dallas.

  “I’m sorry!” he apologizes, treading water while holding his hands up in the air. He was on the swim team, so he has no problem staying afloat.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. Or for you to fall in and choke.”

  I’d seriously like to wipe the grin off his face, but I’m still coughing.

  “Why are you here?” I finally spit out.

  “I want you to be my partner.”

  My eyes narrow on him. “What?”

  He thumbs over to Tiff who is climbing onto David’s shoulders. Matt is lowering Stacey onto his shoulders from the dock ladder. “Water wars.”

  Glancing toward the boardwalk, Travis is standing on the dock with his hands on his hips. His eyes are hard set on Dallas, but when they find mine, they soften. I gasp as he pulls his shirt over his head and drops it on the boardwalk, revealing his masterfully chiseled body. Then he dives in. After a few short strokes, he’s treading water a few feet away from me.

  “Sorry, man. Lyssa’s my partner,” he says. My mind is spinning, and my heart pounding. “We’re reigning champs, and it’s time to defend our title.”

  “Bullshit,” Dallas curses, looking to me for confirmation.

  I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. “It’s true,” I say, remembering our win eight freaking years ago.

  When we first started water wars, Tiff was much bigger than I was, and she partnered up with her dad. Being the smallest, I was teamed up with Travis. I remember how much I wanted to impress him, so I gave it everything I had. Mr. Preston must have given us a chance because Tiff flew off her dad’s shoulders with ease. That day, Travis gave me the widest smile and a high-five. It made my entire vacation.

  I’m thrust from the memory as Travis clears his throat; his hand is stretched out toward me. When I pause, he tilts his head and raises his brow. “Well? Are we gonna defend that title, or not?”

  “Hell, yeah,” I say. My insides are bursting, and I can feel it reflecting in my widened smile.

  As I place my hand in his, there is an instant shock. I gasp as his hand locks around mine, pulling me tightly against his front. I’m suddenly hyper-aware of every place our bare skin is touching. I can’t breathe. My head is buzzing, and the heat emanating from his body is melting me to my core. It’s been only a few seconds, but it feels like I’ve been captured for much longer. I try not to show emotion, but I know I’m failing miserably.

  His smile widens and a smirky grin lifts on the corners of his lips as he releases my hand. He grips both of my wrists and pulls me behind him, folding my arms around his neck.

  I’m trying not to hyperventilate, but I’m freaking hugging Travis Preston. And he made me do it. Oh, God. I wonder if he can feel my heartbeat. Or hear it. It sounds like a freaking war drum in my ears.

  My front is pressed tightly against his bare back, and I’m tingling all over. Dammit. I can’t let him make me weak. I’m stronger than this. But Travis has always had this effect on me.

  “Hold on,” he orders, and I obey without thought, tightening my arms around him.

  His face turns back slightly, and I see a smile rise even higher on his perfect lips. Butterflies roam wild and free inside my belly. I hold on and hope I’m not a worthless puddle of goo by the time we reach the others.

  Behind us, Dallas curses under his breath, which I find hilarious. He’s a flirt, plain and simple, and can usually get any girl he wants. But not me. I think he’s annoying as hell, and he has a girlfriend. What a dickwad.

  As we near the others, I pray Tiff can’t read my emotions. I narrow my eyes, giving her my best game face. She knows I’m competitive, so I use that to my advantage.

  Finally reaching the shallows, Travis ducks under the water and pulls my legs around his neck. I gasp as his hands grasp my thighs.

  Breathe. I constantly have to remind myself when I’m around him, or I’ll pass out.

  “Bring it, bitches!” I yell, covering my emotions from having Lyssa on my shoulders. She’s screwing with my mind and my body. The feel of her breasts against my back is getting me hard, and it’s a good thing my bottom half is under water.

  When I duck under the surface and pull her onto my shoulders, I feel her body tense. It’s awesome to know I have an effect on her.

  Her body is shifting on my back and shit, she feels so damn good. Knowing her warm center is only a scrap of material away from my neck makes me almost bust a nut.

  Get your shit together, man.

  Lyssa’s been a friend of our family for as long as I can remember, and I can’t ruin that friendship. Besides, Tiff would decapitate me. I have to keep my focus on why I came back to the States anyway.

  She’ll be off to college in a few weeks, and swarms of guys will be trying to hook up with her. I should know. I was one of those assholes. The thought of her at college dealing with the wolves, makes me want to protect her.

  “No fair, Trav,” Tiff whines. “You and Lyssa are stronger than us.”

  “Yeah, like it’s totally not fair,” Stacey whines, trying to situate her boobs inside her bikini top. “I swear, Lyssa, if you break one of my nails, I will totally have a cow.”

  “That sounds like a major pain in the ass,” I say.

  Lyssa laughs hysterically above me, and the sound of her laughter seems to add a stitch to my wounded heart.

  “Sorry, Stace,” Lyssa says. “Prepare to birth that lil’ heifer.”

  Right before the water war begins, I glare at the two lame boyfriends. Not to be an ass, but I can see fear swimming in their eyes. We’ve got this in the bag.

  Lyssa literally has my back. So no matter how this turns out, I’ve already won.

  Travis and I won the water wars in under a few minutes with minimal effort. Tiff and Lyssa were easy, and their boyfriends were no match against Travis. He is so much bigger and stronger than the last time I was on his shoulders, and I knew he wasn’t going to let me fall. It was an amazing triumph…until after our win.

  Travis backed up into the deeper part of the lake to release me from his shoulders. As he dipped underwater, his hands slid upward along my inner thighs. Accident or not, I gasped—underwater—and sucked up half the lake. It took me an embarrassing five minutes to cough the water from my lungs.

  Travis carried me to shore, while the others looked on.

  “What the hell did you do? You almost drowned her,” Tiff snaps, pounding on my back. Travis’ eyes are on me, filled with concern.

  “It wasn’t his fault,” I cough. “It was bad timing. My lungs decided I needed air as soon as I went under.”

  “That’s twice today,” Dallas butts in. “You better stay out of the lake, or it’ll be dry by nightfall.” I roll my eyes and remain on the boardwalk for the remainder of the day.

  Dallas’ girlfriend has paged him five times while we were at the lake, so when we return to the cabin, he gives her a call. On the phone, his voice changes from a tough guy, to soft and sweet. When he hangs up, he notifies everyone that he’s leaving.

  “Aww. That’s too, bad,” Tiff says, grinning behind his back then heads to the kitchen with the others to look for food.

  “Yeah, my girlfriend got off work early, so I’m going to head back to where I’m actually wanted,” he says with an overly pouty face.

  Travis slaps him on his shoulder and sings, “I hate to see you go. I hate to see you go. So what the hell you waiting for? I hate to see you go.�

  “Yeah, the love is mutual, bro.” Dallas turns and gives Travis a hug. “Glad to see you aren’t suicidal over that bitch.”

  “She’s not worth it,” he says. “There’s some kind of a future waiting for me. I have to figure out what it is. No more bullshit. And no more running from the past.”

  “I admire you, man,” Dallas adds before glancing over to me. “And it looks like you’re in good company.”

  Travis turns to me with a smile. “I am.”

  As Dallas walks out the door, he yells back. “Hey, looks like you guys have a storm coming.”

  “No!” Tiff yells from the kitchen.

  “I heard on the radio. It’s supposed to last the next few days,” he says.

  Tiff appears in the doorway. “Dammit. I guess we’ll have to bring out the board games.”

  David comes up behind her, his arms squeezing her from behind. “I like games, babe.” When he looks up and notices Travis staring, he lets go.

  Tiff growls at her brother and turns back to David. “I know you do. And you’re my partner tonight for couple’s games.”

  “Matt’s mine!” Stacey yells from inside the kitchen.

  “We know,” Tiff rolls her eyes.

  “So I guess you’re with Travis, Lyssa.” She shrugs like she’s sorry.

  “And I guess you guys like your asses whooped,” Travis laughs.

  Inside, I’m laughing too and super happy about the pairing.

  Tiff glares at us. “These games have nothing to do with strength, so get ready to have your butts handed to you.”

  “Them be fightin’ words,” I say, giggling.

  Tiff looks between Stacey and me. “Tonight, you bitches are mine.”

  Rain is pouring down outside, and Tiff begins the games.

  The first game is Truth or Dare. It’s the one I hate most, and I refuse to choose truth because I don’t think I could be truthful, especially with Travis here.

  We all sit in a circle. David is on my right, Travis is on my left, then Matt, Stacey, and Tiff.

  We roll a dice—lowest number goes first—and David rolls a one.

  “Dare,” he shouts, pumping a fist in the air.


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