1987: How Do I Get You Alone (Love in the 80s)

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1987: How Do I Get You Alone (Love in the 80s) Page 8

by Cameo Renae

  Tears of joy and relief stream from my face as I pull her into a bear hug. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I know the kind of girl you are, and knew you wouldn’t do anything slutty. Plus you’re my bitch. But, I’m at a point in my life where I’m willing to share.”

  “Love you, Tiff.”

  “Love you, too. He’ll be lucky if he gets you, and I hope he remembers that. You’re my best friend and my sister. If you do end up together and he screws up, I’ll make sure he suffers. I’m daddy’s girl, remember? I’ve totally got your back.”

  I can’t help but laugh because she’s right. She has her dad wrapped around her finger.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I say.

  “I’ll miss you more.” She squeezes my neck one last time and walks away. “Call me when you get home. Hopefully, you’ll get to talk to him before he leaves.”

  “I will.”

  How the hell could Tiff have known the entire time, and not said anything. Having her blessing means the world to me.

  But the thought of Travis being sent back to London, with a possibility of staying, is battering my already broken heart. Yes, I’m off to college in a few days, but knowing he’ll be in another country, a world away, will make it harder to deal with.

  When the Prestons leave, my mom and I are the only ones left. My mom falls to her knees next to my dad’s grave, the sounds of her cries are pulling me back down a dark hole of agony. I walk away, not too far, but far enough to give her a moment while I try to hold on to whatever is left of my sanity.

  Leaning against a tree for support, I watch as the parking lot empties. The dark clouds are rolling in, and I feel at any moment the clouds will open up to shed their tears of sadness.

  Hearing deep sniffs, I turn and see my mom standing, wiping the tears from her face. She’s grasping the flag tightly against her chest, then turns and gives me a big smile.

  “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

  I don’t understand what happened. In the few moments she’s been on her knees, something changed. She seems a little stronger than before, and I see it in her eyes, her posture, and her smile. She walks up to me and takes me by the hand.

  “You okay, Mom?”

  She turns and nods. “Yes. We’ll get through this, sweetheart. Captain John Taylor’s women aren’t weak. We’re strong and will survive like he expects us to.”

  I can’t help but smile. This is the strong mom I know and need. Peace and serenity sweep around us like a warm hug, and I have a feeling that we’ll be all right.

  “Thanks, Daddy,” I whisper under my breath.

  My mom wraps her arm around my shoulders, and we walk quietly out of the cemetery. We’re not leaving my dad. No, my dad is coming with us. And he will always be a part of our lives, forever alive in our hearts and minds.

  As we make our way out of the cemetery, my mom stops the car and points out the window. “Who’s that?” she asks.

  My heart swells as I watch Travis walking up to my dad’s grave with a red rose in his hand. He kneels down and places it next to his headstone.

  Clicking off the safety belt, I throw open the door and jump out. “I’ll be right back,” I say, already moving.

  I quickly make my way back through the cemetery and up the hill, pausing before I get to the gravesite. Travis’ head is bowed, his hand pressed on my dad’s headstone.

  I silently watch as he takes off his glasses, wiping the tears beneath them. Then, he turns, and the entire world pauses as his eyes connect with mine.

  My heart is racing, my breath quick, and the unspoken words between us are speaking loud and clear. His warm brown eyes swim with the love and comfort I’ve desperately been craving.

  “Hey,” he says, standing to his feet.

  “Hey,” I say, breathless.

  A grin tugs at the sides of his lips, revealing that deep dimple on his cheek. His arms open up to me, and I run to him. I run and throw my arms around his neck and hold onto him like he’s my only hope. Being back in his arms feels amazing. It feels like home.

  “I’ve missed you,” I say, pressing my head tightly against his chest.

  “I’ve missed you too, baby.” The way he calls me baby, makes my heart squeeze.

  The strong scent of his cologne wraps around me, and I feel the warmth of his breath as he presses his lips against the top of my head. When I pull back, his shirt is soaked with my tears and stained with mascara.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, trying to wipe it away. “I’ve ruined your shirt.”

  He shakes his head. “Screw the shirt. I’ll get another one. Or maybe I’ll keep this one on to remind me you were here.” He lays his hand on his chest. “I’m sorry about your dad. He was an amazing man. Someone I highly respected.”

  “Thank you. I know he’s happy you’re finding happiness and working toward a better future.” I know my time is limited, and my mom is watching. “Speaking of the future, I heard you’re flying back to London tonight.”

  “I am,” he sighs, raking his fingers through his hair. “I was going to tell you when I came earlier, but my family didn’t think my being here was a good idea.”

  “I know. I was so upset when Tiff told me. My dad would have wanted you here. I’m glad you came back.”

  “I didn’t feel it was right to leave without paying my respects. I also wanted to talk to him about a few things.”

  “You did?” My brow furrows. “Like what?”

  “First, I thanked him for trying to come and talk to me when I was at the lowest point in my life. He didn’t have to, but he must have thought I was worth trying to save. Second, I apologized for acting like a stupid dumb ass when he did. And lastly…” He runs his fingers down the sides of my cheeks, cupping my face in his warm hands. “I told him that I’ve fallen head-over-heels for his daughter.”

  “You said that?” My eyes burn as new tears fill them.

  “I did.”

  “What did he say?” I ask, smiling from ear to ear.

  Travis tips his head to the side. “He didn’t say anything. So, I’m taking it as a good sign.”

  I laugh and hug him, wishing our bodies could fuse together. “How long are you going to be gone?”

  “I don’t know, but this is one of my dad’s largest accounts. They’ve been in negotiations for a few months, and tonight we fly in and finalize everything.”

  “Congratulations,” I say.

  “Thanks, but nothing’s in stone yet. We’ll celebrate once the papers are signed.”

  “I heard they might be opening up an office there?”

  He looks at me with a raised brow. “You have some pretty good intel.”

  “My connection is pretty tight with the owner. And that connection also said you might be running the office there?” I try and hide the pain in my eyes.

  Travis exhales loudly. “My dad wants me to. It’s an excellent opportunity that could change my entire future.”

  I don’t know what to say. “You’ll be amazing. I’m happy for you, Travis.”

  He leans forward, dangerously close, and whispers in my ear. “No, you aren’t.”

  His hand cups my chin and pulls my lips toward his. Without saying another word, he kisses me. It’s deep, filled with a mixture of desire, desperation, happiness and sadness.

  I want him. I want us. So much it aches.

  When our lips part, coldness settles in my gut knowing we have to say goodbye, not knowing what the future holds in store for us.

  At that moment, the sky opens up, and rain falls down on us. Then my mom honks her horn.

  “I guess this is goodbye,” he says.

  “I guess.” My heart is aching.

  “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to contact you, but I’ll try as soon as I get back to the States.”

  “Okay,” I say, glad the rain is hiding my newly shed tears.

  “I’m proud of you, and I know your dad is too. You will be amazing in college. And tha
t’s not a lie.”

  He pulls me in for one last kiss, then steps back, still holding my hands in his.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he says.

  I nod, trying to calm the pain in my heart. “I’ll be waiting,” I whisper as our hands disconnect, and we both turn and walk our separate ways.

  I get back into the car from saying goodbye to Travis and buckle my soaking body in. My mom sits and stares at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Are you going to tell me what the heck happened out there?”

  “What are you talking about?” I’m trying to avoid her stare.

  “Lyssa, don’t play dumb with me. I’ve known you’ve had a crush on that Preston boy since you were little.”

  “What?” I squeak.

  How the hell does everyone know? Was it that obvious? It was supposed to be a secret crush. At least I thought it was.

  “Hey, I’m your mother, and mothers have a super sense, especially when they only have one child,” she says. “I can see you both have something pretty serious going on…just don’t let it get in the way of your studies.”

  “Mom.” I turn and look her in the eyes. I know she’s only looking out for me. “Don’t worry. I’m going to college, and I’m going to get my degree, hopefully with honors. Travis totally supports that. He would never hold me back.”

  “How long has this been going on between you two?”

  I raise my brow. “Can’t your motherly sense tell you?”

  “Lyssa,” she huffs.

  “It just started. He was there when we arrived at the Preston’s cabin.”

  “I hope you made smart decisions.”

  “Mom. Are you forgetting who you’re talking to? And I know you’re thinking it because I have a daughterly sense. No, we didn’t have sex. Besides, he’s flying to London with his dad tonight. Some big deal.”

  “Yes, they told me a little about it. That’s wonderful.” She pats my leg, then exhales a sigh of relief. “Let’s get home.”

  Sounds great to me.

  There is one thing that keeps me from sleeping on the flight to London. Lyssa. She’s consumed my thoughts and dreams since our time at the cabin.

  Having her back in my arms at the cemetery was like a dream come true, and I didn’t want to let her go. She fills me with so much hope and happiness, and the second I left her, it all seeped away. Shit.

  And now I’m heading back to the place I’ve just left. I’m only going to London for my dad. This account is a huge deal, and he wants me to be a part of it.

  From the moment I came home, my parents were supportive. But without giving me a chance to catch my breath, my dad was quick to pull me into his business affairs, filling me in on the new account, and prepping me to be a part of it.

  It’s always been a dream of his, since the day I was born. That his only son would take over the family business one day. I’m proud of what he’s built for us, and can see the fruition from all his years of hard work. His software company is booming, and now that the prodigal son has returned, he wants to take me under his wing and root me in the business.

  It was once my dream too. To graduate from Harvard with my business degree and jump right in. I could have been an executive by now, but I screwed that all up. And now he’s trying to scrape whatever is left of me, making sure I stay on the straight-and-narrow Preston path he’s paved.

  My dad is rich, but money isn’t handed to us. We’ve always had to earn it and learn to appreciate it.

  His motto: Work hard, work smart, and be kind.

  That’s why he is so successful, and his employees love and stick with him. I could only hope I live up to his expectations.

  With that burden, I have to keep reminding myself why I came back in the first place. Yes, a big part was to get away from Emily, but I also made a promise to Bobby, myself, and now to Lyssa. I have some pretty big priorities to get in order.

  I haven’t told my parents about Lyssa. Both of them are rational—overly rational most times—and they’d insist the days up at the cabin were nothing more than fleeting lust.

  They wouldn’t understand. No one could fully understand.

  It hurt like hell to leave her. The feelings and emotions swimming in Lyssa’s soft green eyes at the cemetery told me she’s worried about London. To be truthful, I am too. I have no idea what my dad expects from me. I guess time will tell.

  The papers are signed, and the company acquires another multi-million dollar account. My dad begins plans to open the office in London. By mid-day, he’s secured a building, which he’s had his eye on for a possible office, and locks it in.

  He wants me to stay for an additional week to oversee renovations, moving in office furniture, and hiring new employees while he returns to the States. I’m not ready mentally for any of this, but after a conference call, he books his office manager on the next flight up to help, so I agree.

  The day is busy as hell, and when I’m finally lying in bed, my mind wanders to Lyssa. She’ll be heading off to college tomorrow. God knows I want to be with her.

  I close my eyes and envision her beautiful face, auburn hair cascading down her shoulders, soft skin, those big glimmering green eyes, and the taste of her on my lips.

  Then, I hear my dad’s voice in my head, and the last words he spoke to me before he left. “Remember, son. Priorities.”

  Fucking priorities.

  Today I head off to college, alone. My mom was called to work a double shift at the hospital because they’re still short staffed. She tried to get out of it, but I assured her I can do this. For most of my life, I’ve done things by myself, and she knows I’m more than capable. Besides, the extra work is good for her. It keeps her mind busy, and she happy when she’s helping others.

  Before she left, she hugged me tight and promised to visit me on her next day off.

  As I load the boxes filled with my life into the back of my car, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sadness. The house I grew up in has changed so much, especially since my dad’s passing. Today, it looks especially gloomy now that I’m leaving. It’s like leaving an old friend who has been there, sheltering and protecting me most of my life.

  A wave of sadness sweeps over me, and my mind goes to Travis. He’s constantly on my mind since our last visit in the cemetery.

  Tiff called last night and told me the deal with her dad’s company was successful, and Travis is staying in London for another week to help set up the new office. The news makes me both happy and sad.

  Tiff and David are off to college today too, hopping on a flight to Cali, but we promised to meet up during winter vacation.

  I amble into the house to grab my last box when the phone rings. Heading into the kitchen, with the box in one hand, I grab the receiver. It’s probably my mom saying goodbye again…for the hundredth time.

  “Hello?” I say.

  “Hello. Is Lyssa Taylor there?” A handsome voice answers in a British accent.

  “Yes,” I exhale, my stomach twirling. “Who may I ask is calling?”

  “You can tell her it’s a secret admirer.”

  I drop the box on the counter and lean into it for support. I feel as giddy as a schoolgirl. A smile widens on my face, so big it almost hurts.

  “Oh?” I breathe. “You mean that totally hot guy she’s had a secret crush on since the third grade?”

  “Yeah, only it wasn’t that great of a secret,” he adds, chuckling.

  “Oh my God,” I finally burst. “It’s so good to hear your voice. How are you?”

  “I could be better,” he replies. “You could be in my arms.”

  “I wish for that too,” I admit. His laugh fills my ear and widens my smile.

  “I know you’re leaving for Harvard today, and an inside source told me you’re going alone.”

  “Yeah, it’s no big deal. My mom had to work.”

  “I can send someone to help you. You shouldn’t be alone on your first day.”

But, thank you. I’m more than capable of doing this alone.”

  “I know you are,” he says. “But I happen to know someone who is pretty strong and makes fairly decent company. He’s actually in your driveway right now.”

  My heart pauses. “What?” I drop the phone and head for the front door.

  When I open it, Travis is there.

  “At your service,” he says.

  His smile is broad, his chocolate eyes are gleaming. He’s sitting in the driver’s seat of a shiny black, Chevy Camaro, with a car phone pressed to his ear.

  I can hardly contain myself as he steps out and shuts the door. He’s in jeans and a fitted, white t-shirt which hug his muscles so perfectly, one hand raking through his thick dark hair. He’s so goddamn gorgeous, I feel like I’m committing a sin just looking at him.

  The look on Lyssa’s face as she comes to the door is priceless.

  Her mouth is open, her green eyes are bright and wide with surprise. She’s wearing sexy-as-hell Daisy Dukes, showing off those long, gorgeous legs, and a crop top which cuts off right above her narrow waist. I grin, glad I was able to pull off this surprise visit.

  “How?” she breathes, looking at me like I’m a ghost.

  I take a step closer. “I told my dad I’m not staying in London. If he wants me to work for him, it’ll have to be here in the States. After some bitching, he agreed, so I flew all night to get here. There is no way in hell I can be that far away from you.”

  She squeals and jumps into my arms. My arms enclose around her, and it feels so damn good.

  “God, I missed you, baby.” I bury my face in her long hair, breathing in her sweet scent. My lips find her neck, and when I kiss her, a moan escapes her lips, making me smile.

  “I missed you too,” she breathes.


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