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Weathering Captain Storm

Page 15

by Charles, Jane

  He placed a finger against her lips. “I assumed as much, and it matters not.”

  Her shoulders dropped as if relieved. “Then there is no need for me to leave.”

  “Isabella,” Demetrius ground out.

  “Oh, very well.” With a huff she marched from the room, leaving Nate very much alone with her five older brothers. He just prayed their reason for having her leave had nothing to do with killing him for making her cry.

  * * *

  Isabella hadn’t felt this light in years. At least not since before she followed Orlando into war. Her aunt and uncle arrived a week after Nate proposed, and ever since, her aunt had been busy planning her wedding. Isabella would have been happy with a small affair in a country church with only family, but as this might be her aunt’s only opportunity, it was turning into a rather grand affair. Almost as grand as Bianca’s who’d married a duke.

  However, with Bianca, Roxburg had planned everything with Aunt Mary simply observing. And with Rosalind, the marriage had been by special license, in their family church, with very little planning involved.

  Nate complained and grumbled, often. Especially when they stole moments alone. With each kiss, their caresses became bolder, more passionate, and he’d end up setting her aside before they got carried away and anticipated their vows. Isabella hadn’t cared if they did. She couldn’t wait to be with Nate and to experience what she had only stumbled across and glimpsed on the Continent. At least she had an idea of what would occur and hoped she was prepared.

  At the request of her brothers, Nate had not placed an announcement yet because her brothers wanted them to court for the time being. They would be more comfortable and would give their blessings more freely if Nate and Isabella took their time to get to know one another again, in London, in a world no longer in fear of war.

  That was all well and good, but it had also been over a sennight already, and Isabella did not want to wait any longer. It was not a secret that she was to marry Nate, but until it appeared in the papers, apparently, it wasn’t considered official.

  During her days, she was at Kirkland House, unless her aunt and sisters dragged her away for a fitting. That was the only thing she was required for in the preparation of her wedding. Her aunt took over everything else, with the assistance of Rosalind and Bianca, who had more time than she did. This suited Isabella perfectly. All she cared was that on May thirty-first, she and Nate would be married.

  Chapter 30

  “It’s been a bloody week!” Samuel complained as he paced in the library while Benjamin watched on in humor. Nate did feel sorry for his brother in his pursuit of Lady Jillian, which was not progressing as quickly as he’d prefer.

  If Nate didn’t have the promise of marrying Isabella on the last day of May, he might feel the same. But at least there was an end to his torment in just over a month’s time.

  “I don’t know why you’re even bothering with Lady Jillian. There are better suited ladies,” Danby barked.

  Nate glanced toward the entry to find his great-uncle, the Duke of Danby.

  “Who I pursue is none of your concern,” Sam argued.

  “I forbid you to have anything further to do with Lady Jillian.”

  Nate straightened. Danby was usually handing out Special Licenses, not forbidding marriages. What did he have against Lady Jillian?

  Sam gaped at his great-uncle. “You have no control over who I pursue or even marry.”

  “I’m saving you time and heartache,” Danby announced. “Her father won’t accept you, and I will certainly not accept her into my family.”

  “I’m not one of your grandchildren to be ordered about,” Sam reminded him. “If you wish to play matchmaker, pick on another great-niece or nephew. Not me.”

  “Heed my words, young man, or you will be very sorry.” Then he turned on Nate, thrusting his cane in his direction. “You will cease visiting Kirkland House. You’ve served King and Country and no reason to continue lowering yourself by associating with anyone associated with the soldier’s home.” With that he turned on his heel and marched out of the room.

  “Bloody bastard,” Nate mumbled quietly.

  “I take it you’ve not told our great-uncle of your pending nuptials?” Ben asked.

  Nate had hoped not to tell him at all, but he supposed he must get it over with.

  “I shall return.” With a sigh he pulled himself from the chair and went after His Grace.

  The carriage was still before the townhouse, the door open.

  “Well, get in. I don’t have all day,” Danby barked.

  He already knew! Nate launched himself inside and took a seat.

  “Why did I have to hear from another that you are marrying that Valentine chit?” Danby banged on the roof of the carriage, and it started to move into traffic.

  “Because my marriage is none of your business. You will receive an invitation when they are sent.”

  Danby narrowed his eyes on Nate. “Do you know who she is?”

  Nate’s spine stiffened. “I know exactly who she is.”

  “To clarify, her parents didn’t die in India,” Danby informed him.

  Of course Danby would know this too. The bloody bastard knew everything. “I’m very much aware.”

  “Good for you!” A slow smile came to Danby’s face. “Now, tell me about Hannah and Stalter. Has he been brought up to scratch or must I intervene?”

  Nate just shook his head and chuckled.

  “Bloody hell!”


  “I loathe Eldridge, not only are his politics wrong, but he has no redeeming qualities.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Sam is courting his daughter, you are going to marry his niece, and Hannah has set her cap for his nephew.” He shook his head. “Do not expect me to invite that family to the castle for Christmas. I won’t have that jackass anywhere near my home.”

  As Nate had no intention of traveling to Yorkshire either, he found it a very easy promise to make.

  “And keep the rest of your siblings away from that blasted family.”

  “I will,” Nate assured him, though they both knew he had little power in seeing that happen as they’d all be at the wedding.

  “The only promise I see in these matches is that my family marrying into his will aggravate him to no end, which I find quite pleasing.

  * * *

  Isabella stood at the end of the aisle. At the opposite end, awaited her dreams. Beside Nate was his twin, Samuel, then Benjamin, and finally Peter, the brother she’d met only three days ago. For her stood Rosalind, Bianca, and Perdita. All of her family was here, save one. Bertram always liked Nate, and she was just as certain he was now looking down on them smiling, happy with this match.

  Aunt Mary began crying this morning and waited near the front, a handkerchief clutched in her hand. As much as Isabella would have wished to marry Nate sooner, her aunt had enjoyed every minute of planning her wedding and the breakfast to follow, but it wasn’t nearly enough to repay her aunt and uncle for the kindness they showed in bringing her entire family into their home and claiming them as Valentines.

  She took a step toward her fate, wanting to run, but forced herself to walk toward her love with decorum.

  Oh, how she loved this man, and very shortly, he would be hers forever and ever.

  The soldiers who’d served with Nate smiled at her as she passed. She’d remain with Kirkland House until Lady Chester returned, and then Nate promised to take her on a wedding trip. Isabella tried to tell him that she only needed to be with him, yet Nate insisted.

  His green eyes held hers as she took her place beside him. Isabella recalled nothing of the ceremony, but must have answered as was required because before she knew it, Nate placed a sweet kiss upon her lips.

  They were married.

  As they turned to return down the aisle, she spotted His Grace, the Duke of Danby, who nodded with approval.

  Goodness, her uncle was a duke
, not that he’d ever claim her, and her great-uncle-in-law was as well.

  How the fates had changed the moment Nate Storm walked into her life.


  Barbados, February 1818

  “Are you ready?” Nate took Isabella’s hand and pulled her from the waves that were lapping around her feet. Her light muslin gown was pulled up, revealing Isabella’s shapely calves and ankles.

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to leave.” She sighed and glanced back at the ocean. This was how Nate had pictured her the night before Waterloo. Her feet in the sand and sun shining on her face.

  They’d sailed to Barbados with Sam and his wife, the former Lady Jillian Simpson. Also on their ship was the Duke of Roxburg, and his bride, Bianca. After enjoying the winter on this beautiful island, it was now time to return to England. Roxburg was just as reluctant to leave as Isabella. Only Sam and Jillian would remain behind. Neither of them had any need nor desire to return to Society.

  “If you stay here much longer, the freckles will take over,” he teased. Her face had practically exploded with them within a day of walking along the water without a hat. They were always there, but light and sparse. Such was not the case in Barbados.

  “You said you loved my freckles.”

  “I do.” He pulled Isabella close and kissed her deeply. “I find them delightful and wonderfully you.”

  Isabella pulled back and grinned up at him. “And I like how you haven’t cut your hair since we wed, and you have a tendency not to shave. You resemble more of a pirate than a gentleman.”

  “And you resemble more of a wench with your skirt hiked up.” Nate bent and swept her up in his arms. “I’ve a mind to take you someplace private and have my way with you for teasing me with glimpses of your legs.”

  Her grey eyes darkened even as Isabella laughed. Soon they’d be boarding a ship to return them to England with nothing to do but walk the deck or relax in their cabin. Even though they’d been married for eight months, Nate never got tired of being alone with Isabella, especially if there was a bed in the room.

  “Do you think we will come back?” she asked as he carried her back to Sam’s house.

  “I’ll make sure of it.” Nate stopped by the low wall and swiped up Isabella’s discarded shoes and stockings. “But, we have an adventure awaiting us back in England.”

  Her grin broadened. “I still can’t believe your great-uncle gifted you with a large piece of land and a manor house.”

  He hadn’t expected Danby to give him anything. All Nate had done was approach His Grace with his concerns that so many soldiers returned from Waterloo to no future in England. After a few glasses of whiskey, Nate told him of the men he’d served with and their dreams. Before he knew what was happening, Nate was gifted with a small estate that Danby had little use for and which also happened to possess a large manor house and fertile land. There was plenty of room for tenant farming, and cottages started being built at the same time the repairs to the neglected manor began. When he and Isabella returned home, it would be in time to plan for the spring planting. Soldiers would be given a chance to begin anew. If they weren’t farming, they could tend the sheep or horses, or become footmen or cooks. Yes, Nate and Isabella’s home and lands would be run by men who had once served in the military.

  Sam and Jillian stepped out on the veranda, his arm around her back, and when they stopped, Jillian laid her head against Sam’s shoulder while her hand rested on her belly. Their child would be born in two months, and Nate suffered some regret for not being here when his brother, his twin, became a father. Though, he wouldn’t be the only father in their family since Isabella would be delivering their first child in about six months.

  As they drew closer, Jillian pulled away and approached Isabella as Nate set her back down and drew Isabella into a hug. When she pulled back, there were tears in the eyes of Sam’s wife.

  “To think, I spent years denying the relationship, and now we are sisters.”

  “When Rosalind married, I never dreamed this was the future,” Isabella laughed.

  “I am going to miss you and Bianca so much.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

  “And I will miss you.” Isabella squeezed Jillian’s hand. “And, I can’t wait for word of the birth of your child.”

  “And, I will await word of yours.”

  “It’s time,” Bianca announced as she came through the door with a sigh.”

  “The carriage awaits, so I suppose we must be on our way,” Roxburg grumbled as he stopped beside his wife. “Let’s hope this Season is quick so we can come home.”

  “Have heart, Roxburg,” Sam laughed. “Last year at this time you were dreading this even more, and see how well it worked out.”

  Roxburg smiled down at Bianca. “Yes, it did at that.” Then he looked back at Sam. “Still, that doesn’t mean I enjoy my duty any more than I did then.”

  “Be sure to write often,” Jillian said as she hugged Bianca. “I look forward to hearing all the news from London, just not enough to go there myself.”

  They’d all stay if they could. But, Nate and Isabella had a home and soldiers waiting for them. Roxburg had his duties. Further, Nate’s sisters would once again go to London, and he’d need to do what he could to help them marry who they wished, and not based on a location their mother preferred. He glanced down at his wife. This year he’d be of assistance to Ben in thwarting their mother and seeing that their sisters settled happy, well and loved. He’d found the match to his heart and was the luckiest man on this earth. His sisters would settle for no less.

  About Jane Charles

  Jane Charles is a USA Today Bestselling author who has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died. Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance. What turned into a hobby became a passion. In addition to historical romances, she has been pulled to write contemporary and began penning her new series, Baxter Academy of Arts. She intends to continue writing both historical and contemporary.

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  Also by Jane Charles

  The Tenacious Trents

  Compromised For Christmas

  Landing a Laird

  A Misguided Lord

  A Perfect Gentlemen

  Devil in Her Dreams

  A Lass For Christmas

  A Reluctant Rake

  Lady Revealed

  Lady Disguised

  Lady Concealed

  A Tenacious Trent’s Wedding

  Lady Admired

  The Spirited Storms

  Christmas Spirits

  Weathering Captain Storm

  Wiggon’s School For Elegant Young Ladies

  To Walk in the Sun

  Ghosts From the Past

  A Gentleman’s Guide to Once Upon a Time

  His Impetuous Debutante

  His Contrary Bride

  His Not So Sensible Miss

  His Christmas Match


  Her Muse, Lord Patrick

  Her Muse, Her Magic

  Her Muse, Her David

  Her Muse, His Grace



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