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Hollywood Bound

Page 20

by Morticia Knight

“What’s goin’ on? What time is it?”

  Jack looked down, and set some papers on the chair. “Sorry Nick. I know it’s late, I left a message with the clerk downstairs, but I guess he didn’t tell ya.”

  “Tell me what?”

  Jack sat on the bed.

  “Oh, Nick, it was so excitin’! It was all like I thought it would be with the director and the bullhorn, and costume people, make-up, everythin’! And you shoulda’ seen Trixie. Everyone was fawnin’ all over her and makin’ a fuss, and she was so beautiful. This has been the happiest day of my life. I wish you coulda been there, Nick, I really do.”

  Nick had that feeling he got when something seemed wrong, but he wasn’t sure what it was yet.

  “Wow, Jacky boy, that sounds swell. But what was your message?”

  “Oh. Yeah. So the director liked me a lot, and he was havin’ dinner with one a the studio heads of Global, and invited me and Trixie. Can you believe that, Nick? I had dinner with one of the studio heads! He said he liked what he saw, and that he’d see if maybe there was somethin’ else he could use me in. And he was crazy about Trixie too. I think he thought we were sweethearts.”

  A lump built in Nick’s throat. “Great, Jack. That’s really great.”

  Nick sat up and rubbed his eyes. He checked his watch. Ten fifteen. Too late for Geno’s.

  “What’s wrong Nick?”

  “Oh, I’m just tired is all.”

  “You wanna go out to a speakeasy and celebrate? I told Trixie I had to come by and get you first.”

  The whole thing unsettled Nick. It seemed like he was the afterthought that was being invited out because Jack pitied him.

  “Nah. I think I’ll stay in tonight. But you go on ahead and enjoy yourself. It was your big day.”

  Nick could see that Jack was going through some sort of inner turmoil.

  “Geez, Nick. That’s not what I wanted. I want you and me to celebrate together.”

  Nick was torn. He wasn’t sure he could tolerate Trixie’s overexcited party-girl persona with the mood he was in, but he didn’t want to disappoint Jack either.

  “Just let me rinse off in the shower first, wake myself up.”

  Jack kissed him hard on the lips, then hugged him.

  “I’m so happy, Nick. I want you to be there tonight. Can I jump in the shower with you?”

  Nick was a little surprised. That was usually something Jack only asked when he wanted them to fool around. They hadn’t touched one another recently except in the Charlie sessions. He hadn’t really thought about it too much, but he figured they were just over-satiated.

  Nick smiled. “That would be nice.”

  Jack went in to the bathroom, and turned the water on. He carefully removed his clothes, then laid them across the chair. Nick watched him go through the whole process, drinking in the sight of his lover’s nude form.

  “Come on, Nick. Your turn.”

  Nick had been about to unbutton his shirt, but had frozen in mid-task to watch Jack.


  Nick finished getting undressed and joined Jack, who had already stepped under the warm water. He was lathering up with the bar of soap they shared, and when Nick entered the little stall, Jack immediately stuck his tongue in Nick’s mouth, and placed his slippery suds-filled hands all over Nick’s torso. Jack swirled the lather everywhere, rubbing and squeezing as he did. When Jack finished Nick’s chest, he reached lower, circling the inside of Nick’s thighs, teasingly close to his now burgeoning erection.

  Nick moaned. Jack was being so sweet, so tantalising. Jack pulled Nick to him, and reached around to caress his back. He continued lower and lower, reaching the top of Nick’s butt crack, and slipping the bar of soap in between his cheeks. He cleaned him vigorously, and Nick was filled with an overwhelming desire to fuck Jack. They were all alone, no one watching, it was just between them.

  Nick grasped behind him and yanked the soap away from Jack. He moved forward in order to pin Jack against the shower wall. He had him trapped. Jack’s hard-on was pressed against his thigh.

  “Suck me, Jack,” he growled in his ear. “Finger-fuck me. I wanna come in your mouth tonight.”

  Jack’s breathing sped up, and Nick moved away just far enough to allow Jack to fall to his knees. The spray of the shower ricocheted off Nick’s shoulders and down onto Jack. Nick watched in rapture as Jack’s head bobbed on and off his dick, his drenched hair plastered on his head and face. Jack grasped Nick’s upper legs and yanked them apart. He urged Nick closer to him. Nick almost lost his balance, and threw his hands in front of him so that he was supported by the wall.

  As requested, Jack reached around, still sucking furiously, and jammed two fingers from each hand into Nick’s ass. He alternated ramming him on each side, and Nick revelled in the multiple sensations from Jack’s tongue and fingers, mixed with the warm water beating down on his back. He wanted it to last forever, but he couldn’t hold back. He shot his cum down Jack’s throat, and Jack held Nick in his mouth, balls deep, as he pulsed the last bit of jizz into him.

  Nick tried to steady his ragged breaths, as Jack slowly let Nick’s cock fall from his mouth. Jack removed his fingers as well, and rubbed Nick’s legs, nuzzling his groin.

  “I love you Nick.”

  Nick pulled Jack up by his shoulders, so that he could completely embrace him. “I’m gonna eat you alive, Jacky boy.”

  Nick shut off the water, and led Jack by the hand to their bed.

  “Lie down on your stomach.”

  Jack had a sly grin on his face. Nick knew that this was what Jack relished when they made love. He wanted to be controlled by Nick. Jack did as he was told without a word.

  “Reach up and grab the rails of the headboard.”

  Nick didn’t want to stop and take the time to tie Jack up, but he knew Jack wouldn’t let go if that was what Nick had commanded. Nick knelt on the bed between Jack’s legs, and wrenched them apart. He bent over Jack’s fine ass, yanked his cheeks open, and dived in with his mouth. Greedy with his desire, he pushed his tongue into Jack’s entrance as deep as he could. He thrust it in and out of his hole as Jack’s moans increased. He pushed harder and farther in, searching for that distinct spot to stimulate. It was just out of Nick’s reach, but he shoved into Jack with a greater force, and was able to barely reach the edges of the spongy knot. Jack started right as Nick found his target. Grasping Jack’s butt firmly, he kept it wide open so that he could flick that sensitive area furiously. Jack’s passage clenched around Nick’s tongue the more frenzied he became in his desire. He moved below Nick, trying to screw the bed, but Nick held him fast, prolonging his release.

  Jack let out a wild yell, the force of his orgasm bucking him up from the bed, yet Nick kept his face planted in Jack’s backside. He had to grip him with all of his strength as Jack jerked and spasmed, trying to draw his knees up, but trapped by Nick’s mouth and embrace. After a few minutes of allowing Jack to catch his breath, Nick relaxed his hold, and scooted up to lie next to him. Jack curled into his familiar place against Nick’s chest, snuggling with him.

  “I thought you wanted to go out and celebrate, Jacky boy.”

  Jack lifted his head up to look at Nick.

  “I just did, Nick. That was the greatest celebration ever.”

  Nick was thankful that Jack was nuzzled in the crook of his neck. That way he couldn’t see the tears building in his eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Ouch, Jack, you’re hurtin’ me!”

  “I’m sorry, Trixie, but this ivory comb keeps gettin’ stuck in your hair. Maybe if ya just used a regular one?”

  She grabbed the offending item from Jack’s hand.

  “Why would a star use a plain ol’ comb? I gotta get used to this stuff now. I’m the female enginew on this picture, that’s what the director said.”

  “I think you mean ingénue.”

  “Yeah, enginew. I guess it just takes practice being pampered, but I’m up for the challenge

  Her sparkling laughter filled the dressing room located right on the Global Studios lot. Jack had been as nervous as hell going back to the studio for the first time in weeks, but his fear had turned into smug satisfaction when he saw his ex-co-workers with their mouths agape as he walked by on Trixie’s arm, dressed in the finest riding habit for his own small scene. He had wished so badly that Nick could have been there by his side, triumphant because they were no longer stuck in Mr Wilson’s prison.

  I just want Nick here with me.

  Things had been strained between them. Jack figured it had to do with the combination of Nick not going out to work every day like he was used to, and that Jack was off doing so many things away from Nick that didn’t pertain to him at all. Most of the time when Jack made it home, it was either so late that Nick was already asleep, or he’d find Nick sitting in the chair with the window open, a smoke in his hand, staring outside. The only thing they truly shared anymore was the coked-out nights with Trixie, getting paid to fuck each other in front of strange men.

  The last time had been awful. It had seemed like no big deal, their usual night with Charlie. But when they’d arrived, there were several more cars than just Charlie’s. At first, there had been a bit of a scare, as they all thought the wife and kids were back, and there’d been a miscommunication. But a butler came out and ushered them in. It was a party—and they were the entertainment. Even Trixie had been taken by surprise, which was no easy accomplishment.

  They were offered a hefty sum if they stayed. Nick had been nervous and fidgety. Jack knew part of it was the drugs, but Jack felt the same way. They had no idea what to expect. There were other women besides Trixie, and when another male couple entered the large living room area, Jack was sure Nick was going to run right of the house naked as a jaybird. The original intent had been to get all four guys together at once, but when Nick had started becoming hostile, Trixie had pulled Charlie aside and made another suggestion.

  Nick and Jack and the other two men put on their own separate shows whilst the girls took care of the audience as usual. The final show had been Trixie’s solution to the dilemma of not having all the men fucking each other at once. All the women would do it instead.

  “It’s okay, boys,” Trixie had said. “The ladies and I made a little extra. Besides, I told ya, I do it with girls all the time.”

  The only good thing about it was that they’d made enough to not have to work for a week or so. Charlie’s family was back anyway, and it turned out that the party was his last celebration until the following year. Jack and Nick were trying to save up for a better place, one that was their own. They’d planned on going out and looking that afternoon, but Trixie had come by at the last minute with the exciting news that one of the bit players in her new film had been tossed in the hoosegow after getting into a drunken fight in the streets the night before. The director Jack had met the night he’d gone to dinner with Trixie had actually remembered him, and asked Trixie if she could find him. It was too great of an opportunity for Jack to pass up.

  As he always did, Nick had told him to go on ahead.

  “I’m happy for ya, Jacky boy. You deserve it.”

  But lately there had been just a hint of sadness in Nick’s eyes, in the undertone of his voice. Nick had to understand that the Hollywood scene was very unpredictable, and that fortunes were made and lost on the turn of a dime. And the quicker that Jack became a successful actor, the sooner they could stop getting paid to put on sexual performances.

  “Why you gotta go all sour puss, honey?”

  Jack lifted his head and saw Trixie frowning at him from her reflection in the mirror. Apparently, the whole time he’d been running through the events of the last month in his head, she had been yanking the tangles out of her hair, and watching him at the same time.

  “Bein’ on a motion picture set gettin’ ready to film your first featured scene too borin’ for ya?”

  Jack sighed. “Geez, Trixie, I ain’t tryin’ to seem ungrateful. I just really wish Nick could be here. I’d love for him to see what it’s like, rather than just tell him. It’s not the same.”

  “Man, yous two. I’m glad I ain’t all head over heels like you guys. What a pain in my ass.”

  She softened her tone, and stared at her image as she placed pearl clip earrings on.

  “Look, honey. You know I adore Nick, but he ain’t the same as you and I. We’re like a brilliant comet, streaking across the sky, makin’ everyone gasp and point our way. Nick is…well he’s a swell guy, he really is. But this ain’t his world. He don’t understand.”

  Jack was confused by what Trixie was saying.

  Why is she talking about Nick that way? Like she doesn’t want him around anymore?

  “Sure he does Trixie. He’s always tellin’ me to go out and have fun if it’s to help my career. He knows he can’t always be there with me for every little thing. Especially on the set. But I wish he could be.”

  “Yeah? He’s okay with bein’ left out all the time? Ya sure?”

  Jack had the funny squishy feeling in his stomach that he really hated. “Shit. I hadn’t thought of it like that. I never meant… Oh God”

  Jack turned from the mirror, running his hands through his hair, the pomade instantly making his fingers greasy. He slumped in the pink brocade chair behind where Trixie sat at her dressing table.

  “My poor baby. There is so much you have to learn yet. I ain’t said nothin’ before, cuz like I said, I simply adore Nick. But things are changin’. After our next session with that doctor Charlie set us up with, I’m done.”


  Jack couldn’t imagine that Trixie was serious. She’d been making her way in Hollywood like that since she’d arrived. She had the jewels, furs and booze to prove it. But more importantly, there were the starring roles that had finally come her way.

  “Yeah, baby. Done.” She giggled. “I don’t hardly believe it neither, but I signed it this mornin’. Charlie looked it over for me, and said it’s a real good deal. Global now owns me to the tune a five hundred smackers a week!”

  Jack sat straight up.

  “Fuck! You gotta contract?”

  He jumped up and ran over to her, hugging her neck from behind.

  “The hair, Jack—the hair!”


  He stepped back, but was too excited to sit back down. “Why didn’t ya tell me earlier?”

  “Cuz it was a surprise, you silly goose. Are ya surprised?” She giggled, and checked her eyelashes in the mirror.

  “Damn. Am I ever! Wow! A contract! See I told ya. I said the very first time I met ya that you was gonna be a big movie star, and now it’s comin’ true.”

  Jack sat back down, a sense of wonder filling him.

  I’m friends with a real, live movie star. And I’m in a movie with her.

  Sure, he only had three scenes, but one of the dialogue cards had a whole paragraph of words that belonged to his character. The camera would be right on his face alone when they shot that scene, and he would have to act the words out. He hadn’t had a chance to practise in front of the mirror yet, but he planned to once Trixie went out to do her solo scenes.

  Jack stared into space, filled with dreams for his own starry future, when Trixie intruded into his thoughts.

  “So ya see, Jack, I don’t gotta do that stuff no more. I’m sorry, I know you guys need the money, but maybe I can set you up with another girl.”

  “Oh don’t apologise, Trixie. I’m really excited for you. But I don’t think Nick will like usin’ another girl. That’s okay, we’ll figure somethin’ out. Besides, they said they’d give me a hundred bucks for the next coupla days for this small part, so maybe I’ll be next, right?”

  Trixie turned her vanity stool around to face Jack.

  “Honey, I gotta be brutal with ya cuz you’re like my baby brother, and I don’t think you’re understandin’ me. Nick is holdin’ ya back. Like I says, it ain’t nothin’ again
st him, but it’s the harsh reality of life. Havin’ a guy hangin’ on ya ain’t somethin’ you want to get out there. Morals clauses and all that.”

  Jack shook his head.

  “But that don’t make no sense. The three of us are already doin’ all kindsa immoral stuff. Why is that okay?”

  Trixie sighed heavily.

  “It’s hard ta explain—there’s just a difference. Take Charlie for example. He’s a big, important rich guy, so he can pay to have people look the other way, or he can bring us to his house late at night, and no one knows except for his equally immoral friends, ya see? But everyday mugs like you and Nick go around together all out in the open, and the studio will hear about it from that killjoy Willy Hays. Then there ain’t no studio contract for Jack.”

  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He and Nick had always gone around together, even before anything had ever happened between them. No one had said anything about it. It was as if everyone in Hollywood assumed the most salacious explanation first, before considering any other.

  “And another thing,” continued Trixie. “You ever see me with a regular fella?”

  Jack considered that. He’d never really thought about it before, but she was right—there was never any hint of a special man for Trixie.

  “Geez, Trixie. I guess not. I’m sorry, but I bet now that you’re gonna be so well-known, every guy will wanna be your fella, and you can pick out who you want. But Nick and I will still be around so you don’t get lonely.”

  Trixie threw her head back and laughed.

  “Oh shit, Jack, you’re gonna make me ruin my makeup. I’ll be cryin’ from the things you come up with!”

  Jack knew she was making fun of him somehow, but he couldn’t figure out why anyone would care if he and Nick were together. Sure—he knew not to run around and shout it everywhere, his experience at the orphanage had taught him well. But they hadn’t had any problems since they’d arrived in Hollywood. They’d been discreet when it was called for, and more relaxed when they were in open-minded settings. Neither he nor Nick were going to run around saying they were having sex for money. What was the big deal?


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