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Fall of kNight

Page 14

by T. L Mitchell

  I eyed Taylan carefully. There was still something about him that I just couldn"t figure out. Even his smell was different. It was a stronger scent, mostly woodsy and earthly toned. He smelled like someone who had been hunting in the woods for a very long time.

  “Taylan.” I nodded to him. Taylan remained expressionless and motionless, not really acknowledging me as I had hoped.

  “I could better explain everything and introduce you to the rest of your family Sunday if you like. Tess would be the one who would want to fill you in on your mother.

  She would have me by my neck if I didn"t bring you. I"m sure you have a lot of questions.” Willie sat back in his chair ignoring Taylan.

  “Yes, I do. I would love to come back Sunday and meet Tess. What time shall we be here?”

  “Oh, I"m thinking around five or so. Meet me here and we"ll drive out to the reservation. Tess and the other women will probably put together a welcome home for you. It will be their way of welcoming you back into the family. You still have our blood running through your veins.” His eyes twinkled.

  I blushed. Smiling politely, I wondered if he knew exactly the kind of blood that ran through my veins. Did he know my father was a Lycan? Was this why he was so upset that my mother married my father? I wanted to ask all these questions here and now, but I realized it was later than I had expected. My questions would have to wait until Sunday. Still again, I wondered if he even knew of the Lycans.

  Heather and I rose to our feet. Willie walked with us to the front door. I turned to him as I reached the porch.

  “I promise I will come back Sunday. Five it is?” I smiled.

  Willie nodded and gave me a wave. His eyes looked sad, but at the same time, I could understand his sadness. I gave him a gentle smile. Turning, Heather and I got in the car and we headed home.

  We discussed the adventure and the questions we had found answers to. Heather noticed the same thing about Taylan that I did. She confirmed my thoughts; there was something about him. He smelled different. We just chalked it up to being outside for a while, bringing with him the smell of the woods. However, we didn"t notice anything in particular different with John or Willie.

  Heather and I contemplated on how to tell Daniel. I told her I would manage to tell him tonight before we go to bed. My only hopes are they he really didn"t know about my mother"s family. If he did, I was going to have a major confrontation with him. No lies.

  No secrets. No deceptions. I was done with my family hiding things from me. Daniel had promised me no secrets, and I was intent on holding him to his promise.

  Daniel and Jason arrive home only moments after Heather and me, which gave us just enough time to make it inside the house. Heather went to her room and showered. I did the same. I still needed to discuss Daniel"s earlier actions with him. Having a different smell on my skin would cause too many distractions and questions on Daniel"s part. He was sensitive when it came to smells, and I knew he would be asking me questions before I was ready. Tonight, when we were finally alone we would have time to talk openly, and discuss his abrupt behavior this morning. My face was not bruised, but my feelings still carried the sting of his anger.

  After Heather and I were dressed and ready, we made the trip for dinner to the Maxwell home. I managed my thoughts nicely. Keeping Daniel preoccupied with other thoughts as Heather had suggested. He of course, ended the evening too soon. I almost wanted to laugh out loud, but contained it to only a chuckle.

  After the quick trip back to our home, Jason and Heather, tired and exhausted from a very long day, headed to bed. I guessed they would be asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

  Once I changed out of my clothes and returned to the bedroom, it was no surprise to find Daniel waiting in the middle of the bed. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked toward the bed. Daniel still had some explaining to do.

  “Julie, I am sorry about what happened this morning.” His voice was soft.

  “Daniel.. ” My voice was firm.

  “I know and believe me, I cannot understand what was going through my mind.”

  “So you took it out on me?” I winced and then released a huff of air from my mouth.

  “NO!” His expression was one of surprise. “It was just an overreaction to you hitting me. Julie, I truly would not do anything to harm you. It was not my intention. I promise I will never do that again. You have to believe me. It is just all this rage I feel inside. ”

  “Then why don"t you talk to me about it.” I moved closer to the bed.

  Daniel looked away and then slowly his eyes shifted to me again. “I cannot.”

  For whatever reason, Daniel was holding something back. His thoughts were cautiously covering something up. I couldn"t tell what it was he had planned, but whatever it was he was determined to keep it from me.

  I couldn"t blame him at his point. I had my own secrets. But there was one I was ready to confront him with.

  Climbing into the bed, I pulled the covers over me. Daniel moved closer to me and gently pressed his head against the side of my face nudging me to allow him access to my neck.

  “You know, I was hoping we could talk.” I began.

  “Mm-hum.” He mumbled now nipping at my neck.

  “Daniel, “I ignored his advances. “Did you say my mother was human?”

  He stopped, pulled back slowly and looked deep into my eyes.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Do you know anything else about her? I mean where she was from. You know, things like that?”

  “No. I only know what I was told by Martin and my father. Martin just told us that she was not like us.” He was now wondering where I was going. “We only guessed that meant she was human. Why?”

  “Heather and I found a picture of my mother this evening.” I didn"t see any reason to tell him Richard was the one who gave me the picture. “She was standing with two people from the Qualla Reservation in North Carolina. Did you know my mother was a Native American Indian?”

  He propped himself on his right arm and stared at me in disbelief.

  “An Indian? No, Julie. I was totally unaware about your mother. How did you find out?”

  “We made a little road trip.” I rambled out.

  Daniel"s expression changed immediately. The shocked look on his face was quickly replaced by a frown. I watched his eyes slowly change from that soft brown to a deeper darker brown. He was upset. His disapproval of my road trip was apparent.

  “Julie.” His tone controlled. “I do not want you to go off somewhere like that ever again. You are taking too many risks.”

  “Heather was with me.” I announced defensively.

  He glared at me. “I do not care who was with you. If it was not me, then you need to stay where you are the safest. Julie, there is a war going on. The clans are in the middle of a war. Werewolves are hunting Lycans. What were you thinking? Do you know what kind of risk you put yourself into? What kind of risk you put our child into?” He snapped out, still controlling his tone although still somewhat harsh.

  I studied his face for a moment. Yes, I could see his point of view, but at the same time he wasn"t seeing mine. I wanted to know about my family.

  “Daniel, don"t you think I have the right to know? I have the right to know about my mother. About who she was. About my family that I never knew existed. Why do you think I took a trip like this?” I argued.

  He shook his head. “I understand this. I do. BUT what was the reason you did not tell me first. I would have gone with you.” His voice sounded sad. “Julie, when are you ever going to learn to trust me?”

  His words cut deep again. My heart dropped inside of my chest. Staring into his eyes, I saw the hurt and the pain.

  “I do trust you.” I spoke softly.

  “Then what was the reason? Julie, if this was so important to you, a part of your life, then did you ever consider I would want to share it with you? When are you going to understand what I am to you? You are mine. Everything about you con
cerns me.”

  I waited a moment. No answer or reply was coming to me. I was hurt. I felt Daniel"s pain. There was no denying that I was having a difficult time allowing him to be that much a part of my life.

  “You need to learn to trust me. Please. ” He begged.

  “Daniel, I can"t explain what I was thinking. I just wanted to know about my mother. I met my great grandfather. He was the one in the picture with my mother. He invited me over Sunday, for a family gathering. You will go…right?”

  Daniel contemplated his answer for a moment as he hazel eyes stared into my eyes.

  He knew how much it meant to me to meet my family.

  “Of course, I will. I want to meet this family of yours. Besides, from what I am gathering, you are already fond of this grandfather.” He twitched a grin.

  My eyes widened in excitement. “Yes, I am. I can"t wait for you to meet him. He is so awesome. He is a true Cherokee. Daniel, there is so much to learn.” I rambled on excitedly.

  “Yes, I can tell.” He leaned closer and kissed me on the forehead. “We will go together. I want to know everything there is about you. My mystery woman.” He smiled.

  My heart was overjoyed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulling him closer, planted a huge kiss on his lips. He pulled back from me a little shocked. A smile twitched on his lips. Daniel"s thoughts were pretty encouraging as well.

  “Now, let"s take a look at those thoughts you"re having. Shall we?” I purred softly.

  He reached over and turned the nightlight off. The rest of the night there were no more conversations. Only wonderful moments of love and passion were what we shared. Even in the darkest hours, there always seem to be hope.


  The dreaded evening approached. I was still uneasy about facing the whole clan again, but I had managed to make it through the engagement party. Now, I had one more challenge to face, yet again. Aunt Doris. She would have another field day with this. I smiled to myself. Well, let the woman have her moment. She was part of my family. And news like this was sure to take her to whole new level.

  Charlotte had booked the Grand Hotel again, on a Thursday, no less. I was surprised how they had put together a function so fast, and for so many people. Then again, the Maxwell family was their best customer.

  The room was decorated lavishly as always. Beautiful flowers in the bright colors of fall adorned the large room. Tables were covered in white linen and set with gold trimmed china, the finest they offered.

  The room was filled with people. Some I didn"t even know. All were dressed in formal attire, black tux for the men and evening gowns for the women. I turned to look at Daniel. He fit right in dressed in his black tux. He looked absolutely handsome, as always. His black hair, slightly tossed gave him a sex appeal I adored. The dress I chose was elegant and appropriate for the evening: light blue, long sleeved, and floor length with a slit up the left leg. The tiny silver trim shimmered in the light as I moved across the room. My girls were covered this time, so at least I didn"t have to worry about exposing them while climbing into the limo. Daniel, of course, would never let me forget. He chuckled lightly at our inside joke.

  The buffet tables were covered in an array of food. The mouthwatering meat table harbored roasted herbed turkey, honey mustard roasted hens, succulent garlic roast beef and an array of seafood. The vegetable table had a variety of grilled and steamed vegetables. But the table that caught my attention was the dessert table. Daniel and I both really wanted to hit the desert table first, but as tempting as it was we both managed considerable restraint.

  We moved through the buffet line with Jason and Heather behind us. I thought Daniel and I were doing well with our plates, but Jason had to make the first comment to Daniel. He said he couldn"t tell which one of us was eating for two. We had to laugh with our dear friend as we looked at the plates in hand. They were piled rather high. Not exactly proper for this type of function, but we didn"t care.

  We rushed through all of the greetings and congratulations to find our table. With fork in my hand, I was ready to devour my food when I heard that familiar voice. Chills ran up my spine. Was I really ready for this? Daniel, who was seated beside me, released a soft chuckle. A quick, stern glance in his direction let him know I was displeased. He, on the other hand was completely elated to see my Aunt Doris.

  “Julie! Julie my dearest.” It was Aunt Doris, with Uncle Dave trailing behind her.

  One bite was all I had. I chewed quickly then swallowed, preparing myself for the onslaught of preverbal questions. Maybe she truly didn"t know any better. Then again, maybe she did.

  “OH! I am so excited for you, dear! When did you find out?” she shrilled.

  “Yesterday.” I spoke softly. Wiping my mouth with my napkin, I turned my attention to her.

  Yes, the gray haired woman looked good for her age. Nothing much had changed since the last time I saw her, with the exception of the twinkle in her eyes.

  “See dear, I told you those books would come in handy.” She patted my hand.

  “Well, actually…”Daniel began.

  I snapped my head toward him giving him another stern look. His mouth twisted into a grin. His hazel eyes twinkled with the urge to say something. I could tell he was not going to let the opportunity slip past him.

  “We managed without the books. You know, let our animalistic side take over for a change,” he shot out while giving her a little wink. He shifted in his chair and leaned forward slightly. “You know,” he paused looking around. “I honestly did not know she was going to be such a howler.”

  Aunt Doris jerked back from me. My mouth flew open in a gasp. Jason spewed what drink he had in his mouth, and Heather lost the piece of food she was placing in her mouth. For one split second, everyone was quiet.

  Aunt Doris shot a glare at Daniel that announced her shock. Then the roar of laughter came. Even Uncle Dave"s soft expression lit up into laughter.

  I, of course, was not laughing, and neither was my prune faced aunt. Daniel"s eyes filled with tears as the laughter continued, and he placed his hand over his mouth.

  Heather was even laughing with the rest of them. I didn"t see one thing funny about announcing to the whole world I was a howler!

  Uncle David placed his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. Daniel gently wiped away his tears, as did Jason and Heather. Finally, someone had the courage to come to my rescue.

  “Well son, I know your family is pleased. Another little Maxwell,” Uncle Dave said, touching his wife on the arm.

  “Yes, we are all excited. It is a little Martin as well.” Daniel spoke up proudly.

  Uncle Dave nodded. “He was a great man.” His words were soft and gentle. “We all still miss him greatly.”

  Daniel and I nodded. Aunt Doris still remained silent.

  “Excuse me,” Jason interrupted. “Daniel, I need to speak with you.”

  Uncle Dave and Aunt Doris bowed out gracefully and went their own way. Jason waited until they were out of hearing range before he began.

  “Tell me,” Jason began. “What is the Council"s plan against these Dark Wolves?”

  “The black wolves?” Daniel wiped his mouth with his napkin. He took a sip of his drink then cleared his throat. “As we speak, a group of Lycans is gathering to confront these rebels.”

  “Yes, well, you may want to rush things up a bit. I just heard they"ve already taken out two more clans, killing them entirely. I can"t see how all this business came about. Them turning against the Council and all,” Jason continued.

  “Well, personally, I do not even think these rebels belong with the Council anyway.” I chimed in. “These Dark Wolves, as they call themselves can"t be a part of our Lycan group. They must be outsiders.”

  “Impossible. The Council knows all the Lycan lines.” Daniel chalked up.

  “Wait a minute.” I began. “Daniel, are you sure? I mean what if there was a line of wolves out there the Council never knew about. What if this line is
the Dark Wolves?”

  “Yes, she has a point.” Jason shot in. “The Council has kept record of all the births within its line for over a thousand years. But what if someone in that line separated?

  There would be no way of knowing.”

  Daniel contemplated Jason"s thoughts for a long moment. There was no way the Council would be able to track all the Lycans. Not if they didn"t register. The possibilities of a new line were high, a part of a Lycan group that may have left years ago.

  “Well, wherever they came from is irrelevant. At the present time, they are dangerous. We will find them and destroy this group,” he stated firmly.

  Jason nodded. “May Fate bless you. Daniel, most of us are older and unable to fight. However, our prayers will be with you.”

  Now more than ever I was unnerved. The Dark Wolves were a threat to our very existence, ruthless killers and murders. The question no one could answer was why?

  Why had this particular clan turned against the Council? Why were they trying to turn other clans against the Council?

  Daniel"s hand pressed lightly against my back. Leaning closer to my ear, the warmth of his breath lingered against my neck.

  “Julie, do not worry. Tonight is about our little one.” He said as his left hand on my stomach.

  It was an odd feeling. My stomach twitched with butterflies at his touch. Yes, our little one was well aware of its parents. I gave Daniel a soft assuring smile. It was our night. We would enjoy it to the fullest.

  After my second plate of food, I felt rather full. There was something about the roast beef that satisfied my hunger. Wasn"t sure if it was the extra garlic, but it was rather tasty. Heather and I made our way to the desert tables. The only thing I wanted was something fruity, a fruit pie of some sort. Taking into consideration that there was no blueberry pie, I managed with several different fruit pies. Heather and I returned to the table with two plates full of an assortment of deserts. Not a very classy act, at least not for the Maxwell family. At this point, Daniel and I were acting like a pack of wolves.

  When we set the plate of desserts down, Jason and Daniel immediately went for them.


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