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Fall of kNight

Page 21

by T. L Mitchell

  I sat quietly, watching him pull out onto the main road. Slowly he leaned over, reaching for the stereo controls. He paused for a moment and glanced over to me.

  “What kind of music do you prefer?”

  For a moment, I couldn"t even remember as my gaze lingered on those lips that had kissed me so passionately less than an hour ago. Tightly I closed my eyes and concentrated hard.

  “I like almost everything. What about you?”

  “It depends on my mood.” A sly grin crossed his face as he pushed a couple of buttons. His hand returned to the steering wheel and a smooth jazz song came.

  “Feeling mellow?” I asked smiling.

  He glanced at me and smiled. “Somewhat.”

  A smile crossed my face as I turned my head and looked out the window. Funny, I imagined Richard more of a gothic rock fan. However, I enjoyed the soft and soothing sound of jazz. I leaned back against the leather seat and relaxed.

  “So, did you have a good time tonight?” His voice was so smooth it sounded as if he almost purred.

  “Yes.” I nodded feeling the beat of the music. “I had a very good time. I loved being in the middle of the action. Watching the monitor with Adrianna and Casey. Not to mention listening to Leona. She"s awesome. Especially, when you ran through that smoke. We all froze while watching you. I"m surprised you didn"t hear us all cheering.” I rambled on in an excited voice.

  He chuckled lightly. “I did hear you,” he said motioning to his ear.

  “Oh. You have extended range hearing.” I said nodding my head. Of course, I thought, he was a vampire.

  “So how exactly did you manage to start racing cars?”

  Richard relaxed back in the seat and dropped his right hand down across his leg. I didn"t realize at first that he was tense.

  “I guess you would say I have always had an interest in cars. Ever since Ford began.” He looked at me and smiled then turned his attention back to the road. “A few of us got together and went to the car races at night back when racing began. Soon, there were more of our kind joining in with us. There was no way we would be able to compete with humans without exposing ourselves. So we just decided one night we would get some cars and have our own race. Over the last few years, we have developed quite nicely.”

  “So you just race twice a year?”

  He nodded.

  “How can you stand it? If it was me, I would want to be out there every weekend.”

  “So you are a groupie?” He glanced toward me with a wicked grin and then he laughed lightly.

  The vision returned of those young girls.

  “No! You know what I mean. It"s just exciting.”

  “Yes, but it"s even more exciting when you wait. Sometimes the waiting makes the win so much sweeter.” His right eyebrow rose, and a wicked grin crossed his beautiful face.

  For a moment, I wondered if we were talking about the same thing. Apparently, my mind went in another direction as my face became hot. It was a good thing the inside of the car was dark so he could not see the red glowing on my checks.

  “So how many wins have you had?” I managed to recoup.

  “A few.”

  “How many is a few?”

  “Five in the last twenty years, none in the last five years. Like I said you brought me luck tonight.”

  “So it was a sweet win tonight then?” I teased.

  “Very sweet.” He smiled broadly, and I could see his brilliantly white teeth shining through the dark.

  I turned back and stared out the window as I listened to the music. The rest of the ride was quiet as we turned down a paved road and headed deep into the wooded area.

  It reminded me of my driveway. Secluded. Soon we arrived at a large two-story home.

  We pulled around to the garage where he parked the car. Before I had a chance to open my door, Richard was already standing beside my door opening it for me. He held his hand out for me as I stepped out of the car.

  We walked into the huge living room where Richard picked up a remote control and turned the stereo system on. A different type of music played. I listened carefully and noticed it was gothic rock. I laughed a little as he turned to me.

  “What?” He asked looking at me in surprise.


  “If you do not like it, I can change it.”

  “No, no it"s fine.”

  “I will be right back,” he said as he dashed off.

  A few seconds he returned with a glass of white wine. He handed it to me proudly.

  “This is from my vineyard in France. It reminds me of you.”

  I took the glass and inhaled the fragrance.

  “A light fragrance. Floral and fruity.” I took a sip and let it settle on my tongue for a moment. “It is excellent.”

  A huge smile crossed his face. “Yes, it is Le Croux De Grave„. One of my favorite rum wines.”

  “I didn"t think vampires could eat or drink.” I said taking another sip.

  “Actually, we do not eat human food. However, I have not lost my taste for a good wine, and do indulge in it every now and then. The other"s usually made a cocktail mixture with the wine to make it more palatable for them to consume.”


  “Well, we will just say it gives a new meaning to a Bloody Mary.”

  I gasped as I set the wine glass down.

  “Oh,” he said in surprise. “I am sorry. I did not mean that your wine was spiked.

  Your glass is fresh from the bottle.”

  My eyebrows rose. “I„m only joking. Your wine is very delightful.” I said as my lips curled into a smile.

  We both turned as I heard the door opened and Casey and Nathaniel appeared.

  Leona and Lance followed them into the room. I looked for Adrianna and Raphael, but didn"t see them.

  “Adrianna and Raphael are coming a little later. They need to hunt first,” Casey stated as she walked toward me.

  “Anyone up for a drink?” Nathaniel shot out.

  “Two!” Lance yelled out grabbing the control from Richard.

  “Let"s get this party started, brother!” he said, changing the music to a sultry Latin salsa.

  Leona walked over to Lance bringing him two shot glasses of a red substance; I didn"t dare ask. I glanced to Richard, and he rolled his eyes and smiled. They downed the drink together as Leona moved with Lance dancing around the large room.

  “Here you go.” Nathaniel handed Casey a glass of what I was guessing was a red wine cocktail mixture.

  I watched as she took a sip, then turned the glass up and finished its contents. She stood and held her hand out for Nathaniel. He finished off his glass and set it down on the coffee table beside hers. I watched as they strolled off to the middle of the floor. I forgot Casey knew how to salsa.

  “Do you salsa?” Richard asked.

  I frowned slightly as I watched the four of them on the floor. Pursing my lips together, I looked up to him and smiled. “Not very well.”

  “Come on. I am a very good teacher.” He held his hand out.

  I took his hand and we headed out to join the rest of them. Slowly, I turned to face him as I glanced around at Casey and Nathaniel. A cool finger under my chin directed my attention to him.

  “Stay focused,” he cautioned as his hand slipped around my waist and he took my free hand in his.

  I kept my eyes locked onto his. Richard moved on the beat of the music. He stepped to me, and I took a step back. We did it again. Soon, his cold hands slid around my hips as he moved me, guided me, more fluidly with him. I wasn"t sure if it was his cold hands that sent the shiver up my spine, or my own desire for him. Concentrating on the movements, it wasn"t long before I caught on. He smiled as his hand returned to mine, and he pulled me closer to his body. It almost felt like we were doing a mixture of a salsa and a tango, the way Richard moved me. He let me out on a spin. When I returned, I could feel his knee between my legs, and he moved me against his body. He was an awesome dancer; I gave
him that. Not to mention, I loved a man who could take the lead.

  After my initial shock was over, I had the hang of it and we were dancing. Our bodies moved together in a beautiful rhythm, sultry and seductive. What else would I have expected from Richard, a waltz? No, not Richard, he had style and finesse in everything he did. He was a model of perfection and definitely too good to be true. The muscles in his arms flexed against my fingers. He moved me gently, with ease, pulling me closer to his cool body, my hot body melting into his. Our hips met, closely and tightly we moved together as one to the rhythm of the music.

  I had begun to let go and have fun. Casey and I even switched with Richard and Nathaniel a couple of times on a spin. We laughed as we switched back partners. It wasn"t long before Richard appeared to keep me on a tighter lead. He spun me out and pulled me back to him as we kept dancing. His hand pressed flat against my stomach holding me close to him as we moved together. My hands instinctively went up over my head, feeling his fingers trace up my side to my hand. He gave me a little shove, and pulled me back to face him.

  The world I knew spun around me as his hand gripped the back of my neck. My body pressed tightly to his as we moved together. I felt his leg slip between mine again as he pulled me backwards in a dip in his hand. He then, with one hand resting on the small of my back, pulled my body up along his leg. My breath caught for a second in my throat, and then I exhaled when he pulled me tight against him. It was a feeling that made the blood suddenly rush through my veins. His hand cupped the back of my neck and pulled my face only inches from his as we kept moving to the rhythm of the music.

  We were eye to eye, as the world disappeared from us.

  He turned me into a spin and pulled me back to his hard body as the music ended.

  The heart inside of my chest pounded, not from the dance but from the look on Richard"s face. Our faces were close enough I could smell that faint floral fragrance. His eyes stared deep into mine as we held each other for a moment.

  Slowly his eyes traveled down to my lips, then back to my eyes again. My heart beat loudly as I could feel the fire flaming through my veins. He held me tight against his body, but did not move one inch toward me. My thoughts traveled back to the first kiss.

  “The first kiss. Why did you…” I stopped.

  The expression on his face changed, his face softened. He turned his head slightly to the side and exhaled. He had been holding his breath.

  Turning back to me he looked deep in my eyes. “I was afraid it was the only chance I would ever have.” He paused, his attention directed toward Adrianna and Raphael who had just entered the room.

  Richard loosened his hold on me as I stepped back. He glanced at his watch, then at Casey. I looked down at my watch and realized it was already three in the morning.

  Casey walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

  “I better get you back home. It is late and you need to get some rest,” she said lightly.

  I glanced back to Richard, then again to Casey. “I guess you"re right.”

  “Come on. I will walk you to the car.” He said as he slipped his arm between Casey and me.

  We walked out the front door, to the car where he opened the passenger door for me. I eased into the seat and turned to see him with one arm on the car door, and the other on the hood hovering over me. He frowned slightly as he looked down at the ground then looked at me.

  “I really hope you had a good time tonight,” he said softly.

  I smiled. “Yes, Richard, I did. Thank you. OH! And I loved your wine,” I said smiling.

  He chuckled as a smile crossed his face. “Good,” he said, then his eyes narrowed.

  “Until next time.” He reached down, took my hand, and pressed it to his lips. Moving back, he closed the door and gave it a little tap.

  Casey started the car and pulled off. I couldn"t help but look in the mirror as I watched him standing in the driveway watching us drive off. It was such an odd feeling, watching the distance become greater between us. It was a feeling I couldn"t put my finger on. Curiosity, admiration, respect, none of these words could fully express what I was feeling. Richard was the most charming man I had ever met, and I truly respected him.

  I was surprised, as Casey remained quiet while we drove back to the house.

  Though at this moment, I was glad she did. I was tired. When we made it back, it was all I could do to walk up the stairs and crawl into my bed. Within seconds, I was out and in a dream world. Sleeping softly as the day"s memories flooded my dreams.


  Devastation is a word that I am very familiar with when it comes to delicate matters of the heart. When a heart is shattered into a billion tiny pieces, it"s a wonder it can ever be repaired. We search for answers to our brokenness, looking for a way to cope with our devastation. The heart is the toughest organ in the body, and the hardest to burn. It"s not a wonder that the pain we endure is even so much greater when it comes to deep emotions. This is pretty much what I had been feeling because of my separation with Daniel, totally devastated.

  I lay on my back as I realized it was daylight. Slowly, I turned to the alarm clock, it was already twelve thirty. Memories of yesterday and last night came back to me as my mind awoke to reality. At least, I thought, I was out of my fog thanks to Casey. Today was Thursday, the last day, Day Three. Daniel would be home today. Excitement overflowed my soul and heart, which caused me to look forward to the day at hand.

  An hour later, and I was ready to meet the challenges of the day. Casey was nowhere to be found. I wasn"t sure if she was back home or out for a few hours. Last night, I remembered her coming inside the house with me.

  The smell of coffee lured me into the kitchen, like a moth to a flame. Casey had made a fresh pot of coffee for me and left me a note:

  Hey sleepy head! Coffee’s fresh just for you. I knew you needed the sleep.

  I had to go and find lunch. It was that or you really were beginning to look a little tempting. Shouldn’t be long!

  Luv- ya! C.

  The girl is a nutty vampire, I thought, setting the note down and laughing to myself. I love her no matter how nutty she is. Laughing again, I almost forgot her new needs. The thought of her being a vampire seemed unimportant anymore. I realized as I was with the group of them last night, I barely noticed they were vampires. Well, with the exception of the Bloody Mary thing.

  With my coffee cup securely in my hand, I headed to the office. It was time to see what needed to be taken care of in the real world. I sorted through all the mail Casey had piled on my desk. There appeared to be a list of things I needed to do now. Transfer funds, pay bills, check wire transfers and review financial statements. Not to mention balance the checking accounts. Maybe this was the reason my father had a personal assistant. Maybe I should consider the option for the future.

  Deep into reconciling the bank statements, the doorbell rang. I cursed under my breath and saved the information. Walking through the living room, I noticed a man dressed in a delivery uniform. Opening the door to him, he smiled and looked at his clipboard.

  “Julie Knight?”

  “Yes?” I said looking past him to a small brown delivery van.

  “I have a delivery for you, if you would please sign here.”

  I took the clipboard and signed my name at the bottom of the page. Curiously, I watched him walk around the van and return with a large crystal vase full of white roses.

  “Here you go, ma"am. They were special ordered; it took us a little while to collect them, sorry if they are late. Enjoy them and have a great day.”

  The smell of the flowers was incredibly fragrant. I had never smelled a white rose that smelled so sweet. Walking into the living room, I searched for a card. I set the vase on the center of the coffee table. There had to be at least two dozen roses in this vase.

  Finally, I found the card and opened it.

  I was walking through a rose garden and thought of you. There was a white rose,
so breathtakingly beautiful, so pure, yet so fragrant. Its name is called Peace. I hope it brings you as much peace as you have brought to my life. I look forward to seeing your beautiful smile again.


  A smile immediately crossed my face, followed by those warm feelings I had last night. They were the loveliest flowers I had ever seen. Charlotte"s rose garden was beautiful, and she had the Peace rose in her collection. These were very different, probably because they were a gift, and what a beautiful gift it was. I exhaled as my fingers touched the soft petals. They were so velvety soft; I couldn"t resist the temptation from leaning over and smelling them again. Closing my eyes, I allowed the fragrance to fill me.

  The door to the patio door opened breaking me from my moment of bliss. I turned to see Casey walk through with her shirt torn and ragged. A frown crossed my face as I watched her close the door behind her.

  “Hey!” she said as if nothing was wrong. “Ooh, who sent those?”

  “Richard. Casey, what happened to you?”

  “Oh. I might need a new shirt,” she said casually looking at the flowers, again. “My, um, lunch decided to attack back.”

  I stared at her in disbelief as if it was no big deal to her. The memory of the story Richard had told me about Casey"s little hunting problem flashed through my mind.

  “What on earth were you having, that attacked you like that? A grizzly bear? Where was Nathaniel?”

  “He was with me. It really wasn„t all that bad,” she replied, taking the card out of my hand to read it.

  I grabbed the card out of her hand and pointed to the stairs. “You know where they are.”

  She smiled as she headed up the stairs. “Richard, huh?”

  “Okay, please don"t start.” I begged as I heard the all too familiar “hee-hee-hee.”

  I took the card with me as I went back into the office to finish the bank statement. A few moments later, Casey strolled in and sat down in front of the desk.

  “Have you called to thank him yet?” she asked leaning back in the chair crossing her legs.

  “I don"t have his number, and there isn"t one on the card,” I said as I continued looking at the computer. “Besides, I don"t want to encourage him. Daniel is going to be home today.”


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