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Fall of kNight

Page 25

by T. L Mitchell

  “It"s a matter we need to take care of. One of which will be handled by our tribe.”

  His voice was still firm. The urgency for Daniel and I to leave was more prevalent.

  “Gramps, what"s going on? Is there something we can do to help?” I spoke out.

  Gramps looked lovingly into my face. He knew I would help. A soft smile crossed his lips.

  “I know you will. But you, my granddaughter, need to be safe. This is not a place for you in your condition.”

  My next words were distracted as I saw twelve men dressed in robes come out from the forest. Daniel"s body shifted closer to mine. His arm went around mine and pulled me closer to him. Gramps turned slowly to see the approaching men. One I recognized clearly, Clayton Powers. What were they doing here?

  “Daniel. I must say I"m surprised to see you here.” Clayton announced as he moved closer.

  “Clayton, I could say the same thing.” Daniel replied.

  “Well, I came to put an end to all of this,” Clayton stated, moving within a few feet from us.

  Taylan had drawn closer his grandfather"s side. Daniel took a step forward, shifting his body between Clayton and me. It suddenly hit me; these were the other Council members. They had come to confront the Dark Wolves. My heart suddenly started racing loudly.

  “Clayton, I think you have things a little out of order.” Daniel voice was low and controlled.

  “Oh, on the contrary. These are the Dark Wolves we were searching for. It seems that you have made some acquaintances of your own.” Clayton eyed Daniel carefully. “I hope you know which side you are on.”

  “I believe there are some questions I have for you, Clayton. If you know these are the Dark Wolves, then you should know they are the originators of our line.” Daniel replied not taking his eyes off Clayton.

  “Yes, I am well aware of this. However, Daniel these people are the ones which have caused our clans to come to war against us.”

  “For a good reason as I hear it. Tell me Clayton, how is it the Council has grown to such strength over these long years? Could you also explain to me how we have drifted so far away from our responsibilities?”

  Clayton"s eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you challenging me?”

  “From what I understand, the Council has become a little more than a high priced organization. Too controlling in corporate America. How much money did you think you would obtain from the work of Dr. Miller?” Daniel shot out at him.

  Money? Corporate America? Dr. Miller? What on earth was Daniel talking about?

  Eyes widened with surprise. I listened carefully. Indeed, Daniel had learned more information than I was aware of.

  “Lies!” Clayton spat out. “Lies these heathens have been telling the clans! You above all people should be able to see through this! Daniel, let"s not forget who we are here.”

  “Forget who we are?” Daniel sneered. “Clayton, I believe you forgot who you were when you began your tyranny with Dr. Miller! You used the clans to protect you. Hide behind them. Control them. Now look where it has gotten you! How long did you think it would take before the truth came out?”

  “Truth?” Clayton snapped. “Truth? You want the truth? Without me, our little organization of wolf hybrids would have died out years ago, suffering from the growth and change in this world. Standing behind quietly while the humans live it up in the lap of luxury. And Martin Knight!” His harsh glare shifted to me. “You spit your accusations at me, what about him. He used the Lycan DNA to repair skin cells to the point of no scarring. You have the audacity to accuse me of tyranny? He was the one with the idea to save the world!”

  “My father only did what he felt was necessary to help humans! He wanted to save lives! Not kill people!” I spat out angrily.

  “Your father was not the saint you make him out to be!” Clayton sneered.

  The hair bristled against the back of my neck. How dare he talk about my father that way? The blood boiled in my veins. Daniel"s arm slid around mine, gripping me tightly.

  “What Martin did was not for his own benefit. There is a difference!” Daniel snapped out. “What you and Dr. Miller were doing was changing the course of human life, the very existence of mankind. You have lost your way, Clayton. Lycans have always been hidden away from humans. What you were planning was to convert every human into a freak! Combining Lycans and werewolves together. Selling your prototypes to the Government?”

  “YES! Millions would have been made. Daniel, I thought you could see this. You and your father are opportunists. You are an adventurer of science. I thought you would understand the money to be made here.” Clayton looked behind Daniel, sizing up the others as they approached silently.

  “You are wrong, Clayton. I see something evil in this. We are meant to protect humans. That is what I stand for.”

  “So be it then. You will die with everyone else here.” Clayton said sharply.

  Before I had the chance to even consider the options, the twelve Lycan Council members changed. It was not Lycans I saw standing in front of me, but something different. Not a wolf. Not a werewolf. But what appeared to be a combination of the two.

  They were much larger than the Lycans in form, big, strong and bristled with the spiky wirehair of the werewolves. Their heads were larger than wolves and their jaws more muscled and their teeth larger. The same red eyes of the werewolves glowed within them.

  This night was the nightmare I feared. These animals were an abomination to our kind. They were the evil creation of man and science. Daniel pushed me behind him.

  Daniel and I hadn"t come here prepared for a war. We didn"t know that a war was taking place tonight between the Council and the Dark Wolves. Tonight was the war to end all wars between our clans. The Council was not at all what we thought it to be. I took a deep breath and tightly held it.

  “Julie! Go to the car!” Daniel growled out.

  “NO! I"m not leaving you!” I snapped out behind him.

  “Taylan?” Daniel sneered out.

  “It"s too late. We would never make it.” Taylan was right beside Daniel and me.

  “Then let the war begin.” Gramps sounded out in a thunderous voice.

  Whether or not Gramps had some type of mystical power, I may never know. But the words that left his mouth sounded like thunder rumbling into the night, and the atmosphere in the air even changed. I could feel an energy surrounding me, a force so powerful the ground shook beneath our feet. The Dark Wolves changed.

  Daniel and I shifted into our wolf forms under the control of the mighty force. Our clothes ripped from around our bodies and fell into shreds upon the ground. My body tingled with the excessive energy that now flowed over and through me. There was something different about me, different about Daniel. Daniel was larger than his normal regular wolf size. He was bigger bodied, more muscular and well defined. What happened to us? Daniel looked like Taylan, a Dark Wolf. How was this possible? What really happened in those three days I was out?

  Daniel was not the only one who changed. I braced my paw on the ground, looking down I saw my massive black paws. With each breath I took I could feel the electricity charging my body. My muscles were stronger. I opened my mouth to adjust my jaws as the muscles flexed around the bones. Even my eyesight was clearer. The newfound energy swept over my body, into every muscle. The muscles in my hindquarters flinched as I took another step forward. I felt strong, stronger than I ever felt before. This was a new side of the wolf I never knew. Yes, I, too, was a Dark Wolf.

  Daniel stood beside me and lowered his head into an attack position. Taylan moved on the other side of Daniel and Gramps moved to the left of me. Behind us, the rest of the tribal elders and Taylan"s pack closed in. We were the first line of attack.

  The creatures who stood before us were intimidating enough. It was easy to kill a werewolf. This was what we were built for. We stared into the eyes of our enemies and showed no fear. These creatures appeared stronger than what we expected. Would our death come swiftly?
We didn"t know, but the lives of thousands depended on the few of us this night. If we failed, not only the lives of other Lycans would be at stake, but also humankind as we knew it would soon become threatened.

  Daniel"s thoughts were clear in my mind. He wanted me at the back of the pack. I remained still, not moving an inch. His head turned to the side slightly, still keeping his eyes on the creatures before us. A low growl released from his throat, meant for me of course. It was his way of letting me know his anger at my disobedience to him.

  Before I had the chance to convey my own thoughts, the pack in front of us charged. It was too late to argue. We were under attack. The darkness of the night couldn"t hide the red illuminated eyes that charged towards us. It was time. Fight or die.

  There was no other choice.

  The sound of wolf feet pounding and the huffs from our breaths filled the night as we moved forward into the wildness of the pack in front of us, determined to win. The instinct of over a thousand years flowed through us as the ten of us moved swiftly into the night toward those abominations of mankind.

  At first, I tried to calculate a quick plan of attack. Daniel"s thoughts were not clear.

  He couldn"t determine which way they would move. Then it was too late. We were already confronting the attack. The first of the creatures met Daniel head on and the second met me. I couldn"t keep track of the others. My only focus was on defending myself and killing my prey.

  I met my prey airborne. Our bodies clashed together in a hard thump that sounded like two boulders slamming together. We both fell to the ground with a thud. Gathering my stance, I turned. He was already on his feet and began circling me. His lips curled back over his teeth. Low growls rumbled from him, intimidating warnings rolled loudly from his mouth. I rolled back my lips, my teeth revealed. The low growls I sent him were not warnings. They were clearly telling him that tonight his life would end.

  Our dance of death started. Cautiously we moved around one another, sizing up our prey. Suddenly he charged me again. Swiftly I moved to the side. The adrenaline pulsated through my body. I pivoted on my front feet, snapping at his rear hindquarters when he flew past me. My teeth hit flesh and his rear went down. He pivoted as fast as he could. He turned to me, aiming for the back of my neck. My heart pounded. My senses were wild. I jerked away, backing down onto my front paws and turning my rear to unsettle his balance. His teeth caught my shoulder then bore down. I felt the pressure of large teeth as they pierced into my flesh, causing me to yelp in pain. Furiously I growled. Moving swiftly, I came underneath his ribcage with my opened mouth. Blood poured into my mouth as I pierced his flesh. The bones cracked loudly as he roared in pain. He fell backwards, losing his balance. Immediately I moved. I grabbed the neck of the creature before it hit the ground. A huff of air escaped me as I sank my teeth into its neck. It was over. My prey ceased to live a moment longer. Raising my head, I scouted out another prey.

  The battle continued as the blood of Lycans and these werewolf hybrids filled the air. Roars of hatred and pain took over the darkness of the night. Several of the Dark Wolves were severely wounded, but they continued to fight. But only three of the Council were dead, recapturing their human forms, one by my hand and two by Daniel and Taylan.

  Gramps appeared to be holding his own. He and the larger of the creatures were still fighting. I heard a yelp in the distance. It was Taylan. His roar thundered into the night. He regained his position, fresh blood now spilling down his sides as he continued to fight.

  Daniel called me. He was now in a two on one fight. Two of the creatures tag teamed him. My breath froze in my chest and my muscles tensed. A burning killing rage flew through me as I pounded the earth to his side. I came up behind one of them. No warning. No growls. I leaped into the air. My mouth opened, preparing to clamp down on his neck as soon as my feet hit the ground.

  My eyes closed tightly as I held on to his throat. I could hear the screeching cry it let loose, but I wouldn"t let go. It wheezed and coughed. I applied more pressure, my teeth sinking deeper into his skin. Blood poured over my bottom jaw as the creature coughed its last suffocated breath. My paws pressed tightly against the creature as I jerked my head back, taking with me a large portion of his skin.

  I heard another roar behind me, but I dared not look until I knew the creature I had was dead. I could hear it. Suddenly the lifeless body dropped to the ground. I snapped my head around. Daniel had taken his creature down. Blood was pouring from a wound in Daniel"s shoulder, but he had dismembered the creature and had it by the neck.

  Anxiously, I looked around, as the sounds of fighting faded. Taylan had joined with Gramps and finished off the last of these creatures. The rest of us stood back. Only a few remained alive. My brothers lay on the ground before me. Aside from the three of us, two others remained. The heart inside of me ached. This had been a horrible night that I would never forget.

  Daniel slowly moved to my side, he was in tremendous pain. He sniffed the wound on my shoulder. It was already healing, but I wondered if my heart would ever recover from this night. I raised my head in sorrow as a high-pitched howl poured from my lips as I sang the song of mourning. The others joined in song with me, pouring their mourning into the night. Our songs rang out loudly, letting all who could hear us know we had lost love ones. We had lost family, our brothers, our fellow warriors. Yes, our hearts mourned.

  Our song was heard over many miles. Soon other wolves in the distance heard our cry and joined in. Whether it was only a few moments or hours I couldn"t tell. When our howls stopped, I heard in a distance what appeared to be thousands of wolves singing, spreading the news of our losses.

  Gramps and Taylan shifted back into their human forms, clothing themselves and bringing the robes of our enemies to Daniel and me. Daniel shifted first and I followed.

  Once clothed, we watched the remaining two warriors shift. They were the two remaining tribal leaders. Taylan"s group was completely annihilated.

  Taylan moved to the one closest to him, glancing down at the body that lay at his feet. Gramps moved over to Taylan and placed a hand on his shoulder. I wanted to say something to him, some word to let him know how much I felt his pain. But I didn"t really know how much pain he was really experiencing.

  Gramps looked up to me and then to Daniel. He left Taylan"s side and walked toward us. The closer he came, the more sorrow I could see in his eyes. My heart was tied in a knot, and pain filled me even further.

  “It was Joshua. Taylan"s first born.” Gramps stated grimly.

  Tears welled inside my eyes. Daniel looked to Taylan. I knew he wanted to say something. He took a step and Gramps caught Daniel by the arm.

  “Leave him be,” he stated firmly. “You should go back home now. We have much work to be done here this night.”

  Gramps turned his head upward, looking at the full moon. “It"s sacred ground the blood of our warriors has been spilled on. But,” he paused. “I wish to thank you, Daniel.

  For your courage and faith in the truth.”

  “Tonight, old man, the lines will be reunited with their true ancestors. No longer shall we be ruled by the arrogance of these type of men,” Daniel stated firmly.

  “Tonight, I call you my brother. I call you my son. For you are a true Aniwayah. I give to you the truth. I give to you the Great Spirit. The blood of my people shall flow through your veins. For you have become one with us…forever,” Gramps stated.

  Gramps reached down by his side he pulled out a knife. With his hand held around the knife, he raised it into the air and belted out words in an unknown tongue. It sounded as if he was speaking or perhaps praying in the language of our people. He brought the knife down across the palm of his hand, and his blood poured. He motioned to Daniel. Daniel offered Gramps his hand, and I watched as the palm of Daniel"s hand ran red with blood. Gramps clasped his hand around Daniel"s. The air around us became electrified. At that moment, we stood in the middle of a powerful and mystical force.

  “I call
unto you the great Aniwayah!” Gramps voice thundered.

  Chills ran down my arms. The wind stirred around us, as if it obeyed the call of this mighty warrior. A whirlwind surrounded us, softly the wind howled, much like a wolf.

  Blistering heat and cold ran through my body. Something more powerful than I had imagined happened. I could feel a change in Daniel, even sense it and smell it. He changed before my very eyes; it was astonishing. His smell was different. Something earthier mixed with his spicy scent.

  “For you are a true ruler, a true leader. The spirit of the Aniwayah lives in you. Call to him when you need him. Teach the others the true way of the Aniwayah. Live in peace. Love in peace. Forever honor your heart and let it guide you. Now go. Go back to your home and may peace be with you.” Gramps stated. He turned away from us.

  Gramps walked back to where Taylan stood over his son.

  Daniel turned to me, his eyes searched mine. Yes, I was all right. I stood in wonderment of the event I had just witnessed and a little in awe. Daniel was truly my family now. He was a part of my bloodline. Joy filled my saddened heart. Daniel was officially a Dark Wolf. The bloodline of my ancestors flowed through him. Much more, he would lead the Lycans into a new life, the true life of the Aniwayahs. Who would have ever known what Fate had in store for us? There was no way I would have ever guessed the man I loved so dearly would become a great leader.

  “We shall do this together.” He spoke softly pulling me into his arms. “If I am to be the new leader, you are going to lead with me. By my side.”

  “We shall do a great thing.” I spoke with a smile on my face.

  “Yes we shall.” His words were softly spoken.

  Daniel and I drove back home to Georgia without speaking. Quietly, we drove back lost in our own thoughts, considering the events of the night. Daniel and I knew this was a new dawn for the Lycans. A new leadership had risen and there would be no more lies, no more hideous attempts at research. We could all live in peace amongst ourselves.


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