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A Slash of Savagery (Wiccan-Were-Bear)

Page 10

by R. E. Butler

  “Our kind don’t normally marry, but I know that it’s a human custom for the female to wear a ring. Our bond is deeper than any mortal ceremony.”

  She looked down at the large square cut garnet and smiled, her eyes misting at the sweet gesture. “You’re so good to me, Brone,” she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You are worth everything to me, beloved,” he whispered huskily in her ear.

  She shivered and moaned softly as the tips of his fangs teased her neck for a moment. He pushed her away gently and cupped her face, brushing his lips across hers.

  “I’ll be at the store an hour after sunset. Take care, my love.”

  “I love you. I’ll be careful, I promise.”

  With a final kiss, she said goodbye to her mate and left their chamber. When she reached the first floor, four males were waiting for her. Two wolves, a fallen angel, and a leopard. Brone had introduced them to her the day before. The wolves were fraternal twins and looked like negatives of each other: Night was dark-skinned, with brown eyes and black hair, and Shade was lightly tanned with nearly white-blond hair and pale blue eyes. Darien, like Allisandrea, was an angel who had “fallen,” or decided to give up his wings and heavenly home for life on earth. He was handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes; the sides of his long hair were braided and gathered at the back of his head. The leopard, Nikko, was lean and muscular with golden eyes and dark brown hair. Each male emanated strength. Even without Brone, she felt secure leaving the safety of the club with them. Of course she’d prefer to have Brone with her, but these four would keep her safe, of that she had no doubt.

  Darien said, “My lady, we’re ready when you are.”

  “You can call me Arissa,” she said as they surrounded her and they walked through the offices.

  “I understand that you have a friend like me,” he said.

  “Her name is Allisandrea. She lives in the building I used to live in.”

  “I know of her.”

  “She said that there weren’t any other angels in the area. Are you new to town?”

  “Not at all. I’m personally pledged to Mishka and run errands for him, so I’m not in Cleveland very often.”

  She glanced up at him. “You say errands like you don’t really mean errands.”

  He chuckled. “He is a collector and I collect things for him.”

  “That sounds even more ominous,” she said with a laugh.

  “Not at all, little witch. He collects books and artifacts, nothing so sinister as what you may be thinking.”

  “I wasn’t thinking anything sinister,” she promised.

  “Oh sure,” Shade snorted, “you were thinking he collects people.”

  She gave the tall male a light slap on his arm. “Was not.”

  After they made their way through the club, the twins left her with Darien and Nikko and went to scout the vehicle and make sure it was safe. She thought they were being a little overprotective, but she imagined that Brone had insisted on it. And they were warriors, anyway, protectors of those they were charged with watching. Their lives were on the line if something happened to her, she was sure of it.

  Night pushed open the security door and said, “All clear. Let’s get on our way.”

  She sat in the second row between Darien and Nikko, and Night and Shade sat in the front with Shade behind the wheel. On the drive to The Cleveland Mother Earth Store, she talked to the four males about their lives. The wolves had been rogue since they were young and had come to Cleveland looking for work several years ago. They’d been working security for the club ever since.

  Nikko was one of only a few leopards living in the states. Most leopards, he said, lived in Canada on preserves and kept a simple way of life. He, like the twins, worked in security. Darien had lost his wings three hundred years ago and had found his niche in supernatural detective work, finding antiquities and artifacts. Since Mishka was a collector, he had hired Darien to work for him exclusively, and he found himself traveling all over the world looking for various items.

  “The last thing I found for him was a book about the wealthiest vampire clan in the history of their people.”

  “That’s the one that Mishka gave up for the little dragon kid,” she said.

  Darien nodded. “Mishka thinks very highly of Brone, and you as an extension. He knew that if he didn’t protect the kid that Brone would destroy that coven in an effort to protect you, and that would set him up for trouble with the European council.”

  She hummed in her throat. “But if he killed them to save Sang, isn’t that justification?”

  Nikko snorted. “Old vamps don’t think much of shifters, honey. A vampire could kill another vampire legally if his mate was harmed or in danger, but not for a shifter.”

  Night said, “There was a vampire a few years ago that was fighting shifters against each other, and the North American Council approved of his death, but that was an extenuating circumstance, since the NAC cares more about what humans and shifters think than their European counterparts.”

  “Sounds complicated and kinda dumb.”

  All four males laughed. “That about sums it up,” Darien said.

  Night pulled into a parking space behind the store, and Arissa used her keycard to unlock the back door. She turned around to see Nikko tugging off his shirt.

  He gave her a rakish grin and said, “I’m on patrol. My senses are better in my shifted form.”

  It took her a moment to realize he was going to keep taking off his clothes, and then he toed off his shoes. “Oh, right. Well, have fun patrolling.”

  Darien followed her into the store while Night and Shade busied themselves at the back of the SUV. “What’s on the menu tonight? Hexes? Potions? Dancing around a cauldron naked?” he asked.

  “I don’t think you could have been any more stereotypical.”

  “I could try harder.”

  “No thanks.” She stopped at the staff break room and pushed her purse into her locker after extracting the book that Lorene had delivered to the club. The book would help her with the inscribed stones that Cella had helped her order. “Tonight we’re making protection amulets for the mates at the club, and then I might hex a certain fallen angel.”

  He chuckled as he followed her through the back offices of the store. Lulu looked up from where she was cleaning the counter and dropped the spray bottle and wad of paper towels. She jogged around the counter and hugged Arissa. “I missed you! They make me stand out here by myself on the weekends.”

  “Aw,” Arissa laughed. “I missed you, too.”

  “Yeah, right. You get to hang out in the club with your mate to protect you. And holy crap, girl, you’re mated! When’s the wedding?” Lulu lifted Arissa’s hand and looked at the impressive ring.

  “No wedding. The ring is just a symbol.”

  “Of what?” She looked up skeptically.

  “Our bond.”

  Darien turned on his heels. “Oh, yuck. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check the back.” He walked back toward the offices and disappeared down the hallway.

  “He’s cute.”

  “Fallen angel,” Arissa said as she laid the book on the counter.

  “So he’s…single?” Lulu asked, leaning against the counter.

  “I didn’t ask.” She smiled as she flipped the book open to find the two spells she had marked.

  Lulu hummed but said nothing, peering at the open page. The sound of heels echoing down the hallway and a swell of power in the air alerted Arissa to Lorene’s arrival. The North Corner glided into the room followed by Bitty, the East Corner. Arissa left the counter and embraced the two women. It was comforting to be in the presence of other Wiccans, and she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed it. She could have stood with them for hours.

  “Mating agrees with you, sweet girl,” Lorene said.

  Arissa blushed as Bitty chuckled.

  “Shall we get on with the protection wards so you can come back to work
the front with Lulu? She seems practically bursting to talk to you about the club,” Lorene said.

  With a smile at Lulu, Arissa grabbed the book and box of stones and walked with the corners to one of the rooms where Wiccans in the coven performed spells and rituals for clients. She, Bitty, and Lorene gathered in the center of the room at a large, round table. While Lorene gathered the ingredients for the specific spells, Bitty and Arissa laid out the gemstones that would become pendants on bracelets to be given to each mate. She had included an extra ten gemstones for future mates.

  Letting her power free, Arissa began to cast the spells to imbue the pendants with protective powers. Lorene and Bitty added their own power to the spells that Arissa cast, making the spells even more powerful. By the time the last pendant was protected, Arissa felt as if she had finally done her best to keep the mates safe.

  They helped her attach the pendants to the bracelets and each one was tucked inside a velvet bag and laid in a box.

  Arissa thanked the corners for their help and carried the box of bracelets to the break room and put them in the locker along with the book. Lorene had offered to let her keep the spell book, and Arissa looked forward to reading through it when she had more time. She hadn’t really read much of it, since she’d been intent on finding only specific spells. Ancient spells fascinated her.

  She spent the next hour talking to Lulu about the club and being mated. Lulu was very sweet, and Arissa was surprised she wasn’t mated.

  “I guess I haven’t found that one guy yet.”

  “He’s out there somewhere, I’m sure,” Arissa promised.

  Lulu cast her gaze to Arissa before looking back at the front door again. “Do you think I could come visit you at the club sometime?”

  “We’d have to make sure that you’re well-guarded so no one tries to take a bite out of you. I could get my angel friend Allisandrea to join us. She’s very fierce.”

  “That would be cool,” Lulu said.

  The sun began to set, and Arissa breathed a sigh of relief. Brone texted her to say he was on his way. The store stayed open until midnight, and Brone was going to stay until the store closed and then drive her home. She was glad that he was coming for her. She liked the guards but would feel safer with Brone by her side.

  Not that she expected anything bad to happen. The store and grounds were protected with spells and wards.

  Almost as soon as she finished the thought, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention, and a shiver raced down her spine as if she’d walked through a stream of frigid air. Grabbing her phone, she texted Brone: Something’s wrong, get here fast!

  “Lulu, run and tell Lorene that something bad is coming and then go into the break room and shut the door.”

  “What’s wrong?” Lulu asked, her eyes wide with sudden panic.

  Arissa’s skin goosebumped, and she fought the urge to run and hide, too. “Just go, now!”

  Lulu raced from the room as Darien rushed in, sword drawn. “What the hell is going on?” he demanded.

  “I don’t know, but it’s not good.”

  Lorene joined her and Darien as they stood in the center of the room. Lorene said, “I sent Bitty to stay with Lulu and keep her safe. We need to go outside.”

  “That’s insane,” Darien snarled. “The danger is out there.”

  “We’ll be safe within the wards on the grounds, and we need to take the fight to whoever is coming and keep Lulu and Bitty safe.”

  “She’s right,” Arissa said, drawing on her Wiccan power. The comforting warmth of her power filled her, and she felt Lorene’s answering swell of power. Lorene ducked behind the counter and lifted a container of salt, tucking it into her arms.

  The three strode toward the glass doors with purpose, and Arissa opened her senses completely, searching for the danger. The doors swung open and she walked out. She stopped a few yards from the doors. Darien whistled and a sleek solid black leopard raced around the corner of the building and stopped directly in front of Arissa. The leopard’s hackles raised and his fangs were bared to the coming darkness.

  With swords drawn, Night and Shade stood on either side of her and Lorene. A shiver of fear slipped down her spine. Brone was an hour away. Even if he rushed, which she knew he would, it would still take time for him to arrive.

  Lorene stepped forward and opened the salt, tipping the container and speaking a protection spell as she walked quickly around the small group and laid out a salt circle. Stepping inside the circle, Lorene put the container down and said, “Whatever comes, don’t leave the circle, Arissa.”

  Darien rolled his shoulders. “I wish I had my wings.”

  In the distance, a wave of what looked like thick black smoke billowed forward as heat and power pushed outward. The smoky wave rolled over the parking lot and paused as if waiting for something. And then she knew what the smoke screen had been hiding — humans, dressed like soldiers, strode forward and the smoke moved away from the soldiers and toward Arissa and her people. A gray-haired Wiccan stood at the center of the soldiers, her arms — covered with brilliant red tattoos — outstretched as she pushed the smoke like a battering ram toward their protected circle. Arissa scanned the soldiers and gasped in alarm to see that at the back of the crowd was Restik, smiling smugly.

  “Brace yourselves!” Lorene shouted above the roaring sound of the smoke as the Wiccan’s power pushed it toward them.

  Arissa screamed for Brone as the smoke rammed their protective circle. It shuddered but stayed strong. But how long would it last?

  * * * * *

  Sang sat up with a start in bed; his heart hammered in his chest. He rubbed at the spot over his heart as fear boiled through him. He saw nothing in his room to be afraid of. He wasn’t in the cage anymore, under the control of the bad vampire and his people. Taking a slow breath, he tried to calm his heart, but another bolt of fear raced through him.

  His beast howled in his mind, and a flashed image of his kore appeared like a snapshot. She was with other people inside a white circle and she was terrified. Throwing back the covers, he raced into the front room, screaming his father’s name.

  His father stood from the couch where he had been watching television, and he snatched Sang up into his arms with a fierce snarl. “What’s wrong?”

  “Arissa is in danger! I have to help her!”

  His father’s eyes flashed to the gold of his beast and he nodded. “Do you know where she is?”

  “A parking lot with a building behind it, the sign over the door said Mother on it.”

  “I know the place.” His father charged through their home, clutching Sang tightly to his chest, and burst out into the yard. He set Sang down on the grass and lifted his head, releasing a shrill dragon’s war cry from his throat. Sang felt compelled to shift and tossed his pajama shirt off and let his shift take over.

  His father shifted into his form, a solid red dragon. Sang’s own body was pale red, and he knew when he grew older that the color would slowly darken until it matched the crimson of his father’s scales. His father roared and other serpents joined them from their nearby homes; the males shifted. Sang’s father gripped him with one arm, tucking him close to his scaly chest as he rose into the air with furious flaps of his wings.

  Sang burrowed his face into his father’s neck and prayed to whoever kept Wiccans safe that his kore would be protected until they got there to help. He needed to help keep her safe from danger; his beast wouldn’t let him do any less.

  * * * * *

  The human soldiers lifted weapons and aimed them at the group. Arissa was thankful for the barrier of the salt circle.

  Arissa demanded, “What do you want?”

  One of the soldiers yelled, “An end to vampires and their mates! An end to the disease of vampirism and all it holds within its thrall.”

  “Good grief, they’re lunatics,” Lorene said.

  Darien shook his head. “Worse than lunatics. They’re those idiot First Church assholes.”

  “And they have weapons,” Night said.

  Nikko yowled in anger, his tail flicking against Arissa’s skirt.

  The smoky wave rolled forward and smashed into the protection spell once more, and an array of bullets sparked against it.

  Lorene gripped Arissa’s hand and said, “That Wiccan is evil to the core. Let’s set her on her ass.”

  Arissa promised herself that she would laugh later at Lorene’s cursing, but for now, she held tight to her North Corner’s hand and followed her lead. The two Wiccans pooled their power together and thrust it into the earth. Arissa felt the earth welcome their power as they grabbed hold of long-buried roots and shoved them to the surface.

  The roots cracked the asphalt as they shot up through the earth, knocking the front line of soldiers off their feet. The evil Wiccan cackled like a horror movie villain and shoved her hands downward. The ground trembled, and Arissa felt their power fail. For a brief moment, the evil Wiccan’s gaze met hers, and Arissa felt chilled to the very center of her being. The Wiccan thrust her hands forward, and Lorene shouted for them to duck. Arissa found herself covered by an angel and a leopard as the protective circle shattered.

  The wind was knocked out of Arissa as the guards shoved her against the asphalt, but she was thankful for their protection. Wind whipped around them, scattering the salt from the protective circle, and Arissa couldn’t hear anything over the roar of wind, causing her to worry for Lorene and the twins. The wind died down, and she heard the sound of guns firing and bullets bouncing off something. She peeked over Nikko’s back and saw Lorene had lifted another protective barrier in front of them with a spell.

  “Let me up! She can’t hold it long!” Arissa shouted. The two males eased off her, and Darien helped her stand. She added her power to Lorene’s shield and watched as the soldiers continued to shoot at them.

  “We have to stop her,” Lorene shouted as the winds — a product of the evil Wiccan — whipped up again.


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