When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  I had a feeling she had something up her sleeve.

  Cayson approached Skye and waited for the next box. “You doing okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She marked the box and didn’t look at him.

  “Do you need any water? Food?”

  “If I did I would get it myself,” she said coldly.

  “Just checking,” Cayson said.

  “Well, don’t,” she snapped.

  Maybe this plan wasn’t working.

  Cayson took the box and walked out. The second his back was turned, Skye’s eyes were on him. She examined his back and his ass before he walked through the doorway.

  “Like what you see?” I asked.

  She flinched when she’d been caught. “Excuse me?”

  “He’s got a nice ass, huh?”

  She narrowed her eyes on me.

  “You know, a guy like that isn’t going to stay single long. You even think about divorcing him and all the girls in New York are going to be at his feet. You really want to throw that away?”

  She turned her gaze away. “For all I know, he’s already been with all the girls of New York.”

  “Don’t be like that.”

  Trinity came out of the bedroom, and she wasn’t wearing the same clothes. She hardly wore any clothes at all. She wore shorts that hardly covered her ass and sky-high heels that made her ass even more prominent. She wore a tube top that showed her slim stomach and her naval piercing.

  She looked like a prostitute.

  I was pretty turned on but that wasn’t the point. “Trinity, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Just slipped into something more comfortable.” She started placing the dishes in a box.

  “Actually, you look extremely uncomfortable.”

  “Nope,” she said. “I’m great.”

  I couldn’t believe how petty she was. I was only going shirtless for Cayson, not to make a point. But I couldn’t say that in front of Skye. “Change. Now.”


  “This is pathetic,” I said. “And it’s not the same thing at all.”

  She continued to pack the dishes inside the box. “Get over it.”

  “To make this the same, I’d have to take my jeans off.”

  “I’m wearing jeans.”

  “No, you’re wearing underwear,” I snapped. “Now change, goddammit.”

  “You’re such a hypocrite. Put on a shirt.”

  I ground my teeth in irritation. “Fine. If you change.”

  “You first.”

  She had me cornered and I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t want her walking down to the truck like that. Guys gawked at her enough as it was. I grabbed my shirt from the couch and put it on. “There. You happy?”

  “Very.” She walked back into the bedroom and changed.

  I shook my head and got back to work. “If she weren’t so damn fine…”

  Skye chuckled. “You mean, if you didn’t love her so damn much.”


  “This place is slick,” Cayson said when he looked around our new place.

  “I know, right?” I said. “It’s awesome. Its times like this I’m grateful I married a rich wife.”

  “I wasn’t rich when you married me,” Trinity argued.

  “Pretty much,” I said.

  Skye crossed her arms over her distended stomach and looked around. “It’s really nice.”

  “It has a second story for the other bedrooms,” I said. “That way the kids will be far from Mommy and Daddy when we’re getting it on.”

  Trinity dramatically rolled her eyes. “Yes, that’s the only reason why we got the second story.”

  “I’ll start getting things from the truck.” Cayson stepped out.

  Skye watched him go before she wandered through the apartment and looked around.

  Now that I was alone with my wife, I spoke freely. “I need you to do something for me.”

  Trinity released a sigh like she was irritated. “We aren’t having sex right now. It can wait.”

  “No, it’s something else.”

  “Wow…that’s a first.” She turned her full attention on me.

  “I need you to feel Skye out.”


  It was a little awkward and I felt uncomfortable even talking about it. “If she’s experiencing hormones…”

  “Like mood swings?”


  “You’re going to have to be more clear.”

  I decided just to spit it out. “Find out if she’s horny.”

  Both of her eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

  “I just need to know.”

  “How would I even figure that out?” she asked.

  “By asking her.”

  “I’m not asking her that.” She sounded revolted.

  “Girls talk about stuff like that all the time. Just be cool.”

  “Even if I was ‘cool’ what’s the point in that?”

  “I just need to know, okay?”

  Suspicion grew on her face. “If Cayson thinks he can seduce her back into marriage, he’s sadly mistaken.”

  “Why don’t you just worry about getting the information and I’ll worry about Cayson?”

  “No, I won’t help you get them back together. Cayson had his chance and he blew it.”

  “Blew it?” I felt the anger rise. “By refusing to lie and take the easy way out? No, Trinity. That shit was honorable.”

  Skye came back into the room. “This place is perfect for you guys. It has plenty of room for you and the kids.”

  I lowered my voice and whispered. “Ask her.”

  Trinity glared at me and said nothing.

  I changed the subject so Skye didn’t suspect any foul play. “And I get my own man cave for my instruments and cigars.”

  “The garage?” Skye teased.

  I walked past the girls and headed outside. “Nope. Try again.”


  Everyone was unpacking boxes and putting stuff away. I was putting the coffee table back in place and felt my shirt cling to my back from all the sweat. Trinity didn’t tell me she ordered a new rug, so I had to move the table and put it back because of her forgetfulness.

  Trinity handed me a glass of water. “Don’t get dehydrated.”

  I was hunched over the table so I stood up straight and took the glass. “This isn’t beer.”

  “I know. Now drink it.”

  I downed it before I set the glass on the table.

  Trinity lowered her voice. “She said yes.”

  “Who said what?”

  She leaned closer to me. “Skye is horny.”

  “You asked her?” A smile spread my lips.

  “Well, you asked me to.”

  “I’m starting to think you believe Cayson…”

  “I don’t,” she snapped. “I did it for my husband.” She grabbed the glass and walked away.

  Cayson was on the other side of the room taking care of the kitchen table. He was absorbed in his work and incredulous to everything around him. I came to his side and acted like I was helping him. “Hey, I need to talk to you.”

  “I’m listening.” He screwed the nail in the bottom of the table.

  “Skye is horny.”

  He stopped what he was doing and gave me an incredulous look. “What?”

  “Trinity just told me. I guess Skye’s hormones are all over the place.”

  “Why are we discussing my wife’s sex drive?”

  “Because it’s your golden ticket.”

  Cayson looked more confused than ever. “Are we visiting a chocolate factory?”

  “No,” I snapped. “Seduce her and she’s yours. I’m telling you, sex fixes everything. When Trinity wanted to murder me, I made sweet love to her and everything was right in the world.”

  “We’re in a different situation, Slade.”

  “You want your wife back or not?” Why was he being so difficult right now?

  “Look, she won’t even let
me touch her stomach.”

  I cringed. “Why would you want to?”

  “My baby.”

  “Oh yeah. Forgot.”

  “If she won’t even let me do that, there’s no way I’m going to get her to do anything else.”

  “Just hold her down and make her.”

  Cayson looked at me like I was crazy.

  “I do it to Trinity all the time. She acts like she doesn’t want it because she’s mad at me, but after I pin her down and shove myself inside her she melts into a puddle.”

  “We’re in different situations, Slade. I can’t do that to Skye right now. That would be rape.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “The second you’re inside her she won’t want you to leave. Believe me, I know.”

  “No,” Cayson said. “That’s not going to work.”

  I sighed because he was so difficult to work with. “Then you need to do something else. Maybe flowers? I don’t know. Put some porn on her computer so she’ll get turned on from that.”

  Cayson rolled his eyes. “Just drop it, Slade.”

  “What do you normally do? What are your moves?”

  “I don’t have any moves. I just look at her then kiss her. That’s it.”

  “Well…you’re going to need to step it up.”

  “Slade, let it go. It’s not going to work.”

  “We’re out of options here, Cayson.” Sometimes I thought I wanted them to get back together more than he did.

  “I’ll get her back. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I know you will but I’d like to speed up the process before someone finds out.”

  “I don’t care if anyone finds out.”

  “Really?” Because he should.

  “Everyone will know I didn’t do it.”

  “Just like Trinity…?”

  “Trinity is too loyal to Skye. She’ll take her side on anything—and that’s how it should be.”

  “You really don’t think Trinity is being a bitch? I know she’s my wife and everything but she hasn’t been very nice to you.”

  “No, she’s doing exactly what a friend should do. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” He finished putting the table together before he flipped it onto its legs.

  “I guess.”

  “I appreciate all your concern but I’ll figure this out, Slade. Believe me, I’ll never let Skye go no matter how hard she pushes me.”

  “Well, you need to get on that. She asked for a divorce.”

  “No, she didn’t. She just said that because she was angry.”

  Actually, I think she was serious but I didn’t have the heart to tell him that. “Well, I’m here if you need help.”

  “I know, man. But I can get her back on my own.”


  When Cayson and Skye were gone, it was just me and the wife.

  “So…” I walked across the living room. “Where shall we have sex for the first time? The couch?” I patted the armrest. “Or the kitchen table?” I walked over to it and felt the sturdiness of the legs. “Or how about the floor?” I tapped my shoe against the wood.

  Trinity crossed her arms over her chest and didn’t seem interested in any of those things.

  “Then where do you want do it?” I turned to the window and looked at the city down below. “Ooh…how about right up against the window? I could bend you over and claim you for the whole city to see.” I turned back to her and looked for the sign of interest on her face. “So, what do you think?”


  “No?” When had my wife ever turned down sex? “Did you have a place in mind?”

  “How about the bathtub?”

  We got an enormous tub that was more of a Jacuzzi. It was much bigger than the one we had in our old apartment and her old house in Cambridge. Having sex in a bathtub was a little awkward, but if that were what she wanted she would get it. “Sure.”

  Trinity grabbed the candles and lit them in the bathroom. Then she got the water running with bubble bath. Soon the place smelled like vanilla and glowed dimly from the light of the candles.

  “This thing is so big we could have Cayson and Skye join us.”

  “We could but that doesn’t mean we should.” Trinity got into the tub and leaned against the edge.

  I stripped off my clothes then got into the water beside her. There was enough room that we could both be inside without touching each other. There was a window just above the tub and we could look out to the city beyond. “This place is too good to be true.”

  “I like it too.”

  I snatched her then placed her across my lap. Her head went to my shoulder and she wrapped one arm around my neck. Judging her silence and look of affection, I knew something was bothering her. “What is it, baby?” We should be happy right now. We were living the dream.

  “I just…nevermind.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I don’t want you to get upset.”

  That made my blood run cold. “Why would I be upset?”

  “I just don’t want you to take it the wrong way.”

  “I’ll take it whatever way you want.” I rubbed her shoulder then pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Okay…I never want to get divorced.”

  That wasn’t what I was expecting her to say.

  “I never want to go through what Skye and Cayson are going through. I never want you to cheat on me. Skye is handling it remarkably well. If it were me…I wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed.”

  I watched her face and all the sadness in her eyes. “I promise you’ll never have to go through that.” I admit it hurt that it was something she was concerned about, but I told her I wouldn’t take it the wrong way. “Trinity, I would never do that. Through the good times and the bad times, I will always be faithful to you. I don’t want anyone else but you. I wouldn’t have married you unless I couldn’t live without you. You’re my best friend, and I would never hurt my best friend.”

  Sadness was still in her eyes.

  “Don’t ever worry about that.”

  “But Skye and Cayson are perfect together. Cayson was so in love with her and then he—”

  “Didn’t do it, Trinity. I know we said we wouldn’t talk about this but don’t question my loyalty based on that. I know Cayson didn’t do it, so your insecurity is completely misplaced.”

  She stared at the bubbles in the water. “I don’t know what I would do without you. I’d probably be weak just like Skye and take you back…”

  “I would never give you a reason to leave me in the first place.”

  “But after I have kids, my body won’t be the same. What if you aren’t attracted to me anymore?”

  That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. “Trinity, that would never happen.”

  “I could have stretch marks.”

  “So?” I asked. “That wouldn’t bother me. And if they really bother you we can get some ink.”

  “I could be bigger…”

  “You’re too thin as it is, baby.”

  “My ass might get bigger.”

  “Ooh…I like that.” I wiggled my eyebrows.

  She finally chuckled.

  “Baby, big or small I love you for you.” I placed my hand over her heart. “My attraction to you isn’t skin deep. It goes all they way through muscle and bone. I think you’re the most gorgeous woman in the world because of who you are, not what you look like. But I admit I do think you’re a fine piece of ass. And I know you’ll be a fine piece of ass after you give me my children. So don’t worry about it.”

  “Really?” she whispered.

  “Really.” I rubbed my nose against hers. “You’re the only woman I ever notice. All the women I see on the street are just oddly shaped blurs. I don’t notice them the way I used to. Just the other day some stripper came into the shop and the guys said she was the sexiest chick they’d ever seen. I didn’t see what the fuss was about. She had nothing on you.”

  Trinity finally smiled.

��I’m the most devoted guy on the planet, Trinity. You never have to wonder where my eyes are moving or what my dick is doing.”

  She nodded slightly.

  “Feel better now?”

  “Yes.” She rested her face against mine.

  I kissed her temple. “Love you, Wife.”

  “Love you too, Husband.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I took the call. “Yo, what’s up, Razor?”

  “Hey, man. There’s some kind of leak at the shop.”

  A leak? If there was a leak why didn’t Slade call me? “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I came back after closing because I forgot my wallet. That’s when I noticed all the water. It looks like it’s coming from upstairs.”

  “Did you call Slade?” As far as I was concerned, this was his problem and not mine.

  “Yeah, he didn’t answer. I know he’s moving right now.”

  I was supposed to meet Sean for basketball and dinner. If I got this over with quickly I would still be able to make it. He was probably halfway from Connecticut anyway. “I’ll be there in a second.”


  Water pooled on the floor right in the lobby. Thankfully, it was a small amount of water. If Razor hadn’t come back it would have been a much bigger problem in the morning.

  “There must be a busted pipe,” Razor said. “I couldn’t find it, and the apartment upstairs is locked.”

  “Hmm…we redid the shop but not the place upstairs. It’s a few decades old.”

  “Then I bet that’s where the problem is.”

  “You can go, Razor. I’ll take it from here.”

  “You sure?”

  “Do you know anything about plumbing?”

  “Can’t say I do.” He held up his forearms. “I only know how to ink, man.”

  “Then get out of it.”

  “I don’t need to be told twice. I’m meeting this hot stripper at a bar. Don’t want to keep her waiting.” He winked before he walked out.

  I immediately called the plumber because I had a feeling this was beyond my expertise, and none of my friends had more knowledge than I did. Then I tried to figure out where the leak was coming from. Based on my investigation, it was coming from the apartment upstairs.

  I walked up the landing then used my key to get inside. The second I walked in, I noticed all the bags of clothes, the stack of papers on the small table, the dirty dishes in the sink, and the pile of men’s shoes in the corner.


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