Book Read Free

When We Fall

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  When she called again, I finally answered. “Scarlet, I don’t feel like talking right now. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

  She kept her voice calm. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said with a growl.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I just want to be alone.”


  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up. I’d never hung up on my wife but I wasn’t myself at the moment. I hadn’t told her about Skye and Cayson because I was dreading it. She would feel just the way I did, completely devastated. Scarlet had an attitude when she was upset. I wouldn’t be surprised if she scratched Cayson’s face off. She was normally calm and collected, but she turned into a mama bear when it came to her kids.

  Mike opened my door and came inside.

  “Why are you still here?” It was seven in the evening.

  “Keeping an eye on you.” He sat in the chair facing my desk.

  I rolled my eyes in irritation. “Scarlet?”

  “Yep. I’ve been tailing you.”

  That woman was always watching me even if she couldn’t see me.

  “Sean, you should go home.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Well, I know Scarlet didn’t do anything. So…who did?”

  Skye asked me not to say anything. But I didn’t see the point since the truth would get out eventually. I rubbed my temple and clenched my jaw at the same time.

  Mike continued to stare at me. “Whatever it is, I know it’s bad. I’ve never seen you shut out Scarlet before. You must be trying to protect her from something.”

  “I’ve never been this mad, Mike.”

  He watched me in silence.

  “I actually want to kill someone.” Someone in particular.

  “I’ve felt that way a few times in my life…”

  My heart was constantly pounding and I had an emerging migraine. I wanted to rip Cayson’s face off then torch it. He was a man I trusted and respected and now he was a different person. He claimed he didn’t do it but how could I believe him when he wasn’t giving me any reason to?

  “What’s going on, Sean?”

  I told my brother everything. I doubt I’d be able to keep this from him. “Skye and Cayson are getting a divorce.”

  Mike’s demeanor completely changed. He went from indifference to anger in a millisecond. But surprise was still written all over his face, like he hadn’t heard me correctly. Mike was protective of Skye like he was of his own kids. I felt the same way toward his. It was equally devastating to both of us. “A divorce?”


  “They just got married,” he said. “Why would they get a divorce?”

  I pressed my lips tightly together.

  Mike still couldn’t figure it out.

  “Cayson cheated.”

  “What?” Mike’s entire body tensed up. “How? When?”

  “When he was…wherever the hell he was.”

  “So he came home and confessed to Skye?” Mike couldn’t wrap his head around it. “What did he do exactly? Did he actually have sex with someone?”

  “No. Skye found a letter in his bag. I read it.”

  “Oh shit…”

  “It’s pretty clear he had sex with this girl for several months.”

  Mike rested his fingertips across his lips and his eyes darkened. A million thoughts were going through his mind at once. “Are you sure?”

  My head snapped in his direction. “What?”’

  “Are you sure this letter is real? It just doesn’t seem like something Cayson would do. They literally just got married.”

  “I agree it doesn’t sound like something Cayson would do. When I was talking to Skye the thought didn’t even cross my mind. It was only when I exhausted all other possibilities did I realize what he did. But that’s what the letter said.”

  Mike seemed angry, but not as angry as he should be. “It just doesn’t add up, Sean. You know I’m not an emotional guy, but Skye and Cayson have the movie love, you know? The second he leaves the country he hooks up with some girl? I can’t picture him doing that. I get he was alone and was obviously lonely but…I can’t seem resorting to that.”

  “I would be skeptical without the letter. But the letter does exist. And Skye doesn’t have a doubt in her mind that he’s guilty.”

  “Well…Skye is just like you. She’s very emotional.”

  I shot him a glare. “Now isn’t the time for jokes.”

  “I’m not joking around. And I’m not playing devil’s advocate either. I honestly think that of all people, Cayson is the last person to do something like this. I just can’t picture it.”

  “Well, it’s true.”

  Mike rested his fingertips on his lips again. He fell deep in thought. “I need more evidence than that.”

  I gave him an incredulous look. “More than the note the woman snuck into his bag?”

  “Why would she put it there?”

  “She told him if he decided to leave Skye she would be waiting for him.”

  “And you don’t think that’s a bit suspicious?” he asked. “Isn’t there a possibility that this chick purposely put that in his bag?”

  “And why would she do that?”

  “I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “Because she hates him? Maybe they had beef on the trip and she wants to ruin his life. Maybe she’s in love with him and thinks if she gets rid of Skye she has a chance.”

  “And why would she think she has a chance?” I challenged.

  “I don’t know, Sean,” he snapped. “Zack thought he was going to get away with murdering you, Scarlet, and Skye. There are crazy people out there. It’s the hard truth.”

  I clenched my hand into a fist on the desk.

  “I didn’t mean to go there,” he said quickly. “I’m just saying that Cayson is one of our own. I understand you’re protective of Skye. I would be the exact same way with Trinity. But there might be a possibility that Cayson is telling the truth.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “If he cheated on her, why wouldn’t he just admit it?”

  “Because he doesn’t want to lose her.” Obviously.

  “But Cayson has always been honest. If he did something like that, he would fess up to it. And honestly, he would probably even bow out. If he didn’t deserve Skye he would walk away from her.”

  “Maybe that trip changed him. Maybe he’s a different person now.”

  “I don’t know…but I can’t deny how skeptical I am. Did Skye say anything else?”

  “No, I didn’t ask.”


  I tried not to snap at him. “Because she was crying in my arms.”

  He nodded his in understanding. “I see…but you should ask her some other time. Maybe Skye knows something that we don’t. Maybe he really did do it but she doesn’t want to drive the last nail into the coffin.”

  “She still loves him…”

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” he said quietly. “You can’t just stop loving someone overnight—no matter what they’ve done.” He knew that all too well. “You really should get home to your wife. I know you’re trying to protect her from this but you’re just hurting her more by keeping her in the dark.” He rose to his feet and buttoned his jacket. “And I told her I would make sure you head home. So…I’m going to stand here until you do.”

  There was no point in arguing with him so I didn’t bother. “You’re right.”

  “I’m always right.”

  “But I’m not sure if you’re right about Cayson.”


  As soon as I walked in the house Scarlet was on me.

  Her arms were across her chest and the disappointment was in her eyes. She was going to give it to me good. It was obvious by the look on her face. “I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that there’s something on your mind and you aren’t sure how to handle it. But shutting me out is unacceptable. We’re partners, Sean. Whatev
er it is, we can get through it together. So you better start talking.” She kept her distance and didn’t come close to me.

  Yeah, I pissed her off.

  “I’m sorry for my behavior.”

  She gave me a cold stare.

  “I’ve been avoiding you because I don’t want to tell you this. I keep hoping it’s a bad dream I’ll wake up from.”

  Her voice came out as a whisper. “You’re scaring me…”

  I rubbed the back of my neck as I came closer to her. “I don’t want to tell you but there’s no way around it. I know it’s going to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  Like always, her eyes gave her fear away. But she held her ground like a soldier in battle. No matter how difficult things became she didn’t turn and flee. She always faced the undefeatable. “Just tell me, Sean.”

  “Maybe we should sit down…”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You remember my suspicions about Cayson and Skye?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I told you to stay out of it.”

  I ignored her comment and kept going. “It turns out Cayson has been living in the apartment over Slade’s shop for two months. And Skye just filed for divorce.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “What…? I…don’t understand.”

  “I couldn’t think of anything that would possibly rip them apart. Every time I asked Skye she wouldn’t tell me. Finally, I figured it out. There’s only one thing that could possibly break up their marriage and—”

  She covered her mouth and gasped. “No…”

  I nodded even though I didn’t want to.

  She stepped back, unable to compose herself. She started to pace the entryway, her fingers still resting on her lips. Her guard was up and she remained silent as she organized the million thoughts in her mind. “What happened? When did it happen?”

  “Cayson had an affair when he was traveling across Europe. Her name was Laura.”

  Scarlet closed her eyes like she was in pain. “I can’t believe Cayson would do that…”

  “I’m still trying to come to terms with it too.”

  She opened her eyes and kept walking. “Cayson came clean about it and moved out?”

  “No…I’m not totally sure what happened but Skye found a letter in his bag. The girl basically said they had a romantic relationship while he was away.”

  Scarlet stopped walking. “And Cayson admitted to it?”

  “Actually, he didn’t. He still doesn’t.”

  Scarlet took a deep breath like she was trying to stay calm. “Poor Skye…this must be so hard for her.”

  “It is.”

  She grabbed my sweater from the coatrack and pulled it on. “I need to see her.”

  “I’m sure she could use the company. And I took care of Cayson.”

  Her head snapped in my direction. “What do you mean by that?”

  “As in, I gave him a good punch to the face and told him he better not make this divorce difficult.”

  “Sean, we don’t know if he really did it or not.”

  What was wrong with everyone? First, it was Mike and now it was my wife. “He did do it, baby. The evidence is as clear as night and day. I wish it weren’t and we could give him the benefit of the doubt but we just can’t.”

  Scarlet opened the door. “I’m going to Skye’s. Don’t wait up for me.”

  I grabbed her arm before she could walk out. “Are you going to give your husband a kiss first?”

  “I would have given you lots of kisses if you came home last night.” She walked out and slammed the door behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Mom made me tea and a grilled cheese sandwich, my favorite meal. She sat beside me at the table and stroked my hair, just like she used to when I had a tummy ache. “I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “I know, Mom.” I sipped my tea and tried to enjoy it.

  “Your dad is really upset about it.”

  “No one is as upset as I am.” My world had fallen apart and it would never be right again.



  “You really think that letter is real?”

  I nodded.

  “Is there any possibility that it might not be?” Hope was in her voice, like she wanted to believe Cayson just to make all of this go away.

  “No, Mom. I’m sorry.”

  There was a loud knock on the door before it opened.

  That better not be Cayson.

  “It’s me,” Dad called. He came into the kitchen and saw us sitting together. Sadness filled his eyes as he looked at the half eaten grilled cheese sandwich and the steaming tea.

  Mom didn’t look at him. She only had eyes for me.

  Dad sat in the seat across from me, not beside Mom like usual. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Mom has it covered,” I whispered.

  “She’s a good mom,” he said.

  I nodded. “The best.”

  We fell in silence and I stared at my uneaten food.

  “I talked to Cayson today,” Dad said. “He shouldn’t give you anymore trouble.”

  I groaned. “Dad, I told you to leave him alone.”

  “I only told him that he better not make this divorce difficult. If he does, I will make his life difficult,” Dad said.

  “Just leave him alone, okay?” I didn’t want any trouble for Cayson. Soon, he wouldn’t be my husband anymore. But he would always be the father of my child. I would always respect him for that reason.

  Dad fell silent.

  “Forgive me for saying this…” Mom continued to run her fingers through my hair. “But I just have a hard time believing Cayson—”

  “Baby, drop it,” Dad interrupted.

  Mom ignored him. “It’s just out of character for him. Is there any other evidence that you have?”

  Judging their interaction, they’d already talked about this. “Yes.”

  “What?” Dad asked.

  “When I would Skype him, she was in his tent. And when I confronted him about it, he said they did kiss.”

  Mom sighed in sadness.

  “He said she kissed him when he was asleep and he kissed her back because he was dreaming…then he ended it and kicked her out. After that moment, they didn’t have any kind of relationship.”

  “Well, maybe he’s telling the truth,” Mom said.

  “I know Cayson,” I said. “He would have told me about the kissing even if it was all her doing. But he never mentioned it, and five weeks came and went before I found that letter. It was pretty clear he wasn’t going to say anything at all. And that tells me a lot more happened.”

  Mom stopped touching my hair and rested her hand on my back.

  Dad leaned back in the chair and rubbed his temple.

  “That’s how I know he did it.” I didn’t like saying that out loud. “I offered to give our marriage another chance if he admitted to what he did but he refused. So, I have no choice but to leave him. I can’t have a partner I don’t trust. I can’t raise a child with him when I doubt his integrity.”

  “You’re completely right, pumpkin,” Dad said gently.

  Mom didn’t seem as convinced. “There’s still a possibility he didn’t do it.”

  “Scarlet.” Dad’s flashed his angry eyes on her, something he never did. “Don’t make this worse.”

  Mom ignored him. “Why wouldn’t he have taken your offer if he really did it? No one would know what happened and he would get what he wants. Why continue to lie?”

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “He probably thinks I’ll take him back regardless.” And he wouldn’t be completely wrong about that. Even now I still missed him. Even now I still wanted him. I almost slept with him again because I couldn’t control myself.

  “Stay strong,” Dad said. “Things are hard right now but you deserve better.”

  “I know…”

  There was another knock on the door.

  It could only be one person.<
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  “He has a lot of nerve…” Dad’s body tensed in a violent way.

  Mom gave him a death threat with just her eyes. “Don’t. Touch. Him.”

  Dad stared her down with equal anger. “Don’t. Protect. Him.”

  Cayson opened the door and came inside. “Skye, it’s me. I want to talk.”

  “I’m in here…” My voice had no fight left in it.

  He rounded the corner and spotted us together at the table. His eyes glanced to Dad then back to me. His lips was swollen like someone punched him and made him bleed.

  I turned a look of accusation onto my father. “I told you not to hit him.”

  “I pushed him first,” Cayson said while his eyes were still locked to mine. “And believe me, it didn’t hurt.”

  “Maybe I should take another swing?” Dad tilted his head in a condescending way.

  “Do your worst.” Cayson still didn’t look at him. “Your words do more damage than your fist ever could.” He approached me around the table, ignoring both of my parents. “I need to talk to you.”

  “About what?” There was nothing left to say.

  “I’m not giving you a divorce.” A determined look was in his eyes. “And I will never give you a divorce. Skye, if I really cheated on you I would let you go. But I didn’t.”

  My life would be so much easier if I could believe him. “Cayson, this is how things are going to happen. It would be easier for both of us if you just cooperated.”

  “I’m not going to cooperate. I want you to give me a fair chance to prove myself.”

  “I’ve given you two months to prove yourself.” I didn’t like having this conversation in front of my parents but I didn’t have a choice. They hadn’t left the room.

  “I will prove it to you. Although…I’m hurt I have to prove anything at all.” His eyes lost their light and he bowed his head.

  “You haven’t given me any proof of your innocence so I don’t know what you expect me to do.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. “If I didn’t love you so damn much I would leave you and never look back. I don’t deserve to put up with this. I’m telling you she framed me and you won’t even listen to me. What happened to trusting each other? What happened to believing in each other? It’s like you don’t even know me.”

  I looked away because I couldn’t stand the look in his eyes.


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