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Unbreakable: Haven Falls (Book 6)

Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

That was ten months ago and now, here we are about to get married.

  He was pretty damn pissed with himself. Apparently, he had this whole big thing planned when he was going to propose, but the need to ask just got too much for him and he caved, but I don’t care. A big extravagant proposal isn’t really us. It was absolutely perfect the way it was and I wouldn’t change it for a thing.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Tully says as both Aiden and Barker dive in to save the boxes from falling out of her hands because that’s really the last thing I need today. “The store was crazy busy, and Candice wasn’t feeling great so I had to send her home and close up early myself. Apparently, today is the day for everyone and their fucking dog to buy their girl flowers.”

  “Really?” I laugh, way too relaxed as I sit back in my chair and take a sip of champagne. “What was wrong with Candice?”

  “Oh, who knows?” Tully shrugs, putting the last of the boxes down and checking over them just as she should. After all, I paid for the best in the business so I expect my flowers to be absolutely perfect. “She took two days off last week and now this on today of all days. She knows how important today is.”

  All I can do is smile. “It’s all good. You’re here now and that means we can get me married to that brother of yours.”

  Tully rolls her eyes and drops down beside me before grabbing a glass of champagne and throwing back half of it. She stops herself and puts it straight back down. “I should probably pace myself if I plan on making it through to the end to the night.”

  To be honest, I was surprised she was able to squeeze me in. Between all the weddings she does in Broken Hill, the day to day business, and the constant deliveries she’s having to do, I’m amazed that she made it through the door.

  Tully set out to be the best florist in the area and she easily nailed that goal. Noah and I think she should be taking it further by franchising but she’s not there yet. She’s happy with how things are going and doesn’t want to ruin a good thing.

  The makeup artist comes knocking at the door and Violet ushers her through the door and has to keep it held open for the hairdresser who pulls up a second later. The giddiness begins to seep into me. Everyone is here on time, even dad remembered to drop off Aria earlier. Nothing could go wrong.

  Tully hurries into the bathroom and comes out a second later in a white, fluffy bathrobe that’s identical to mine before pulling the elastic from her hair and shaking it out. “Ok,” she declares. “I’m ready.”

  I start with hair as Tully gets her makeup done and I find myself finally relaxing. I’ve been so stressed trying to get everything perfect for today. I never thought I’d be one of those brides, but apparently, I am. Without Violet and Aiden, I’d probably be a mess.

  Who knew that Aiden would be so damn good at event planning?

  “So, how’s Gina?” Tully questions, sneaking a look in the mirror as the makeup artist turns her back.

  I let out a sigh. “Annoyed that she’s missing my wedding. The appeal was pushed back another month.”

  “What? That’s bullshit. You have Anton’s confession. There shouldn’t be anything holding them back.”

  At the mention of his name, my mind instantly takes me back to the last few years. It was one hell of a mission, but eventually the case was closed and Anton was sentence to life in prison. Since then, he’s apparently turned over a new leaf and is all about righting his wrongs. Some people are buying into his charm, but to me, it’s just a new game he’s playing. Luckily for Gina though, that meant he was willing to give a confession and so far, it’s looking good, but something tells me it’s going to be another long road to travel.

  “Don’t get me started,” I tell her, wanting nothing more than to start hating on our justice system. “It’s going to get me all riled up when I should be relaxing and having a great day,” I say, trying my hardest to put it to the back of my mind. Apparently getting someone out of prison isn’t as easy as you think it is. “Tell me about you? I’ve hardly seen you all week.”

  “I know. It’s been busy.”

  I side-eye her. That’s not a very Tullyish response. She handles busy like a pro and always makes sure she has time for me. “Bullshit. What’s going on? And don’t even think about lying. It’s my wedding day.”

  She lets out a sigh and throws back what was left in her champagne glass. “Spencer proposed again.”

  “Again?” I laugh as Barker and Aiden decide the conversation is too good to pass up and make their way over.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with you,” Barker says. “That boy is head over heels for you. You should snap him up while you still have the chance. This is his…what? Third proposal?”

  “Fourth,” she grumbles making the brows of her makeup artist shoot up.

  “I don’t know what you’re waiting for,” Barker says. “Spencer is hot.”

  Tully’s eyes meet mine as we both know exactly what she’s waiting for, and it’s something that we’ve spoken about a million times over the past four years; Rivers.

  It took us both a while, but we eventually realized that he wasn’t coming back. It’s been four years. The last time I saw my brother was the night he got into that taxi and drove off to complete his military training. Since then, I’ve had the occasional letter and by occasional, I’ve had a total of three.

  Barker is right. Tully should be snapping Spencer up. He’s done nothing but be patient with her and he was lucky that she even agreed to move in with him at the beginning of the year. Though that was over six months ago now, and she keeps coming up with excuses to prolong the inevitable.

  Something is missing though. When she looks at Spencer, that spark in her eyes just isn’t there; not the way it was whenever she looked at Rivers. I think she’s waiting to feel that same pull with Spencer, but I’m afraid it’s never going to happen and at times like this, when the world is telling her what she should be doing, she feels lost.

  I reach across the table and take her hand. “If you don’t want to marry that boy, then you politely ask him to back the fuck up and figure out your chances of keeping the ring.”

  She gives me a grateful smile across the table and just like that, knowing that she has my support, all her worries fade away.

  We get back to focusing on getting ready and before I know it, I’m standing in front of a full-length mirror, watching as Tully reaches up over me and pins the veil into the back of my hair before draping it over my face.

  “You look beautiful,” Violet whispers with tears of joy in her eyes. “He’s one lucky boy.”

  My eyes run up and down the mirror, taking in the dress that’s been sitting in my closet for the last two months. It’s stunning. Simple. Just the way I like it.

  The silk dress fits my body like a glove and dips down low on my chest but not too low to cause any heart attacks. I’ve already been there with my dad and I don’t intend on doing it again.

  Noah is going to love it. I can’t wait to see him.

  I slip my heels on and let out a shaky breath as Tully hands me my bouquet. “Are you ready?” she questions as her golden, strapless gown makes her look like some kind of exotic goddess. “It’s not too late to back out. We can run away and leave all this shit behind. I stand by ‘Helly’ one hundred percent.”

  “I’m ready,” I tell her. “Let’s get me married.”

  With that, we walk out into the living room to collect the boys only to find Aiden struggling with his tie and Barker insisting on helping him with it. His hand gets slapped away at least five times before Aiden gives in and lets Barker help him.

  I find myself grinning at the sight. They’ve pretty much been together since the moment they met, but neither one of them have been able to admit how they feel about the other. Sometimes it’s infuriating and other times it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

  Tully makes sure we have everything and that the boys have put the flowers in their suit jackets correctly before racing ahead and grabbing the

  Violet’s in the middle of scooping up the bottom of my dress as the door swings open before me, only instead of seeing the limo parked out on the curb, a very large body stands in the doorway with his hand up in preparation of knocking while blocking the view as his eyes roam desperately over Tully like a man starved of oxygen.

  Tully sucks in a breath, rendered speechless as Barker grins in delight. “Who’s this tall drink of water?”

  With Tully gaping in shock and unable to form a sentence and Violet’s attention focused on my dress, I take this into my own hands. “What are you doing here?”

  Rivers grins back at me with pride shining strong in his eyes. “You didn’t think I was going to miss my best friend and little sister’s wedding, did you?”

  Seems Tully isn’t the only one rendered speechless. Unable to figure out what to say, I reach into Aiden’s pocket and pull out his phone before making a call.

  Noah answers on the second ring. “What’s up, man. How’s my girl looking?”

  “Noah, it’s me.”

  “What’s wrong?” he rushes out, his tone turning to one of fear, probably assuming the worst.

  “I think you should get over here,” I say, pausing as I try to believe the words coming out of my mouth. “He’s here. Rivers has come home.”

  Unstoppable – Haven Falls (Book 7)

  Just when you thought it was all over…

  Unstoppable is the final book in the Haven Falls Series and is written as Dual POV between Tully and Rivers.

  Will they or won’t they find their happy ending?

  Find out here!

  Exclusive to Amazon

  Pre-Order now!

  Release: 5th November 2019

  Thanks for reading!

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  For more information on The Broken Hill High Series, find me on Facebook or Instagram –

  Author Biography

  Sheridan Anne is a wife to a smart-ass husband, Mumma to two beautiful girls, twin sister, daughter, and friend who lives in beautiful Australia. Sheridan writes both romance and young adult fantasy books on a variety of topics and can be found on most days with her family or writing during naptime. To find out more or to simply say ‘hello’, connect with her on Facebook or Instagram -

  Other Books by Sheridan Anne

  Teen & Young Adult - Paranormal Romance

  The Guard Trilogy (3 Book Series)

  Warriors of Light (3 Book Series - Coming Soon)

  Young Adult / New Adult - Romance

  The Broken Hill High Series (5 Book Series + Novella)

  Haven Falls (6 Book Series)

  New Adult Romance

  Kings of Denver (4 Book Series)

  Denver Royalty (3 Book Series)

  Rebels Advocate (4 Book Series)




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