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Tales of Enchantment 1: The Question of Royalty

Page 10

by Kai Andersen

  She’d have to make sure that her next move was the right one.

  “I’ll get you for this!”

  “I’ll be waiting, Princess.”

  His mocking laughter grated on her nerves, as if jeering at her for being a fool. But they were the fools, for believing that Serena was as common as the servants, as ordinary as ... she was.

  No! She was a princess now, and she’d be queen one day.

  And Giselda wasn’t quite so certain that Serena wasn’t a princess. Though the latter was traveling without the usual baggage of royalty, there was something about her, a regal bearing, a quiet elegance -- something -- that couldn’t be faked. She had to be born with it or trained so well that she came across as the genuine article.

  Giselda might be slow at times, but she wasn’t stupid.

  A moment later, she burst into the queen’s suite of rooms, her skirts swishing angrily about her legs. “Mother! You have to help me! Serena’s taking Frederick away from me!”

  “Hush dear.” The queen continued writing. “A princess doesn’t talk in a voice above the norm. She doesn’t shout. She doesn’t slam doors --”

  “Mother! You obviously don’t realize the seriousness of the situation --”

  “She doesn’t cut in so rudely --”

  “They were kissing like mad last night” -- and she’d felt weird watching them, all hot and bothered -- “and Frederick was in her room this morning! And then, I’m very sure they were up to no good in the library just now.”

  Her mother finally looked up. But she just sighed. “You know what Frederick’s like, dear. Even I can’t do anything about it. Just let him get her out of his system, and then he’ll be all yours.”

  “But what if she were a princess, Mother?” When the queen looked as though she were about to speak, Giselda pressed on. “What if? Have you thought of that? What if we find out later on that she’s indeed a princess when Frederick’s already been to bed with her? What then, Mother?”

  Her mother sighed again, rubbing the bridge of her nose in an uncharacteristic gesture of tiredness. No doubt she thought Giselda was making a lot of fuss over nothing. But one good thing about her mother was that she’d never failed her. Yet.

  “All right, daughter, I’ll see what I can do.”

  Chapter Twelve

  It’ll be even more wonderful with my cock in your pussy.

  I wish we were in bed right now, and I could fuck your little pussy with my cock. And we’d do it the way you like it, too.

  His raw words reverberated in her head as Serena lay on her bed, waiting for sleep to claim her. She shivered, lust and longing sweep through her at the memory. She wondered how it’d feel to have him inside her, filling her. She hadn’t had a cock inside her before, but she’d listened as the female servants at home had gossiped about their lovers, how good Tom was, how short Dick’s cock was, and other stuff she didn’t understand at that time.

  A cock. She now knew what a cock was, but her image of it was blurry. She knew though just exactly how good it felt against her pussy.

  At the memory, her pussy throbbed. She ached to have Frederick’s cock against her again. And if she dared, she’d have it in her.

  The rain still thundered against the rooftops, making this the fifth consecutive day and night that it rained. She wondered when it would stop. Yet, the thought of continuing her journey and making her way to her aunt’s home was no longer as appealing as before.

  But what she was doing was wrong, so wrong. She had no business sinking in deeper, tasting all the carnal delights that Frederick seemed intent on teaching her. She had no business imagining how it would be to have Frederick’s cock in her. She had no business with Frederick’s cock, period.

  But she knew it would be no good to protest when the time came, because she just couldn’t say no. Frederick had only to touch her, to look at her, and she’d forget everything but how he felt against her, and how he made her feel -- the pleasure, the desire, the heat.

  The opening and closing of her door interrupted her musings. She sat up in bed, wondering if the maid had forgotten something.

  The person strode toward her, his strides long and sure and so familiar that she immediately knew who it was before he stopped in front of her.

  “Frederick!” She shrieked, the sound muffled by the hand she clapped over her mouth. She clutched the blanket to her chest as she sat up. “What are you doing here?”

  He deposited a candle on the bedside table and then enfolded her in a warm hug, pressing her head against his chest. “I’ve missed you.”

  Without conscious volition, her arms went around his waist. He felt so good -- strong and warm and masculine. “So soon?” Her voice was shaking, but she couldn’t help it. The truth had hit her like a big rock falling on top of her head: She’d missed him too, not just his body and the things he did to her, but his conversation and companionship.

  “Not soon enough. You were so sweet yesterday, do you remember?”

  “How could I forget?” She snuggled against him, rubbing her cheek against his chest like a cat. “And this afternoon?”

  “That was wonderful for me too.” His voice was equally soft.

  “I’m so glad.”

  “It was certainly better than some orgasms I’ve experienced in the past.” His voice held a tinge of laughter.

  She smiled, though she knew he couldn’t see her. “I wish we could do it the proper way --”

  “Ssh. Every way with you is the proper way.” His arms tightened around her. “Damn! I can’t get enough of you.”

  Serena laughed softly. “And that’s bad.”

  “No, it’s good.” His hold slackened. Tipping her chin up with his fingers, he leaned down and kissed her. “If I get to do this as often as I like.” He tumbled her back on the bed and they fell against the soft mattress in a tangle of limbs and laughter. A laughter that was stilled the moment he engaged her in a passionate kiss, a kiss that made them hot. A kiss that left them gasping for breath.

  His hand found her breast and teased her nipple into prominence through her nightgown. She moaned. She hadn’t realized just how much she missed his touch. His lips traced a path to her neck and laved at the wildly beating pulse at the base. Goddess, he felt so good, so vibrant, so strong and solid, so male. All of a sudden, he grasped the thin nightgown and ripped it in one smooth movement.

  She gasped. That was her only nightgown, but she loved this violent side to Frederick. This desperate side that conveyed just how impatient he was for her.


  Breathing hard, he groaned. “Don’t do this to me, Serena.” But he stopped.

  “I want to see you.” Was that her voice? She sounded like she’d just come awake from a sound sleep. She liked it; it sounded sexy. She sounded sexy. She only hoped bad breath didn’t come with it.

  “You’re seeing me.”

  Her hand slipped between their bodies and cupped his cock. “I want to see this.”

  A short burst of laughter escaped his lips. “When did you become so bold, sweet Serena?” He murmured. “Must be from associating with me.”

  “Don’t you like it?”

  “I love it.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “You can seduce me anytime.” In one swift graceful movement, he got off the bed and disrobed, shucking his trousers and inner wear in one go. His cock bobbed free, hard and erect.

  In the flickering candlelight, Serena stared at his member, mesmerized, as she saw it clearly for the first time. (Well, more clearly than the last time, certainly.) It looked alive and gloriously happy to be free. So this was what was rubbing against her pussy this afternoon. This was what the maids were talking about when they called it shaft or sword. She could certainly see why it would be called such; it looked long and hard enough. Heat suffused her face. “It’s huge.”


  The teasing note in his voice emboldened her. “No.”

  He chuckled. “You’re lying again.

  Damn, how did he know? Now, she was starting to swear like him.

  He sat on the bed and claimed her lips. “Don’t worry, love. Not tonight. You’re too new at this.”

  She didn’t understand, but it didn’t matter. Her whole attention was captured elsewhere. She broke away from the kiss and stared at his cock. It fascinated her.

  “What are you waiting for? It’s all yours.”

  Gripped in a sensual haze, Serena hardly heard him. She reached out one small hand, fear and excitement riding her. Her hand closed around him.

  It throbbed.

  An answering throb echoed between her legs.

  Serena held his cock in her hand, marveling at its hardness and thickness. It was hot to her touch and felt like satin. And so so so hard. It pulsed with life. She shivered as she recalled how such a thing could bring her so much pleasure.

  Hearing Frederick’s voice as if in a dream, Serena followed his instructions, rubbing her hand slowly along its length, squeezing slightly at different places. She marveled at the silken velvety texture of his cock, something she didn’t expect when she had felt its bumps and ridges earlier.

  When her hand reached the mushroom head, she brushed her fingertips against it, caressing with feather-light touches. Frederick’s heartfelt groans assured her that she was doing it right.

  She leaned down, wanting to see it closer. It looked delicious. His cock bobbed enthusiastically against her mouth, touching her lips. She didn’t need Frederick’s shortened breath to tell her what he wanted her to do, what she wanted to do.

  Lust filled her. She wanted to caress and lick the whole length, to find out if it felt the same at the tip as at the base. She wanted to take it all into her mouth, to stuff her mouth full of him. She was that greedy for it.

  Holding his bobbing cock with one hand, Serena’s tongue reached out to lick the purple head delicately, swirling her tongue over and over the tip of his cock, tracing every fold and ridge, savoring every taste of forbidden delight.

  Frederick cried out hoarsely, his hand digging through her thick hair. His hands held her head firmly in position, silently urging her to continue.

  Serena loved the rough warm texture. She loved the salty taste of the pre-cum that had slipped out. She loved the way his whole body arched and pressed into her when she had licked the underside of his cock.

  “Take more into your mouth, Serena.” His hands pressed against her head insistently. “More.”

  Unable to resist his plea, Serena opened her mouth and took him in, inch by exquisite inch.

  He sighed, satisfaction evident in the languid way his hands burrowed into her hair. “This is the stuff of dreams.”

  Her hand, which was cupping one of his buttocks, pinched the fleshy part.

  “Ow!” He jumped, the movement causing his cock to push deeper into her mouth, almost gagging her.

  Serena choked him out in a hurry.

  “What’s that for?” His tone was annoyed.

  “Reminding you that it’s not a dream.”

  “Honey, you’re in the dream with me.” He drew her up so that she was kneeling between his open legs. He cupped one hand at the back of her head and angled her for a passionate kiss. She threw herself into the kiss, wanting to make up for destroying the mood. “No need to be jealous.”

  She drew back, outraged. “Jealous! I am not --”

  “Of my cock, I mean.”

  What was he saying?

  “What I have is yours. And right now, it’s waiting --”

  “I changed my mind.” She grasped his cock and squeezed. He gasped. “You’re right, I’m jealous. Jealous of all the other women who have known the pleasure of this cock. But from now on, there’ll only be me, you hear? I don’t share what’s mine. And this” -- another squeeze -- “is mine.”

  Serena didn’t recognize the hard tone of her voice nor did she understand the possessive anger that flared up inside her. She only knew one thing: Frederick was hers and she was not letting go.

  A choked sound drew her eyes.

  “Honey, stop squeezing so hard.” His fingers dug into her shoulders, biting deep.

  Serena shook her head, her hold on him slackening. What had happened to her? It wasn’t like her at all. Momentary insanity perhaps?

  “You’re really going to kill me.” He gasped for breath as he fell back onto the bed, his head landing squarely in the center of the pillow.

  “I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.” She bent and took him into her mouth again. This time, when he gasped, it was from pleasure.

  “Hot ... Love your mouth ... That’s it ... More, honey, give me more ...”

  Attuned to his needs, Serena pursed her lips tightly as her mouth sank down on him, feeling every bump and ridge on the sides of her lips. He shuddered, his hands going backward to clutch at the headboard. His moan affected her in a deep, soul-shattering way, and she moaned too, feeling his pleasure ripple over her entire body.

  She did that for a few times, going down and lifting up, her mouth pursed to form a tight opening for his cock. When she tired, she began to suck in earnest. A sweet buzz filled her as her pussy became wet. Her tongue flicked and swirled against his cock as she sucked. Her mouth felt so full. Suddenly, he bucked and started to thrust into her mouth gently. “I’m going to come ... Serena ...”

  She didn’t understand and continued to suck. She was startled as the first jet hit her. Reflexively, she swallowed. He continued to shoot his load into her, groaning as he did. She swallowed as fast as she could, although some ran down the side of her mouth and onto her breasts. Finally, his cock lay quiet in her mouth, not so hard and thick as before.

  She could hear him gasping for breath. Stunned, she took his cock out of her mouth and flopped down beside him. She welcomed the feel of hard arms going around her as she croaked, “Fascinating.”

  Frederick laughed, wheezing. Moving on top of her, he kissed her hard on the mouth, his tongue slipping between her lips for a more intimate mating. She felt his hardening cock against her belly and couldn’t believe it, though she also felt a most feminine thrill go through her. She aroused him again? So soon?

  Following the path of his seed, his lips trailed down her chin and landed softly on her left breast. His tongue flicked out to clean her up, teasing the pointed nub of her nipple. She gave a mewling moan as he continued to tease her. She buried her hands in his hair, feeling the soft strands tickle her arm. One of his hands reached up then to cup her right breast and tweak the nipple into arousal.

  “Frederick ...”

  “You deserve a reward,” his tongue swiped the turgid nipple, “and more.”

  He switched places and sucked strongly on her right nipple this time, while his fingers played with the other.

  “I love it when you do that.” Her last few words ended in a moan, and she arched her body into his mouth.

  He moved slowly, his lips trailing a definite path downward. He placed light kisses on her ribs, licked her navel and ate his way down ... down ...

  Serena knew what he was leading to, especially when he widened the part of her legs, yet when he suddenly buried his whole face in her mound, she gasped, startled. His nose tickled her folds and his hot breath blew on her pussy. She moaned, bucking and arching, pressing her pussy closer to his face. “Frederick ... do something ... do something!”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Lifting her buttocks, he touched his tongue to the fat lips of her labia and pushed in, stroking the wet folds with hard sensual thrusts of his tongue, licking at the wetness that seeped from her core. She arched, wanting more, wanting him to fill the emptiness that yawned wide within her. His tongue traced each fold lovingly and thoroughly, rasped lightly over her clitoris. She keened and bucked a little, moving restlessly underneath his mouth.

  He turned his head and kissed her right inner thigh, nibbling his way downward to her knee.

  Serena didn’t know why he suddenly stopped. She’d
been lost, so lost that nothing mattered, except what she was feeling. If his fingers were skillful, his rough wet tongue was even more so, eliciting sharper and more intense sensations within her. She burned hot and bright, the flames licking higher within her. She burned, and she ached. It wasn’t enough. “Frederick, more. More!”

  Her nimble fingers helped him, parting the folds of her labia so that he would gain more access. He bent his head again toward that place of pleasure, his rough tongue marauding and teasing each fold.

  His tongue thrust out to catch every drop of the juices that were flooding out of her body, licking and sipping. He thrust into her opening, shallowly at first, and then deeply, thrusting slow and then fast, giving her another foretaste of what it would have been like with his cock.

  She thrashed and bucked, going a little insane from the intense hunger and yearning. He wasn’t close enough. She arched and pressed higher against his face, her thighs quivering beside his head. He curled his tongue around her clitoris and sucked. She tried to hold back the scream that was threatening to break forth and the intense contractions that wanted to hold her in their inexorable grip. “I want to ... Will anyone hear ...?” She gasped, even as she opened her mouth in a silent scream.

  He released her clitoris long enough to say, “Go ahead. The walls are thick.”

  As he resumed his attentions, the sensations going through her were too much. She screamed. He continued sucking as she bucked and convulsed above him, her fingers digging into the bed and her mouth emitting low keening sounds.

  “Stop, stop.” The sensations went beyond and threatened to drive her into a faint.

  He stopped and caressed her thighs soothingly. Now, as her body calmed down, he lapped at her clitoris gently.

  Serena shuddered in the aftermath of her explosive orgasm, her breath heaving harshly in the silent room. Frederick continued to caress her with his tongue, lapping and licking. Soothing. He made one long swipe, from her opening to her clitoris. She shuddered again.

  She was shocked at her wanton behavior, at how she had pressed her pussy into Frederick’s face, at her shrill cries and demands. She didn’t deny the pleasure that Frederick had given her, but she wasn’t sure if she had been able to bring him as much pleasure.


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