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Page 6

by Gisell DeJesus

  His grunts of pleasure echoed throughout my ear. We moaned in stereo, and at this point I would have felt quite content to die in this bed. I was lost in his body as I felt the head of his tool jack hammering me from the inside, bringing me close to what had to be my . . . fifth? Sixth? I had lost count. As soon as I began to clench down on his cock with my orgasm, I heard Ryan cry out again. He began to throttle and squirt inside me, flooding my canal with a hot river of his fluids as he squeezed my hips. He lost his grip on my wrists, finally allowing me to reach around and hold onto his neck.

  Ryan began to deflate, his descending erection slipping out of me along with a torrent of cum that would surely get a laugh from whatever housekeeper had to strip this bed when we left. He stroked my nipples from behind and growled again in happiness.

  “Thank you for the perfect start to Day 2.”

  I turned to face him. The sunlight was casting a lance-like ray over his face that almost

  looked like a mask.

  “I have a late shift tonight . . . will you be ending the show at the same time?”

  “Most likely. We’ll be on the road Monday, so I plan on taking full advantage of you and your time.” He kissed me square on the mouth, parting my lips once again with his tongue. “You fuck like your life depends on it. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you, Min.”

  I wrapped myself around his body one last time before climbing out of bed. My clothes were still scattered at the same spot near the edge of the bed where he had first formulaically disrobed me. I picked up my panties and slid them on, followed by the skirt that still left me feeling exposed. I grabbed for the corset and like a fisherman I began hooking it just before I was interrupted by the feel of a hand on each side of my waist. Ryan sat on the edge of the bed and redid it for me, combining all the traits of a beast and a gentleman at once as I stared at him while positioning myself on his lap.

  “You’re pretty good at handling corsets. I’m starting to wonder about you, sir.”

  “Did I forget to mention I have an entire collection at home myself? Brings out my hips.”

  I cackled, another release of energy I somehow still contained after our sex marathon. “Next time you tour around here, I want to see you in one, and that’s an order.”

  “I’ll see if I can stuff one in my suitcase.”

  I stood up, now fully dressed. Ryan lingered on the bed, a sheet still draped across his waist. He watched me grab my purse from the dresser as I made sure my keys were still inside. I took my copy of the room key from underneath my wine glass, and just for the hell of it, I downed the remnants from last night.

  “I’ll need your mobile number for today, Min.”

  I paused, looking at him. “Um . . . okay? I already know where you are staying and we don’t really need to arrange anything else, but I guess I could give it to you.”

  “I may have a few . . . requests during the day while we rehearse.”

  I eyed him longingly, wondering what tricks he had up his sleeve. He handed me his phone and I punched in my number as a new contact. He set his phone back on the other nightstand, satisfied.

  “Good girl. I’ll be seeing you later.”

  “Heh. Yes. See you soon, Ryan.”

  He continued to keep me in sight as I exited the bedroom. After all the buildup, all the anticipation and nerves, I had a dopey, comical smile plastered on my face that I would be physically incapable of removing all day. My legs worked again, despite the known fact that I would have trouble getting up and down from any chair my tired ass has yet to fall into. I checked the time on my phone to realize I still have a few hours before I was due at the hospital.

  When I got off the elevator, a new desk agent was at the front desk. I waltzed past them and met their accusing looks with the same wide grin I couldn’t smother.

  I knew my decision would have repercussions. The fact is, I had cheated on someone. I have never done this before, and if you had asked me twenty-four hours ago if I ever fathomed the thought of being unfaithful, I would have gotten pissed at even the slightest idea. No one that has ever came into my life was worth risking a steady and solid relationship, but suddenly I find myself in a position to risk it all for one person. That was, after all, before I had gone to a Broken Griffin show. So much for not being a groupie. I will admit I was thankful for arriving to an empty room, besides our cats. Brandon had an ongoing contract surveying a mansion that was eating up most of his daytime hours, and for once, our conflicting hours were playing to my advantage. I fed Nettie and Ollie, who greeted me as soon as I came in the door, with an overwhelming amount of yowls and tail brushing my bare leg. After rinsing and filling their water dishes, I texted Brandon, asking how his night had gone since he had no intention on asking me how mine went, so typical. As I prepared for my shower, I heard my phone vibrate against the wood board of my dresser. I was prepared to read Brandon’s response, but it wasn’t him. A blocked number had sent me a message.

  “Are you still wearing the corset?”

  I looked toward the front door as if there was an actual possibility of somebody watching me. A ridiculous yet natural reaction. I looked down at my phone, still lit from the notification. I chewed on the inside of my right cheek, in a questionable expression.

  “Not for long. About to rinse off and get ready for work.”

  I found myself once again removing a corset while Ryan watched, albeit from a distance this time. Steam began to pool from the shower head and fog the mirror. I let my clothes pile up along side of the bath mat, and just as I was about to pull back the curtain, I had another message. I scooped up the phone with hungry anticipation.

  “Show me once you get clean.”

  Now I see why he wanted my number. I stepped under the shower head, “fuck,” I yelled aloud since I was getting horny all over again. Ryan had the appetite of a bear readying for hibernation, and I was his fish. While I washed away the layers of sweat that had caked onto my skin overnight, I thought of how magical last night was. Out of the several years I’ve been with Brandon no night has ever amounted to last night. I remembered his tongue tracing laps across my body and finding every sensitive spot with what seemed like zero effort. The way his cock fired out a salvo of orgasms twice in just a few hours made my mouth water. He had used me in every last way I craved, and just when I thought I had enough, he found a way to make me crave more.

  I shampooed and conditioned my hair, wanting to make the photo he requested as hot as possible. I shut off the water, letting the hot water coat my body before I toweled off. I emerged from the tub in a haze of steam. I accessed the camera on my phone and held it out far enough to capture the entire length of my naked body, still dripping with an invitation for him to feast on it. I took several, wanting to be sure he got the best.

  After shuffling thru I chose the one I was most satisfied with it, putting it inside a message that read “You’ll need to dirty me up again,” and hit the send button.

  I brushed and rinsed my teeth just before throwing on a new set of scrubs wishing I could wear a pink pair instead of the everyday blue. I hoped Antonio had gotten home okay, plus I felt a little guilty that I had not checked on him, but considering how hammered he was, Alexa probably babysat him for the entire duration of the night.

  The phone shook again with a notification.

  “Very good. Do not wear any underwear to work today. That is not a suggestion.”

  I gawked at the message. He was already issuing commands not even an hour after I had left. I was getting off on it already. I removed my undergarments leaving only my scrubs to cover my body, which was once again approaching a feverish state. What else was he going to order me to do?

  I responded, “Yes, sir. Is there anything else you want me to do?”

  I set the phone in my pocket, making sure the vibration function was at it’s highest level. I found my work shoes under the bed, so after putting them on I began performing my usual routine of making sure everything was
squared away before I left. I made a mental note to buy more cat litter in the near future before it became a critical issue for everyone involved.

  I jolted as my left hip was nearly electrocuted by the vibration of my phone. I read the message.

  “You’ll find out very soon.”

  This was going to be an interesting day at work.

  I made it to work with more than ten minutes to spare. I suppose I had been overcompensating for my enjoyment last night, wanting to be certain I wasn’t obviously recovering from getting ravaged just before coming into work. Entering the unit, I quickly spotted Antonio, who looked like he had also been through one hell of a night. His normally bright eyes were subdued and bloodshot, the end result of an old friend visiting from out of the country. He was caressing the middle of his forehead as I strolled up to him rubbing a sympathetic warm hello on his forearm.

  “Long night, Antonio?”

  “Mindy, oh my god you don’t even know the half of it.” He managed a laugh despite his apparent merciless hangover. “After Ryan took you home, Alexa and I went to the Shooter's Pub down the street. That girl can put down her liquor, especially for somebody whose career is to keep her their voice intact. I tried to go drink for drink with her, but Jesus,” He shut his eyes and opened them again. “Did you get home okay?”

  Moving out of the way for a gurney laid under a patient to pass, I jumped right back into conversation as it ran in between us. “Oh yeah. That was sweet of Alexa to offer Ryan to me—er, for her to offer for Ryan to drive me home.”

  Antonio’s eyes lit up. “What was that just now? Did the drummer get a little frisky with the new fan?”

  I don’t think I have ever felt blood rush to my face as fast as it did during this conversation. There was no way in hell I wasn’t currently the color of a beet.

  “No, nothing like that! He was a real gentleman. A very nice guy, any woman would be . . . very happy to have him in their life.”

  Antonio’s hangover must have been fading as we spoke because he was having trouble containing what looked to be a bit of giggles.

  “Will you stop?” I asked, my cheeks absolutely flushed. “You’re embarrassing me, Antonio.”

  He took a step toward me, his hand reaching out before I could stop it. He had flipped a lock of hair out of my face, leaving my neck exposed. Oh shit. I hope it’s not what I think.

  “It looks like the perfect gentleman gave you a permanent kiss goodnight.”

  I glared at Antonio. He was fixated on my neck, and it occurred to me that in the heat of my taking nude photos for Ryan, I never stopped to notice the bite marks he had left behind. If there was just a small souvenir on my neck, I can only imagine what the rest of my skin must look like underneath the scrubs.

  I stopped glaring, realizing I had been busted. I quickly whisked him over to an empty patient’s room where we could talk without anybody else listening in. Antonio grabbed one of the chairs reserved for visitors and quickly nudged around until he was comfortable, crossing his legs and awaiting my explanation as if I were a librarian about to begin story time.

  I started, “He . . . He didn’t force anything. He never made me feel uncomfortable at any point that night, hell, I felt as safe with him as I do with you. He gave me the key to his room, and said if I wan—“

  Antonio squealed loudly enough I was scared the other nurses on the floor might come running in thinking there was a patient in distress. “You slept with him? Oh my God, I was so naive to think it wouldn’t reach further than a tap kiss, but I was wrong! You get it girl, I can’t believe it!”

  I was quickly confused. “Wait, you don’t think I’m a whore, right? That I just

  jumped into his bed at the first chance I had, right?”

  He sat back in his chair. “Sweetie . . . that is none of my business. Your decisions are your own, and if one of them happens to be making sexy time with a hot drummer I would have gladly fucked until we killed each other, so I would never judge you. And considering you have never done this since I’ve known you, it must have been a careful decision.”

  I sat down on the patient’s bed closest to the door, facing my new confidant. “It was. It was totally my call, and I went to his room. I went up to the floor, let myself into his room . . . and God, he just took me. Everything he wanted, he took and gave right back to me. Jesus, his tongue is going to give me nightmares. He worked me like a fucking puppet.”

  Antonio was smiling. “So what now? Is it over between you two?”

  “He wants to see me again tonight. They’ll be leaving for the next city Monday morning. I don’t know what the hell I’ve gotten myself into, Antonio, but I haven’t stopped thinking about him since I left his hotel room. I’m consumed. I have his taste in the back of my mouth. I can still smell the lotion he uses.”

  Rolling his eyes in an amused manner, “You sound like you are eighteen. Did he give you his number?”

  My face grew into another dopey smile, much more comfortable with the fact that I was not being judged. “Yeah, he has been . . . instructing me . . . since I left. Little commands here and there.”

  Antonio threw his hands up. “Damn, girl, I didn’t know you were such a kinky one. I’m not going to pry anymore, but you need to remember it all ends after tonight, unless you plan on seeing him tomorrow. You have your fun and then you go back to the normal life here, where you wipe the asses, then go home to your wonderful boyfriend.”

  I nodded, not wanting to acknowledge that he was completely right. I had gotten so wrapped up in this fantasy that I didn’t want to think about Ryan leaving. Was he thinking the same about me at this very moment? If it all ends tonight, what did he mean today was Day Two out of Three?

  “Sweetie, I am off the clock,” Antonio said, kissing me on the left cheek and ensnaring me with a big hug. “I am so happy you came with me and had a wonderful night. I’ll see you tomorrow and you can tell me about what happens, okay?”

  I assured Antonio he would be the first to know. We both exited the empty room, making sure not to cause noticeable attention. I said my goodbye and headed toward the unit clerk’s desk, ready to see what I had waiting for me today.

  Three hours passed and I hadn't heard another word from Ryan, nor Brandon. I constantly checked my phone, experiencing phantom vibrations from the inside of my pocket as I administered the many daily doses of medications. I recorded vitals as I engaged in routine conversation with patients in order to make the time pass. Antonio was done for the day, but only God knows how bad I wish he was still here. Brandon knows that I work tonight and I am off tomorrow, so I’m not sure how I am going to get out of the house with a two day excuse.

  A coffee run became an excuse to channel my energy into thinking of an excuse as I paced the halls. My wish was granted as someone or something had heard my pleas. As I stood in line my phone surged in vibration against my thigh. I greedily and hungrily reached for it, my heart rate skyrocketing at the thought of Ryan contacting me.

  "What are you doing this moment? Give details." It was him.

  Polite yet direct, that sounded like him. "Grabbing a coffee. Keeping my energy up for our rendezvous later tonight. How are you doing?"

  I hit send and stared at the swirling icons until it went away in conformation that it had been sent. Finally, I sipped my coffee and thought about his hands around my waist, finding the quickest path to my insides and activating me like his personal toy. I hesitated to get on the elevator while I waited for an answer. I wanted to be at his service while I had the chance.

  A buzzed response shook in my hand.

  "Done practicing for now. Back in the hotel room making preparations. You'll be experiencing what I believe to be some new adventures tonight. I won't spoil the surprise."

  What a tease he was, although I knew that from the way his mouth had danced around my entire pussy for what felt like hours last night.

  "You're torturing me with suspense. Should I bring anything special from home? I may
have a toy or two I can grab . . .”

  I thought about the collection of vibrators I kept hidden in the bottom drawer of my nightstand for the lonely nights that had all became too familiar this past month. What kind of surprise did Ryan have in mind? Was he going to torture me and deprive me of orgasms until I had to beg? My mind raced with all the possibilities, most of them I yearned for.

  "No. I will supply everything. The only thing I need from you is to come directly here from the hospital. No detours. I also want you to take your pants off right now."

  God, he was already infiltrating my mind. Nobody seemed to be in this bathroom at the moment. I ducked into the farthest stall and locked it. I felt like his eyes were watching me through the phone ensuring I was obeying him. Setting the phone on the lid of the toilet tank, I thumbed the waist of my scrubs and slid them to my ankles. The sterile air of the bathroom breezed over my exposed pussy, and I could feel the lips puffing in anticipation of his next order.

  He wasn't waiting for me to answer this time. "Now, pull up your shirt to take out your tits, but do not remove it."

  I peeked through the crack of the door to make sure I was still alone. Once I felt secure I did as I was told, bringing the bottom of my scrub top up and across my chest, exposing my tits. I was completely vulnerable now. I wrote him a reply. "I'm almost naked. I wish you were here to see."

  As if he knew I was going to reply, he hit me with the next line almost immediately. "Show me that you have done what I asked." I turned my back against the door.


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