Blaine: Christmas at The Skulls

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Blaine: Christmas at The Skulls Page 1

by Blaine- Christmas at The Skulls [Evernight] (mobi)

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-154-7

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.



  The Skulls, 10

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014


  “Blaine, what are you doing?” Emily asked, wringing her hands. Her stomach was in knots as she looked at the man who’d knocked her up. He was drinking hard yet again, and it looked like he was also high. Everything she’d heard about The Skulls had to be a complete lie. She’d thought they were a hard biker club but also a fair one. They didn’t do drugs or allow drugs, yet Blaine’s behavior as a prospect was getting more and more out of control.

  “What does it look like I’m doing, woman? I’m having a good time. Maybe you should do it sometime.” Blaine’s eyes were bloodshot as he glared at her. This wasn’t the man she’d come to know. There was no way she’d let this man anywhere near her. She tucked some hair behind her ear, feeling nervous.

  She was pregnant, and any good time she could have was long gone. The only kind of fun she’d be experiencing in the future was changing diapers and feeding. The condom he’d used to take her virginity had broken leaving them both with this mess to deal with. She was eighteen years old and going to be a mother by the time she was nineteen. The prospect terrified her.

  What terrified her more was the fact she knew, deep down in her gut, that she was about to do this all on her own. Blaine wasn’t going to be there for her. She’d lost him the moment he decided to become a Skull, or maybe it was before that. Maybe he really didn’t want to be a father. She didn’t know the truth. Blaine was not the man she’d fallen in love with. This was someone else, someone vile and ugly to the core.

  “For fuck’s sake, Emily. If you’re not going to party, fuck off. There are more than enough women here to party with.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She knew he hadn’t been faithful to her. From the moment she’d met him, Blaine was the only person she could think about. He didn’t feel the same way about her. She saw it now. Before he became part of the club, he’d been a different person. He was older than she was, in his early twenties, but she’d truly thought he was different. No, he had been different, but the man she’d come to know had changed. She didn’t like the man he’d turned into.

  One of the women, a club whore she’d heard them call her, wrapped her arms around Blaine’s neck. “Hey, baby, she giving you a bad time?”

  Feeling completely out of place, Emily took a step back then another. With each step back she took, she knew it was over. Blaine was never going to be in her life. She couldn’t trust him, nor could she trust him with her unborn child. Wringing her hands together, she turned and began to leave. This was it. The moment she left this room, she wouldn’t be able to ever let Blaine be part of her life. He’d promised her the world, and instead he’d turned hers upside down. Why couldn’t he have just left her alone? If he’d left her alone she wouldn’t be walking out of a clubhouse feeling like the biggest fool in the world.

  “What are you doing here?” Lash asked.

  She knew who he was. The whole town of Fort Wills knew who The Skulls were.

  “I’m just leaving.”

  “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that,” Lash said.

  Glancing behind her shoulder, she was struck by pain as Blaine pulled the other woman onto his lap. From where she stood, she saw he was rubbing his dick against her ass. Emily was going to have to see if she’d contracted anything from him as well. It was just another thing to add to the list she needed to see her doctor about. Being heavily pregnant wasn’t the best experience of her life. She felt tired, ill, fat, ugly, depressed. None of the glowing reports she’d read from other mothers were happening for her. She was never going to have another kid. Her experience of being a mother would start and end with this baby.

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “He doesn’t need to be part of your life, Emily.” Lash shook his head. “It’s not my place to say anything.”

  She nodded, and the tears finally started to fall. “He’s not going to be part of my life anymore.” Emily shrugged. “Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or do anything stupid.”

  “I will.”

  Leaving the club behind, along with the man she’d been in love with for so long, Emily knew she was making the right decision. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she’d not been this relieved in so long. She made a promise to herself that no matter what happened in her life, she’d never allow herself to love so freely again. With Blaine, she’d never held anything back. She’d given him everything that she was, and he’d thrown everything in her face. The best way to keep her heart intact was to keep everyone else out. Blaine wasn’t the marrying type, or the fathering type. Pressing a hand to her stomach, she smiled. “It’s just you and me, sweetheart. You are the only person I need to love.”

  He didn’t even know it was a little girl. Blaine hadn’t been there for the scans. He’d not even remembered she had an appointment. Not once had he asked her how it went or what they were having. His lack of interest should have warned her. Driving toward their small apartment, she let herself inside. Their small place was immaculately clean. She liked cleaning, as it took her mind off everything that was about to happen in her crazy world.

  Typing her parents’ number into her cell phone, she perched on the sofa, and waited.

  “Hello,” her father, Lenard, said.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, Emily found it hard to talk, yet forced herself to speak. “Hey, Daddy, it’s me, Emily.”

  “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s, erm, it’s not working out. I’m going to leave him, but I’ve got nowhere else to go. Can I come back home?” She’d disappointed all of them when she went with Blaine. They’d not kicked her out. She had left with Blaine believing she was starting a new life together.

  “Baby, you could come back home whenever you want. We miss you.”

  “I’ve got to pack a few things. Can I come tonight?”

  “Yes. Do you need me to come pick you up?”

  “What’s going on, Lenard?” She heard her mother in the background. Shirley had tried to stop her leaving. Not once did Emily listen. She wasn’t going to do this again. Her parents were always looking out for her. They had her best interests at heart. Blaine only cared about himself, never about her.

  “It’s okay, go back to sleep.”

  “I can drive there. I just didn’t want to startle you in case you weren’t awake.”

  “Honey, come home. I’ll be up and waiting with your favorite hot chocolate.”

  “Okay.” She disconnected the call, gathered her few meager belongings then took one last look around the apartment. This was supposed to be her life, her future, their happiness. Memories of him laughing, planning, and just being the man she loved flashed through her mind. That
was all over. The Blaine who’d taken over was mean, unfaithful, a liar, and a cheat.

  Closing the door, she left the past behind.


  Her mother held her hand as pain filled every part of her body. One week late her daughter had decided to finally come into the world. Emily’s heart pounded inside her chest as she was struck by the undeniable pain.

  “He’s got to be here, Momma,” she said, sobbing. This should be a happy event, but Blaine was nowhere in sight. She’d not seen him in a few months, not since she moved out. The very thought that he didn’t care about her filled her with regret. He owned her heart and soul, yet she didn’t even register in his mind.

  Slowly, as the pain increased and her mother whispered encouraging words, she brought his daughter into the world. Their baby screamed out, and Emily fell instantly in love. She’d done it, given birth to a little girl. Blowing out a breath, she gave her mother a shaky smile as the nurse brought her to the bed.

  “Honey, she’s so beautiful,” Shirley said.

  “I know.”

  “What are you going to name her?”

  Emily paused as she thought about Blaine. He’d always wanted to name their first child whether it was a boy or girl, but the man who’d told her that was not the man she’d last seen or known.

  “Darcy, I’m going to name her Darcy.” She smiled up at her mother then back to her daughter. “Do you hear that, baby? Do you like the name Darcy?”

  In response her daughter opened her eyes, staring back at her.

  Yes, her daughter was going to be named Darcy. Emily’s father, Lenard, walked into the room. She knew he was proud with the way his gaze lit up when he saw his granddaughter.


  “Emily, come on. I’m sorry.”

  Her parents had taken Darcy out for the day to give her a break. It had been six months since she had given birth without this man present. Six months of waking up at night, dealing with sickness, diapers, and she was exhausted. Her parents were her rock. They were always there for her to help out. They hadn’t demanded she go out and get a job to help support them. Her father owned several online companies that dealt with distribution. He told her not to worry about money.

  “Go away, Blaine,” she said.

  She had seen him around town. He no longer wore The Skulls jacket, and from the rumors she heard, he’d lost any chance of being a prospect. Emily didn’t care. When she’d seen him around town, he’d been making out with several different women. She couldn’t even accept a date and he was fucking any number of faceless women. Blowing out a breath, she pushed hair off her face, trying to find the strength to say the words that needed to be said.

  “Baby, I know I fucked up.”

  On the cabinet on the opposite wall her parents had put a picture of her and Darcy in a frame. Her daughter didn’t need a man like Blaine in her life. Getting to her feet, Emily wiped away the tears that had started to fall.

  Be strong. Be a good mother to Darcy.

  Emily pulled back the chain and opened the door. Blaine looked like shit. His face was bruised, and it looked like he’d been in a fight. The white shirt he wore was stained and torn. His jeans were faded and torn like his shirt. He looked like he’d spent a long time on the streets. She kept hold of the door refusing to let him inside.

  “What do you want?” she asked, glaring at him.

  Seeing him in the flesh reminded her of his complete lack of interest in their daughter’s life.

  “I know I fucked up. Can I come in and talk?”


  He paused, clearly shocked by her refusal to let him inside.

  “Em, stop being a bitch.”

  “Do you know you’ve got a daughter?” she asked. “Do you know her name? Her date of birth? How long did it take you to recognize that I wasn’t at your apartment?”


  “No, it’s not enough. You got me pregnant because the fucking condom broke, Blaine. You told me to trust you that everything would be okay.” The tears she couldn’t hold down any longer began to fall. “I trusted you, and you were more interested in fucking other women. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl six months ago. I named her Darcy. She’s the best thing I ever did, but this is by far the best thing I’m going to do as her mother.” She snagged the picture off the cabinet, opening up. Emily slammed the picture against his chest. “That is the closest you’re ever going to come to seeing our daughter. You come around here again I’ll call the cops.”

  She closed and locked the doors, leaning her weight against the wood. Emily stayed still until she heard his footsteps disappearing. Her heart was breaking inside her chest. She was in pain, and she rubbed at where her heart lay. This was what she needed to do to keep her daughter safe. Blaine wouldn’t make a good father. She used to believe in second chances, but no more. The only thing that mattered to her was making sure her daughter didn’t suffer.

  Emily placed the empty picture frame on the cabinet going through to the kitchen.

  She’d done the right thing.

  Now she only needed to make herself believe she’d done the right thing.


  Blaine walked down the steps leaving Emily behind. He held the picture of his daughter in his hand. Even as he tried to make himself believe anyone could have fathered that little girl, he knew it was wrong. Emily had been a virgin when he took her, his virgin. There was no way he could ever believe another man had his woman. Emily loved him, or at least, she did love him at some point. Over the last year he’d fucked up. He’d more than fucked up.

  The Skulls had kicked him out of the club. He’d started prospecting to them when he found out Emily was pregnant. The partying had gotten wild, and he’d started using hard drugs, and women. He ran a hand down his face as he thought about how quickly he’d fucked up his life. When Tiny had found out he was using they’d tossed him out on the street without a backward glance, ending his days as a prospect. The moment they kicked him out of the club, the women had turned their backs on him. Thinking back to the partying not one of the women had been a regular club whore. Tiny didn’t allow any of the brothers or club whores to use drugs in his club. Walking down the street, Blaine made his way toward the end of the road where the bus stop was. This was what his life had become. He’d lost the woman he loved, the club who was going to make his life better, and he wouldn’t even get to know his little girl.

  He stared down at the picture in his hand of Emily with his little girl. No matter what he tried to say to make up for what he did, he couldn’t make any excuses. This was all his fault.

  Sitting on the seat in the bus stop, he stared at the graffiti decorating the walls. Tears gathered in his eyes and fell down his cheeks in waves at all that he’d lost. He shouldn’t have pushed Emily aside. Blaine hurt all over from doing the shit he’d done to her. When he was around her, she made him a better man, and he’d fucked it all up.

  The sound of a motorbike drew his attention toward the road. Lash appeared at the bus stop pushing his glasses up the top of his head. Out of all of the men, Lash was one of the hardest he knew. He hit the most, demanded most of everyone in the club, and not even Nash his brother, got away with shit. The club had to be beyond reproach with Lash.

  “Hey, Blaine.”

  He wiped his eyes, feeling like a pussy for being caught crying.

  “Don’t worry about the tears. I heard you lost everything.”

  Blaine held a picture of his woman and baby up for him to see. Lash whistled.

  “Bitch looks like a keeper.”

  “She is.”

  “When a man claims a woman and puts his baby in her belly, he should learn to keep his dick in his pants.”

  “I fucked up, but you don’t know what it’s like. You fuck every woman you meet.”

  Lash climbed off his bike, moving to sit beside him. “When I find the woman that’s going to be mine, the woman I love regardless of who she is, I won’t even look
at another woman.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “What makes a man great is knowing that what he’s got is perfection. You wanted better even though you screwed that woman over.”

  All of Lash’s words were true. Blaine had thought he could do better than Emily, but in truth, Emily deserved better than him.

  “She’ll never forgive me.”

  “Nope, and that little girl will never call you daddy.” Those words hung in the air between them. Blaine didn’t know what to make of them. The very thought of having a kid and not being able to see her, filled him with regret. “Unless of course you get yourself cleaned up. Go away, get cleaned up, and then come back. I’ll vouch for you with Tiny. You can start over again. It’ll mean you’re going to be one of the oldest prospects we could have, but we’d also welcome you back home. However, you’ve got to start it off.” Lash pulled a leaflet out of his pocket. “All you’ve got to do is make the first step.”

  He took the leaflet from Lash. It was for a rehab clinic. Lash stood, and Blaine watched him climb back on his bike. “You’ve got nothing left to lose and everything to gain.”

  Could he do it? Could he turn his life around?

  Turning the leaflet over, he wanted to give it a try. Nothing else had worked, so maybe this would.

  Chapter One

  Present day

  Blaine glanced around the clubhouse as Christmas decorations began to go up all around to make use of every spare surface and wall. Eva stood arranging everything, and from what he heard, Chaos Bleeds were pretty much doing the exact same thing. They were all sharing Christmas within their own clubhouse. He was sad to see the two MCs break apart. Blaine liked Devil and the crew, but shit with Gonzalez was just too deep. No one had come out of it for the better, apart from Whizz.


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