Fern's Wings_A reverse harem novel

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Fern's Wings_A reverse harem novel Page 11

by Bea Paige

  I am mesmerised as Mihr parts the material of his jeans. My heart rate kicks up a notch as he smooths the palms of his hands over his hips and slowly pushes down his trousers.

  He isn’t wearing any underwear.

  My breath catches in my throat. Is he doing what I think he's doing? Am I getting a striptease here? Mihr winks, reading my internal thoughts. This has got to be the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. God, I want him.

  Mihr lets his jeans fall to the ground as his wings swing out wide and flap gently, lifting him out of his clothes. He lands lightly, stepping forward. All the while, his eyes remain locked with mine, the summer blue almost purple from the reflection of the surrounding heather. His mouth parts, his eyes blink slowly, and my heart skips a goddamn beat.

  “This is me, Fern. My body, my heart, every part of it, belongs to you. From this moment on, I am yours.”

  “Mihr, I…” my voice catches, the words I want to say lost to my lips as my gaze trails over his broad chest. A smattering of blonde hair is sprinkled across his pecs. My fingers twitch. I itch to touch him, to step forward and offer myself to him, but I can’t seem to move. My gaze lowers, taking in his defined abs. They rove over his flat stomach until finally... I bite my lip, my eyes flicking up to Mihr’s eyes. On the surface he appears calm, unaffected by my gaze, but then I reach out along our connection and I can feel the want and desire building within his chest. It’s been there ever since he bowed before me in my garden back home. I hadn’t understood what I’d felt then, but I sure as hell do now.

  I understand, because I feel it too.

  So. Damn. Much.

  My eyes trail lower, taking in the firm muscles of his thighs and the curled blonde hair covering his skin. He is so strong, so beautiful, so virile, so fucking hot.

  “Your turn,” he says, tipping his head to the side, watching me. Then he gives me a smile so brilliant, so full of sunshine that, for a moment I lose the ability to breathe, let alone think.

  Holy fuck, he’s beautiful.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Are you not getting in the water?” he asks me.

  “I…” All ability to speak has left me. I literally cannot form a sentence.

  “Do you want me to assist, is that it, Fern?” Mihr asks. His voice is low, husky. My toes curl. Mihr withdraws his wings, but not before reaching out and brushing a feather against my chest. His featherlight touch grazes my nipple. That alone nearly has my knees buckling.

  “Well, what’s it to be, Fern?” he asks, taking a step closer.

  “I thought you didn’t want to share…” I stutter. I’m all too aware of another two sets of eyes staring at me from the pool. I can just about hold myself upright. If I turn to see Gabe and Ether both giving me come hither eyes I might just combust.

  “I don’t want to share you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to watch,” Mihr says, taking another step forward.

  “Watch?” I squeak, my mouth falling open.

  “Yes, Fern. Watch. I want to watch my friends make love to you. I want to see their hands touch you, their fingers stroke you, their lips caress you, their tongues lick you. I want to watch your face flush, and the hairs on yours arms lift as goose bumps cover your flawless skin. I want to hear the sound of your pleasure and the hum of your body as it responds to their love. I want to understand what you like. I want to see you come.”

  Mihr steps closer and leans down, brushing his lips over the shell of my ear. “And while I watch Gabe and Ether bring you pleasure, I will take my cock in my hand and give myself my own.”

  Entirely of their own volition, my hands shoot out and pull Mihr’s face to mine. If he thinks he can talk dirty to me and not expect any consequences, then he’s got another think coming. Mihr has successfully fired me up to the point of boiling and I am going to kiss him until he can’t control himself any longer.

  This kiss is not gentle or slow or sweet. I don’t act demurely. I kiss Mihr with a fire needing to be matched. My tongue spears his lips, my hands pull at his hair and my clothed body presses against his nakedness. God, how I wish I’d removed my clothes already. I cock my leg up, arching it around his hip and press my pelvis against his. Mihr grips my arms, yanking me against him. He’s hard and it only turns me on more. With his free hand, Mihr’s fingers search up and under my t-shirt and draw around my back, scoring lines into my skin.

  Then, just when I think he is going to break his own rules, his wings beat, and he moves away from me abruptly, just like he did in the temple earlier. I almost scream out in frustration.

  “Take your clothes off,” he bites out.

  I breathe heavily, panting as we stare at each other.

  “Take your clothes off,” he repeats. His whole body is trembling. I flick my gaze to Ether and Gabe, who are watching us both. Gabe is biting down hard on his lip. He moves to step forward, but Ether holds him back.

  “I won’t make this easy for you, Mihr. I want you as much as you want me. You can’t kiss me like that and then leave me like this.”

  “Stop talking,” he grinds out, his hand lowering to his engorged cock. He wraps a hand around the base, not for one moment taking his eyes off mine.

  “Fuck,” I hear Gabe say from the pool.

  Narrowing my eyes, I take the opportunity to tease Mihr, just like he teased me. Two can play at that game. By the time I’m finished, his body is trembling violently with the effort of not touching me. I stand naked before him, my chest heaving, my nipples taut, my cheeks pink, my heart pounding and goddamn desperate for his touch.

  “Mihr, I need you,” I groan, trying and failing to sound seductive.

  “I made a promise and I intend to keep it,” he responds with a shake of his head. Then he turns to Gabe and Ether, who have been watching us this whole time. “Take care of her needs.” And with that he launches himself into the air. In a few seconds he’s landed on the other side of the pool. I watch him disappear under the waterfall.

  “He’s got more restraint than I’ll ever have,” Gabe says.

  I draw in deep, ragged breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. Though everything in me calls to Mihr, wants him, desires him, I respect his decision, knowing that when we do finally come together it will be everything I hoped and more. Besides, I have Gabe and Ether. I still have the other portions of my heart and they are more than enough right now.

  “Life damn it, Mihr sure as hell knows how to set the temperature,” Gabe says in jest, but with a note of admiration too. “Come here, Fern.”

  My attention is drawn back to them both. These two angels whom I adore equally, but in very different ways. Ether steps forward, beads of lilac water glittering on his chest as he stands side by side with Gabe, so close they are almost touching.

  “Join us,” Ether says, a note of command in his voice. He is as aroused as I am, and even though he is naked in a pool with Gabe, his attention is solely on me. His thoughts are too, and they are full of sin.

  Somehow, on legs already liquified, I walk into the water. It’s like a warm bath, and I groan at the sensation as it laps over my sensitive skin. In a few steps I am standing in front of my angels. I reach out a hand to both, cupping their cheeks.

  “I don’t know how to do this,” I whisper, feeling both entirely turned on and terribly shy suddenly. I’ve been with both men intimately, I shouldn’t be nervous.

  “Then let me take the lead,” Ether says, as much to Gabe as to me. Gabe nods his head and my heart swells with affection, given I know how hard it is for him to share me.

  Ether steps forward, brings his lips to mine and kisses me just like I kissed Mihr only half a minute ago. It surprises me a little, the utter desperation of his kiss. It’s entirely unguarded. It’s as though, in this moment, he’s decided to strip his walls. To lay himself bare. I kiss him back with as much fervour. I want him to know I appreciate his gift, that I adore him in return. Because this one kiss tells me all I need to know.

  Ether pulls back, then gla
nces at Gabe. “Stand behind Fern,” he demands.

  The look that passes between them has my breath hitching in my throat. So many words left unsaid, so much history buried under a lifetime of pain and suffering. So much sexual tension, from Gabe too this time. Still, neither acknowledge it, and as frustrating as that is for me, and them both no doubt, I cannot force them to acknowledge it until they are ready.

  Ether holds my gaze. “Fern, you are exquisite. Everything about you turns me on. I want you to know that, despite everything we’ve talked about, despite these walls I’m working on taking down, you are the centre of my universe. Everything else is secondary to that.” He places the palm of his hand against the centre of my chest and lifts my hand to mirror his. Gabe circles us both and moves to stand behind me.

  “Relax your wings, Fern. Part them for me slightly so that I might hold you against my chest,” Gabe instructs me in a voice that is as liquid as the pool we’re standing in. I do as he asks, and he presses his body against my own, his hips and chest against my back, his cock resting between the crease of my arse.

  “Have you ever been with two men before?” Ether asks gently.

  I shake my head no, unable to speak as Gabe’s hands slide around my waist, lower over my belly, and seek out my clit.

  “Then we shall guide you,” Gabe murmurs into my ear, as his finger swirls over my swollen nub. I press my eyes shut, unable to take everything in as Gabe fingers me expertly. His lips seek out the curve of my neck and he nips my skin. I can feel his thick cock twitching against me. There is no doubt he is as turned on as I am.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, Fern,” Ether demands. His voice is so controlling, so fucking sexy that I obey instantly. He steps so close that I can feel the length of his cock pressing against my stomach. Between us Gabe’s hand still moves, drawing out pleasure as Ether watches. No doubt Mihr too, from afar.

  I’m pretty sure that Gabe must be able to feel the warmth of Ether’s length, given where his hands are now, but neither appears to be averse to the idea. In fact, Ether rocks his hips against the back of Gabe’s hand, forcing it tighter against my body. Another moan of pleasure mixed with surprise releases from my lips. If either cared to interpret my thoughts right now they’d know exactly what I want.

  Ether smiles seductively, his eyes flashing darker. “I want to make love to you, Fern, and I want Gabe to hold you while I do.” His eyes flick up to Gabe. I can’t see Gabe’s reaction, I only know that he agrees because suddenly his hands have left the aching spot between my legs and I’m being lifted from behind. Water sloshes over us all as Gabe helps me to wrap around Ether.

  “Put your legs around Ether’s waist,” Gabe says, drawing his arm up around my chest. He grabs my breast with his hand and squeezes. My nipples pucker at his touch, at what I am about to do. I’ve never been more turned on.

  Ether takes me from Gabe momentarily as he wraps his arms around my back and kisses me with raw, unbridled emotion. Our teeth clash, our tongues collide, and then in one swift movement, Ether has lowered me onto his length. He stills, allowing me a moment to adjust.

  “Ether…” I moan, drawing my bottom lip into my mouth.

  “Rest against my chest, Fern. Let me take your weight, I will hold you while Ether fucks you,” Gabe growls, guiding me back against him. I allow Gabe to hold my weight, acutely aware of Ether’s hands on my hips and his length filling me. My eyes flutter closed as I relax against Gabe’s hold. Today, it would appear that I am subservient to their demands, and in this moment, I’m more than okay with that.

  “I want you to keep your eyes open,” Ether murmurs as he begins to move within me. “I want you to see me,” he says more firmly this time, and I know it’s more than just his outer appearance that he’s talking about. He’s giving himself up to me and I adore him all the more for it.

  Ether starts slow, finding his rhythm, then when he’s assured I’m held firm in Gabe’s arms he picks up his pace, all the while his gaze focusing on me, and me alone. The warm water surrounding us laps against my skin, adding an extra layer of sensation. I’ve never made love in water before, but the weightlessness it gives to our joining makes me feel as though we are flying somehow. It’s incredible.

  I reach out, trying to gather an imprint of his thoughts, but Gabe’s hand on my breast and his lips on my neck, combined with Ether’s sensual thrusts, has me losing myself in the moment.

  The sensation builds steadily as Ether’s fingers grip my hips. Gabe bites on my earlobe, the short, sharp shock sending a slice of pleasure straight to my nub.

  “I know I’m not the only one enjoying watching you being fucked like this,” Gabe growls into my ear. “Mihr is plenty enjoying himself right now.” As he says the words, I feel Mihr’s connection pull pleasurably within my chest. My eyes flick briefly to the other side of the pool where Mihr is standing, his back pressed against the trunk of the weeping willow. He’s holding his cock in his hand, his fist pumping up and down its length. More heat explodes in my chest, heat so overwhelming I almost come there and then.

  “Fern, look at me,” Ether demands with a husky growl. My eyes snap back to his face and I am lost once more to this man who is making love to me with every piece of his being. Ether’s connection tugs within me and he opens up his mind to me once more.

  I see flashes of me through Ether’s eyes. I feel what he feels, buried beneath the wall that doesn’t seem so impenetrable now.

  Desire, passion, need, acceptance, want. All of it, everything he feels, and what he’s beginning to feel, pours into me. I accept it all. I accept him and in return I show him what I see, what I feel.

  “Fern…” His voice breaks on the emotion.

  I reach out to Ether and grasp hold of his upper arms, my own desire needing to feel his hot skin, needing him, needing more, needing to fall with him. Gabe’s hand moves from my tender breast to the heated spot between my legs. He slips his finger over the nub of my clit and moves it in a circular motion, drawing out the pleasure, stoking the fire that Ether is building within me.

  “Come for me, Fern,” Ether bites out, losing all control now.

  The white heat of Ether’s passion, the fire of Mihr’s gaze and the ice-cold touch of Gabe’s hand has me coming so hard that my scream reverberates around us. But soon the echoes of my pleasure are drowned out by Ether as he comes long and hard.

  Across the pond, Mihr roars.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mihr – A week later

  “That’s it, Fern, use the staff to help you balance. Pull in your stomach muscles and hold your core tight,” I say, turning my back on Fern and adjusting myself.

  It’s been over a week that I’ve been training Fern and, frankly, it’s been torture. Whilst Fern has excelled in all of the tasks I’ve given her, I’ve been struggling being close to her and dealing with my self-inflicted torture. As much as I love Gabe and Ether, I wish they’d piss off for a bit. They’ve been here every second of every damn day, so getting alone time with Fern has been impossible. I’m finding that my patience, and my resolve, is wearing dangerously thin. I’ve been able to think of nothing but that afternoon at The Falls since it happened. I’m perpetually turned on. I’m so turned on that one touch of her damn hand is enough to make me explode. The physical exhaustion of all the training is doing nothing now to help. In fact, being close to her, watching her body change as it grows stronger… well, put it this way, my balls are way past blue.

  “You okay, Mihr?” Fern asks. She places a hand on my shoulder and I damn near do a Gabe and have her pinned against the nearest wall. Christ, I need to get out of here.

  “I need to escape. I’ve not flown for a few days. It’s taking its toll a bit,” I lie, turning to face her once again. I fold my hands in front of my crotch, hoping she doesn’t notice my predicament. She looks at me and shakes her head.

  “The truth, remember,” she reminds me.

  I’m saved from telling her the truth as Gabe and Ether em
erge from our makeshift bedroom.

  “You’re up early, more training?” Ether asks, leaning against the wall. His eyes lower to my clasped hands and a glint of amusement twinkles in his eyes. “You all right there, Mihr?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I respond, glaring at him.

  Gabe strides past Ether, slapping him on the back as he walks past. Since our time at The Falls, they’ve both found it easier to be around each other, which has been a good thing for all of us. We are more of a team now and the bond only feels stronger because of it.

  Gabe’s eyes flick to my crotch.

  “I think you need a hand,” he says, smirking.

  I almost want to punch him, but his happiness stops me. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him so relaxed, so open. Must be all the damn attention he’s getting. He and Fern have spent a lot of time together. Despite what happened at The Falls, Ether has kept his distance from her intimately since then. I’m not sure whether that’s because he knows Gabe needs to connect to Fern more regularly, or whether he has other things on his mind. If I were him, I wouldn’t be able to help myself once Pandora’s box has been opened. But, Ether is just being Ether and damned if I know what he’s thinking half the time.

  The reminder of Fern with Ether and Gabe does nothing to help my situation. Nothing at all. My cock swells at the thought of her naked body held in Gabe’s arms whilst Ether took her. When I look at her now and at how her body has changed so dramatically in a week, it’s taking everything I have to say fuck it to my rules and take her. Fern’s whole body is more toned, there are muscles appearing in her stomach and thighs from supporting the weight of her wings. She holds herself differently, with assurance and strength. She blows my damn mind.

  Fern looks between us, a frown appearing on her face. Her eyes flick downwards. Then it finally dawns on her.


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