The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires

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The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires Page 5

by Stan Hendriks

  “Good, very good.”

  “So, when do I start?”

  “Soon, very soon,” Dracula replies with a smirk. “I will make Cole kneel in front of me and I will let him beg for mercy!”

  Chapter three New rules

  The next morning, Cole is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, inside of the suite, and puts his hair in a bun and trims his beard. After that, he walks out of the bathroom and Vanessa walks over to him. They give each other a kiss and Vanessa asks, “Shouldn’t you be wearing a dark green suit?”

  “A dark green suit? Why is that?”

  “Well, because for example, the alpha of the shadow werewolves will wear a black suit, the alpha of the gray werewolves will wear a gray suit, and my brother will wear a white suit.”

  “If that’s so, then shouldn’t I wear a brown suit?”

  “No, brown doesn’t look good. But from what I’ve heard, your father used to wear a dark green suit as well to these meetings. Because brown werewolves have green eyes.”

  “That is stupid, I’m not wearing a dark green suit. I don’t even own a dark green suit. But you know what, I’m immediately going to change that rule,” Cole replies with a smile.

  Vanessa laughs and asks, “About that, do you already know what your new rules are going to look like?”

  “I have a pretty clear idea, but I won’t tell you about it until the alphas and I have agreed with them. Anyway, I have to get going now, I got a speech to hold soon.”

  “That is so mean,” Vanessa replies with a smirk. She then gives him a kiss and says, “Good luck, tell me how it went when you will come back.”

  “Will do, and by the way, I will take David with me, but the other three will stay here. So, if you need anything, you can ask them.”

  “Will do, my king,” Vanessa replies with a smile.

  They give each other a hug and then Vanessa walks into the bathroom. Cole walks over to the door, but right before he opens it, he goes back to the bathroom and says, “You know, yesterday it just struck me.”


  “I don’t even know your surname. I wanted to ask you about it already when we visited the graves of your mother and brother, but I completely forgot.”

  Vanessa laughs and replies, “My surname is Eklund.”

  “Hmm, Vanessa and Brian Eklund. Pretty nice surname.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know. I think Harrison would sound better,” Vanessa replies with a smirk.

  Cole laughs, shakes his head and says, “Sure, we will see. Okay, I got to go now, bye.”


  Cole then walks out of the suite and David is already waiting for him. “Good morning,” David says.

  “Good morning, look, I still have to give a speech and I still need to do a lot before the actual alpha meeting. Isn’t that a problem for you?”

  “No problem, I will just wait in the mess hall and read the book that I have with me.”

  “Good, alright then, let’s go.”

  Cole and David walk out of the hotel and instead of stepping into a limousine, they step into a taxi this time.

  A while later they arrive at the company and while Cole takes the elevator to his office, David walks into the huge mess room, takes a seat and starts reading his book. Cole steps into his office and Carl is already waiting for him. “Good morning, Mr. Harrison.”

  “Good morning, but please, call me Cole.”

  “Sure, Cole. Anyway, are you ready for your speech?”

  “Not really sure, I know how to introduce myself, but what am I supposed to say about the company?”

  Carl grabs a couple of papers out of his suitcase, hands them over to Cole and replies, “Don’t worry, just read what I wrote down and everything will be fine.”

  “Thanks, so where will I give the speech?”

  “In the mess room, on the main floor.”

  With a smile, Cole replies, “A friend of mine is sitting there, I hope that’s not a problem.”

  “No problem, there are going to be so many people, you won’t even see him.”

  Cole takes a very deep breath and says, “Alright then, let’s do this.”

  Carl nods and they take the elevator down and walk into the huge mess room. A lot of people have gathered up there and while Cole and Carl are making their way to the small stage, that is all the way at the end of the mess room, Cole sees David looking at him. With a smile Cole nods and continues walking. He steps onto the stage and gets behind the microphone while Carl stands behind him. Everybody is quiet, and Cole looks at them and says, “Hello, everyone. First of all, thank you all for showing up. As you may or may not know, my name is Cole Harrison and I am the new CEO of Packs United Motors. And yes, I still look young and I actually am still young, but I promise you that I will try everything in my power to let this company stay successful. But, I do not only want to do that for me, or for every one of you, I want to do that because I want to make my father, Jack Harrison, proud. Years ago, he built this company from the ground up and made it into a huge success, and I want to keep it a huge success. But, I cannot do that alone. In order for this company to stay successful, I need each and every one of you. Because without you, this company wouldn’t have been where it is today. So, I hope that we can all work together and keep this company successful.” After that Cole reads and says what Carl wrote down on the papers and an hour flies by. At the end, people applaud and get back to work. Cole and Carl also go back to Cole’s office and Carl starts teaching and educating Cole again.

  The hours fly by and later that afternoon, David comes walking into Cole’s office. Cole is sitting behind his computer with Carl looking over his shoulder and David says, “They have arrived. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, thanks for letting me know, David,” Cole replies.

  “Sorry, but who have arrived?” Carl asks.

  “That is none of your business. Shouldn’t you go home already?” David replies.

  Then there is a moment of silence. Carl walks away from the desk, grabs his suitcase and says, “He is right, my shift is already over. Well, see you tomorrow again, Cole.”

  “See you tomorrow, and I’m sorry, Carl. He didn’t mean it like that.” Cole replies.

  Carl nods and walks out of the office. Cole turns his computer off and walks over to David. “What was that about?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. Carl did nothing wrong, he just asked you a question.”

  “I’m sorry, but he can’t know about it, remember?”

  “I know that, but you could have said it in a more politer way.”

  “You right, I am sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good, I’m not mad or anything, but just keep that in mind.”

  “Will do, sorry.”

  “Alright, where will the meeting take place?”

  “Follow me,” David replies.

  Cole follows David and they take the elevator one floor down and enter a big conference room. There is a long and big table and Brian and Leo are seated there. Cole shakes hands with Brian and also with Leo. “It’s great to see you again, Cole.”

  “It’s nice to see you too again, how is everything going?”

  “Pretty good,” Leo replies.

  David shakes hands with them as well and then Cole takes a seat at the head of the table with David next to him. “So, where are the gray and shadow werewolves?” Cole asks.

  “They should be here any minute now,” Brian replies. “Anyway, do you already know what your new rules are going to be?”

  “Yes, and I also have a couple of other things that I think will be worth discussing.”

  “Alright then, I can’t wait.”

  Right at that moment, Daniel, the new alpha of the shadow werewolves, comes walking in wearing a black suit and his beta, a man that looks like he’s in his late twenties and is also wearing a black suit follows him. Also, Danny, the new alpha of the gray werewolves and twin brother of Dan
iel, only Danny has short black hair, comes walking wearing a gray suit and a woman, who looks like she’s in her early forties and is also wearing a gray suit follows him. Cole, Brian, Leo, and David get up and shake hands with them. The new alphas introduce themselves and also introduce the betas they took. The beta of the shadow werewolves is named, Clyde, and the beta of the gray werewolves is named, Lisa. Then they all take a seat at the table and Daniel says, “Before we start, I would like to apologize for the things the last alpha, Conrad, has done. I was the beta back then, but sadly I couldn’t stand up against him. But, I just want you all to know that I am not the same as him and that my pack and I will try to make a good name for ourselves again.”

  “Yes, just like my brother, I would also like to apologize for what the last alpha, Jacob, has done. He gave the gray werewolves a bad name, but my pack and I are going to try our best to change that,” Danny says.

  “Thank you for the apology, I hope that from now on we can all work together again to keep the peace,” Brian replies.

  “I agree with Brian, thank you for the apology. But, those things are all behind us now and like Brian said, I hope we can all work together this time. But I’m sure that that won’t be a problem,” Cole says.

  Clyde then grabs a small book out of his jacket and gives it to Cole. “The old rules are written down in that book,” Daniel says.

  “Thank you,” Cole replies, as he opens the book and scans through it. After that, he closes the book again and gives it to David, who hides the book away in his jacket. “I won’t be using any of the rules that are written down in that book. To be honest, those rules are ridiculous, and I’m sure we can all agree on that.”

  They all nod and Brian asks, “So, what are the new rules going to be?”

  David then grabs a pen out of his jacket and grabs a couple of papers that are laying on the table. “Well, the first rule is going to be that everyone, no matter what pack you are from, is allowed to have as many children as they like. And next to that, everyone’s opinion should be heard, and everyone should be able to speak their opinion without being afraid of getting slaughtered. Also, I want the warlocks and witches to have more freedom when it comes to using magic. They should be able to use magic when they want to unless it won’t harm any humans or other creatures. And with not harming other creatures I mean, they can protect themselves with magic if necessary, but cannot attack other creatures for fun or something. And regarding the vampires and their need for blood, they are only allowed to get their blood from a blood bank or from animals. But, vampires, warlocks, and witches should be able to walk around without being afraid of getting slaughtered. As long as they don’t cross the line, which also goes for the werewolves, they deserve their freedom to do what they want to do.” Cole then continues to explain more rules, also about that they shouldn’t have a dress code, while David writes them down, and after that, Danny asks, “I agree with all the rules, but what happens if a creature doesn’t obey the rules?”

  “Then they will get punished,” Cole replies.

  “Punished in what way?” Brian asks.

  “It depends on the rules they break. But if a creature would kill innocent humans or other innocent creatures, then we can consider throwing him, or her, into a dark magic cage or kill him.”

  “Alright, I agree,” Daniel says.

  “Me too,” Danny says.

  Brian looks at Cole and nods. “Alright, but there is one more thing I would like to discuss. I was thinking about this alpha meeting, which only werewolves are allowed to. But I thought since we share this world with vampires, warlocks, and witches as well, why not appoint a warlock, or a witch, and a vampire that will represent their kind. That way we can get more insight as to what is going on with them, and we have a chance that they will listen a lot better to their own kind so to speak,” Cole says.

  “So, you’re saying that we should invite a vampire and a warlock or a witch to this meeting as well?” Danny asks.

  “Yes,” Cole replies.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea. I understand what you are saying, but I think if we would do that, they might start to feel too powerful,” Daniel says.

  “And why would that be a bad thing?” Brian asks.

  “Because, the werewolves are on top of the food chain, and I think that we should keep it that way. This world, with all the creatures in it, works only because the stronger creatures, us, are making sure of that. And I think that when we would give the other creatures more power, they will start to test us out,” Daniel replies.

  “I agree with my brother, I don’t think it’s smart. Yes, the other creatures should have more freedom, but we, the werewolves, should still be in command,” Danny says.

  “I disagree. I personally know vampires, warlocks, and witches and I almost know for sure that nothing bad would happen if we would allow them to come to this meeting. We will only benefit from it, trust me,” Brian says.

  “Look, I understand your concern. But we’re not just going to point out a random warlock, witch, or vampire. It must be someone that is powerful and respected by their by their own kind and someone we can trust,” Cole says.

  “So, who do you have in mind?” Brian asks.

  “For the witches and warlocks, I was thinking James. He is one of the most powerful, if not the most, warlock on this earth. Also, one of the oldest. He is very wise and I’m sure highly respected by other warlocks and witches. I also know that I can trust him with my life. And for the vampires, I was thinking Igor. Because—”

  “Wow, hold it right there. Igor?!” Brian says.

  “Do not interrupt the Agkron while he speaks! Show some respect!” David says.

  Then there is a moment of silence and they all look at David, visibly confused. “David, remember what I said earlier?”

  “Sorry, I just thought it was disrespectful that he interrupted you like that,” David replies.

  “I know, but it’s not. We’re all having a discussion right now, that’s all,” Cole says.

  “Yes, I know. I am sorry.”

  “Anyway, are you talking about that Dracul vampire?” Danny asks.

  “I kind of agree with appointing James, but Igor?!” Daniel says.

  “Look, I know Igor acts and looks like an asshole that can’t be trusted, but he helped my friends and me out a lot in the past. Without him, I think I would have been dead already. And trust me, even though he acts the way he does, he can be trusted. And next to that, he is one of the only Dracul vampires that is still alive, which also means that the vampires will listen to him.”

  Brian takes a deep breath and replies, “I guess you’re right, but still, we should be careful with him.”

  “Trust me, I know. But, does everyone agree?”

  “Alright, I agree. But like Brian said, we still should be careful and see how it goes.”

  Daniel hesitates for a while but then says, “I agree as well, let’s just hope this will work out then.”

  “Alright then, well, I guess we discussed everything. Unless someone still wants to say something?” Cole asks.

  They all shake their heads and then they get up. Cole shakes hands with Daniel and Danny and asks, “One more thing before you guys leave. How come that you are a shadow werewolf, but your twin brother is a gray werewolf?”

  With a smile, Daniel replies, “Our father was a shadow werewolf and our mother was a gray werewolf.”

  “It’s a good thing that I ended up being a gray werewolf, which is way better than a shadow werewolf,” Danny says.

  They laugh and then Daniel, Clyde, Danny, Lisa, and Leo leave the conference room. David comes walking up to Cole and says, “I wrote all the new rules down, is there anything else I could do?”

  “No, thank you. You can go back to the hotel already if you want, I will come back later.”

  “That’s fine, see you soon again then,” David replies, as he walks out of the conference room as well.

  Cole then takes a sea
t at the table again and Brian takes a seat next to him. “He really has a short fuse, hasn’t he?” Brian asks.

  “I don’t know, maybe he’s taking the beta role a little too serious. But don’t worry, I will keep an eye on him.”

  “Anyway, you really did well. You acted like a true leader. Or better, like a true Agkron.”

  “Thanks, I think it went alright as well. It felt really natural like I was really meant to do this or something. But, I was still really nervous.”

  Brian smiles and replies, “Don’t worry, I was as well. But, are you going to contact James and Igor? And speaking of James, have you heard anything from him already regarding Vlad?”

  “Yes, I will try to contact them, but no, I haven’t heard anything yet. I just hope that Vlad is fine and that James will be able to find him.”

  “I hope so too, but I’m sure he is. And it’s only been a day since James went looking for him, so don’t worry.”

  “Yeah, I know. Anyway, I should go back to your sister. I’m sure she’s very curious.”

  “I’m sure she is, but I’m going back with you. I need to make a couple of phone calls anyway.”

  They both get up, walk out of the company and take a taxi back to the hotel.

  A short while later, Cole walks into his suite and Vanessa comes walking up to him and gives him a big hug. “So, what happened? Tell me everything.”

  “Yes, yes, I will,” Cole replies, as he walks over to the couch, in the living room of the suite, and takes a seat.

  Vanessa sits down next to him and puts her legs on his lap. “But before I’m going to tell you, we’re going to a bar tonight with your brother and Leo.”

  “Okay, what time?”

  “In about an hour or two.”

  “Good, it will be nice. But now, tell me everything.”

  “Also, before I’m going to tell you everything, I wanted to talk with you about the future.”

  “Okay, what about it?”

  “Well, I was thinking, with the company here and stuff, what about Brown’s Creek? I mean, should we live here, or should we stay in Browns Creek, I honestly don’t know.”


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