The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires

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The Agkron werewolf_A world of Dracul vampires Page 6

by Stan Hendriks

  “I understand, but I already know that you would prefer to stay in Brown’s Creek. So why not work from home and fly over to New York sometimes? Problem solved.”

  Cole looks at her and with a smile, he replies, “I haven’t even thought about that, but that is a good idea.”

  “Yeah, just admit that I’m smarter than you,” Vanessa says with a smirk.

  Cole shakes his head, laughs and replies, “Well, you’re my therapist, so I think you should be. But, I’m still getting trained about the company, which means we will have to stay here until I finish my training. And that can still take a while.”

  “So what? I like it here as well. Plenty to do around here, it’s no problem. But, enough about all of that, tell me everything that happened.”

  “Alright, alright,” Cole replies with a smile.

  Cole then starts to explain everything that happened during his speech and the alpha meeting, and after that, they go with Brian and Leo to a bar.

  In the meanwhile, it is night in Northern Poland and Oliver is sitting on a big wooden rocking chair inside of a small house in front of the fireplace. He’s wearing a dirty white shirt, dirty jeans, dirty shoes and he looks like he hasn’t showered in days. He lies his head back and his eyes slowly close, but then someone knocks on his door! He gets up, walks towards the door and almost trips over the empty whiskey bottles that are laying on the floor. “Dammit!” Oliver says, as he kicks the bottles away.

  He then opens the door and is visibly shocked! Ivan, who is wearing a suit and has dark red eyes, is standing in front of the door! Oliver immediately takes a couple of steps backward and says, “No, no! This is not happening right now!”

  Ivan steps inside and closes the door behind him. “Hello, father. It’s so great to see you again,” Ivan says with a smirk.

  Oliver takes a closer look at Ivan and replies, “You’re a Dracul vampire! How is that possible?!”

  “Does it really matter, father? I’m alive and happier than I’ve ever been. Tell me, father, aren’t you happy to see me?”

  “You’re not my son anymore, you’re a monster now!”

  Ivan walks around and looks at all the mess. “A monster? That is a little harsh, don’t you think? After all, I was the one that tried to save you. Without me, you would have been dead already. I gave my life for you, so show me a little respect.”

  “Respect?! Get out of my house or—”

  “Or what? You’re a mess, father. Look at you, you are pathetic. Your own son defeated you and made you lose everything, and now you’re sitting here drinking your shame away. So, tell me, father, what are you going to do?”

  Oliver shakes his head, bows his head down and replies, “You’re right, there is nothing I can do. I failed as a pack leader and I failed as a father. You died because of me, and I still regret that to this day. I am sorry, son.”

  “Oh please, keep your emotions to yourself. Emotions make you weak after all, remember? But, I’m not here to have a pathetic father and son moment, I am here to fulfill my master’s wish.”

  “What do you mean? And who is your master?”

  “My master’s name is Dracula, yes, he is among us again.”

  “No! That is impossible!”

  “It isn’t! Now let me speak! Apparently, you’re a threat to him and his plan. I don’t know why, but I’m here to remove the threat.”

  “So, you’re here to kill me?!”

  “That was the plan, but I got something better and more painful in mind for you.”

  “And what is that?! Listen, son. I know I failed you, but you don’t have to do this!”

  “Shut up! I am going to do this if you like it or not.”

  Oliver’s eyes start to glow, and he replies, “Alright, come on then! I dare you!”

  With a smirk, Ivan says, “As you wish, father!” He then shows his fangs and rushes up to Oliver lightning fast!

  Chapter four A familiar face

  A couple of months later, it is the day before Christmas, and Cole is sitting in his office behind his computer. It is snowing heavily outside and the whole company, including Cole’s office, is already decorated for Christmas. It is already late in the evening and the phone on his desk rings. Cole picks up the phone and answers, “Speaking with Cole Harrison.”

  “Yes, hey,” Vanessa replies.

  “Hey, how is everything going over there? Is the police station already finished?”

  “Yes, John is really over the moon, and everything is going great. There is a lot of snow and we already decorated Brown’s Creek for Christmas, you will love it when you come back. But how is everything over there? You are coming home tonight, yes?”

  “It’s good, I got a couple of things I still need to take care of quickly and a quick alpha meeting and after that, I’m going to the airport.”

  “Don’t forget it, okay?”

  “Of course not, I do not want to miss our first Christmas together.”

  “Good, because I got a surprise for you.”

  “Really? What is it?”

  “You will see, I want to keep it a surprise.”

  “I can’t wait, really. But okay, I have to get back to work.”

  “Wait, before you hang up. There is something you should know.”

  “And what is that?”

  “It’s about David, I don’t know what his problem is, but he is a real hothead. Sometimes he can act like he is the king or something.”

  “Really? And he is also acting that way towards you?”

  “No, not towards me, but towards everyone else. I was thinking that I should say something about it, but I think that’s your job.”

  “I know, don’t worry. When I come back I will talk to him. He’s a good guy, but I think that sometimes he takes things a little too serious.”

  “Good, alright then, I don’t know if I will be awake when you arrive tonight, but please wake me up if I’m asleep. And greetings to my brother.”

  “Will do, love you, bye.”

  “Love you too, bye.”

  Cole hangs up the phone and right at that moment, Brian, Daniel, and Danny come walking into his office. Cole gets up, gives Brian a quick hug and shakes hands with Daniel and Danny. They sit down on the couches and Cole says, “Thank you all for coming. I know it is right before Christmas, but I thought it would be good to have one last meeting before this year ends to see how everything is going.”

  “I agree, but everything is going well as far as I know,” Brian replies.

  “I think so too, but what about Igor and James? They still haven’t shown up to one of our meetings. Have you heard anything from them yet?” Daniel asks.

  “No, not yet. I honestly don’t even know where they are, but I will keep trying to get a hold of them. But, what about you, Danny?”

  “Well, I have been noticing that something is going on with the vampires,” Danny replies.

  “What do you mean?” Brian asks.

  “I don’t know how to explain this, but something is going on. They have been acting weird just. There is more vampire activity, but they also act like they’re doing something, how do you say this, something that others cannot know about. But, I already have extra gray werewolves walking around to find out what they’re up too.”

  “So, that’s good. But it is indeed strange,” Cole says.

  “Ah, and before I forget, we already overheard some vampires talking about something big or whatever that is happening or going to happen in Romania. I don’t know what they meant, but that’s what I heard.”

  “Hmm, so we should check it out,” Brian replies. “You never know.”

  “I agree, I still got shadow werewolves in Romania, I could call them and let them check if there is something going on down there,” Daniel says.

  “Yes, I think you should do that. Then we will keep in contact about that,” Cole replies.

  “No problem,” Daniel says.

  “Let’s just hope they’re not planning something bi
g now that Conrad is gone,” Danny says.

  “I don’t think so, they are not strong enough to do anything to us,” Brian replies.

  “Yeah, but we will just have to wait and see. We cannot underestimate them. But alright, besides that, anything else?”

  Brian, Daniel, and Danny shake their heads and Cole says, “Alright, then have a merry Christmas already and we will see each other in the new year again. But of course, we will stay in contact about the whole vampire situation.”

  Then they all get up, shake hands and Brian says to Cole, “See you tomorrow evening.”

  “Yes, have a safe flight, bye guys.”

  Brian, Daniel, and Danny walk out of Cole’s office and Cole sits back down behind his desk and continues working. But a short while later, someone knocks on his door. “Come in,” Cole says.

  Igor comes walking in and closes the door behind him. He sits down on the couch and puts his feet on the small table, that is standing in front of the couch. “Hello, friend.”

  “Really?” Cole sighs. “I have been trying to get a hold of you for months. Where have you been?”

  “That is my business, but before you ask, no, I haven’t heard anything from James or Vlad yet. But, why were you looking for me anyway? And don’t you have something to drink in here, friend?”

  Cole opens his desk drawer, grabs a small bottle of whiskey out of it and throws it towards Igor. Igor immediately takes a big sip and Cole says, “Because we have something important to discuss, but really? Didn’t you hear anything from James and Vlad? And can’t you just track Vlad down like you did in my house before?”

  “Good whiskey, but no. I tried, but somehow, I just can’t this time.”

  “And what does that say? And why would James just disappear like that?”

  “So many questions, my friend. You’re already giving me a headache. But, to answer your question, it either means that he is dead or that he is dead. And regarding James, who knows what that old man is up to. Maybe he is having the time of his life right now and he doesn’t want to bother with us anymore.”

  “That he is dead?! Are you serious?!’

  With a smirk, Igor replies, “Just kidding, calm down, friend. I don’t know, alright?”

  Cole shakes his head and says, “Why did you come here anyway?”

  “I already had a feeling you needed to speak to me. It’s like a sixth sense. And next to that, I was sure my best friend was missing me.”

  “Alright, so the real reason you came here is to annoy me. Sorry to disappoint you, but I got plenty of work to do still and after that, I need to catch my flight.”

  “So, are we not going to talk? Why did you need to speak to me anyway?”

  “The reason I wanted to speak to you is because the other alphas and I agreed on having a vampire and a warlock, or witch, to join our alpha meeting as well. So, I was thinking about appointing you to represent the vampires. You are an old and powerful Dracul vampire and I just know that the other vampires will listen to you. So, what do you think?”

  “I like it, friend. And of course, I will let those little weasels listen to me. They won’t have a choice but to.”

  “Good, then I will let the alphas know and I will let you know when the next alpha meeting is going to be. Anyway, I don’t really have time right now,” Cole replies, as he looks on his computer screen. He sees that he has a new email and he opens it. He starts to smile, and Igor asks, “What’s so funny, friend?”

  “A colleague from London mailed me something.”

  “So, what is it?”

  “Well, next year I have a lot of appointments in England for the company, and he told me that they renovated the mansions close to London. Including the old mansion of Lord Williams. He said that I should consider buying one of them before they are sold, but anyway, isn’t that ironic? But, I wonder why it took so long for them to renovate the mansions.”

  Igor puts the bottle down on the table, gets up and is visibly in shock! “What’s wrong?” Cole asks.

  “Are you absolutely sure that those are the same mansions?!”

  “Yeah, he also included pictures. They look exactly the same, why?”

  “Nothing, I got to go. See you later, friend,” Igor replies, as he disappears lightning fast!

  Cole is visibly confused and walks over to his office door, opens it and looks around. But Igor is nowhere to be seen. He then closes the door again and sits back down behind his desk. “Okay then,” Cole sighs, as he gets back to work.

  The hours fly by and Cole goes back to his hotel, unties his tie and drops down on the bed. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, but his eyes immediately open again! He sits up, looks at the clock and sees that he’s an hour late for his flight! He puts his hands on his head and sighs, “You got to be kidding me.” He grabs his mobile phone out of his pocket and calls Vanessa. “Hey, are you already on the plane?” Vanessa answers.

  “Listen, I am so sorry, but I got so caught up in the work that I missed my flight. I am so sorry, really.”

  It is quiet for a moment but then Vanessa asks, “So, what now? Can’t you just take a private jet?”

  “Maybe, but before that is taken care off, it’s already going to be very late. And next to that, I’m beat. I was thinking about getting a good night sleep and then leave first thing tomorrow morning. Then I will still be there in time.”

  “Well, it sucks, but okay then.”

  “I know, and I am so sorry, really. I promise you that I will make up for it tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, you better,” Vanessa replies.

  Cole smiles and says, “Alright, I’m going to sleep, see you tomorrow.”

  “Yes, sleep well, bye.”

  “You too, bye.”

  Cole hangs up, walks over to the living room of the suite, sits down on the couch and grabs a bottle of whiskey that is standing on the table next to the couch. He takes a big sip and lies his head back. But then someone knocks on the door! Visibly confused, Cole puts the bottle away, gets up and walks over to the front door. He opens it and says, “Ivy?!”

  Ivy, who is wearing a black dress, smiles, and replies, “Hey. Sorry, I know this might be weird that all of a sudden, I’m standing here, but I heard that you were staying here for a couple of days and I just had to talk to you about what happened in The Vampires Nest before. And if you don’t want to talk then that is fine, but I have been looking for you for a while and…. please talk to me?”

  “Um… sure, come in,” Cole replies, as he lets Ivy in.

  Ivy sits down on the couch in the living room of the suite and Cole grabs two glasses and sits down as well. He pours some whiskey into both glasses and hands one over to Ivy. Ivy takes a big sip and says, “Thanks, and once again, sorry for just showing up like this.”

  “Yeah, you caught me a bit off guard, but it’s no problem.”

  Ivy smiles and says, “But, the reason I came is because I want to apologize for what happened back then. I swear that I didn’t know what Lydia and Areola had planned, nor did I know that they took your friend.”

  “I know, and I saw that you were trying to protect me. But, everything ended up fine, well, except for Vlad. Lydia changed him into a vampire and now he is missing.”

  “Oh, really? But is he alright?”

  “The last time I saw him he was, but that was a couple of months ago. So, I don’t know, but I hope he’s fine.”

  “I am so sorry, really.”

  “Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’m glad you brought it up to be honest because I completely forgot what is going on inside of that club. I should discuss it with the other alphas. But, how are you? Do you still work at the same bar? And what happened to you after we last saw each other?”

  “I’m good, and yes, I still work at the same bar. But not so much anymore. And nothing really happened after, I went back to my normal vampire life, I guess. But, I did find out that Areola and a lot of vampires went to help you to take down Conrad. If he would have tol
d me then I would have helped as well.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Conrad is gone, and that war is over. I’m just glad you’re alright,” Cole says, as he raises his glass. “Cheers to your normal vampire life.”

  Ivy smiles and raises her glass as well. They continue talking and a couple of hours and a lot of drinks later, Cole says, “It is really nice talking to you again, you’re a very nice vampire. But, to be honest, I completely forgot about you.”

  Ivy laughs and replies, “I knew it!”

  “I’m sorry,” Cole says while he's laughing.

  “But, if I may be honest as well, I didn’t forget about you. I was thinking about you every day, I don’t know why, but I feel like we really have a special connection. And on top of that, you got even more handsome,” Ivy replies with a smirk.

  “Well, I do have to admit that you still look very beautiful as well. And I think you’re right, we do have a good connection, it just clicks between us. It’s nice,” Cole says, as he takes another sip of his whiskey.

  “It is, but I’m wondering if it could be more than just a good connection.”

  Cole smiles but is visibly confused as well. They look at each other and they slowly get closer to each other. Ivy leans in, with her head, and Cole does as well. But right before they kiss, Cole gets up, shakes his head and says, “Sorry, I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much, and I cannot do this.”

  Ivy gets up as well and replies, “I’m sorry, if I knew you had a girlfriend then I wouldn’t have tried to kiss you. Sorry, really.”

  “I know, it’s my fault, I should have told you already. Sorry, I don’t want to be rude, but I have to go to sleep. I have a flight to catch tomorrow and I don’t think that it is wise for us to spend any more time together tonight.”

  Ivy nods and replies, “Yes, I understand. You’re right. Alright, I will go now then.”

  “Yes, thank you for understanding,” Cole says, as he and Ivy walk over to the front door.

  Ivy opens the front door and replies, “Of course I understand, sorry. But thank you for inviting me in and letting me apologize. I hope everything is still good between us now.”


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